

I am not a politician. I am not a journalist or a judge.


I have no great ambition to right the world's wrongs.


There is not a single millimeter of ambition to reform even the internal (system).


Instead, I now prioritize the feeling of 'hassle' about the various changes.


There is a word that neatly sums up this 'hassle.'






However, when I say 'conservative,' I am not a doctrinaire pragmatist like the Islamic fundamentalists, nor am I a nationalist.


In an absolute sense, I am not a patriot either.


Instead, I would ask, 'What on earth has this country ever done for me?' (although I appreciate that we have kept the Peace Constitution and have not started a war in our country).


When I see a right-wing car with a big sign that says 'Seven Life Reports', I'm moved to say, 'What a little brain's person (x nice person)'.


I have been and will continue to be as cooperative as possible (although we do not lead the way) regarding IT-based system reforms.


I support gender diversity responses and same-sex marriage. 'I have no disadvantage even if I support them.'


The direction is also to accept individual state control using a personal number card. Because of the resignation, ' the phase of talking about individual privacy is already over.'


On the militarisation of Japan, the perception is that 'I have got away with it'. 'The next generation should think of Japan's future, and I am throwing this issue away.

まあ、こういう人間を「保守」と呼べるのかどうかは、正直よく分かりませんが ――

Well, I honestly don't know if you can call me 'conservative' or not--


My basic philosophy is "a 'conservative' who supports a slowly changing society that does not make me feel 'cumbersome.'"




■if you say, "Let's change it!" I think 'too much trouble',


■if you say, "Is this O.K.?" I would ask back, 'Isn't this enough?'


■ For 'for young people', I think it is 'irrelevant to me'.


These minded seniors move to eliminate 'those who just criticize people without achievements' or 'those who deny all previous administrations without showing a concrete vision.'

分かっていますか? 私たちのマインドは、原則として「自分ファースト」なんですよ。

Do you understand? Our mindset is "meism," as a rule.


Only "after" I have secured my bridgehead can I care for others.


As a result, even if such 'meism' decisions make everyone unhappy, including yourself, it is 'O.K. if it makes everyone unhappy.'



The political parties that lost the Tokyo gubernatorial election have published their analysis of the causes of their defeat, but I feel that they are coming to 'strange conclusions.'

協力して貰った政党を敗因にするなんて ―― 人道的かどうかをさておいても ―― 『どうかしている』と思います。

I think it's 'crazy' - humanistic or not - to blame the party cooperating with them for your defeat.


I see the cause of the defeat as 'a lack of logic that ignores quantification'.


For example, 'I think about 40% of the current metropolitan government is doing well. I think I can evaluate them. The problem is the remaining 60%. It is (1) ..... and (2) .... The problem is...'

定量的かつ論理的に情宣をしていれば、ここまで惨敗することはなかったと思うのですが ―― あなたは、私のこの分析をどう思いますか?

I don't think she would have lost so miserably if she had made a quantitative and logical statement of her sentiments. What do you think of my analysis of the cause of her and her party's defeat?


ジェンダー(×セックス)を証明するのに、生殖機能をなくす手術を必須とすることは ―― 組(暴力団等)を抜ける為の落とし前として、『指を詰める』という『野蛮なしきたり』をやっている反社会勢力と同じ


In a case sent back following a Supreme Court ruling that 'surgery to change the gender on the family register to resemble the appearance has so far been unconstitutional,' the Hiroshima High Court noted that if surgery is always necessary, there is a suspicion of violating the Constitution.


It is customary for lower courts (district courts) to overturn decisions on cases sent back against a Supreme Court decision, so I think this decision is reasonable.

ただ、今回の判決の内容 ―― 実に興味深いのですよ。

But the content of this judgment is exciting.



Last night, I was watching the 7 o'clock NHK news that I had recorded with my wife, and there was a scene where I thought, 'What?' I turned the HDD recorder back on for 30 seconds to review.

私:「この判決内容、かなり面白い. "Not funny But interesting"という意味で」

Me: "The content of this judgment is quite interesting. I mean, 'Not funny, But interesting.'"


Wife: "What?"


Me: "This ruling says that 'requiring genital mutilation (or genital creation) as a requirement for gender reassignment is a violation of the Constitution.'"


Wife: "And?"


Me: "But on the other hand, you also accept the legitimacy of 'genital mutilation (or construction),' for example, 'to avoid disruption in public bathrooms.'"


Wife: "So you mean inconsistent?"

私:「この判決が言外に行っているのは、『性器の切除(あるいは造設)は戸籍変更には必要ない』けど、『公衆浴場やプールが、それを理由に、入場を断わることは、"ありえる"、または、"仕方がない"』と言っている、ようにも読める ―― だが、ここからのロジックが面白い」

Me: "What this judgment is saying in the words 'genital mutilation (or creation) is not necessary for changing the family register,' but we can  read as saying that 'it is "possible" or "unavoidable" for public baths and swimming pools to refuse admission on that basis.'" -- but the logic from here is interesting."


Wife: "?"


Me: "The subsequent judgment text says that 'it is reasonable to interpret this as sufficient in a state of not being particularly questionable when exposed to the eyes of others'."


Wife: "??"


Me: "This is the judiciary's 'duty of effort' on us.


Wife: "Duty of effort?"


Me: "In other words, 'We should not judge Male-female decisions on the appearance of genitalia. Let's all change our mindsets so that we judge them based on their overall appearance, including the fact that they have a feminine body due to hormone treatment'."



In other words, the Court is "advising us the people" to "shift the paradigm beyond our common method of gender determination, the 'visual identification of genitalia.'"


I talked to my wife about this afterward, and we agreed that the most significant perspective from now on will be 'that way of operating.'


The Hiroshima High Court's "recommendation to us, the people" is reasonable. It is a trend, and I think it is in the right direction.


On the other hand, however, we also believe that baths and swimming pool operators are now in deep trouble.


Of course, this is also a challenge to us, the people.


It will take time (10 years?), but we need to work hard for a paradigm shift.




I am an 'engineer unloved by money,' so my current concern is a life that can guarantee QoL up to death.


Well, I think it's a poor ambition of mine.


But even if I could get 100 or 200 million yen, I don't have anything else I want to do.


Of course, a stable retirement is attractive, but I am still convinced that I will never be able to enjoy a 'comfortable retirement.'


That much is evident from the first page of this column.


I can only imagine that some software company will probably employ me after I retire, or if I can no longer do that, I can only imagine an old age of just writing columns and essays.


At the moment, I don't really feel "death," and I can't really be scared of it, but I'm more scared to death of the day when I won't be able to type on a keyboard anymore, which is sure to come.


Aside from that.



However, if this "100 or 200 million yen" becomes "10 or 20 billion yen", it is a different story.


With this amount of money, my ambition will start.

(1) 映画「さよならジュピター」のリメイク

(1) Remake of the film Byebye Jupiter.

(2) 自宅の空き部屋への「量子コンピュータ」の設置

(2) Installation of a 'quantum computer' in a spare room in my home


These are the two options.


Concerning (1) above, I can see the money talking all over the production site and the film failing at the box office.


But that's OK.


I will spend 10 billion to make the Byebye Jupiter I want to see.


てなことを考えていたら ―― 庶民が、庶民の持ちうる金額で実現できる野望としては、『都議会選挙に立候補して、供託金300万円を没収される』というのは、費用対効果の観点からは悪くないのだろう、と思います。

I was thinking - as an ambition that ordinary people can realize with the amount of money they have, 'run for election to the Metropolitan Assembly and have the deposit of 3 million yen confiscated' is probably not a bad idea from a cost-effective point of view.


When I asked ChatGPT, 'In the Tokyo gubernatorial election, please make a Fermi estimate of how much the public expenditure (excluding private expenditure) on the election would increase if there were one more candidate,' they roughly estimated it to be 7 million yen.


It was cheaper than I thought, but 7 million yen—3 million yen = 4 million yen worth of our blood tax. So, if 40 of them used this election only for self-promotional purposes, the total amount of money they took from us, the citizens of Tokyo, is 160 million yen.


We can see that this amount is the sunk cost of a democratic electoral system.


Alternatively, we can try the lawsuit (unjust enrichment (Article 703 of the Civil Code)) against those who ran for office for self-promotion to return the 4 million yen to the metropolitan government.

ただ、それをやると、立候補者に対する圧力になり、立候補を萎縮する人が出てきたら、エラいことです。ですから、実際には、こんな訴訟を起こすことはできません ―― それゆえ、選挙制度を悪用した今回の事件に、私は腹を立てているのです。

But if we do that, if you put pressure on candidates and if people are discouraged from running for office, that's a terrible thing. So, in practice, we can't bring a case like this - that's why I'm so angry at this abuse of the electoral system.



If anyone wants to donate 10 billion yen to me, please get in touch with me.


I will run out, just for me.



I have told you for some time that to understand the Islamic worldview, it would be better to read Marginal Operations by Yuri Shibaura than to read the Koran(the Islamic holy book).

―― 仮にタリバンを武力で殲滅することができても、"勉強が嫌いな少女"を虐殺することは、絶対に不可能

で、今、自宅のトイレの中で(我が家では、私がトイレの中に棚を作って、読書室としています)、マージナル・オペレーション F2をつまみ読みしていました。

So, I'm in the bathroom at home (I made a shelf in the bathroom as a reading room), and I've just been picking up "Marginal Operations F2."

この本の中で主人公が語る、アメリカ合衆国の民主主義の態様が、非常に的を得ていて、ゾクっとしてしまいました ―― 例の人物が大統領として再選される可能性も出てきましたし。

The protagonist's description of the attitude of democracy in the United States of America was so spot-on that it made me cringe—and the possibility of that person being re-elected as president made me cringe even more.


In the book, the main character's female friend has the line 'You should throw your current job away and become my pimp as soon as possible'.

―― これって本当かな?

"Is this true?"


I suspect that this is the case.


She is not lying when she makes these statements, as she does not see her protagonist suffering under work pressure. I do not doubt it.


At the moment, the protagonist is a lone commander who continues to fight against the great powers. The hero's charm is at its best when he continues fighting.


Can she continue to love him as she did before when he became a 'pimp,' hanging around and doing nothing?


Changes in one state of affairs also change the environment around it.


しかし、そうであったとしても ――

But even if that were the case--


If a person has a mental disorder, we should stop the condition as soon as possible.


Of course, collateral damage will inevitably be caused by this.


But in the time it takes to worry about such things, mental illness can worsen and lead to suicide.


Even if it does not lead to such a worst-case scenario, it should be stopped if possible.



'I think a lover who says to me, "You should throw away your current job and become my pimp as soon as possible," is probably more valuable than any philosophy or religion.


Well, let's leave it to you to decide what happens when they become a pimp, for now.






The Tokyo gubernatorial election is over.


I guessed the top three in the correct order this time.


However, this election was not too difficult.


If we made the bet, the rate would probably be between 1.1 and 1.2.


Incidentally, there are countries where it is legal to place bets on the outcome of elections. Typical countries are the UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand, where bookmakers offer bets on various events, including election results.


However, the laws and regulations of each country must be complied with in operation.



Why not do the opposite, I think?

下位3位を予想する ―― これは、かなり難しいと思う。

Predicting the bottom three -- this would be not easy.


'It is tough to predict how much a candidate's claims will not strike a chord with people.


Even if they try to enhance their worst status by continuing to say or do something offensive, it is easy to sabotage their attempts.

なにしろ、今回のワースト投票数は、211票, 297票,302票です。これは組織票で簡単にひっくり返せる数です。

At any rate, the worst vote count this time is 211, 297, and 302. The result will be a number that organizational votes could easily overturn.


What's better than that, you have to understand the candidates' claims fully and calculate the 'emptiness of their claims,' 'lack of humanity', and 'absence of leadership' in your mind.


This method would also increase interest in elections, complexity over lotteries, and the winning payout considerably.


If we win the fifth worst donor and the dividend is around a billion yen, people will be desperate to watch the election.


If you want to make it even more complicated, you could do it by predicting 10th to 12th place, but this is probably too difficult, and the bet would not be viable.



It is not clear whether there is a link between this legal gambling and voter turnout, but it is at least enough to suggest that election bulletins may become as interesting as live horse racing.




My laptop is useless because the specs or the operating system are outdated.


That's why I use a second-hand machine that my daughter used to use.


In my case, I use the laptop for paperwork programming and testing network communications, which is problematic.


For example, Windows 10, as a security measure, does not respond to ping by default and does not allow communication except on specific ports.


To remove this security, you have to create and set up a policy for removal.

―― 「セキュリティの設定を解除する」というのも変な話だなぁ

"Unlocking security settings" sounds odd."


However, this may not be an option, as many PC users do not know how to take security measures.


Or, amid the ransomware epidemic, this response is not surprising.


Only about 1%, or maybe less than 0.01%, of people worldwide have to open a PC's IP address or port to run their programs.



My daughter's hand-me-down PC naturally had shabby memory and disk, so I attempted various modifications to bring it up to a level suitable for my use.


Adding a 500GB SSD was quick and easy, but the memory expansion failed.


Make a note of the memory product number, referring to the web and YouTube,


To the Amazon, I 


ordered 32 GB memory, found it did not work, returned it, and,


ordered 16 GB memory, found it did not work, returned it, and,


ordered 8 GB memory, found it did not work, returned it, and,


ordered 4 GB memory, found it did not work, returned it, and,


And, well, I finally gave up on memory expansion.



I wish for a memory slot that didn't work for additional memory, but I had to repeat the order, delivery, and return process to Amazon four times daily.


Every day, the delivery company's people who came to pick up the returns were not happy on the third day. It can't be helped.


Amazon has been beneficial in responding to products that do not work without complaint.



Initially, we had hoped to run it with 32 GB of memory as one of the machines to run simulations that would require several hours, but that ambition was crushed.


Well, I also think what I am thinking of being so bold with the given laptop.


So this unbalanced machine, with 4GB of standard memory and a 500GB SSD, is currently used as a PC for university lectures and as a backup machine for research databases and documents.


Programs and data for research are spread across three machines and kept in working order.


Because, empirically, just missing data takes considerable time to restore, there is no guarantee that the restore will succeed.


'Backup' is not enough. I need to go as far as "cloning and keeping it online" to have peace of mind finally.



I understand the principles of viruses but would like to make my own Ransomware.


I can't understand it unless I make it myself (I've also made Bitcoin myself before using OSS (named Evacoin)).


There is no 'perfect' security response, including Ransomware.

人間の世界のウィルスも、コンピュータの世界のウィルスも、基本は、規則正しい生活(運用)と、予防(セキュリティ対応)しか手はありませんが ―― それでもやられる時にはやられます。これは確率の問題です。

For both viruses in the human world and computer world, the only basic measures are regular life (operation) and prevention (security measures) - but even so, sometimes you will still get hit. This is a matter of probability.


We are afraid of unidentifiable things.


So, I have created and tried my computer viruses, Bitcoin, and neural networks; if they are simple enough,


I am proud to say that I have studied both generated AI, influenza, and the new coronavirus to the maximum limit I can and asked experts to understand them in my own way.


These things are 'scary,' but the more you can imagine how to deal with them, the less scary they are.


In that sense, it is still 'ransomware, too, I want to create and understand on my own'.


それ以外の方法として、すべてのPC(ノートPCを含み)が、常にクローンによるホットスタンバイの二重系システムとして販売するとか ――  あ、だめだ。

Otherwise, all PCs (including laptops) could be sold as a dual system with a hot standby system with clones at all times -- oh, no.


If the Ransomware is a delayed activation type (incubation period of a week or a month later), both systems will be infected, which makes no sense.


The only way to live without fear of Ransomware is to 'not use any computer systems'.



I do not forgive those who have used this Tokyo gubernatorial election as a medium for vapid advertising, the display of pornographic photos, and the posting of resale notices.

しかし、by nameでは、批判しないようにしています。

However, "by the name," I try not to criticize them.


I know very well who, against human nature, used loopholes in the law (the Weimar Constitution) to seize power, then legally established a dictatorship and murdered his people and those of neighboring countries by the millions (as an administrative process under national law).


The historical fact that these 'immoral, insane, and unpleasant people can seize power' can be found in abundance if you watch NHK specials and the like.

----- 今回、うかつにby nameで批判して、権力を奪取された後に、やつらに絶滅収容所に送り込まれたら、シャレになりません。

----- If I carelessly criticize them by name this time, and they send me to an extermination camp after they seize power, it would be a disaster.


These and other things make NHK's content educational.



I'm always busy, but for the last two years, I have been able to watch TV only between meal times.


I, therefore, have to be selective about the programs I watch.


Therefore, I must be biased towards NHK General or NHK-BS programs (recordings).


Of course, I like variety and stuff (I'm not interested in sports), but I blog daily, so I need stories.


In such cases, the material provided by NHK's programs is still very lively and very helpful.




If someone asked me, "Are NHK's news sources free from bias?" they are.


If there is such a thing as an unbiased news source, I would love to know about it.



I also write columns, so double-checking news sources is a normal part of my job.


In the course of this work, the tendency of NHK news to be biased (depending on the case) is (for me) currently acceptable.



NHK Radio English has been a constant companion since I was in junior high school, and I always set my radio to the NHK channel in case of an earthquake.


Even in recent memory, I remember switching on three times immediately after I felt the earthquake and heard the latest breaking news.


Without a doubt, I would say that I am an active user of NHK broadcasts.



'I think people who pay NHK fees are idiots,' someone writes in the Election Gazette.


I see. I'm an idiot.


Well, it's OK, but I'm an idiot.

でも、不思議なくらい、腹が立たないんですよね ―― この人たちに言われても。

But strangely enough, I don't get angry -- even when these people tell me.



When I was younger, I was involved in the campaign for the non-payment of NHK subscription fees, so I am probably more familiar with the logic of 'NHK subscription fee payment' than these people. If I could talk about it in terms of numbers, I am confident that I would never lose.


So I genuinely believe that 'those campaigning for non-payment of NHK subscription fees should continue their campaign based on their beliefs.'

NHKの受信料に不平を感じている人は、闘うべきでしょう ―― というか『闘え』。

People complaining about NHK's subscription fees should fight - or rather 'fight.'


Now, I pay NHK's subscription fees based on the principle of beneficiary-pays.


If you look at it another way, I am an unjust beneficiary who unfairly takes money from you, the people fighting against NHK non-payment.

私は、NHKと併わせて攻撃される対象です ―― ですので、『一体、お前ら、何やってんだ?』って、首をかしげたくなります。

I'm the target of an attack in conjunction with NHK - so I'm like, 'What the hell are you guys doing?' I want to shake my head and say, 'What the hell are you doing?


私にとって、NHKは、NetFlix, Amazonと同列のコンテンツプロバイダ + α((1)ファクトチェック装置 + (2)語学学習装置 + (3)ブログネタ元 + (4)災害対策インフラ)です。

For me, NHK is a content provider in the same league as NetFlix, Amazon + α ((1) fact-checking device + (2) language learning device + (3) blog source + (4) disaster response infrastructure).


The loss of NHK, especially as a disaster preparedness infrastructure, is tremendously frightening. In this sense, NHK can be seen as a tyrant monopolizing the people's lifeline in times of disaster.


So, if a non-NHK, direct-to-government broadcasting organization operates as an alternative disaster response infrastructure to NHK, I am OK with that.

ただ、権力御用達メディアが、どういう態様になるかは ―― 旧東ドイツや、現在なら、ロシアとか中国(特に香港)見てれば、明らかだと思うんですけどね。

But I think it's clear what the attitude of the power media will be - if you look at the former East Germany or if you look at Russia and China (especially Hong Kong) at present.


『NHKに受信料を払っている人は馬鹿だと思います』より、『NHK以外の、災害対応放送インフラの設立』という方が、私にはヒットするんですが ――

'Establishment of a disaster response broadcasting infrastructure other than NHK' hits me more than 'I think people who pay NHK fees are idiots' -- however, 

でも、まあ、by nameの個人攻撃は止めておきます。

Well, I'll stop the by-name personal attacks.


Because I don't want to go to an extermination camp.

―― NHK(地上波)だけが表示されない



I have two daughters.


They both completed (and planned to complete) private secondary school, high school, and university and have reached adulthood.


I haven't made an income and expenditure account for education because I'm afraid to do maths, but if I did, I'm sure there would be a "sigh" or a "scream."


Nevertheless, through hard work and luck, these women have achieved a degree of academic achievement and education that invokes the 'signaling theory' to the public.


(At least it's a much brighter and shinier 'signal' than my wife and I.)

ですので、費用対効果としては「黒字」であると信じています ―― というか「そう思い込む」ようにしています。

So, we believe we are "in the black" regarding cost-effectiveness - or rather, we try to "assume" so.


At least they are 'in the black' as they seem to have enough intelligence to (sometimes) debunk me.


I say, 'It is in the black,' so it is 'in black.'


Well, let's leave it at that.



As is the case with all schools, a 'donation' request form is provided at the time of payment of the enrolment fee. Moreover, the amount is unreasonable, such as '300,000 yen per unit'.


(I think I wrote this story somewhere but couldn't find it).


When my wife asked me for advice, I said, 'Leave that to the families who can afford to donate. My family can't afford it,' and I kicked that.


Donations are tax-exempt, and families who can afford them can use them as a tax-saving measure for families who can afford them.


In my case, I thought that if my daughters were mistreated during their time at the school because of donations, I would 'write a column about it' (and destroy the school's donation system itself).


Fortunately, my daughters did not encounter any 'donation discrimination' (or maybe they didn't notice it).



But it seems that 'donation discrimination' does exist and is being blatantly operated (which, incidentally, the university authorities deny).


'Endowment discrimination,' or rather 'endowment preferences,' is not suited to Japanese soil, but it operates as a matter of course in US and UK universities.


The Arab kingdoms, or our imperial family, would also be subject to this.


ともあれ、寄付は余裕のある人が行うものであり、それによって、誰に対してもいかなる利益も不利益も発生させない ―― これは、当たり前のことなのですが、「自分の子どもの不利益」を考えると、心配になる保護者もいるだろう、と思います。

Anyway, donations are made by those who can afford them and do not create any benefit or disadvantage to anyone by doing so -- this is a given. Still, some parents may be concerned about the 'disadvantage to their child,' and I think.


'No, it doesn't sound like it,' my wife told me last night.


I asked my wife's friends, and they told me there were quite a few parents who, like our family, had taken the 'Nothing comes from nothing.' approach.


Well, of course, it is.


The average family's finances are in shambles with education, exams, and enrolment fees. There is not a penny of room for 'donations' here.


However, if I had been given a life expectancy diagnosis and there was still money left over after converting the cost of my remaining time, I would not hesitate to donate it to the school where my daughter was taken care of.




□ I plan to donate part of my estate in the future


Many people would comply if they put a tick box on the box.


School authorities that want immediate money will not be too happy, though.





I am aware that the way I do my job is poor.

そのヘタクソの一つには、―― 自分の仕事を褒めてくらたり、誰かが喜んでくれたり、「助かった」とか言ってくれると、自分で決めたノルマを越えて頑張ってしまうことがあります(で、体と心のいずれか、または両方を壊す、と)

One of the things that makes me poor at this is that - if I get praised for my work, or if someone is happy with me or says that I helped them, I may work harder than my self-imposed quota (and break either or both my body and mind)


Well, in short, I am naive.


So, if you want to use me to my full potential and beyond, the way to do it is simple.


It is simply a matter of 'keep me feeling good.'



However, I think many naive people like me are in the world.


I am equally skilled in moving naive people because I understand my naivety.


Serious praise, solemn joy, and verbal 'thank you for helping me.'


The important part is 'seriously'. If you don't mean it, you shouldn't say it. For some reason, followers who are not 'serious' will be found out.

なんで、それがバレると分かるのか ―― チョロイ私(江端)は、チョロイがゆえに、「本気」と「追従」を簡単に見分ける能力もあるからです。

How do they know when it's exposed? I (Ebata) am naive and can easily distinguish between 'serious' and 'follow-up' because of my naivety.


Well, some people may not have the ability to identify them.

そういう人は、騙されやすいと思います ―― 宗教とか、詐欺とか、マインドコントロールとか。

I think people like that are gullible - to religion, fraud, and mind control.


『相互にもっと褒めあえば、社会はより安定して発展していくのに』 ―― と、長い間、私は思っていたのですが、先日、上司から紹介された本を読んで、かなり驚きました。

'If we praised each other more, society would be more stable and developed' - for a long time, I thought, but I was pretty surprised the other day when I read a book introduced to me by my boss.


Here, without 'praise/no praise,' but in the paradigm of 'high context/low context,' but, well, to sum it up in a nutshell.

―― 私たちは、互いに異星人

"We are aliens to each other."



'Japanese means of mutual understanding do not work in the world. Common sense in one's own country is valid only in one's own country. They do not apply to people in other countries, and the effort is futile.'


This book made me clear about the above.


This book has made me realise that all the times I have been 'angry' in my work with foreigners have been a complete waste of time, and that 'I have wasted a huge amount of time, in anger'.



Just as citizens of different nations cannot understand each other, we as individuals can 'try' to understand each other, but we cannot reach mutual understanding.


We are all individuals, no matter how far we go, and although we can strive to transcend our individuality, we cannot escape being individuals.


And, well, if you can open up that much, you will feel better.

江端さんのひとりごと 「壁」


この本を、これからの社会人生活で、毎日、腹を立てながら行きていくことなるであろう次女に紹介しようかと思ったのですが ―― 止めておくことにしました。

I thought about introducing this book to my second daughter, who will be going through her working life angry every day - but I decided not to.


I thought that only after I had spent a series of "days of rage," failing with others, working with foreigners, and failing, as I did, would I be able to understand what the book was talking about.


So, I don't think I "should have read this book earlier."


I have continued to fail spectacularly in the work of several multinational teams.


The book moves me because it is now that I can look back on my past.



As far as I can remember, Dragon Ball was the first manga comic to introduce the concept of "numerical values" for character strength.


I only read the first episode, but I didn't like the idea of putting a "numerical value" on a character's abilities there, so I just stopped reading.


Yes, I understand.


■ I've been doing a lot of numerical simulations,


■ Deviation is the fairest measuring device ever created by humanity.


I have been saying this for a long time. So it is only natural that there will be criticism, "What are you talking about?


The fact that 'Dragon Ball' is read worldwide (probably with a circulation rivaling that of the Bible) makes it clear that my thinking is out of step with the rest of the world.


Besides, this 'quantification of abilities' makes it almost impossible to find content in the recently fashionable worldly fantasy' that does not quantify abilities.

―― 偏差値主義を批判するのに、異世界ファンタジーの能力比較に数値を用いるのは、いいのか?

"Is it okay to use numbers to compare abilities otherworldly fantasy to criticize deviationism?"


I am wondering it.


It seems somewhat distorted that "F-rank" and "A-rank" are used for adventurers in other worlds without any problems but are criticized when spoken of in terms of university pass rates or company rank.



(1) There was previously a significant problem when job application websites were found to be automatically filtering by university of origin.


(2) There was also a situation in which a medical school was found to have unfairly manipulated the passing scores of female candidates, which put the university's survival in jeopardy.

# 真偽は分かりませんが、不当な操作をしないと合格者の大半が女性になる、という話を聞いたことがあります。『学力試験においては、女性の方が優秀である』というのは、私のこれまでの人生経験と合致しています。

# I have heard, although I do not know if it is true, that 'without unfair manipulation, the majority of successful candidates would be women.' 'Women are better in academic exams,' which aligns with my life experience.


Anyway, these criticisms are justified in (1) and (2) above.


Because our country has made it a national policy to ensure complete impartiality in determining pass/fail on a one-shot test only, with complete disregard for other circumstances (economic strength, experience, potential, connections, etc.).


Of course, we do not know if this is 'true fairness.'


However, this bloodless and outrageous 'fairness' is elementary to understand, easy to accept, and cheap to operate.


Aside from that.



As for "requests that only A-rank adventurers can accept," one sometimes wonders if this is "unfair" to the guild's operation, but this may be unavoidable due to the story structure, where "F-rank adventurers play an unexpected role in the story."

ただ、これを「不公平だ!」と叫んで炎上したという事例は、私は知りません ―― 1人くらいは、そういう変なヤツがいても良さそうだ、とは思うのです。

But I don't know of any cases where people have flared up shouting, "This is unfair!" - I think there should be at least one weirdo like that.


Also, there's content titled "X inferior students" or something like that,

―― なに言ってやがる。あいつら全部、国家レベルのエリートだろう

"What are you talking about? They're all national elites."


I think.

実力のあるエリートが、大衆の正義を掲げて、悪の組織を簡単に倒しまくるコンテンツは ―― まあ面白いのですが ―― 同時に不快感もあります。

Content in which a competent elite easily defeats an evil organization with the righteousness of the masses is -- well, interesting -- but at the same time offensive.


'After all, we lowly ones live under the protection of the elite, don't we?


I think, for example, that if you're going to call yourself an 'X inferior student,' you should behave accordingly.