

(Continuation from yesterday)


"He carries his folly too far. He doesn't understand how painful it is to spend the day wearing the pumps."


I heard my wife's opinion, I think

―― なるほど、それいいな

"Well, that might be good."



For this problem, it is not enough to accuse both (1) The existence of a company with such in-house rules and (2) a statement from the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare.


So I want to make an offer to shoes makers or venture company.


How do you like to make cloud funding?


The purpose is "making men's pumps."


The target is commercial business, for not only the above (1)(2) but also "men's dressing".


It is a waste to aim at a niche market for women-dressing hobbies or people with differences in body and mind.


This fund aims to create a new decorative culture called "men's pumps."


It is a new field that the world has not yet conceived.


I know there are many problems with market research, concepts, channels, etc. However, this is a hope for shoe markets and a business chance,



Besides, if they realize such a parliamentary remark, the ruling party, the opposition party, and the government will improve the people's favor.


Question: "Today, we will bring a present to the minister. Pumps for you. Please try."


Minister: "Oh, this is a feeling I have never experienced."


Question: "Hey, will you try to walk here?"


Minister: "What does this mean ..."


Based on the remarks in this "..." part, Japan is moving just a little.


For example, it would be nice if cabinet members gained a deeper understanding of "the gender divergence" in the wake of this.



(Continuation from yesterday)


I think "high heels" or "pumps" are "The enemy against safety" because they are mounting tools that


- destroy human basic functions (walking)


- cause health damage (impact to muscle and skeleton)



However, I think it is normal for the feeling that "I want to dress beautifully" to exceed "safety awareness."

「可愛い」「美しい」は"正義"です ―― まあ、私の"正義"ではありませんが。

"Cute" and "Beautiful" are "justice". It is not my "justice".


So, if a company or organization makes a rule forbidding wearing high heels and pumps because of "safety," I think some people will protest that rule.


And I support the person unconditionally.


しかし ―― 「可愛い」は"正義"かもしれませんが、"義務"ではありません。

But, "cute" may be "justice" but not "duty".


Yesterday, I was shocked that there are companies with a rule that "wearing high heels and pumps is "duty."


At that moment, I heard that story, "kidding?" I thought. I still think so.


I heard the company forces students who come to job interviews (probably only women) to obey the rules.

I seriously think that

―― その会社の幹部や人事担当者は、『足フェチを社内ルールとして制定』する変態集団か?

"Are the executives and personnel personnel of the company a perverted group that makes "foot fetish" a secret?


If it is a private preference, I don't care about it.


(To be continued)



(Continuation from yesterday)


However, once the method has been disclosed, the software that has prepared the technique may be deleted, and another method may be installed.


As each government, if the spy activity can be monitored, it is better to use it conversely.


From that point of view, it is natural to make the specific method non-disclosure.


On the contrary, if an organization or an individual does such a thing, any government wants to stop it, even if I apply pressure.


To begin with, this problem seems to be a "cyber spy war," but the essence is the "war" that the United States government launched against the Chinese government.


This war, from the old days, is the US folk art.


By the way, do you know the term of


"Super 301"




It is a US law created to " target Japan" as "retaliation" to the import/export imbalance with the United States.


The law was enacted in 1988 to strengthen Article 301 of the US Trade Code (in 1988, it was a time-limited law but revived in 1994).


Of course, our country has been defeated since the 1945 Pacific War. We made a national policy of "do not fight" against any war set up by the United States.


At this time, the government and the private sector cooperated to implement self-regulation of US exports and avoid a trade war with the United States.

「勝てない相手とは、喧嘩はしない」のは、当たり前のことですが ――

It is a matter of course that "to hesitate with the opponent we can not win."


However, the United States destroyed various "industrial innovations" in Japan at this time.

私が覚えているだけでも、 宇宙開発事業(人工衛星)、スーパーコンピュータ、オペレーティングシステムなどまで、狙い打ちにされました。

As far as I know, space technology development, supercomputers, and computer operating systems were listed as targets.


You might think, "Even if we cannot export things to the US, we can buy the things in Japan"; however, the activities of the law had another aspect.


A high-pressured selling for American-made products that works as a remedy for trade imbalances


For example, Japanese products will not be sold there if Japanese satellites, supercomputers, and operating systems are "pushed" in Japan.


Naturally, companies will not invest in R&D into products that can not be sold, and industrial innovation will be crushed.


(To be continued) <



(Continuation from yesterday)


If the company is charging smart-phones with parts (hardware), it can only be said to be "idiot".


I would never do such an idiot. I think that

―― やるならソフトウェアだ。しかし、他のスマホにも搭載できるアプリはありえない。この逆にカーネルに手を入れるのは無謀だ。カーネルに手を入れると、パフォーマンスが落ちるだけでなく、改造コストがもの凄いことになる

"If I do, I will lock on the software. However general purpose applications are out of scope. The kernel is not a good choice, because the cost of remodeling will be huge, and the performance will be degraded."

―― とすれば、ハードウェアに近く、リバースエンジニアが難しい、"ファーム"か"ドライバ"に仕込む。一番怪しいのは、"通信ドライバ"だ

"If it is, I will prepare the "farm" or "driver" which is close to hardware and difficult for reverse engineers. The most suspicious is the "communication driver".



Even if not me, an ordinary IT engineer will think so.

However, government officials in Japan, if any, sent out this "idiot" information, after that, they was pointed out by the company and the media, and they was embarrassed.


As a result, the low level of IT technology (common sense) of Japan's government (or the ruling party members) was opened, and they seemed to be "self-destructing".


―― さあ、私なら、どう仕込む?

"How would I prepare?"


I thought a little about how to bring in spy-ware that can deceive an engineer like me.


Communications that can be hacked with my skill, are limited to protocols that have been approved by certification authorities (IETF etc.) and are becoming de facto worldwide.

もし、その種類に限定しないのであれば、例えば ――

If they are not limited to that type, for example,


"They break into a well-known server and push a back door there. In addition, they let the smart-phone side send ordinary user location information"



But this will be basically uncovered. It is enough to keep a log of all the huge packets and find out the strange packets.


If you think about it a bit more difficult,


"On smart-phones that are GPS synchronized (nanosecond level)"


"Invert and transfer only 1 bit of 1 million packets, disable error bit detection only at that moment, and generate a communication port,"


"Wait for one bit on a fully time synchronized server"


However, even with this method, if someone keep monitoring the communication packet of the smart-phone for a long time, they will definitely see it someday.




"a mechanism that generates communication only when a smart-phone is present at a specific position only for a specific person"


It will becomes difficult to discover.




"Use near-field communication bluetooth etc. to generate communication only when approaching the target person"


is also possible.


Well, there are various hands.

Even a control system can intrude, so hacks on smart-phones are easy.


When I check it, it seems that some people think like me.


However, the article which has disclosed the evidence has not been found (yet).


(To be continued)



Now I estimate the prices of several smart phone, and I am really surprised at the difference of the price.


I will show you the following.

■iPhone 8万円

- iPhone 80 thousand yen


- The next are on Android

■Xperia 4万円

- Xperia 40 thousand yen

■AQUOS 3万円

- AQUOS 30 thousand yen


- HUAWEI 20 thousand yen


The price gaps between iPhone and HUAWEI surprised me.


I cannot understand that the price of iPhone is four times as many as Lenovo Note PC I use now.

ご存知の通り、私は、スマホというデバイスがあまり好きではありません ―― という話は、何度もしましたが ―― 私にとっては、スマホというのは、通信のできる単なる「板」です。

You know that I don't like smart-phone much, I have already told this story before. Anyway a smart-phone is just a plate with communication function, for me.


I am not interested in the brand name of the plate at all.



Now the government of Japan is engaging in exclusionary practices for the products of HUAWEI company in China.


A reader who will read this diary after several years, I explain the international trade situation.


(1)Now the U.S. (or the President) is excluding all products of the company from the U.S. The reason is broadcasting "the company has been spying activity with the China government".


(2)And Japanese government has joined the activity as a alliance partner.


(3)Moreover most company in the world that has provides HUAEI with components of hardwares(parts and CPU chips) or software(Web browser).

問題は、現時点において、上記(1)の明示的な証拠が、少なくとも私達技術者に対して、明示されてないことです ―― 少くとも、私のようなネットワークエンジニアに納得できる程度に開示されているようには見えません。

The problem is that the obvious evidences have not been opened for our engineers. At least I don't know them without providing convincing explanations


As for, Industry journals, specialized magazinea and international conferences, I have not heard "technical explanations" from them.



Of course, if the spyware is caught as an technical evidence, I will say


"What a low-techno company is!"



(To be continued)



(Continuation from yesterday)


When looking for more information in the book, your notes and underscores, or "uncertain analog information," like "the first half or the second half," make it easier to access the contents.


Electronic search is convenient, but when I want to do a "vague search," paper books may be better.


That aside


If you are a unique person who says, "Let's give Ebata the upper and lower volumes of "Sapiens's entire history" or "Homo Deus" (all are paper books by Mr. Yuval Noah Harari), I would be grateful if you could let me know.


I had borrowed and already read these books at the library, but I wanted to keep them at hand.


However, those books you will give me are going to be


- underlined,


- put sticky notes,


- filled in with a lot of comments of dirty characters of mine,


- sunk in a bathtub.


Such a tough destiny is waiting for these books. However, I promise to use them effectively to make my blood and meat.


In addition, of course, I will bear the postage fee on my end.


I would appreciate your consideration.



So far, I have moved from Chubu → Kansai (student age) → Kanto.


Among these, I feel many DIY shops are in the central area.


After a bit of research, it was as expected.

私の出身地(の県)は、 ぶっちぎりで日本一のDIY出店数を誇っています。

My (prefecture) hometown is proud of the number of DIY stores in Japan.



Since I was a child, I made some wiring work, water repair, and garden maintenance, as well as making shelves and desks by myself.


I felt that my surroundings were similar.


I climbed the roof and set up the antenna in junior high school. (When I tried to set it up at home recently, I was stopped by my wife.)

「テレビの配線の為だけに、電気屋さんを呼ぶ」などというイベントは ―― 『大きなお屋敷に住んでいる、お金持ちだけの話だろう』と、信じていました。

I believed that "It would be a story of a rich man living in a big house" about "calling an electrician just for television wiring"


I heard the story of my wife's parents, and I knew that I misunderstood.



I am excited when I approach a DIY shop.


When it becomes a vast DIY shop, the excitement is further increased.


I go to the DIY shop to solve the problem when something goes wrong.


However, when looking at the goods of the DIY shop, another solution comes to mind, and it is also so much fun.



The tools displayed in the DIY shop also entertained me.

以前記載しましたが ――

I have mentioned it before-

- The "electric chain saw" has turned a vast garden tree into a piece of wood in less than an hour,

- "Hydraulic jack" lifts my family's car lightly, and the replacement of the snow tire will be completed within 30 minutes.


The cost performance is overwhelming when I ask the contractor, and these tasks are fun for me.



However, I know these are not "fun" for everyone.


For me, shopping malls are just stores, except bookstores and restaurants, and amusement park is just stress generator unless it is waiting for 0 minutes.


So, this time,


"Next to Tokyo Disneyland, Japan's largest DIY shop will be added, making it possible for mutual access."


I want to try the 100th proposal.


I think there are specific needs, but how about that?



(Continuation from yesterday)


For me who only knows the names of thinkers and philosophers, there is no way how to judge true or false.


In order to refute the opponent, I must thoroughly learn about the original book of the thinker and philosopher.


But in the first place, I was not interested in such things.


Besides, from that time,

―― 社会を良くしようと志向する者(哲学者)が、大衆に理解できない本を書いてどうする


"How does a person (philosopher) who intends to improve society write a book that the public can not understand?"


I thought "I don't have to work hard to understand such a philosopher's book on such a stance,"



On the other hand, the world of technology (especially engineering) is clear.

―― 当初の予定通り動いたモノだけが正解であり、動かすことができた人間だけが正義

"The only thing that moved as originally planned is the correct answer, and only the person who was able to move is justice"


This is an absolute value standard.


So, no matter how well they speak technology, at least I can not trust anyone who can not move things.

特にコンセプトだけ語って、パワーポイントを量産するだけの奴は、私の記憶の中には残りません ―― で、人工知能技術の分野で、こういう手合いが多い。

Especially, a person who speak a concept only and mass-produce the power point, is out of my scope. there are many such people in the field of artificial intelligence technology.


I trust people who write 100-line executive programs with their own hands, rather than those who mass-produce 100 power points.


The voice of those who actually make things is very persuasive, and things that are made in this way are strong enough to be violent.


I look at the moving things, examine their contents, and marvel at the technological powers put into them.



However, I am not a fool of the person who makes the "concept".


The "concept" is, I think that is the same as "making things", If it is so concrete and realistic that it is an immediate execution possible state.


If they show the concept in a practical state, I think that I will be obsessed and obsessed with them.


On the contrary, I don't like a person who is just a PowerPoint maker with calling "concept shop".


Unfortunately, in my life, I have never met people beyond "concept shop" (others, "standardizing shop", "business model shop", etc.).


For now, other than "making things", there is no one who has made me insane, blind and obedient.



(Continuation from yesterday)


However, what I felt really troubled at the study sessions held at the dormitory was their "sorry writing ability".


Since I was a science student, I knew well the necessity of representing the concept with figures and numbers. The badness of the dormitory's presentation was hopeless.


A summary statement in my report form that explains things in a complete and logical way, was just criticized as


"Easy Schemeism"



Now I can say


"Your head is too bad to summarize your claim and explain it to others"


However at the time, I could not know which one is correct.


Now there is no doubt of their ignorance.



I will consider that at the time of the self-governing dormitory, the reason of this "innocent writing" passed through, was the influence of "the translation of the original book" by philosophers and thinkers.

「訳の分からん文章」を書くことが正しい ―― のような、アホな考え方の根底には、

"Unreasonable writing" is right --- at the bottom of this foolish thought, I think there are two possibilities.


(1)There is no technical writing (logical writing) ability at all


(2)If it is described in the above method (1), the shallowness of the bottom of their idea is easily exposed



Anyway, I think I was really wise. Because I noticed that I was being stunned with such things, and I left the room soon. even I was a leader of the dormitory.


In the above discussion in the dormitory, whenever I heard a quote from a thinker or philosopher they abuse, I thought

―― おまえ、本当にこの原書の内容を理解した上で、話をしているのか?

"Are you really talking after understanding the contents of this original book?"



(To be continued)



(Continuation from yesterday)


When I was a student, I lived in a so-called autonomous dormitory.


The dormitory had only the remnants of the student movement ten years ago remained, and could hardly appeal to students.


However, some of the dormitory students were proud of the principles of the dormitory.

そして、小さな町工場の息子であって、零細企業の悲哀を思う存分味わってきた私は、哲学者やら思想家やらの言葉を引用して、議論をする彼らとは ―― とことん、相容れませんでした。

And I was the son of a small town factory, and I had tasted the sorrows of small businesses. So I could not agree with them whom quoted the words of philosophers, thinkers and others.

■資本家による搾取だぁ? バカいってんじゃねーよ。日本の97%の企業は中小または零細企業で、その社長の殆どは、大企業のサラリーマンよりはるかに貧乏だぞ

- Is it exploitation by a capitalist? Don't be stupid. 97% of companies in Japan are small companies, and most of their presidents are much poorer than business persons of large companies.


- Even a large company, under the supervision of shareholders, under the supervision of shareholders, if management is doing bad management, they will be dismissed at the moment. In order to survive, they simply make the choice to lay off their employees.

とまあ、その当時にあって、不渡りの連鎖で、取引先の夫婦が首吊り自殺をして、父の会社も倒産直前まで至った、その社長の息子は ――

Well, at that time, the son of that president whose father's business partners were hanging suicide and father's company also reached just before bankruptcy in the chain of failure,


While making me laugh, he was listening to their ridiculously empty arguments.


(To be continued)