

Now, I can understand the meaning of folowing phrase.


The ride proposal support device of the present invention that solves the above-mentioned problem comprises: a memory unit that retains information on an on-demand vehicle allocation plan and information on candidate users of said on-demand vehicle; a process for identifying a vacant seat section in said on-demand vehicle based on said allocation plan at the time of detection when a ride reservation is detected from a user for said on-demand vehicle; a process for identifying a ride reservation in which said available seat section is a desired ride section at said time based on said vacant seat section; and a process for identifying a ride reservation in which said available seat section is a desired ride section. The process of identifying a vacant section of the on-demand vehicle, identifying a rideable section of the on-demand vehicle based on the vacant section, identifying a rideable section of the on-demand vehicle at the time of the detection, and identifying the rideable section again each time a reservation is made thereafter with the rideable section as the desired section of the on-demand vehicle, wherein the travel demand is estimated for the rideable section. The system is characterized in that it is equipped with a processing unit that identifies a user to whom a ride proposal is made based on the candidate user information and that is estimated to have travel demand for said rideable section, and a processing unit that transmits ride proposal information regarding said rideable section to the terminal of said user to whom said ride proposal is made.

―― の意味が分かります。


After all, I wrote it by myself.


However, when I reread the above phrase while looking at the notice of reasons for refusal that comes from the examiner at the Japan Patent Office after the patent application has been filed and the request for examination has been submitted, the phrase will be changed a meaningless


"Message from the Universe"

のように、意味不明な内容となり、そして「過去の私」に対して憎悪の念が発生する ――

And I come to generate hatred the past me.


This is one aspect of the struggle to obtain patent rights.


今年のNHK大河ドラマ「鎌倉殿の13人」を見ながら ―― やはり私は、9月くらいから始めてものでったのではないか、と思ってしまうヤツです。

While watching this year's NHK historical drama "Kamakura-dono no 13nin" -- I am still that guy who thinks that I should have started watching it around September.


I've been watching this year's historical drama,

―― アガサクリスティの「そして誰もいなくなった」のオマージュ

"Homage to Agatha Christie's 'And Then There Were None'"


I thought that.



However, in a special NHK program this year, the problem-solving methods (solutions) of the Kamakura samurai were

Step.1 話し合い → 決裂

Step.1 Discussion → Breakdown

Step.2 テロ

Step.2 Terrorism


The explanation was that this is a violent system.


When I think about the fact that the samurai group was what we would now call an "anti-society (gang)" itself...


I am now deeply appreciating the happiness of being born in a democratic country with a complete rule of law system.



I suddenly retrieved the overall distance of the N-BOX so far from the HONDA portal site and found it to be 27,250 km.


It is roughly 3/4 of the distance around the entire circumference of the earth.


Basically, I only use the car to go back and forth between the train station or Supermarket and my home, but even so, it is still 1.5 round trips to and from Colorado, USA.


However, I believe that this kind of "totalitarian" view of things has its merits and demerits.



For example,

(1)自分を毎日1%高めることができれば、一年後の自分は、(1+0.01)^365 = 37.8 と、今の自分の38倍になっている、という話

(1) If I can improve myself by 1% every day, one year from now I will be (1+0.01)^365 = 37.8, or 38 times what I am now.


(2) I just wasted one sheet of paper a day. However, if all the people in the country implemented this, one billion sheets of paper per day would be wasted(*).


(*) This seems to be a phrase often used by students in their self-criticism during the Chinese Cultural Revolution.


(3) If Japanese TVs were unplugged, the savings in standby power alone would be enough to shut down all the power plants in Shikoku.


I think these are the equivalent.



As for (1) above, I think "1%" is used to mean "small", but many of us do not have that "1%.


Edison is said, "Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% effort," which is what he meant (we are mediocre).


On the other hand, considering (3) above, the "power-saving request" issued by the government now seems to be quite effective.


Aside from that.



Now, the next year, 2023, will be the year that I predicted as early as 2014 that this would be the year that Japan's electricity use would begin to decline.


Due to the prior shutdown of facilities by electric power companies in conjunction with deregulation of the electric power industry and the shutdown of nuclear power plants, it is clear that there is no "electricity surplus" at this time.


However, what the actual "power usage fee" is is another matter.

ちょっと調べたところ、すでに「日本は10年で消費電力量が12%減少」という記事もあるようですが ――

After a little research, I found that there is already an article that says "Japan's electricity consumption has decreased by 12% in 10 years" -- but -- I'm not sure what it means.


In any case, next year, I will do a proper data reading and objectively summarize my predictions from 9 years ago.



I changed my normal tires to snow tires today because I feel that snow is about to arrive.


Perhaps because I have already done the process close to 10 times, I am now able to finish the process in about 30 minutes.



―― 慣れてきたころに、事故が起こる

"Just when I am getting used to it, an accident happens"


I have learned this through many painful experiences. Therefore, I paid particular attention to my "waist" and "fingers.

『DIYのタイヤ交換で、5000円くらいの節約になっている』という気持ちで、これまでは盛り上っていたのですが ――

I've been getting excited with the feeling of 'I'm saving about $5,000 on a DIY tire change'


Lately, I feel that the work has become obligatory and the elation that I felt in the beginning has dropped.



The audio output (from earphones) of my newly purchased PC is indistinct (i.e., only the singer's voice sounds filtered and distorted).


When I contacted the manufacturer, they suggested "total driver replacement (all installation)".



―― それだけは嫌

"I'd like to avoid that"



These large-scale driver replacements have a fairly high probability of causing system crashes.


These problems have cost me a considerable amount of time in my life.


I would have to start all over again with PC setup, Office, IED (VSCode), Go language, MindManager, etc. I shudder just thinking about it.


I can't take this kind of risk for something as trivial as not being able to watch Youtube.



I have an extra USB port, so I will purchase this device to avoid the problem.


This form of thinking is called "conservatism".


Or, "opportunism".



"5 Centimeters per Second" is a masterpiece by director Makoto Shinkai.


The catchphrase is "The Speed of Cherry Petals Falling Down."



But for me, as a senior, "5 Centimeters per Second" is

―― ぎっくり腰になった私が、トイレに向かう速度

"The speed at which I, having suffered an upset back, head for the restroom"


# 今、検証シミュレーションをやってみたのですが、もっと低速みたいです(秒速1センチメートル前後)。

# I just ran a verification simulation and it seems to be much slower (around 1 centimeter per second


Note that this speed calculation does not include the time between arrival at the restroom and removal of clothing and seating on the toilet seat (which further reduces the speed).


いずれ、あなたにも分かることになります ―― あの息もできなくなる激痛が。

Eventually, you will know -- that intense pain that makes you unable to breathe.



This is a continuation of yesterday's story.


I am wrestling with a stack of papers these days, and to be honest, I am quite angry.

―― なんでお前ら、言葉だけで説明しようとするんだ

"Why do you guys try to explain with just words?"



I went to the trouble of making this diagram myself to illustrate "someone else's paper".


I think, 'This is the figure you (the authors) would make in the first place.'


To me, it looks like "the author is making no effort to approach the reader, leaving the reader's understanding of the paper out"



If you have been reading my columns, you may know that I cover an insane amount of my writing (over 50% of the paper) with charts and photos.


This year, I wrote a paper that I submitted in the form of a mostly spoken column.


I contributed my paper with the thought, "Even If rejected, I don't care," but thankfully, I received a paper award.

私的な見解ですが ―― 現在のアカデミズムに決定的に欠けているのは『思いやり』なんじゃないかなぁ、と思うのです。

In my opinion -- I think that what is definitely lacking in academia today is "compassion".



This is a cheat sheet for an English presentation by an engineer who doesn't love English.

私、思うんですが ―― 日本人の多くが、英語を使って戦う時って、こんな感じじゃないかな、と思うんです。

I think -- this is a typical style when we Japanese fight using English.


That means,

―― 格好なんぞつけている場合か

"Don't be cool "




It snowed in my city last night, but not heavily.


I didn't know that it was a big ski resort in the backwoods nearby (about 15 minutes away) , so I decided to going that.


I took the ski bus, which was going up an icy slope with an incline of 30 degrees, and I was so surprised that I asked the bus driver, "Are you okay?"


"I don't know what you're talking about"


Tomizawa-san, the driver of the car, of the manzai group of Sandwich Man, responded.

そして、バスが到着して、いよいよ、スキーゲレンデが見えてくる ―― と、思ったその瞬間、

And then the bus arrived, and finally, the ski slopes came into view -- at the moment,


I woke up to my wife's call, "10 minutes later, my darling".



I was supposed to drive to the station today for my wife, who was going on a two-day/one-night hot spring trip with my senior daughter.


While driving the car,


Ebata: "At least... at least I wanted to catch a glimpse of the slopes!"


When I was giggling and grumbling and resentful,


Wife: "Why don't you go home and sleep again?"


She said that.


I had to attend a remote meeting as soon as I got home.



I am still dizzyingly busy with reports and presentations, so a trip to a hot spring is out of the question.

しかし、内心では「雪の温泉」を羨ましがっていたのかもしれません ―― 奇妙な夢を見てしまうほどに。

However, inwardly, I may have envied the "snowy hot springs" so much that I had strange dreams.



Many people are taking programming as a side job these days.


And some of them are earning income on the side.


If so, I think my future (retirement) will be rosy.


Compared to a beginning student, the learning time should probably be as close to zero as possible.



―― なんで、こんなに不安なんだろう?

-- Why am I so worried?



I believe that people are sometimes indifferent about the weapons they have.


However, when it comes to programming, it is possible that the public's understanding of programming is low.


In fact, the program is one of the most difficult intangible assets to value



I have been releasing unlimited number of programs to those who have asked me to show them, but

―― 江端のコードを利用して、別のプログラムを作った

"I used Ebata's code to create another program"


I don't know of anyone to try it at all.


And I myself can only count the number of instances in which I have applied other people's programs to my own.


I've talked about this many times.

―― 人のプログラムを読むことは、他人の人体を切り開いて、脳味噌や内蔵を覗きこむような不快感がある

"Reading a person's program is as uncomfortable as cutting open another person's human body and peering into their brains and guts"


I believe this 'weirdness' is one of the reasons why the programs that have been released to the public