

As a student, I used to rotate between university, part-time job, and dormitory or boarding house.


I didn't have time to do anything else, so with my scholarship, part-time income, and food and tuition expenses, I was roughly in the black or maybe a little in the black.

# 奨学金は借金なので、トータルとしては当然に赤字ですが、返済する時間は担保されていました。

# The scholarship is a loan, so the total is obviously in the red, but the time to pay it back was secured.


So, when I had a little surplus left over, I could travel around Southeast Asia and the continent (the Japanese “yen” was the strongest currency in the world at that time).



Aside from that.



Many people who get involved in black market work are young. And almost 100% of the reasons seem to be 'debt distress.


I remember my youth. I had no interest in gambling (still don't), I had zero sensitivity in the direction of self-promotion (still don't), I had little luck with colorful love (I was dumped without my knowledge), I bought a good amount of technical books, but still, no books were expensive enough to put me in debt.


My most expensive purchase was a computer, which cost 860,000 yen at the time, which I bought with cash earned from my part-time job (by the way, this is still the most expensive PC in my history).


At the time, no decent software was available, so I had to make my own. It took a lot of time, but the software purchase cost almost nothing.

自分で購入したソフトウェア(?)と言えば、"Turbo Pascal"というPascal言語のパッケージでした(2万円くらいだったかな)。

The software(?) I purchased a Pascal language package called “Turbo Pascal” (about 20,000 yen).



And then it occurred to me.

―― 一体、やつらは、どこで借金を作っているんだ?

"Where the hell are they getting their debt?"



Students and young adults with little financial support from their families may take on debt to supplement their tuition and living expenses.


Prices are high now. I think that can lead to long-term repayment difficulties.


But, I don't know, it just doesn't feel right.

苦学生は、苦学しながらも勉学を志そうとしている人たちです ―― このような人たちが、スマホの音声ごときで強盗や殺人をするとは、考えにくい ―― 私の中で、人物像が一致しないのです。

Struggling students are people who are struggling and trying to study -- it is hard to imagine that these people would rob or murder someone over the sound of a smartphone -- the personas don't match up in my mind. I don't have the right image of the person.

ですから、私としては、『自己責任 & 免責型フードバンク』というのを、非営利かつ非公式に運用したいなぁ、と思っています。



However, as I looked into it, I thought I may have been naive in my insight.

■『奨学金の返済』 ―― これはよく分かる。就職活動に上手くいかないと、返済の目処が立たないこともあるでしょう。

- 'Scholarship repayment' -- I understand this. If you don't do well in your job search, you may be unable to afford the repayment.

■『治療費による借金』 ―― これも理解できる。でも、こちらはセーフネットの方で担保できるものもあるんじゃないかなぁ。

- 'Debt due to treatment costs' -- this is also understandable. But I think the safety net can secure some of this one.


I feel that if you go to the right place and ask for advice, you will be able to learn about approaches to solving the problem, even if it is not solved all at once.


I am also a “misanthrope” and don't like to talk to people, so I can't speak ill of others, but at any rate, I don't think there is any place where you can get advice.


As a student, I once went to the student affairs office to ask for help when I could not pay my tuition fees. In a word, the university lent me money. Even now, I have not forgotten that favor.


I think it was then that I learned for the first time that 'if you consult with people, you can see many different paths.


Of course, I don't believe that “that will solve everything,” but I think it is better to do what you can do before you do a black market job.


ちなみに『遊興費(ギャンブルやブランド品の購入)による借金』については ―― そんな奴のことは知らん。借金までして、遊ぶな、買うな、バカ。そんなことはやめて、コトコツ働いて地道に返済しろ

By the way, as for 'debt due to entertainment expenses (gambling and buying brand-name goods)' -- I don't know anyone who does that. Don't go into debt, don't play, don't buy, you idiot. Stop that kind of thing, work hard, and steadily repay your debts.


And, well, I am a pretty lousy guy who can be thoroughly ruthless about things and things I don't understand.


As you know.


出張先で、ACアダプタを忘れる ―― これは、定番の「出張あるある」ですが、本人にしてみれば、真っ青になる事件です。

Forgetting an AC adapter on a business trip - this is a standard “business trip occurrence,” but it is an incident that would make the person in question pale in comparison.


If you are on a one-day business trip, you may help yourself even if you forget your laptop's AC adapter.


However, the situation becomes embarrassing if you are on a business trip and in a rural area or overseas with no electronics retailers.

―― バッテリーがなくなったら、そこで業務終了

"When the battery runs out, that's the end of the operation."


It is easy to predict that customers are outraged.



In the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion, when the Evangelion (Eva) is disconnected from the external power supply, it can operate on its built-in emergency power supply (internal battery). Still, I remember that the operating time was around 5 to 6 minutes.

まあ、「活動内容に関係なく6分間」という設定には、違和感を感じますし、これだけのものを稼動させるだけの科学力があるのであれば、戦闘中のエネルギー供給を無視できるエネルギー源(小型の原子炉)を搭載してもよさそうなものだ、と思いますが ―― そこには突っ込みません。

Well, I feel that the setting of “six minutes regardless of activity content” is strange. If they have the scientific ability to operate something like this, it seems like they could have installed an energy source (a small nuclear reactor) that could ignore the energy supply during combat, but I won't go there.


This Evangelion is a metaphor for “a laptop computer that has been separated from its AC adapter.”


Leaving that aside.



The interfaces of AC adapters are also wonderfully different depending on the manufacturer. AC adapters are also costly (sometimes costing over 10,000 yen).


The EU has issued a corrective order for situations where AC adapters cannot be used together (particularly for Apple, with the gist of “Don't mess with the SDGs!”).


Even I think, “Of course.” I think it's only natural that you can rent such things at the hotel, even if you forget to bring them.


Of course, manufacturers will have their reasons. As laptop computers become thinner and lighter year by year, they can't help but change the shape of their interfaces, etc.


Well, I must remember to take my AC adapter with me on business trips.


本日、私、出張していたのですが、USBーEhternet変換アダプタを持ってくるのを忘れて、GoogleMAPで、駅近くの家電量販店を探して、なんとか見つけ出し、安くないお金を支払って購入し、その後、出張先まで走り続けました ―― そして、足の甲を痛めました。

I was on a business trip today, but I forgot to bring a USB-Ethernet conversion adapter. So, I used Google Maps to find a large electronics store near the station. I managed to see it, paid a lot of money, and then ran to my business trip destination—and hurt my instep.


I still walk strangely.


Well, this was also the result of my worrying nature, as I mentioned the other day, but thanks to this adapter, we could identify some of the faulty parts in today's system construction.



It wasn't cheap, but it was worth it.



And I have about three of these USB-Ethernet conversion adapters in my room.


And so, my room is once again filled with more digital gadgets.

「パパ! どうして、こんな凄いものを、もっと早く購入してくれなかったの!」



At a recent academic conference, I talked about the terrible things that had happened to me.

―― ホテルの前に立った瞬間、ヤニの匂いが漂ってきた。

私は、CASIOの電波腕時計 WAVE CEPTORを愛用しています。

I use a CASIO WAVE CEPTOR radio-controlled watch.

この時計は1日1回、 福島または佐賀の2つの送信所から遅られてくる時刻情報の電波を受信して、時刻補正をしています。

This clock receives time correction signals from two transmission stations in Fukushima or Saga once a day.


Conversely, if you can't catch that signal, this watch won't be able to adjust the time.

時刻補正ができないだけならいいのですが、 WAVE CEPTORは、時刻補正が行われないと、2001年1月1日にリセットしてしまうのです(仕様なのか寿命なのかは分かりませんが)。

If it were just a matter of being unable to correct the time, it would be fine, but WAVE CEPTOR resets to January 1st, 2001, if the time is not corrected (I don't know if this is a specification or a lifetime issue).


During the conference, I had to check the time on my smartphone or PC every time, as I only knew the time of January 1st, 2001. It was a huge hassle (although I was using an analog correction method).


Some watches use GPS to make corrections but are still expensive.


The quickest way is to use wireless LAN, but you must set the access point ID and password.


You can't use it as a wristwatch, even though you can use it as a wall clock.



I think it would be a good idea to throw time information into the beacon signal of wireless LAN (broadcast (always transmitted to the entire surrounding area))

ただ、それをやると、無線LANのアクセスポイント自体に時刻補正機能が必要となって、で、無線LANのアクセスポイントは上位サーバとの時刻同期が必要となって、そうなると、基幹のNTPサーバの負荷が重くなって ・・・ うん、滅茶苦茶に面倒が増える。

However, the wireless LAN access point will need a time correction function if you do that. The wireless LAN access point will need to synchronize its time with the upper-level server, and if that happens, the load on the core NTP server will increase... yeah, it will be a lot more troublesome.


Ultimately, I concluded that the most cost-effective (and SDG-friendly) thing for the world would be carrying around the 900 yen watch that my second daughter bought at Daiso (and I changed the battery).

「そこに怪我人がいれば、助けるのが医者だ」と「そこに動かない時計があれば、動かすのがエンジニアだ」というセリフが等価なのかは分かりませんが ――


I considered wearing this 900 yen watch to my eldest daughter's wedding.

『殆どの人は、900円の時計か9万円の時計か、見分けがつかない』とか、勝手に思い込んでいますか ―― 正直なところ、私は良く分からないです(少なくとも、私(江端)は見分けがつきません)。

I've decided that 'most people can't tell the difference between a 900 yen watch and a 90,000 yen watch'.I don't understand (at least, I (Ebata) can't tell the difference).


To begin with, I am proud to say that I am not a “90,000 yen man”, but a “900 yen man”, so I was completely fine with it.


I was surprised that 'not a single family member had any objections.'


『結婚式披露宴には、腕時計をしてはいけない』―― のだそうです。なんでも、『時間を気にすることがモラルに反する』のだそうです。

'You shouldn't wear a watch to a wedding reception' - that's what they say. Apparently, 'worrying about the time is against morals'.


I didn't know about those rules at all.


However, I wear a watch at 100% of all wedding receptions.


Also, when I was the MC at a wedding reception, I didn't think it would have been possible to go through the ceremony without a watch.


先日、長女が実家に帰省していたので、録画しておいた「“死の迎え方” ヒトの穏やかな死とは」を、無理矢理、視聴させました。

The other day, my eldest daughter was visiting her parents, so I forced her to watch the video I recorded for the program “How to Die: A Peaceful Death for Humans.”


I stayed by her side to ensure she didn't change the channel.


This program explored the changing views of death, dying, and end-of-life care in modern times.


I wanted to make sure that my eldest daughter understood that I was going through physical changes to have a peaceful death.


There were two things I wanted to teach my eldest daughter through this program.


(1) Even if the patient has been receiving nutrition for five years before death, their BMI (roughly speaking, their weight) will decrease. Therefore, there is no point in forcing them to eat, drink, or receive an IV drip.


(2) Even if it looks like the patient is having breathing difficulties from the outside, it is highly likely that the brain is secreting endorphins due to a lack of oxygen and that the patient is feeling calm. Therefore, administering life-prolonging treatment will only prolong their suffering.



This also matches my own experience, as shown in the following.

- 食欲のない父に、介護士が、無理矢理スプーンを突っ込んでいた風景に、ショックを受けたこと

- I was shocked by the scene of the caregiver forcibly shoving a spoon into my father's mouth, who had no appetite.

- (姉に聞いた話ですが)、大量の点滴を打った後、父が苦しみでのたうち回っていたこと

- (I heard this from my older sister) After being given a large amount of intravenous fluids, my father was writhing in agony



私は、長女にこの番組を見ながらお願いをしていたのです ―― 「私が『食べたくない』『飲みたくない』といったら、どうか放っておいてくれ」と。

While watching this program, I asked my eldest daughter, “If I say ‘I don't want to eat’ or ‘I don't want to drink,’ please leave me alone.”


In addition, I also said, “Please stop life-prolonging treatment that only prolongs suffering.”


Ebata: “In other words, I ask you not to give me pain for escaping the guilt of ‘killing own parents with your own hands.’”


Eldest daughter: “But the decision to ‘my parents with my own hands’ is serious. Can't you bear the pain for my sake?”


Ebata: “Don't mess around.”



Everyone, let's get ready.


The most painful form of filial piety in our lives is to kill our parents on our judgment.

―― 父を『殺す』決断を下すこと


(Click to go to the column)



The other day, I commented on “Chi: About the Movement of the Earth.”

―― アニメ「チ。-地球の運動について」を、アメリカ合衆国で放送したら、何が起こるだろうか

この物語のテーゼである「天動説 v.s 地動説」の歴史については、私は、是非とも、サイモン・シンさんの著書『宇宙創成』(原題:Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe)をお勧めしたいのです。

As for the history of the thesis of this story, “Ptolemaic theory vs. Copernican theory,” I recommend Simon Singh's book “The Big Bang: The Origin of the Universe.”


As mentioned below, I have already written about this book.

―― 自分が良いと思うものが、他人が良いと思うとは限らない


And I also continued the story.

―― 「コンテンツエバンジェリスト(コンテンツ伝道者)」


In this way, my daughter did not understand her teacher's passion for the bookBig Bang: The Origin of the Universe" I only understood it indirectly.


Let's give up, Sensei. Our passion for space won't be conveyed to the children.


Leaving that aside



In the latest episode of “Chi: About the Movement of the Earth”, Episode 9, “I'm sure that's what it means to know something”, there is a scene where an astronomer who did not complete the geocentric theory says this.

―― 天動説が誤っていたとしたら、天動説に命を捧げてきた過去1000年間の天文学者達の挑戦は一体何だったのだ? その挑戦には、何の意味もなかったのか?

If the geocentric theory was wrong, what was the point of the astronomers who had devoted their lives to it over the past 1000 years? Was their challenge meaningless?


I don't have an answer to this question, but if you think about it logically, you'll probably conclude that it 'didn't mean anything.' It's a heartless, bloodless answer.


Now, let's get down to the main topic.


ThisBig Bang: The Origin of the Universe introduces many records of the challenges to perfecting geocentric theory (not heliocentric theory). And this is interesting.


When you see all this material, you can't help but think, “Maybe the geocentric theory is correct?” as the logic that appears one after another is so powerful and convincing.


However, when I think about the struggles of those who risked their lives to “reveal the truth of the universe” in an era when limited astronomical observation information and absolute values (Christian beliefs) dominated, even if I conclude that “it was meaningless,” my heart still fills with emotion.



The research I am currently pursuing is not valued and is unlikely to be valued in the future. In addition, it is possible that a simpler method than my approach will be found soon. I already understand this.


Even so, I have no intention of stopping my research.

では、私は何のために研究を続けているのか ――

So, what am I continuing my research for?


I don't have any ambitions to move the world by even 1mm or to be someone's stepping stone.


I continue my research to confirm the end of what I can do in my life.


『ダイクストラ計算を行った結果を、(1)'Dummy Rail Line'が連続するリスト、(2)(1)'Dummy Bus Line'が連続するリスト、(3)その他のリストに分割するプログラムに改造しつつ、(1)(2)(3)はその順番通りにリストを作成し、(1)(2)(3)が、2度以上出てくる場合は、別のリストとして取得するには、どうコーディングすれば良いのか?』(読まなくていいです)

'How should I code to create lists (1) 'Dummy Rail Line' in succession, (2) 'Dummy Bus Line' in succession, and (3) other lists while modifying the program to divide the results of the Dijkstra calculation into these three lists, and to obtain a separate list if (1), (2), or (3) appears more than once? (You don't need to read this.)


I kept thinking about the coding method above until late this morning.


However, this method suddenly flashed into my mind in the morning like a revelation from heaven.


“Let's have ChatGPT create a program for us.”



I just checked to see if the program ChatGPT created is working.


I'm finally feeling relieved (I'm going to sleep for a bit now), but at the same time, I'm acutely aware that 'my brain, which is no longer thinking about problems, is getting worse and worse.'


I think this is quite a frightening thing.


すでに、この業界では、この問題の弊害が出ているそうです ―― かなり広範囲に、しかも相当に深刻な弊害です。

I hear that the harmful effects of this problem are already being seen in the industry - quite severe and widespread.


While the person who ordered the software was asking the developer questions about the content of the program they ordered, it turned out that -

- そのプログラム開発者が、プログラマとして働き始めて、1年のキャリアもないこと

- the program developer had only been working as a programmer for less than a year

- そのプログラム開発者が、"サブルーチン"とは何かを知らなかったこと(注: サブルーチンという概念を知らなかった)

- the program developer did not know what a “subroutine” was (Note: He did not know the concept of a subroutine)



It might be possible to assume that such developers mass-produce programs worldwide.


I think this is also quite a frightening thing.




My eldest daughter has stayed at my parents' house since last night.


So, I got a review of my speech at the wedding the other day.



At the after-party for their wedding, the following phrases were said.

―― やっぱり新婦の父親って"おかしい"よね

After all, the bride's father is “strange,” isn't he?


I couldn't help but pump a fist when I heard this story.


To put it simply, at the after-party for their wedding, there was a conversation that went something like


 “Where in the world would someone use the word ‘hell’ at an event considered the most auspicious of all weddings?"



I think a speech is only as good as its impact on the audience, so I was glad it went exactly as I had planned.


The fact that a story about a character who is required to attend but has a shallow profile, such as the “bride's father,” is mentioned at the wedding reception can be said to be a “great achievement.”



As you can see here, speeches like this, where the speaker “gets a scar on their heart,” seem to be a tradition, or rather, a family tradition, of the Ebata family.


At my wedding reception over 30 years ago, a senior colleague wrote down a speech by my late father.

===== ここから =====

===== From here =====


The finale is the groom and bride, as well as the respective parents, giving their greetings.


First, the groom's father begins the speech on behalf of both families.


After the standard greetings, the groom's father began to talk about the groom himself.


“Tomoichi (me) is inexperienced and has no common sense!”

身内を卑下するのが日本社会の風習とはいえ、30にもなった男をつかまえて まるっきり社会常識が欠落しているかのように言うのは、いかがなものか、と 思っていると、引き続き次の様に語った。

Even though it is customary in Japanese society to belittle one's relatives, I thought it was a bit much to say that a man who had reached the age of 30 had completely lost his common sense, but then he continued to say the following.


“Tomoichi is like me; honestly, he's an idiot!”


The venue was filled with laughter.


The groom with a bitter smile.


“However, fortunately, if Tomoichi has half of his mother's blood in him.”


what will you do if you “assume” that...

===== ここまで =====

===== To here =====


To begin with, the bride and groom who asked us (the bride's parents) to give a speech at their daughter's wedding without warning were also at fault.


If they had let me give the speech without checking it, they should have naturally expected that 'anything could happen.'


次女も結婚式/結婚披露宴の開催を希望しているようですので、今回の件で、私のスピーチに「検閲」をかけてくる可能性はあります ――

My second daughter also seems to want to hold a wedding ceremony/wedding reception, so there is a possibility that they will “censor” my speech on this occasion.


Or rather, don't make me give a speech in the first place.



My wife got home late yesterday, so we ended up eating out.

ラーメン、焼き肉、寿司は、ちょっと重い ―― といって、弁当を買って帰るのも面倒くさい。

Ramen, grilled meat, and sushi are a bit heavy - but it's also a hassle to buy a bento and take it home.


I opened Google Maps in my head and searched for it, and “Saizeriya” came up.


I've never been to Saizeriya.


It's not that I've been avoiding Saizeriya, but

―― あの「やはり俺の青春ラブコメは間違っている」の「比企谷八幡」が、あれほどまでに愛したファミレス

"that “Hikigaya Hachiman” from “My Youthful Romantic Comedy is Wrong” loved that family restaurant so much."


I didn't want to experience it with a light heart.

もちろん、高校生が気楽に入れるレストランで、味や店舗の品質を期待していたわけではなかったのですが、そこには 、何かの”スペシャル”がなければならない、と思い続け、今日に至っています。

Of course, it was a restaurant where high school students could feel at ease, and I wasn't expecting it to be a place with great taste or quality, but I kept thinking that there must be some “special” thing there and that's how I got to where I am today.

―― うちの父親が、「やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている」が凄い、って言っていた



My wife and I went into the restaurant and ordered the standard dishes he (Hikigaya Hachiman) liked, such as pasta (carbonara), pizza, and others, and decided to share them with my wife.


When I put the pasta in my mouth, I was at a loss for words. It was delicious, about two levels above what I expected.


Of course, even if the taste doesn't quite reach the level of a specialty Italian restaurant, it's still far better than the convenience store-bought or home-made retort-pouch pasta sauces I usually make.


Considering the cost-effectiveness, I could say the quality is a little unbelievable (it's hard to eat pasta for under 300 yen these days).


Hikigaya Hachiman's commitment has fully satisfied me.


Or rather, when I think, “These days, high school students are eating such high-quality food at such low prices daily,” I get angry.


There was no such thing as “Italian food” in high school. There may have been family restaurants, but they were not places high school students could afford.


Yoshinoya's beef bowl (and only during the sale period) was the limit of my financial power.

まれに、オーナーが趣味でやっているような、裏路地の奥にある純喫茶店にも時々入っていましたが ―― あれは、友人に対して『かっこをつけていた』だけです。

On rare occasions, I would go into the old-fashioned coffee shop at the end of an alley, which the owner runs as a hobby - but that was just me trying to look cool in front of my friends.


There is no way I would seriously prefer a café au lait that costs more than a beef bowl.



I went in around 7 p.m. last night, and it seemed like there were a lot of families with infants and young children, even though it was a weekday night.


Considering the cost performance, Saizeriya is a great restaurant for families with children (a ramen restaurant would be 2-3 times more expensive).


Also, I was surprised by how well-behaved the children were.

誰も嬌声もあげていないし、走り回っている子もいない ―― 私は、不気味に感じたくらでした。

No one was making any noise or running around - I was feeling creeped out.


When I was a child, I think that children, including myself, were much more ill-mannered.


It could be said that “I just happened to come across that situation yesterday. " Other factors may also be involved, such as the location (it is in a supermarket building and not a place you can walk to).

子供の社会的なモラルが向上していることは、たぶん、喜ばしいことなのだとは思いますが ―― ちょっと心配な気もします。

It's probably a good thing that children's social morals are improving, but I also feel a little worried.



So, my “Saizeriya debut” was a complete success.


However, to maintain my “Saizeriya quality,” I think I'll only visit once or twice a year.


No matter what it is, your impression of it will fade when you get used to something.




At a recent academic conference, I got fed up with the crowded buses and walked from the hotel where I was staying to the university where the meeting was being held.


It took 54 minutes on Google Maps, but it took longer.


However, this “on foot” can also specify the arrival time and the earliest arrival.


- There is less than one train per hour and less than two buses per hour.


- The station next to the Shinkansen arrival station is unmanned.


This is the actual reality of a regional city (×countryside).


Of course, the locals probably know the timetables by heart, so they may be able to match them well locally.


However, to put it bluntly, public transport that does not guarantee arrival times or is slow for people not from the area is a “nightmare.”


Even Google Maps was displaying the wrong timetable.



The local city where the conference was held also had a shared bicycle service, but when I saw the sign on the information device that said “First, make a membership card”, I gave up on using it.


I thought, “What's the point of going through all that trouble to make a membership card in a city where I don't know if I'll return in my lifetime?

―― そんなもん、交通系カードか、クレカ、なんなら、現金でもいいじゃんか

"Why not use a transportation card, a credit card, or even cash."


These “operators who try to increase their membership” are “shameful.”


If you were told to make a membership card to ride the train or bus, most people would be angry, right?



At this conference, there were six presentations on shared bicycles (I also researched this for my company in the past).


The annoying issues with shared bicycles are (1) what to do when there are no “open” ports at shared bicycle ports and (2) how to deal with the problem of repositioning shared bicycles.


In particular, (2) is a troublesome problem where the number of shared bicycles congregate at a specific port, and the operation of the shared bicycles stops working. The problem with shared bicycles is that you can't leave them anywhere.




While thinking about this, I came up with a brilliant solution.

―― そうか。一家一台、自家用車があれば、いいんだ

"I see. As long as each family has their car, that's fine."




From the perspective of the SDGs, researchers worldwide are struggling to promote a shift from private cars to public transport.


The root of the problem is that the optimal solution (in my mind) is reduced to “one private car per household.”


(The following diagram is one of the slides from my presentation)



I have always felt that I am losing money by worrying.


I cannot think of 'leaving a matter to chance.'


Prepare for every conceivable possibility and still worry.


Most of these fears are unfounded, but occasionally, they end in terrible failure.


We know that worry is a “mechanism built into life.

乳児が、ささいな音や環境の変化で、泣き叫ぶのは、そういう乳児でなければ、生き残ってこれなかったから ―― 過剰な警告を発することができなかった乳児は、簡単に獣に食い殺されて、淘汰されてきたから ―― からです。

Infants cry out at the slightest sound or change in their environment because only such infants can survive -- infants who could not issue excessive warnings were easily devoured by beasts and culled.


The word “worrier” might be replaced with “petulant.”


The negative side of being a small person is that it is hard to live each day because of worry, but on the other hand, the positive side is that it allows you to avoid making big mistakes and live your life.


So, I don't think it necessarily means that the “petulant” loses 100% of his money.

ただ、(A)小心者が心配して失敗を回避するコストと、(B)豪胆者が心配しないで失敗に直面するコスト、どちらが安いかを考えると ―― (B)の方がコスト安のような気がするのです。

However, when I think about which is cheaper -- (a) the cost of avoiding failure by worrying about the petulant or (b) the cost of facing failure without worrying about the bold guy -- I think that (b) is the cheaper cost.


Many people have said the same thing in their columns and critiques.


- Don't worry about the little things


- You're making a fortune just by being alive


- Half of life is made up of failures




I think it's about time there was a “pharmaceutical treatment for the petulant personality.”

安定剤、睡眠薬、そして、煙草やアルコールは、その一助にはなっているのでしょうが ―― これらの手段はデメリットも大きい。

Stabilizers, sleeping pills, and even cigarettes and alcohol may help -- but these measures also have significant disadvantages.


I want some drug or technology that would modify personality at the DNA level (which would be pretty dangerous).



However, as an anxious and irritable person, I am OK with giving speeches and presentations.


I have never felt pressured to give a presentation, even in bullshit English (although I have made many mistakes).


It seems strange to see other people's fear of speeches and presentations.



So, I've been thinking a bit about what I'm afraid of,


(1) Programs/systems that I create and don't work how I want them to.


(2) Programs/systems that don't work as expected elsewhere.


It seems to be often the case that it is.


I seem to be “fearfully afraid” of things that are both clear about where the responsibility lies (my responsibility) and are causing trouble for others.



As I was writing this sentence, I realized, 'Oh, this is a mirror of myself.


I probably have a 'can't tolerate failure in other people's work' personality.


And then it reflects and bounces back, and the finished product is this worried and petulant self.


Come to think of it, I have never listened to other people's presentations or speeches seriously.


Frankly, I don't care (although I think anyone who gives a long speech should “die”).

―― なにしろ、私、上から目線で、弱者に説教足れるのが大好きな「俗物」ですから



However, I am not going to be able to change my personality.


I will continue to worry about many things until I die, and the most significant worry will occur on an enormous scale during “illness or accident in the face of my death.”


Just thinking about it now is already worrisome and depressing.


If I am ever born again, I can only hope that this time, the worry parameter will be a multiple of the current “0.3” or so.