Our heating system is basically gas or oil fan heaters.
However, there is one analog oil heater.

アナログ、とは、いわゆるコンセントのない、自立起動・運用ストーブであり ―― まあ、普通のストーブで、普段は全く使っていません。
Analog, is what is called an unplugged, self-starting and operating stove -- well, a normal stove, but we usually don't use it at all.
During the Great East Japan Earthquake (March 11, 2011), there was a massive blackout and rolling blackouts.
In addition, given the current domestic energy supply situation, I believe that "several to a dozen days of power outages" will occur in the near future.
So, the other day, I conducted a combustion experiment on this stove, and I was able to confirm that the stove was up and operational, without incident, however,
―― 火力が弱すぎる
-- Too little firepower.
- The water in the kettle on the stove does not boil.
- The effect of "convective heat" does not occur and the living room temperature does not rise.
- What I do my best is to get "radiant heat" by approaching the stove and holding my hand directly over it.
I am honestly stunned by the results.
When I was in elementary school, this was the only type of stove available, and I used the same type of stove in my college boarding house.
I remember the first time I experienced an oil fan heater, the room temperature rose so quickly that I thought, "Is it magic?"
Conversely, I seem to be consuming integer times more energy for comfort than we did back then.
On the other hand, however, it seems that the sensors and computers built into the oil fan heaters are holding back unnecessary energy consumption, and I have not been able to make an accurate comparison.
This is because in this combustion experiment, "the rate of oil consumption of the analog oil heater seemed to be faster than that of the oil fan heater.
Anyway, I am relieved that the "preparation of analog stoves for power outages" was complete in our home.
I could get a good prospect of 'When the blackout hits, the family will gather in front of the stove to keep warm'