

The issue of whether "same-day notice" of executions violates the Constitution was dismissed in a recent court decision (now in the first instance).


Regardless of the merits of this trial or the death penalty, I believe that one of the reasons why the death penalty is an "extreme punishment" is because of this "non-disclosure of the date of notification.



Of course, even with "disclosure," extreme punishment is extreme punishment.


For example, if someone said to me, 'You (Ebata) are confirmed to die on April 17, 2034, 10 years from today, and this is inevitable,' I don't know whether I would think this was a good thing or an unnecessary thing to say.

しかし、その『10年後』を努力によって延長したり、あるいは絶望によって短縮したりできる自由裁量 ―― これが死刑にはない。

But the discretion to extend that "10 years later" with effort or shorten it with despair -- is something the death penalty does not have.

『自分の死に方を、自分で選ぶ権利を、国家権力によって奪われる』というこの一点において、"死刑 = 極刑"であるというのが、私の意見です。

I think that the death penalty is an extreme punishment in that it deprives a person of the right to choose their way of death.


Aside from that.



The death penalty is a punishment that we "support" (in principle) after considering our personal views on the whole, including historical background and crime deterrence.


I believe that it is only a matter of time before same-sex marriages are officially recognized (although I think it is wild to put them in the same category).


We can confirm that the judiciary's rulings are changing gradually from year to year.


However, I believe that, as a general rule, public sentiment is "in favor of the death penalty.


As far as I know, there are few court cases on the issue of "the death penalty is unconstitutional."


The issue is also generally "cruelty or not.


This ruling is the only court case I know of (that I am aware of) fighting the "system" itself. (Please let me know if there are any precedents I am missing.)



However, we have a "duty" to check whether this system works well.



―― 死刑執行の立ち会い

"witnessing an execution."



We should apply the same framework as the "jury system" (*) to the "system of witnessing executions.


(*)Notification is made based on a list drawn up by lottery from among the voters, and a person cannot refuse to be a judge without cause.

もちろん、この制度は、安易に導入すべきではなく、もし導入するのであれば、議論の限りを尽さなければならないとは思いますが ――

Of course, we should not install this system easily; if it does, we will have to discuss it in depth.


If we are to make an administrative argument of principle, it is extraordinary that there is no "system of witnessing executions."


The above is because this falls under the "disclosure of administrative processing."


If mandatory participation is "too much to ask," then the program should be operated as an application system for those who wish to participate.


(It would be a significant incident if a person who participates in the program caused an accident (including suicide) due to fear of being forced to participate.)


As for the application system, it is evident that it requires a rigorous examination (tests such as whether the historical background and judicial or administrative handling protocols regarding the death penalty are understood).


In addition, as a matter of human rights, permission for disclosure/non-disclosure by the person executed would naturally be required.


To consider this further, does the bereaved family of a crime victim have the right to be present without the permission of the person executed? And so on, need to be considered.


(Now that you mention it, I had overlooked this point of view. For example, what happens to the family register and certificate of residence after a definite death sentence, and other relatively trivial matters (and what happens if a request for a retrial overturns the sentence? and so on))



By the way, I will apply to this program as soon as it starts.

私は、この社会を、私自身の「血塗られた手」によって維持している ―― という自覚があり、それを肯定します。

I am aware that I am maintaining this society by my own "bloody hands" -- and I affirm that.


Therefore, I believe that I am obligated to watch my "bloody hand" with my own eyes, not as an abstraction but as a concrete object.



The other day, there was a welcome party for the university's B4 (fourth-year college students) seminar.


I'm not too fond of a drinking party, but I may attend a party where we rent a room at the university and have a little over an hour of pizza and beer (soft drinks).


I think of it as "a slightly longer dinner."


I don't get tired and can do my work normally after the party.



Since half of the seminar students are from foreign countries, I have resigned myself to the fact that, inevitably, the conversation will be English-based.


However, I am sorry that I cannot provide the topic well.


At the welcome party, I apologized to an international student.


"I apologized for always being biased toward topics such as "the lives of Muslims" and "how to spend Ramadan in Japan."



Inevitably, I direct in a particular direction.



I heard there are already "prayer spaces" at universities.



I could not even ask him the following question.


"I know that "halal" is important for Muslims, but doesn't "pork ramen" still appeal to you?"


―― なぜ、クラフトノンアルコールビールが製造販売されないのか




NHK's signature program, "Project X," is back after 18 years.


I had very high expectations for this program to portray real engineers in the field, and after two broadcasts, I am delighted with the program.


Again, I am "delighted.


I look forward to continuing this program.


I am reminding you of this in a scattered manner because what I am about to describe reads like an "anti-Project X."


But I also think 'someone has to say it,' so I will.


(1)我が国のエンジニアの取り扱いは、非常に悪い ―― 待遇も、年収も、技術に対する理解も

(1) Engineers in our country are treated very poorly in terms of treatment, annual income, and understanding of technology.


(a) That is why "Project X" is accepted as an "excellent program" that illuminates overlooked engineers.


(b) On the other hand, the program creates a climate of acceptance for 'keeping the status of engineers at a low level.'



(2) Not even their supervisors are willing to praise engineers who have achieved their goals publicly.


(a) In "Project X," this kind of boss behavior is treated as a "virtue" throughout.


(b) This craftsman-like "apprenticeship system" has reduced engineers to a low status.


(c) "I appreciate you in my mind" is synonymous with "I don't appreciate you, which is a significant deviation from today's values, and again, they produce the program with Showa values.



(3) Engineers themselves are not willing to publicly announce their technology.


(a) The "Neglect of information dissemination" in the name of "virtue of modesty" is noticeable. The engineers themselves make too little effort to have their work widely appreciated.


(b) even if we talk about intellectual property or trade secrets, there are many ways to do it. If you don't disseminate your work correctly and insist on its usefulness, the technology will fall into disuse.



(4) There is too much bias toward the "weak group strikes back" scenario.


(a) "The Weak Group Strikes Back" is an exciting drama.


(b) However, it is no exaggeration to say that (unfortunately) a project's success or failure is determined by its investment (money), human resources (people), and time frame (the limit to which the investment can continue).


(c) The above (b) is not limited to engineering but is expected for all projects, but this understanding is left unexplained.



(5) The stories of "failure" covered in "Project X" are too microscopically biased in the direction of "technology" and "personnel affairs.

(a) 技術的失敗に偏っているが、プロジェクトの失敗の多くは、市場調査不足と下準備の不徹底である

(a) Although biased toward technical failures, most project failures are due to inadequate market research and poor preliminary preparation


(b) To create drama without that story would seem grossly lacking objectivity.



(6) No one talks about (1) through (5) above.


(a) There must be a lot of people in our country who are well versed in (1) through (5) above (e.g., university professors doing organizational studies, bureaucrats managing budgets for national projects, etc.)


(b) However, I have not seen (or have remained silent about) anyone evaluating "Project X" from a "project management" perspective. Well, I understand how you feel.)



(7) In general, "Project X" "exploited the dreams and hopes of engineers" to "complete the project," which does not seem to have changed one millimeter from the "exploitation of their challenging " of today's youth.



Again, I am "delighted" with NHK's "Project X."


I am "a little" concerned, but I look forward to more of your programs.





Government functions have two categories: domestic and foreign affairs (there are other ways to divide them).


Machiavelli's theory of monarchies seems to say that war is a means of diplomacy (or diplomacy as a means of avoiding war).


『江端家における、家長であるこの私(江端)の役割は、この外交 ―― "交渉"と"戦争"である』

In the Ebata family, my (Ebata's) role as the patriarch is diplomacy, negotiation, and war.


The second daughter said something like the above.


I also received the following line message from my first daughter the other day.


Why do my family members immediately think, "I (Ebata) made it go away through 'negotiation' and 'war'" whenever the problems get resolved?


It is disconcerting to me that people think that I am like the Ebata family's violent apparatus (the police and the Self-Defense Forces).


But I remembered that my sister thought so, too.





Various new measures have been put and tested in place in the new fiscal year.


I am a "company dog," so I will refrain from speaking out,

―― 平城京 → 長岡京 → 平安京のように頻繁に遷都をやらかした、桓武天皇の官吏(官僚)よりはマシ

"Better than Emperor Kanmu's officials (bureaucrats) who frequently moved the capital from Heijo-kyo to Nagaoka-kyo to Heian-Kyo."


I'm going to think about it.

(参考: 英雄たちの選択 - NHK 「シリーズ平安時代 (1)千年の都ここに始まる 桓武天皇 平安遷都の野望」)

(Reference: Choice of Heroes - NHK "Series: Heian Period (1) The Thousand Year Capital Begins Here: Emperor Kanmu's Ambition to Move the Capital to Heian Japan")

シニアからジュニアに対する「うっせいわ」とは何か? ―― それは、『コスト試算がされていない無茶な提案』です。



陽気で多弁、トレンドの話題に精通し、場の空気を読んだ話題を提供でき、誰とも気さくに話せる ―― 陽のキャラクタ『陽キャ』。

Cheerful, multi-syllabic, well versed in trending topics, able to talk about the issues of the moment, and friendly with everyone -- "Extrovert" character.


If you look at the world, you will see a lot of content that says only "Extroverts" live happily.


When I was a teenager, I think I worked very hard to create an "Extrovert persona" with the sole intention of not being called "dark-rooted."



However, "Extrovert" can only be helpful until one enters the workforce.


Of course, "Extrovert" is often an advantage in later life (love, marriage, friends, etc.).


However, society is not so lenient that one can get through it with only an "Extrovert.


In society, no matter how "Extrovert" you are, people who fail to produce output (results) are harsh and cold.


Lately, I have sometimes wondered if I would benefit more from being "less Extrovert."



I have been a businessman for a long time and who I fear is the "competent" and "silent and unsympathetic boss".


I am terrified of a boss who doesn't get back in the groove and shuts down in the middle of a conversation, even when I do my best to incorporate a variety of topics and explain them in my rhythm.


I fear they can see everything I am trying to deceive myself into not saying.


And, by and large, many such bosses 'see through it.


Bosses who don't get into the "Extrovert groove" will talk about "their ideas" at their own pace, not "in the groove."


Such a boss does not "read the air".


Hence, they are 'strongest' and often 'right'.


For a "perfection denier" and "corner-cutting supremacist" like myself, these people are horrifying.




I think many of the presidents of large companies in our country are like this.


(I didn't get the original information), there seems to be a hypothesis that 'people who were student body president, tennis club president, or on the yang side when they were students, don't get ahead in the future.


From what I have seen in my long career as a businessman, I can "adopt" this hypothesis.


The period you can get through with only "Extrovert " is only a tiny part of your life.


In society, only output (results) is essential.


『努力し続ける無口なコミュ障が、最強となる』 ―― (他の国は知りませんが)我が国の多くの組織には、このメカニズムが組み込まれているように思います(その是非はともあれ)。

The silent communicator who keeps trying will be the strongest." - I think this mechanism is built into many organizations in our country (I don't know about other countries), regardless of their merits or demerits.


Of course, being "Extrovert " is not a bad thing.


However, I don't think it makes much sense to "work hard to create an 'Extrovert persona.'"

―― ということを、ティーンエイジャの皆さんに申し上げても無駄であることは、分かっているんですけどね。

I know that it is useless to say this to teenagers.


In the teenager's world line, it is true that "lovers" and "friends (number)" are the "currency,"




The specific amount of the childcare subsidy is now available.


Regardless of the pros and cons, it is good to see this kind of data coming out.


It would be helpful (to me) if you could also disclose the program or spreadsheet that calculates that data.


However, if they disclose it, I can expect math geeks like me to 'start doing things they don't want,' so it's not surprising that the government won't disclose it.


If you want to see the program or the spreadsheet, the government will say, 'You have to sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) before you can get involved in government work (national project).


For example, last year, it took me several months to get permission to view a ministry's data.


It wasn't as complicated as I thought, but it was a lot of work.


Aside from that.



Why is "declining birth rates" bad?


I am willing to have fewer children and a smaller population.


Married or unmarried, it doesn't matter.


The problem is the "speed" of change.


It is meaningful to change "slowly" over an "extended period.


If you are interested, the following is my personal view on the significance of fertility reduction measures from the perspective of national system costs.





I have come up with a strategy that can be used by (some) as a counter to "childcare subsidies."

―― 「お年玉」という我が国の慣習の撤廃

"Eliminating the Japanese custom of "New Year's gifts"."


I don't have many relatives, so I don't often give out "New Year's gifts," so I am not eligible, but for those who don't, from now on, you can use this kind of wording to make your "New Year's gift" spending zero yen.


The government has already given you 30,000 to 40,000 yen a year as a New Year's gift through the government. From now on, please get your New Year's gift from there (the government).



―― 日本国政府から子どもへのお年玉の支給、 別名『子どもボーナス』

The "Children's Bonus is the Japanese government's New Year's gift to children."


They will establish the above.


Electronic money, charged directly to a child's smartphone or school-issued tablet, would be helpful for digital and investment education.


Above all, I believe that the amount of this New Year's gift will allow children to experience firsthand the economic reality of our country.


The administration will then attract children (and their interest), leading to subsequent voter turnout.


The current administration is pursuing policies that "look good" to the elderly, who are the voting base, but this "child bonus" could lead to the possibility that the administration will turn toward the young.



In any case, the "elimination of the annual allowance" makes the "child care subsidy" program a target of hatred even among children.


We believe it is significant that "anger" is shared in the recognition that "child care subsidy" is "an issue for our entire nation, including children.



In addition, I would like to state, lest you misunderstand me, that I support the "child care subsidy."


Compared to the cost of a total replacement of our country's systems, this amount of money is (for now) well within the acceptable range.



Last weekend, my family and I saw the movie "Oppenheimer."


It was a little different from what I had expected.



I was expecting a "project management" or "technology" talk, so the politics (post-war red hunts) were a bit heavy.


Well, let's put that aside.


I know much about the Manhattan Project from reading this book and the NHK Special, but I still have questions.


The Trinity test was successful the first time.


Technology experiments usually fail at first. A good example would be "rocket experiments.


It is not an old story of how many rockets humanity has failed to launch in the past, but an ongoing story.

もちろん、膨大な費用と月日をつぎ込み、しかも失敗が許されない、というミッションであることは分かっているのですが ―― それでも、なお失敗するのが、実験というものです。

Of course, this mission requires tremendous money and time, and that failure was unacceptable. Even so, Still, any experiment is doomed to fail.


It is a little hard to believe that the device (bomb) that detonates the atomic bomb, called the "detonation lens," worked the first time.


Furthermore, in the case of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it would have been even more difficult.


Controlling the timing of the detonation of the detonation lens of an atomic bomb thrown up into the air (I checked and found that it requires nanosecond precision) would have required unimaginably tricky technology.


If you expect the movie "Oppenheimer" to be about that kind of "technology," you will be disappointed.


They can't get seven Academy Awards just for that kind of technology.



What shocked me about the movie was that there was a hypothesis that the explosion of the atomic bomb would ignite the atmosphere and burn up the entire earth and that they tested this hypothesis (this does not seem to be fiction).


I had no idea about this hypothesis.

―― もし、この仮説が採択されていれば、人類は、原爆を持つことを放棄せざるを得なかった

"If they adopted this hypothesis, mankind would have been forced to abandon the idea of having atomic bombs."


When I think about it, I also think, 'That was a shame.


However, when asked if a "world without atomic bombs" would have been "a better world than the one we live in now," I can only answer, "I don't know.



Another thing, which I think is appropriate in light of the knowledge of the time, is that the characters do not seem to fear being "exposed to the atomic bomb.


Well, we learned about the "damages of exposure" to the atomic bombing much later, so in that sense, I think the film is an accurate reflection of its time.

- 長崎の原爆投下終了時に、米国には、まだ9発の原爆のストックがあった



I don't like guys who give orders without knowing the hardships in the field (well, who doesn't like them).


I, too, am on the side of such "giving orders."


However, it isn't easy to realize that you are standing on the side of giving orders.


People are indifferent to the fact that they are "the ones giving orders" and are resented and hated by their subordinates and others.


We are unaware of the pressure we put on our people, making them sick and retiring them.


On the other hand, humans feel uncomfortable when they are being "ordered around." And we never forget our hatred for that human being.



(Sometimes, in TV interviews, those who summarize with beautiful stories such as "In hindsight, my boss's reprimand" are "good-natured personalities" or "self-protective liars" or "falsifiers of their history").


Whenever human beings are organized (socialized), they become like this.


And we know that there is hopelessly no way to fix this.


In this society, it is tough to escape from "the one who orders" and "the one who gives orders."



Recently, however, I have discovered that there are means by which I can become aware that I am on the "commanding side."


Generative AI.

最近の私は、プログラムの殆どを、"ChatGPT"か、"Github Copilot"に作ってもらっています。

Recently, I have been using "ChatGPT" or "Github Copilot" for most of my programs.



I rely so much on generative AI that my coding skills may decline.


(I mean, I think it's declining.)


Here is how I currently make my program.



(Step.1) Input the outline of the program in Japanese to the generating AI.


(Step.2) Execute the generated program


(Step.3) If an error appears, enter it into the generating AI and return to (Step.2).


(Step.4) If no error appears but I cannot get the expected result, enter that into the generating AI and return to (Step. 2).



I would repeat this and continue until the program works as expected.


However, no matter how often repeated, the program may not work.

すると、私は生成AIに対して『何で動かないんだ!』と文句を言いたくなります ―― ろくにプログラムも読まずに、助けて貰っているのにもかかわらずです。

Then I want to ask the generative AI, 'Why isn't it working? -- even though I'm getting help without having read the program thoroughly.


This attitude is the same as the behavior of the people I despise the most.


Thus, I became aware of the "ordering side".


私がどれほど厳しいことを言っても、生成AIは「うつ病」になったり「退職」したり「自死」したりすることはない ―― この、安心感は、多分、人間を『傲慢』にしていくと思います。

No matter how harsh I am, the generated AI will not become "depressed" or "retire" or "commit suicide" -- this, I think, a sense of security will probably make humans 'arrogant.'

私は、多くの人が考えている方向 ―― AIに職を奪われる ―― とは別の方向で、生成AIによる弊害を心配しています。

I am concerned about the harm caused by generative AI in a different direction than many people think -- losing jobs to AI.


Generative AI will likely turn ordinary people into "aggressive" and "impulsive" people.


The logic that it is OK for a "generative AI" to be "aggressive" and "impulsive" because it is a tool that complains and obeys without complaint,


It is equal to the logic that it is OK for a "feeble-minded person" to be "aggressive" and "impulsive" because they are human beings who submit without complaint. It is the same logic that justifies "bullying" and "power harassment.


In other words, it is the same logic that justifies "bullying" and "power harassment.



Therefore, I recommend the following mechanisms in the generative AI:

―― 理性的に生成AIを扱えない人間は、生成AIが、その人間へのサービスの提供を拒否する

"If a human being cannot rationally handle a generative AI, the generative AI will refuse to provide services to that human being."


It is not "for the sake of generative AI" but "for the sake of us humans."



Here is a conversation I had with my second daughter the other night.


Me: "I think the terms 'science' and 'liberal arts' are still around, but are the two still at odds with each other?"


Second daughter: "The word 'diversification' is getting blurred, but I don't think it changes the fact that 'science college students' are 'living in hell.'"


Me: "Well, even when I was a college student, science students thought 'liberal arts = stupid,' and liberal arts students professed that 'science = professional stupid.'"


Second daughter: "People in the humanities don't understand 'how great it is for a person in the sciences to advance to the next grade normally without any retention.'"


Me: "Well, at the time, I thought they didn't know that 'science majors are doing bi-weekly experiments and reports on the thesis-level work of humanities majors.'"



Once, in college, I conversed with a humanities friend (female).


"I stayed up all night for three days to finish my thesis!"


But I remember I didn't know what to say to this phrase.


(1) "Heh, that's easy and nice"


(2) "Well, that was tough"


After all, that kind of all-night work was a regular occurrence every other week in the Faculty of Engineering.

江端:「何・・・だと・・・? 今、"SPSS"と言ったか?」



In conclusion, I guess that's what I'm saying, 


(1) The opposing concepts of science and humanities are about to be erased




(2) the hell of the sciences remains,




(3) The public's understanding of the sciences is worse than before.



The second daughter summed it up.



Incidentally, the current science and humanities composition of the Ebata family looks like this.

私: 理系(工学部出身)

Me: Science (Master of Engineering)


Wife: Humanities (English Literature)


Eldest daughter: liberal arts (in the Faculty of Psychology)


Second daughter: Science (in the School of Architecture)


(However, psychology is also the study of statistics, so I think I have a liberal arts background similar to a science background.)