
EE Times Japanで、ずっと私のコラムの面倒を見て頂いているMさんのコラム

The column by Ms. M, who has been taking care of my column at EE Times Japan,


"After the second dose of vaccine, I had a 'full combo' of adverse reactions."


is very powerful.


After reading it, I thought

―― 副反応の個体差って、凄いな

"Individual differences in adverse reactions are amazing"




The Ebata family's (mine, my wife's, and my second daughter's) adverse reactions are as described here.


By the way, my wife and I was able to get an appointment for my senior daughter at a large vaccination site this time.


My wife and I did not have any adverse reactions that interfered with our lives in both the first and second rounds, and my second daughter's reactions are that she had something like the flu but had a good appetite.


In comparison, Ms. M's adverse reaction seems to be much worse than ours.


Incidentally, "moderate" for the new coronary infection means that in addition to the symptoms of this adverse reaction of Ms. M.

―― 自分の両手で、自分の首を力強く締めつけて、呼吸困難にした状況を、1週間~2週間以上も続ける状態

"A condition in which one's own hands are used to forcefully tighten one's own neck, making it difficult to breathe, for more than one to two weeks"




I used to have asthma, so I know it well. Asthma, in a nutshell, is a disease that makes it impossible to breathe.


In the past, each asthma attack has lasted less than two hours for me.

しかし、あれが、1週間~2週間以上も続くかもしれない ―― それは、私に自殺を考えさせることができるくらいの「拷問」です。

But that thing could go on for more than a week or two -- that's so much "torture" that I could consider suicide.


Mさんの症状が、いわゆる「コロナの軽症」に相当するものです ―― 『軽い風邪?』 バカいってんじゃないですよ。「軽症」ですら結構な地獄を味わえます。

Ms. M's symptoms correspond to what is called a "mild case of corona" -- "like a mild cold?" Don't be silly. Even a "mild case" can be quite a hell.


In addition to this, "moderate corona" is a high fever and neck tightness that lasts for more than a week or two.


When you have "severe corona," it's not about the pain anymore. It's about losing consciousness. And once you become severely ill, you have to leave life and death to your own "luck".



The reason why I refrained from going out (only late night walks) and completed my two doses of vaccine early was because only


"To avoid this hellish pain (and death)"



To put it bluntly, "prevention of infection to others" is a petty reason that is about 1000 steps backward from this purpose.


I honestly don't care if other people (except for my family) suffer or die.



I will continue to do everything I can to 'avoid my hellish suffering (and death)'.


If you don't want to get vaccinated because you are afraid of adverse reactions to currently known or as yet unknown vaccines, that's fine, however,

―― 自分の両手で、自分の首を力強く締めつけて、呼吸困難にした状況を、1週間~2週間以上も続ける状態

"A condition in which one's own hands are used to forcefully tighten one's own neck, making it difficult to breathe, for more than one to two weeks"


If you are suffering from those symptoms, I will not help you.


(Unless you're like my mother, who was stopped by her doctor from giving her a second shot because it was seriously dangerous.)



Finally, there is the matter of the "president of some housing company" who appears in this column.


If this is true, then the president fits my previous definition of a


"lowlife terrorist"



It can be said that the president of the company himself is "power harassing" his employees to prevent them from getting vaccinated, putting their lives in danger.



I was given a powerful example of "Ignorance is violence" and "Low ability is the strongest".



I am currently taking compliance training (bribery) remotely.


The crime of bribery is not limited to money or goods, but applies to any object or thing that provides a benefit to the person concerned.


Even if something is completely worthless to another person, it can be considered a "bribe" if it is beneficial to the person concerned.


I am not an honorable person, and I would like to have money and goods, but I don't have the kind of stuff that would get me fired or subject me to criminal penalties as an alternative.


Besides, I think emotions (grudges and revenge) are more effective in moving me than money or goods.


Also, the things I "really" want often occur out of the blue.


For example.

―― 突然、動かなくなったDockerをなんとかして欲しい

"I want you to do something about the Docker that suddenly stopped working."

―― どんなに見直しても、プログラムが動かない。原因を示唆して欲しい

"No matter how much I review the program, it doesn't work. I need you to suggest a cause."

―― AWSの設定で、パケットがファイアウォールを越えない。正しい設定方法が知りたい

"In AWS configuration, packets do not cross the firewall. I need to know how to configure it correctly."


This means that the provision of such information may also be considered a "bribe" under the law.


However, unless the inducement of profit is objectively recognized, it may be difficult to qualify it as a "bribe."



When I was posting the above "whining" on my blog, if a person who kindly gave him advice included his company name in his email, etc...


I may end up memorizing the name of the company because it made such a good impression on the person.


I think.


I know this is a very ambiguous way of doing things, but I think this kind of "kindness" can be a good sales strategy (x bribe).



There was a president of a venture company who used to write in my column, "Ebata is boasting about their technological capabilities.


This guy dissed me on a social networking site where he disclosed his company name and personal name, and I remember thinking, 'Oh, he's a genuine idiot'.


I have no intention of interfering with this company's business activities, but I have vowed to 'never respond to this guy and never deal with his company's products.



After all, it is difficult to separate the public from the private.

その2つは「感情」で繋っているからです ―― 「靖国問題」を出すまでもなく

Because the two are connected by "feelings" -- not to mention the "Yasukuni shrine issue".



"The King's Speech" is one of my favorite movies of all time.


It is about the friendship between King George VI of England, who suffered from a stutter, and the speech therapist, a commoner from Australia, who treated him


I think I've rewatched it about 10 times now, especially the closing scene of the radio broadcast of the war between Britain and Germany.



Right now, Amazon Prime has both subtitled and dubbed versions of the film released.


The Japanese dubbing is not bad, but I prefer the subtitled version (in English).


The desperate speech of the King of England, who suffered from a stutter, is well conveyed.


Personally (as an engineer), I also like the scene where many broadcast engineers are adjusting their machines to convey the King's speech to the whole of Britain.


―― ジョージ6世の立場に比べれば、気楽なものだ

"Compared to George VI's position, it's a piece of cake."


I told myself, and presented my bullshit English at the conference presentation on Zoom webinar.


Next month, I will have to show it off again.


Anyway, I am sincerely grateful for my birth as a selfish folk weed, not linked to the imperial family and without a title.



I'm currently researching programming education and other STEM education, and I've found that when I try to find the source of it, I end up with something terrible.


But so far, I seem to be the only one who has tied it to that.



Recently, I watched,

NHK BSプレミアム フランケンシュタインの誘惑 「原爆誕生 科学者たちの"罪と罰"」

NHK BS Premium: Frankenstein's Temptation "The Birth of the Atomic Bomb: Scientists' Crime and Punishment


(Replayed again today at 11:45)



It's the "Manhattan Project."



This time, I would like to talk about it from an engineering perspective.


(1) Sudden success in the first experiment

広島原爆投下の3週間前の、1945年7月16日に、プルトニウム型爆弾ファットマンの爆発実験 「トリニティ実験」が実施されましたが、

On July 16, 1945, three weeks before the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, the "Trinity Experiment" was conducted to test the detonation of a plutonium bomb, the Fat Man.

―― いきなり実験に成功するか?

"The experiment suddenly succeed?"


I thought.


It was unimaginably difficult to control the detonation (implosion) of a protonium core by uniformly applying the same pressure in two millionths of a second.


Without the present technology of of GSP and EtherCAT, it would have been very difficult to achieve such high precision timing.


Implosion is the question of whether you can crush a tomato without destroying it, and it is the process of using explosives to compress a tomato into a smaller size, like a ping-pong ball or a pachinko ball, without bursting it.(They achieved this by induced detonation of explosives of different properties.)


As an engineer, I thought , "Well, out of a hundred times, they probably succeeded one time on a whim."


Before the Trinity experiment, I'm sure they conducted many preliminary tests of implosion, but I couldn't find out how they judged the success or failure of those tests.


(2) The atomic bomb was dropped on Japan only three weeks after the first test (Trinity experiment).

―― たった3週間で兵器として完成できるものか?

"Could it be weaponized in just three weeks?"


To begin with, transporting a weapon with nuclear material from the US mainland to Japan was insane.


Although the probability was low, there was also the possibility of a misfire, and the carrier may be exposed to radiation.


In the first place, there were very few people who understood the horror of the atomic bombing in those days.


(In fact, there was an accident in which a researcher who stepped over a nuclear material died instantly.)


(3) Successful explosion on the first try


This was also a great thing. Bomb duds are a fact of life. "It's not uncommon for a bomb to be dropped, but fail to explode.


Generally, "first use weapons" are going "duds," but the second and third detonated in Hiroshima and Nagasaki without fail.


It was not normal.

真面目な話、『米国が、国土に、原爆の不発弾を一つだけでも落としてくれれば・・・』と思いますが ――

Seriously, if only the U.S. had dropped just one unexploded bomb on Japan...


Well, the U.S. would never give its top secret to an enemy country.



In other words, the Manhattan Project was not just a project to develop an atomic bomb, but it was a plan from the beginning to use it as a weapon (storage, transportation, and operation).

原子力というと、どうしても、理論や、エネルギー、制御などという観点に引っ張られてしまいがちですが ――

When we think of nuclear energy, we tend to be drawn to theories, energy, control, and so on.


As an engineer, I can't help but marvel at the "operational technology" (OT).



Well, look at this US coronary vaccine development project, "Operation Warp Speed"

―― 本気を出したあの国は、やっぱり怖い

"I'm still afraid of that country when it gets serious."


I can't help but think so.



I described the cervical cancer vaccine before (Dr. Shibata told me about it).


My second daughter was caught up in the so-called "vaccine frenzy" and was not vaccinated, so I told her to get vaccinated during this summer vacation.


"As for the cervical cancer vaccine, I told my second daughter, who is the only one in our family who hasn't been vaccinated, to 'go get vaccinated now, go right away.


as I wrote.


However, as a former member of the engineering department, I found the schedule and content of my second daughter's university lectures so demanding that I couldn't even look at them and said, "I'll just postpone it until summer vacation.



Cervical cancer vaccination is free of charge for 6th graders to 1st graders of high school, but there is a fee for all others.


However, I thought, "It's probably only a few thousand yen," but after a quick check...

―― 全3回接種で、約5万円

"Approximately 50,000 yen for all three vaccinations"



To be honest, I was shocked by the amount of money.


However, this is not a "money" issue, so I say to her, "Go ahead".


I declare the following to my second daughter.


"Naturally, I (Ebata) will pay all the expenses".


"If you become disabled due to an adverse reaction, I (Ebata) will take care of you (the second daughter) for the rest of your life."


"I (Ebata) will take care of you (the second daughter) for the rest of my life, and I (Ebata) will never die until you (the second daughter) die.


I will not overeat, drink, smoke, etc. in the future. I will exercise every day and limit my consumption of Hokkyoku-Ramen to no more than four times a year.


"If you get an adverse reaction, you can continue to curse me (Ebata) for the rest of your life and stay alive.




There is no guarantee that the second daughter will not be among the 3,000 women who die annually (roughly 100,000 over 30 years).


This is no big deal rather watching my daughter killed by cervical cancer and being able to do nothing.



When presenting my research at a conference, I must first prepare a conference paper.


In most cases, this paper will be checked by various colleagues and superiors in the field, and (depending on the person) will be rewritten about 10 times.


In addition, a patent application for the content of the presentation, must be filed before it can be published, and it must go through about seven levels of internal approval before it can be made public.


At this stage, I'm pretty exhausted.


Finally, I will present my paper at the conference, which will basically be submitted on the Internet website (in the past, I used to send my manuscript by international mail).


In most cases, the website is written in English, and the operation is difficult and returns unexplained errors (sometimes my operation is bad, but sometimes it is a problem with the conference's reception site).


If these problems occur just before the deadline, I will be on the verge of going crazy.

無事、提出できたかどうかは、システムからの応答がある場合も、ない場合もあります ―― ない場合は、『上手く提出できたことを祈る』しかありません。

I may or may not get a response from the system as to whether or not I were able to submit successfully -- if not, I can only "hope" that I were able to submit successfully.

提出に失敗すれば、それまでの手続は、全てパー ―― だけで済むなら、それで良いのですが、社内への言い訳と謝罪の行脚をしなければならないかと思うと、『考えるだけで、退社したい』くらいです。

If I fail to submit the application, all the previous procedures will be null and void. It might be good, however, just thinking to go around making excuses and apologies to the rest of the company, makes me leave my office



After that, the paper comes with the result of Accept/Reject and reviewer's review.

―― この内容を読んでいると、滅茶苦茶腹が立つ

While reading the reviews and I'm insanely angry.


Of course, there are people who take criticism seriously, but I am a researcher with a reputation for being shallow, narrow-minded, and cowardly.



And even if I do get an Accept, the content given in the acceptance result is harsh and difficult, and it becomes effectively a "rewrite of the paper".


However, my rewritten English is not very readable, so I will order another English check.


This time, I requested the order with the reviewer's comments, saying, 'I was terrible blamed by reviewers'.



Then, I will check the checked paper and finally complete it as a paper.


To be precise, it's done when I am exhausted from the revision process and I've decided that I don't care anymore.


But from here, the road of hardship continues.


From here, there is a very tedious process of "submitting a revised manuscript using the system" and "transferring the copyright to an organization of IEEE".


I failed to follow this procedure before, and almost invalidated the Accept. At that time, the secretariat of the society directly contacted me, which was helpful.



So, yesterday (Saturday), I completed this procedure and submitted the paper.


How relieved I was after yesterday's procedure is evident from the difference in my weight between yesterday and today (+1kg more).



However, my work is far from over.


We have to submit our presentation video to the secretariat by August 15, and then we have a dark event waiting for us in September, where we have to do a real-time question and answer session (in English, of course).

どんな仕事も似たような点はあると思いますが ―― 研究員の仕事の殆どは、「"研究"以外の何か」です。

I'm sure there are similarities between any job -- most of the work of a researcher is something other than "research".



As a person who is involved in technology, I think that "patent applications," "conference presentations," and "paper presentations" are all too cumbersome.


I believe that the cause of these,


- Join the OSS team anonymously.


- Presentations at the Comic Market, etc.


- Book sales and technical exchanges through technical book festivals, etc.


may be the reason why engineers are drifting away.


At the very least, I do not find value in the name value of an academic society or a title (degree).


In my mind, the greatest engineer is the one who can make things work.



By the way, I have been buying more and more textbooks from "Gijutsu Shoten" lately.


To put it bluntly, books from well-established technical publishers (Ohm-sha, CQ Publishing, Corona, etc.) are not very good for me, because


I'm tired of "expensive," "thick," "dense," and "wants to include everything.


I like "50 pages/500 yen" books (textbooks) saying, "Shut up and do it like this!"


For such "thin books", online books (PDF) by Comiket and Gijutsu Shoten (technical bookstore) are far superior for me.


今の時期は、地上波もBSも「五輪競技」の番組ばかりです ―― まあ仕方ありません。

At this time of the year, both terrestrial and BS programs are all about the "Olympic Games" -- well, it can't be helped.


So I can't complain if I don't record NHK specials.


However, I can watch some good programs, documentaries on the construction of the Olympic facilities.

■東京リボーン (6)「国立競技場 試練のスタジアム」

Tokyo Reborn (6) "National Stadium: The Stadium of Trials"


Amazing! Japan's fundamental strength


(So how many times do I have to tell you that it's not "Nippon" that has the bottom line, but "craftsmen", "engineers" and "designers"...)



I was impressed by the greatness of the "craftsmen," "engineers," and "designers," but what also came up here was the story of


"The drinking party helped the workers on site to communicate with each other and met the deadline."



I am deeply distressed by the recent resurgence of bad habits such as "drinking and socializing" and "in-house athletic events," which I (my generation) had thoroughly discouraged.


As I have written in the above, I have a deep dislike for "work that requires the power of alcohol."




That's because it's "a lack of organizational governance that doesn't allow for shared awareness among personnel" and "a desperate lack of management skills among leaders."


And if I may add one more thing, it is the "vulgar cost-cutting strategy."

だって、「飲みニケーション」によって、納期を数ヶ月前倒しにできた ―― ということは、その飲み会にかかるコストと、納期のコストを勘案すれば、費用対効果は、殆ど『無限大』に近いと言えるくらいの凄い効果です。

"They were able to move up our delivery date by several months due to "drinking and communication". That means that taking into account the cost of drinking and the cost of delivery, the cost effectiveness is so great that it is almost infinite.

アルコールの力がなければ、マネージメントもできず、自発的な組織連携もできない ――

Without the power of alcohol, there is no management, no spontaneous organizational collaboration --


In my opinion, it is 'professionally embarrassing' for both managers and employees.



But, well, I don't know if it's because I can't do those things well, but I haven't been able to get ahead.


However, as a systems engineer, I have to admit the fact that "alcohol" has a 'practical effect' on the way we are working.

しかも、飲み会は「合法」です ―― 「ドラッグパーティ」をやっている訳ではありません。

Moreover, drinking parties are "legal" -- we're not having a "drug party".


Then what I will work on is the "optimal alcohol allocation planning problem in group work".


(1) The minimum amount of alcohol consumption and the content and combination of alcohol needed for the group to share the problem.


(2) A method for estimating the amount of alcohol consumed that takes into account individual differences (personal differences)


(3) The maximum amount of alcohol consumption that will not trigger sexual harassment or power harassment, and the selection of reserve groups that will trigger harassment and how to quickly and smoothly remove harassers from the event.


(4) Investigate ways to implement rational drinking sessions by introducing real-time live video and other means (broadcasting and recording).


This is the so-called "drinking-communication optimization problem".



As far as I know, I have never read such a book on "organizational management using alcoholic beverages."


If we have time to read Drucker or Adler, we will think about the above, make it into a manual, make it into a systematic strategy, and even set up a "alcoholic beverage research department" as a part of management science.


Why don't managers and business scholars write such books?


It's been proven to work so well, are they stupid?


I truly believe that.



Well, if I think about it, "restaurants that serve alcoholic beverages" are not only the sales by the restaurants, but also the platform for the management of organizations in Japan.

―― てなことを考えながら、なんとか理由を付けて感情を抑える日々です。

-- I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I'm trying to find a reason to suppress my emotions.


東京都の新型コロナの新規感染者数が3000人/日を突破していますが ―― もうすぐ慣れると思います。

The number of new cases of new coronas in Tokyo has surpassed 3,000 people/day -- I think we'll get used to it soon.

100人/日を越えた時も、500人/日を越えた時も、私は青冷めて、青冷めて、青冷めて ―― 今は、青冷めるのに疲れてしまいました。

When I crossed 100 people/day, or 500 people/day, I went blue cold, blue cold, blue cold -- now I'm tired of going blue cold.


In the news, doctors say, "Medical care is on the verge of collapse," but they do not say, "Medical care is collapsing.


However, if you don't tell us the specific image of medical collapse, we won't know.


It is not enough to say, "Look at the images from the U.S., India, and Indonesia and you will understand.


To be specific,


- What happens to patients who cannot be placed in the intensive care unit?


- How to prioritize the use of ECMO


- How do you decide to abandon a terminally ill patient (priority of life)?


- In Tokyo, which hospitals will be the first to suffer the collapse of medical care, and in what way?

くらいのことを発表しないと ―― 現在進行形のオリンピックフィーバーには『勝てない』

If they don't announce something like that -- we can't win against the ongoing Olympic fever.



To a group of athletes sharing their joy at winning a medal, nobody can say


"It will be 'dense', so please step away."



To the players hugging each other without masks, nobody can warn them,


"Keep a distance of at least two meters"



To begin with, they gave up "Awarding of medals" for avoid 'dense' didn't they?


Why doesn't the steering committee pay attention and the media stop reporting against "the medal winners solidifying and standing on the first place podium?"


I couldn't believe that it was "no audience". I wondered if it was the effect of the microphone adjustment that made me hear such loud cheering.


At least, I have never heard the announcement "Please refrain from cheering loudly" at the tournament site.



Without even thinking about it deeply, the reasons are simple.


- Medias without such scenes can't make ratings, and


- Any member of the Diet who points out such a thing is sure to be voted out of office in the next election.


- A government cabinet that points out such things will see its approval rating plummet.



In addition,


- When you tweet something like that, you get flamed.


- When you wrote blogs with such things, you will not be able to earn PV.


テレビのこちら側は「一人でテレビ鑑賞」で、テレビの向こう側は「お祭り騒ぎ」という構造 ―― そりゃ無理ってもんでしょう。

This side of the TV is "watching TV alone," while the other side is "celebrating" -- it's just not possible.

だからこそ、お祭り騒ぎの渦中であって、敢えて憎まれ役を買って『水をぶっかける人』が、私の考えていた「東京モデル」の中には入っていたのですが ――

In the midst of the festivities, he/she dared to play the role of a hater and "splash water on people" ―― Such people were part of the "Tokyo model" I had in mind.


The "Tokyo model" I had hoped for is becoming "something I don't expect" every day.



Recently, the Bitcoin rate seems to be fluctuating wildly again.


Every day, I would get a pop-up message on my phone.


Recently, the rate had been going down, but with the "Amazon's official adoption" story, it went up again and I just saw the news that "Amazon denies the report".


It would be fine if it were only a local currency, but Bitcoin is, after all, internationally circulated.


But as a rule, no one can govern bitcon (well, I recently learned the reality of a wildly popular "hard fork").


In fact, Bitcoin is useless as a payment currency (except for dark side operations).



There is a "history" of nations adjusting the amount of money in circulation, conducting necessary diplomacy, and even going to war if necessary, in order to protect the value of their currency.

なので、「ビットコインを法定通貨に採用した国(エルサドバドル)」って、何考えているんだ? と思っています。

So I am wondering that what the "country that adopted Bitcoin as legal tender (El Sadbadr)" is thinking"


They say it's for "remittance purposes for foreign migrants," but no matter how you look at it, I just don't see how the citizens of a country that doesn't have the power to have its own currency and uses the U.S. dollar as the de facto legal tender can be trusted with Bitcoin.


In the first place, a currency that fluctuates wildly depending on whether or not it is adopted by a single EC company based on a single comment by some CTO is difficult to use as a currency, and in fact, there are almost no places in Japan where it can be used.


To begin with, one of the purposes of currency is "to be able to buy food today at the same price tomorrow.



I don't care if the bitcoin rate is 1 BTC = 100 yen, 1 million yen, or 10 million yen.


I just hope that soon the value of Bitcoin as a speculative currency will disappear and it can be used as a stable currency.


It would be great if Bitcoin could gain credibility and stabilize rates by being adopted by a huge platformer like Amazon.

しかし、そのニュースによって、法定通貨に対するレートが2倍になったり半分になったりするのを見ている限り ―― ぶっちゃけ『お話にならない』と思っています。

However, as long as I see the rate against legal tender doubling or halving depending on the news -- frankly, I think it's 'not worth talking about'.



In the opening ceremony of this year's Tokyo Olympics, I am a great admirer of the "moving pictogram performance".


I usually use free pictograms in my columns, presentation materials, and papers.


I even think that pictograms are a "universal language that does not require learning".


The "moving pictogram" introduced at this opening ceremony is an upgrade from "universal language that can be understood" to "universal language that speaks to us".


As a young man who used to be a theatrical performer (albeit for a short period of time), I honestly felt that the conception, realization method, order, and time allocation of the "moving pictogram performance" was "amazing.


And I want to give unreserved praise to the performers, who have probably spent an enormous amount of time practicing.



However, in our house, that performance is not popular.


They said, "It's not a good performance for the opening ceremony of the Olympics.



I've always felt that the opening ceremonies of the Olympics since around 2000 have been overly flamboyant, exaggerated, and full of unexpected performances, like

―― どっかの半島の北側の国が売りものにしているマスゲームのような

"a mass game that some country north of the peninsula is using as a tourism resource"


I have always felt "vaguely uncomfortable" with what has become a pompous, nationalistic ceremony.


- A flesh-and-blood human flying with a jet device attached to his back.


- The queen's helicopter dive.


- Fireworks display around the stadium.


Frankly, I've been fed up with them.



Well, I suppose there was the constraint that it was the Olympics in the midst of the Corona disaster, but for me


I thought that it was a relatively calm opening ceremony (performance) that didn't try to be overly popular.


そんな中にあって、IOC会長の「話」は、最低にして最悪でした ―― というか、真剣に"心配"になりました。

In the midst of all this, the IOC President's "talk" was the worst of the worst -- or rather, it seriously "worried" me.


The way he talked about the same things over and over again reminded me of my father, who was in the early stages of cognitive impairment.

―― IOC会長自らが、開会式を台無しにしてしまう史上初のオリンピックになるのではないか

"Might it be the first Olympics in history where the IOC president himself would ruin the opening ceremony ?"



And the fact that there is no one in that hall who can stop the IOC president from talking is the same as the "universal old person problem" of "no one can stop the school principal from talking at all.


『他の人からレビュー貰うなりして、何度か練習してから本番に臨め、バカ』―― と、

"Get a review from someone else and practice a few times before you go on stage, you idiot," I said.


I believe I am qualified to say so, as I have always finished my presentations within the designated time, with practicing more than 10 times before going to them, even for a few conferences.