

In the latter half of last week, I spent several days attending conferences that were held late at night (ending at 3:00 a.m.), which completely threw off the rhythm of my life.


In addition, I spent the weekend writing for more than 12 hours a day to meet the deadline for my column.


However, over the weekend, the fatigue was so great that my writing had to be interrupted several times.


Then, as an insomniac, I would find myself in a vicious cycle that would accelerate my insomnia even further.


Last night, I took a sleeping pill (not stabilizer) for the first time in a long time, thinking "if I can get a deep sleep, I might be able to get rid of my fatigue," and I was able to get a sleep that felt like I was sinking into complete darkness.

―― 今朝、目が覚めた時、体の中に隠れていた疲労が、体の外側に全部出てきた

"When I woke up this morning, all the fatigue that had been hiding inside my body came out on the outside of my body."


I couldn't get up from the futon anymore.


I'm finally writing this diary after about an hour of moving my body little by little, wondering if this is what recovery from "cold sleep" looks like in science fiction.


(Source: "Goodbye Jupiter")



I think "I've always been able to handle this level of hard works", however, I was reminded of an old saying.


"I don't want to grow old."




I've avoided using the camera for remote meetings, but now I'm being asked to use it for conferences, award ceremonies, and other events.


Well, being able to see the speaker's facial expression is useful for remote meetings, but there is the problem of "being able to see into the room".

もっとも、Zoomであれ、Teamsであれ、Skypeであれ、背景画面を指定する機能はありますので、自分で好きな画面を選べば足りますが ――

However, whether you are using Zoom, Teams, or Skype, you have the ability to specify the background screen, so you can choose the screen you want.


I believe that one's personal preferences can be read by the way one chooses to use this screen.

例えば、予算会議に、ワイキキビーチ(の背景画面)で参加したりすると、『この人、来期の予算、いらないのかな?』と思われるとか ――

For example, if you attend a budget meeting with Waikiki Beach in the background, people will think, "Doesn't this person need a budget for next year?" or something like that.


I'm afraid I'm going to have to think about those unwanted things.



In my case, I use "background blur" for my cumbersome room.


It's too much trouble to think about the background.


However, the other day, I couldn't set up this background screen properly and had to show my room in front of more than 100 people.


Well, I'm thinking that no one probably felt uncomfortable just because they were shown my room in "the way I live".



I have learned a lot from doctors in the field, and I publish their content in my column.


These columns have been written after much thought and deliberation on my part.


Therefore, I think that I am "100% responsible" for the content.


If someone is hurt by the content of my column, I will certainly pay for it to the extent that I am comfortable with it, and if I am not comfortable with it, to the extent that the judiciary orders it.



I "support" the new COVID-19 vaccination based on the scope and risks I have thought and through.


I believe that I am fully accountable for my actions.

今のところ、私は、新型コロナワクチン接種について「拒否」している人との間で、論争もしていませんし、トラブルも起こしていません ―― 多分。

So far, I have not had any arguments or trouble with people who "refuse" to be vaccinated against the new coronas -- maybe.


To be honest, I'm relieved because I was prepared to be harassed in various ways.



Recently, however, we have been locking our doors more tightly and maintaining the surveillance camera system more frequently than usual.


The reason for this was because I read the following article.


The motive of the perpetrator is that he "broke into the facility of the Organization for Promotion of Regional Medical Functions (ORSF), an independent administrative institution (Minato-ku, Tokyo) chaired by the chairman of the government's subcommittee on countermeasures against new coronavirus infections, and smashed the glass at the entrance.

―― 会長が嫌い

"I hate the Chairman"


was the only reason for the perpetrator



Of course, I can have no sympathy for this criminal and I can criticize him for his poor behavior.


I don't care about the life of the guy who violated someone


However, when violence is committed, as a rule, the victim has only one choice: 'lose'.


This is because even if we can retaliate (compensate for damages), it is not a "win".


And I am absolutely certain that "I will be hated by someone".



People who fight with proper procedures are not so scary. This is because there are many ways to deal with them.


What scares me is people who ignore logic and attack only with emotion, as in this case. There is no way to deal with this.



This is why the Ebata family is currently focusing on counter-terrorism as well as domestic infection.


There's no point in thinking, 'What's the point of attacking a little thing like me?


Again, common sense doesn't work on people who don't understand common sense.



I don't like "overseas business trips" that use up huge amounts of energy and exhaustion.


From a cost-benefit perspective, it is not a very efficient form of business.


I have a sneaking suspicion that those who say they like to travel abroad are not doing their job properly. I have a bad feeling about them.


Aside from that.


The international conference I attended this time was of course a "virtual conference".


Of course, I am submitting a conference paper in anticipation of that (corona disaster).


In addition to the ease of not having to give a presentation in front of front-line researchers in the field, I also had the opportunity,

―― 質疑応答を、リアルタイムのチャット掲示版で行うことができる

"Question and answer session can be conducted in a real-time chat forum"


This is very significant.


After all, all I have to do is keep the translation engine standing by next to the Zoom screen.


The accuracy of modern translation engines is so high that I can respond in real time.


Thanks to this, I was able to ask questions about all the presentations, as far as my own session was concerned.

これは、私にとっては、未曾有の大成果と言えます ―― 誰も評価してくれないとしても、です。

This was an unprecedented achievement for me -- even if no one appreciated it.


In the first half of this year, I made two international conference submissions in a row.

This is a

―― コロナ禍を最大限に活用した、英語に愛されないエンジニアの姑息な戦略

"A sneaky strategy for engineers who don't love the English language, making the most of the Corona disaster"




In Japan, a nation unloved by the English language, the Corona disaster is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for engineers to earn their quota.


However, when I checked, I found that only two Japanese were participating in this conference.


As someone who knows the days when each maker company sent more than 10 young researchers to the IETF conference during the bubble period, I honestly can't believe it.


Well, I guess it depends on the theme, so maybe there were not many Japanese people at this conference by chance.


But even taking all that into account, Japan, as a country with a large number of engineers who don't love the English language, I think

―― 今、討って出なくて、いつ出ていくというのだ?

"If we don't strike now, when will we strike?"



If the world goes back to the way it was, it will be too late.


Needless to say, the corona disaster is a calamity that should be extinguished as soon as possible.


At the same time, however, the Corona disaster is the greatest advantage for "engineers who are not loved by English".



We must not miss this period.


I would like the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to propose a national strategy to "reinstate Japan as a technological powerhouse and revive its international competitiveness during the Corona disaster period.

もちろん、国内だけでなく、全世界から囂囂(ごうごう)の批難を浴びることは間違いありませんが、それでも ―― 「英語に愛されないエンジニア」の胸に刺さることだけは、保証します。

Of course, it will be loudly criticized not only in Japan, but also all over the world, but I guarantee you that it will stick in the hearts of "engineers who are not loved by English".


でも ―― もう手遅れかもしれません。

But -- it may be too late.


When I looked at where the attendees came from, I got the feeling that even North America, not to mention Japan, is in a "slump".

強いのは、東南アジア勢とヨーロッパ ―― そして、やはり「お隣の大陸」です。

Southeast Asian and Europe countries were the strongest -- and the nearby continent was still overwhelming.



(Continuation from yesterday)


After continuing to listen to the lecture from the previous day, the memory of the "engineer unloved by the English language" in me came back.

That is,

―― 質疑応答で大切なのは、コミュニケーションでない。ノリと勢いだ

"What is important in a question and answer session is not communication. It's the groove and momentum"



After the 15-minute presentation, the 5-minute question and answer period was coming.


The English questions from the administrator (chairperson) were relatively easy to understand, so I consumed a lot of time by blabbering on and on about more than the answers to the questions.


However, I could not understand any English from the contributors (other presenters) of the session.


The only thing I could understand was the term "dissatisfaction" in the title of my conference paper.

しかし、私は、ここから、『質問の内容を全部推測して』、『その推測をベースとしたストーリーを勝手に組みたてて』、ひたすらベラベラと喋り続けてきました ―― 文法無視の単語を並べるだけのフレーズを。

But from there, I "guessed all the questions," and "built a story based on that guess," and just kept blabbering on -- phrases that were just a bunch of words with no grammar.

私がしゃべり終えた時には、セッションの参加者の全員が「もう仕方ないなぁ」と苦笑いしている様子が見てとれて、アドミニストレータが、「もういいや」という顔をして、"Thank you, Tomoichi. Any question? O.K. Let go to the next presentation...."と、言っていました。

When I finished speaking, I could see that all the participants in the session were smiling wryly, saying, "It can't be helped now," and the administrator gave me a look that said, "That's enough. presentation....". And she said. and she said "Thank you, Tomoichi. Any question? O.K. Let go to the next presentation...."


"Where there is a will, there is a way" is not matter for me. "Where there is a matter, there is the matter" is correct.

5分間を凌ぐという「為る」で ―― 私の国際学会の発表は終わりました。

My presentation at the international conference ended with a "matter" of surpassing five minutes.



"I've acquired the rare ability to carry on a conversation without understanding what the other person is saying.


An engineer, unloved by English, has returned now.


EE Times Japanで編集担当をして頂いているMさんから、最近受けた連載提案の中に、

Ms. M, who is in charge of editing at EE Times Japan, recently proposed a series of articles,

I remember the title,

―― 「英語に愛されないエンジニア」の為の新行動論 「リターンズ」

"New behavioral theory for "engineers who are not loved by English" Returns"



米国赴任を終えて、20年間、徹底的に「英語からの逃走」と続けてきた筆者が ―― 今、再び、窮地に追い込まれる。

After being posted to the U.S., the author, who has been "running away from English" for 20 years, is now in a tight spot again.

いや、「書く」のはいいんだ。英語なんぞ、いくらでも書いてやる。英文の100ページだろうが、200ページだろうが、屁でもない ―― たとえ、嗤われたとしても。

『うっせいわ!それならそれで結構だ! 嗤って"Reject"しやがれ!!』って叫んでいました。

Well, "writing" is fine. I'll write as much English as I want. I don't care if it's 100 pages of English, more other 200 pages.


However, tomorrow, I have to take a 'presentation in English' and a 'question-and-answer session' among people who only speak English, and they are the leading researchers in the world.


Today, I was auditing another session.


There was an "audio signal and video stream" from Zoom that I couldn't understand at all.



I'm really hoping that the whole world will cancel tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will come.




The day after the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, my senior daughter came out of her room in the early afternoon, feeling dizzy.


I followed her down to the kitchen and asked her a lot of questions, and she 'scolded me'.


Afterwards, I was ordered to go to the supermarket to buy some additional fruit.


Today, she seems to be sleeping and waking up all day long.


She looks like a "full combo" too.



My senior daughter completed her second dose of the new corona vaccine today at the Self-Defense Forces Tokyo Large Scale Vaccination Center in Otemachi, and the entire Ebata family has completed its vaccination mission.


At this point, she seems to have "no" adverse reactions.


She said, "Sometimes I notice palpitations".


Well, I think the reactions will start tomorrow, and I have no intention of relaxing the Ebata family's measures against household infection.


Vaccination can only reduce the probability of infection or illness (especially severe illness), and low resistance to mutant strains is also a concern.


Still, I feel a bit "relieved".



I remember that when my wife and I were both getting our second dose of vaccinations, the woman sitting next to us was acting strange.


Her face was bright red, had a scared expression on her face, and she tightened her body, so I thought, "Anaphylaxis is coming?" I was about in a position to support her body.

However, I noticed, that

―― あれ? まだ接種されてないよね?

"Huh? She is not injected yet, isn't her?"



I don't know if the woman was afraid of the shots or the vaccination, however, she was terribly afraid.



Anaphylaxis can also be triggered by psychological factors.

今、「アナフィライキシー、心因」で、あるレポートにサーチをかけてみたら 44件中22件が「心因反応」と判断されていました。

I just did a search on one of the reports for "anaphylaxis" and "psychogenic" and found that 22 out of 44 reports were determined to be "psychogenic reactions".


I can't judge the whole case by this one, but I was surprised by the large number, 'still 50%'.



The mind and body are inseparable entities.

実際に心の病(拒食症等)で、若い女性が死に至る人数をパソコンで計算をした時に ―― 衝撃を受けたのを覚えています。

I remember being shocked when I actually calculated the number of young women dying from mental illness (anorexia, etc.) on my computer.


Anorexia is killing more young women than coronavirus (at the moment).


That aside.


―― ワクチン接種率を上げるためには「恐怖の払拭」が必要だ

-- "Dispelling fear" is needed to increase vaccination rates.


I came to confirm that this was the case.


But I also know that science and logic have a hard time competing with emotions like fear.


I'm thinking, "What can I do?



My columns are long.


However, "long" means a lot of research, a lot of calculations, a lot of diagrams, and a lot of writing.


And, I spend a lot of time using my brains and facing the computer for a long time.



―― 江端のコラムは、長いのがイイ!

"I love how long Ebata's columns are!"


I think it would be nice if one of them would comment that way, but I have yet to see such a comment.



I'm wondering if people who comment "more concise" would do so even if it's a romance novel.


I know there are many kinds of romance novels, but the framework of a story is basically like this.

(Step 1)出会う

(Step 1) They encounter

(Step 2)色々なトラブル/イベントが起きる

(Step 2) Various troubles/events occur.

(Step 3)別れる or 結ばれる

(Step 3) They break up or get together


Three lines. You can finish reading this in three seconds.


However, I don't know anyone who says that romance novels are "long".


Well, even if you think so, I think it is because we all know that it is "nonsense", "rude" and "vulgar" to claim so.


もっとも ―― 短く書かなければならないものは沢山あります。

There are many things that need to be written in short form.


Reports to be submitted to superiors and organizations must be written with as clear an argument as possible.


To begin with, the first thing that newcomers to the workforce are thoroughly trained in is how to write a concise report.


Especially in the case of engineers, a huge amount of time (about 2 years) is spent on thorough training (I think this probably hasn't changed).


If it is a research paper, you have to summarize the results of a 200+ page study into a few pages.


If it is a conference proceedings, it is two pages.

zip, tar, cab, 7z なんぞの圧縮アルゴリズムなんぞ、目ではありません。

Compression algorithms such as zip, tar, cab, 7z, and so on are nothing


Don't underestimate "sentence compression skills" of our "trained engineers"



So why are my columns so long?


The reason for this is clear.

―― 私には、書きたいこと/言いたいことが沢山あるからです

"Because I have so much to write/say"


Then, one might say, Ebata cannot criticize "the story of a principal of an elementary and middle school with no presentation skills," but this is an unfair criticism.


This is because I do not 'abuse children in any way,' such as keeping them standing up in the hot sun and making them collapse from anemia.


And I insist, 'If you don't want to read it, you have a 100% guaranteed right to stop in the middle.

しかも、EE Times Japanの編集部は、『江端のコラムの何ページ目で、読者が離れていくか』も、ちゃんと測定しているそうです。

Moreover, the editorial department of EE Times Japan also measures how many pages of Ebata's column a reader leaves.


This is why I have been trying to devise various ways to compose a "long column" (which I will keep as a "trade secret").


Anyway, I am very unhappy to be lumped in with the self-satisfied, boring, and unentertaining stories of incompetent school principals.



I am currently working on this month's column, using MindManager.



I'm in the middle of a "deadline crunch," and it's during these times that I'm unlucky enough to stumble upon interesting content.


Right now, I'm hooked on "Marginal Operation" by Yuri Shibamura, and it's slowly stealing away my precious time before the deadline.


(To be continued)


「ビュッフェ」「バイキング」―― 金額固定の食べ放題、というサービスが日本で始まったのは、所説ありますが、今から63年前の、1958年に、帝国ホテルで始まったらしいです。

"Buffets" and "buffets" - all-you-can-eat services with fixed prices - started in Japan 63 years ago, in 1958, at the Imperial Hotel in Japan.


In the past few years, as general-purpose IT service platforms have become cheaper, various "subscription" services have started to be linked to smartphones.


"Subsc" is an abbreviation for subscription, which simply means "a service where you pay for the period of time you receive the service".

Amazon Prime, NetFlixなどの映画、Amazon Music Unlimitedなどの音楽、最近は洋服のレンタル、家具のレンタル、ホテルチェーン、コミック・書籍、Officeスイート、カフェ、英会話教室、学習塾、宅配、布団、などなど、ぶっちゃけ「なんでもサブスク」という感じになってきています。

Amazon Prime, NetFlix and other movies, Amazon Music Unlimited and other music, clothing rentals, furniture rentals, hotel chains, comics and books, office suites, cafes, English conversation classes, cram schools, home delivery, futons, and so on.


このように、生活の基盤がITプラットフォーム ―― というか、スマホとPCに移行しているのは明かなのですが、

Thus, it's clear that the foundation of our lives is shifting to IT platforms -- or rather, to smartphones and PCs.


"Japan's Digital Competitiveness Ranks 27th, Weaknesses in Data Analysis and Human Resources"


Our country's digital competitiveness is being trounced by our neighbors, South Korea, Taiwan and China.


I'm reading this exhibitor's report right now, and I can summarize it in a nutshell,


"We have a world-class network environment, but our digital technology is in tatters"


This seems to be the case.

―― 私か? 悪いのは私たち、ITエンジニアなのか?

"Is it me? Is it us, the IT engineers, who are at fault?"


I am so upset.


Well, that aside.



I found something called "Viking" for bulky trash collection.

―― トラック載せ放題

"All-you-can-carry services on the truck"


I was impressed by the catchphrase, which was really easy to understand.