

―― 私たち姉弟は「『村上水軍』の末裔かもしれない」という大変眉唾な話

The other day, I told you that the Ebata family is a descendant of the Murakami navy, without any evidence or proof.


This story reminded me of when I was in elementary school.

―― 俺は、源氏の末裔だ

"I'm a descendant of the Minamoto clan"


There was a guy who was asserting himself in my class.


I remember that he went to school from the city housing and was not particularly good in his class, not particularly good at grades or sports, but just a noisy guy.


And that's when I thought...


"This family is basically stupid, including him"




"It's a pity that the Minamoto clan has fallen to descendants like you," (although he wasn't sure what "Minamoto" meant in his mind).




However, after listening to the story of the "Murakami navy" this time, my view has changed just a little bit (less than 1mm).

―― 私が、村上水軍の末裔なら、私は、まだまだ、がんばれるはずだ

"If I am a descendant of the Murakami navy, I can still do my best"


It's a really trivial story, with not even a chance of a single pico, but I think it gave me a bit of courage.



My father, when he was quite old, started his own woodworking company.


This time, I was shocked to learn from my sister that my father started his own business when he was the same age as me.


I am the son of a father who started his own business just before retirement and a mother who was a descendant of the Murakami navy. Why am I depressed here, nonetheless?"


I feel like I was given a (inexpressible) surge of courage.

# もちろん『いや、それ錯覚だからね』という内なる理性の声は、ちゃんと聞こえていますので、ご安心下さい。

# Of course, the voice of inner reason that says, 'No, that's just an illusion,' can be heard, so don't worry.


冒頭の「俺は、源氏の末裔だ」と主張していたあのバカは、ダメでゴミカスみたいな人間でしたが ――

That idiot at the beginning of the story who claimed to be a descendant of the Minamoto clan was a no-good, trashy human being, however,


Still, I think I understand now that 'whatever the truth of that phrase, it may have given him courage.



Yesterday, I finished the work I could do at the moment with the passing of my mother and came home.


There are still a lot of legal procedures to be completed, but for now, we are settled.

一連の葬儀に関することはともかく、姉と私が連携して、なおこれだけの手続と時間を要する、ということに ――

Aside from a series of funeral-related matters, my sister and I have been working together, and it still takes a lot of time and procedures.


Once again, I am exhausted by the tediousness of "post-mortem events".


I wonder if it would not be so easy to "finish the whole process in an instant with just one My Number card".


In fact, it seems that many people give up on inheritance and other procedures because of the hassle of these processes.


If the inheritance belongs to the national treasury, there are still many people who leave it as an empty house or vacant lot.



So, I did some research, and it seems that even if you abandon your estate, you will forever be responsible for the management of vacant land and houses, as long as there is no one to transfer them to.


In other words, it's like a spirit behind you that will haunt you (and your children) forever.


This seems to be quite a social problem.


However, if you think about it the other way around, if you just want a place to live, without any consideration for convenience or remodeling...

―― タダの土地つきの一戸建てなど、日本中どこにでも、ゴロゴロある

"There are plenty of free houses with land all over Japan"



On the other hand, you might even 'get a house with land' and even 'get a gratuity'.


When I have to be homeless in the city, the strategy of "a house in the country on welfare (or pension)" has come into scope (forget about the maintenance and management costs).



Back to the topic at hand.


Ebata: "Gathering evidence for inheritance and insurance seems like it could be a business in itself."


Sister: "That stuff has been around for a long time."


So I looked into it and found that it was the sole domain of lawyers, tax accountants, administrative scriveners, and banks and trust banks.


Well, that's true, isn't it? However, the price seems to be expensive.

今回、私たち姉弟は、経費削減をしたくて動いた訳ではなく、また、始める前に大体の作業量が見積ることができて、外注に出す手間の方が、逆に手続が面倒になる、という予感もあったからで ――

This time, my sisters and I didn't want to cut costs, but also because we could estimate the amount of work to be done before we started, and we had a hunch that outsourcing would be more trouble than it was worth.


Most importantly, I didn't have the option of letting someone else take the last cruise of my parents' life.



Last night and this morning, I had two companies come to my parents' house to give me an estimate for the removal of their belongings.


I'm not going to do anything until at least the 49th day memorial service is over, but I wanted to know the "scale" of the amount.


I had people from two different companies look at it, and the estimates were generally about the same.


I looked around to see if there was anything I could get.


-PC display




-Electric screwdriver


These were all things that I had brought in or purchased.


Incidentally, there were also some custom-made clothes left by my father.


However, the vendor assured me that none of the clothes would be traded. Only a few types of kimonos are traded for a small amount of money, they said to me.



However, as a former furniture maker, my father's tables, writing discs, cupboards, etc., are still very solid, even from my point of view.


A huge number of beddings and other items would be useful in places where they are needed (refugee camps, etc.), but there is no way to transport them (for the price of transport, you can buy new ones).


In short,

―― 遺品は、そのほとんどがゴミになる運命にある

"Most of the relics are destined to become garbage"




In the end, all that my father and mother left for us siblings was "memories".


However, we were able to share some worthwhile "memories".

『しんみり』というよりは、姉弟で『大爆笑』できる思い出というのは ―― これはこれで、"プライスレス"だと思うのです。

Rather than being "heartbroken," I think the memories of having a good laugh with my sister and brother are priceless.



The best part of this conversation with my sister about my father and mother was...

―― 私たち姉弟は「『村上水軍』の末裔かもしれない」という大変眉唾な話

" We may be the descendants of the "Murakami Navy", a very eyebrow-raising story"


村上水軍 ―― いいじゃないですか。

Murakami Suigun -- That's good, isn't it?


It is an independent and self-respecting fighting group that does not belong to the central power (the imperial family or the regent) and does not bow down to upstart powers (such as Oda Nobunaga).


This time, after talking with my sister, I've come to understand...


"Money is not the issue. Once we decide to fight, we will fight to the bitter end"


This seems to have been "the family style of the Ebatas".


I've done a lot of things in my life, but it seems that they are not my fault, but my "blood".



Today, my sister and I were working on a medical history tracking relay for my mother.


It was 10 years ago that my mother was admitted to a geriatric health care facility.


From there, I traced my mother's hospitalization history, visiting three different hospitals to find out more about her.


-Depressed skull fracture




-Sinusoidal failure syndrome, pacemaker installation




-Depressive cardiac insufficiency


-Cerebral infarction


-Expansion of gastrostomy


-Gallstones cholecystitis


-Femoral infarction sequelae


-Right elbow bruise


-Swallowing pneumonia


-Neurogenic bladder


-Exanthem subitum




-Chronic cardiac insufficiency additions


-Sinusoidal failure syndrome


-Swallowing pneumonia


-Death (January 10, 2022)



This is the history of my mother's severe pain for the past ten years.


None of this falls under the current judicial "death with dignity" decision.


In the first place, my mother was not declared to die with dignity, so it is absolutely impossible.


After she stopped communicating with us, I had no idea what she was thinking.



I would like to say one thing.

―― もうすぐ、あなたにも、この拷問が日々が始まる。そして、誰もが、そこから逃げることはできない

"Soon, the days of this torture will begin for you, too. And no one can escape from it"



In hindsight, it seems that my mother had two opportunities to stop this long torture from starting on her own.


One is "gastrostomy construction" and the other is "pacemaker installation.


These two things are the "wisdom" and at the same time the "curse" created by humanity.


Nevertheless, it was "my mother herself" who chose these two.

だから ―― もう、母のことはいいのです。

So - I don't need to worry about my mother anymore.



But don't forget.


If you are unable to communicate, you will not be able to exercise your "right to choose death" at all (at least in the current judicial system).


This is an absolute fact.


The only person who can save you is yourself, and the opportunity is frighteningly difficult to grasp.



We had done the same thing with my father, and now I am doing the relay of the removal of my mother's name from the register with her death.

母親の人生(の場所)を巡る旅 ―― お役所クルーズです。

A journey through the life (and place) of a mother -- The bureaucratic cruise.



I: "What am I doing this for?"


Sister: "It's to find our brothers and sisters we don't know."


In other words, if my father or mother has an "illegitimate child," that child will also have the right to be granted property.


If we don't "legally establish" that we don't have such a child, we won't be able to receive even the smallest amount of money in my mother's bank account!

正直 ―― 面倒くさい、と思います。

Honestly -- it's a hassle, I think.


There are times when I think, 'I don't need that money.

しかし、放置しておくと、それらの残金は国庫に回収されます ―― つまり、お国に召し上げられる、と。

However, if left unchecked, the remainder of the money will be collected by the treasury -- in other words, taken by the government.


It's perfectly fine if I don't get it, but it is absolutely unacceptable for the "state" to get it.



In my case, just by thinking about it, driving all over Japan and going through the process of applying for a copy of the registry in a local area doesn't seem so "painful" to me.



I just finished the whole funeral event and came home to realize it.


Now, my parents are displayed as a couple of posthumous portraits in my parents' home.


During the Corona disaster, I asked for a minimum number of people to be held, but I had to accept the request to 'see the faces of my mother at the end'.

まあ、そのお陰もありまして、母の出生の話や、それだけでなく、私の幼少期の性格 ―― というか『戦略』―― も色々と知ることができました。

Well, thanks to that, I was able to learn a lot about my mother's birth story, as well as my childhood personality -- or rather, my "strategy.



My mother was very strict with me and did not buy me what I wanted (toys, etc.).


And I heard that I was giving a presentation to my mother, 'rolling around on the floor and crying to get my demands through.


It was a final strategy against my mother.


On the other hand, I heard I was a quiet child who would not implement such a strategy on anyone.


I don't remember any of this story, but I must admit that it is an objective fact, since three people testified about it, while waiting at the crematorium.


しかし ―― 私は、問題解決の一つとして、

But -- one way to solve the problem is that a method of


"Arbitrarily exacerbate or inflame the problem to make it go away"



In other words, the solution I am using now has been cultivated by having a "virtual enemy", my mother.


I'm sure there are more than a few people who have been affected by this solution of mine.

―― それは、私の責任ではなく、母の責任である

"It's not my fault, but my mother's fault"


Today, I was convinced of it.



Last night, my mother suddenly passed away.


I took the first bullet train this morning, and today the funeral wake will start at 5:00 p.m., and the funeral will start at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow.


In the middle of the Corona disaster, we ask that you refrain from attending as much as possible and plan to hold a funeral service for a few people.


So, please understand that I may not be able to update my diary for a while.



From the end of the year to the New Year, I've been paying attention to my weight changes (especially the heavier ones), and I was relieved when I made it through the last day within the acceptable range.


However, for the past few days, I've been struggling with an inexplicable weight gain.


Once I tried to see if I could explain my weight gain with "transient phenomena" but at this time I failed spectacularly.

今回のケースが「7日間」という、超長期の遅延定数ではないだろう ―― と、思っています。

I am sure that this case is not a very long delay constant of "7 days" -- I am sure of that.


However, I think it is reasonable to say that my body has become accustomed to the amount of food I eat at the end of the year, and I am still overeating.


Well, these days, I'm hungry anyway.



I weigh myself once a day, targeting the time and place where I lose the most weight.


In order to do this, I have been working on various ways to get on the scale.


I went to the bathroom and took out everything I could.


Naturally, I was completely naked (except for my pants).


The first thing to do is to take the scales out into the hallway, let them cool down, reduce the sensitivity of the sensors.


I install the scales in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the wood on the floor.


When I get on the scale, bend over so that my center of gravity is outside the scale.


By counting backwards from the timing the scale gives me a definite value, I can generate a light single oscillating motion in my body to determine the lightest weight.


I have been fighting to "cheat the scales" every day by using various methods like that.


『そこまでするなら、体重計に乗らなければ良いのに』と嫁さんには言われていますが ――

My wife says to me, "If you're going to go that far, you shouldn't be on the scale".


As we all know, the "mental damage caused by the scale" is the most effective way to lose weight.

『仮にそうだとしても、"体重計を欺く"ことに意味はあるのか』と問われれば ―― 私は、こう思うのです。

If you ask me, "Even if that's the case, what's the point of cheating the scales?"


どんなに残忍な殺人事件を起こし、検察側、弁護側、双方が事実認定に齟齬がないとしても ――

No matter how brutal the murder, and no matter how consistent the prosecution, defense, and both sides are in finding the case--


A suspect in a murder case should be judged on the amount of sentence after the defense has exhausted all possible defenses.

特に「死刑判決」という極刑については、『もうこれ以上の弁護はできない』という、最大級の弁護の機会を与えられなけえればならない ――

Especially when it comes to the extreme penalty of the death sentence, we have to be given the maximum opportunity to defend ourselves, to say, like 'I can't defend myself any more'.



しかるに、「体重計」という裁判所が、「私の体重」という罪状を確定するのであれば ――

Therefore, if the court of "scales" establishes the charge of "my weight," then--


Every opportunity to defend "every effort to reduce weight (value)" should be exhausted.

―― と、私は信じているのです。

I believe that



I love Japanese animation, but I've never been called an "anime otaku" before.


When I talked to my second daughter about this reason, she said, 'Dad, I don't feel like you're crazy about anime.


Ebata: "That's not true. For example, I think that I am crazy for 'Steins;Gate' and 'Steins;Gate Zero'.


Daughter: "You are prominent in certain content. Moreover, the degree of 'love' that can be verbalized in 'logic' is not enough for an 'otaku'."


Apparently, the only way to get people to call me "Otaku.", that

自分の視点でのみで世界が完結し、そこに他者の思惑や常識は介在しない ―― というレベルの狂気が必要

"I need a level of insanity where the world is complete only from my point of view, and the thoughts and common sense of others do not intervene"


She said that,


If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be "ultimate subjectivity".


It seems that I have to have a "crazy love for twisting the laws of physics and even the theorems of mathematics" to get the title of "Otaku.


Aside from that.



In terms of my "objective love for anime", the starting point is "Space Battleship Yamato", and the next one would be "Urusei Yatsura".


The world of "Urusei Yatsura" is more than just a slapstick comedy, it was the first experience in my life that made me realize that no matter how hard I try, there is a talent that I will never reach.


It has now become my epithet.

―― 努力は、天才に勝てない

"Hard work is no match for genius"


This is the first example of my epithet.


Nowadays, it has been changed to 'Do you need to "beat the genius"?'


Anyway, "Urusei Yatsura" was one of the most important guideposts in my life.



I was surprised to hear that "Urusei Yatsura" will be adapted into a TV anime for the first time in about 36 years, since the TV anime that aired from 1981 to 1986.


The voice actor who will play this major role is...


"Morohoshi Ataru: Kamiya Hiroshi."



Indeed, I am convinced that only Mr. Kamiya is capable of taking on this major role in today's world of voice acting.


I'm sorry, but I don't know much about "Ram: Sumire Uesaka".


However, I was deeply moved by the beautiful voice of Fumi Hirano, the first Ram, when I found out that she was playing the role of Furuya (senior) in "Student Council Members".


Recently, I heard the voice of "Saeki (teacher)" in "Blue Period".

―― あのラムが、ここまで落ち着いた大人になって・・・

-- "Ram" has become such a calm, mature adult...


I was immersed in an emotion that I could not verbalize (and could not share with others).



I don't think I'm an "anime otaku," but there are some emotions in anime that I can only get from living long enough.



I used to work part-time delivering newspapers on a Suber Cub while preparing the exam. When I became a college student, my sister gave me a YAMAHA DT-125 (motocross bike).


Now, our senior daughter is addicted to motorcycles and has obtained a medium-sized license.


As a result of my wife's concern about accidents and my concern about the bike's thermal protection, my senior daughter has purchased a "big scooter" type and is riding it around on a daily basis.



The other day, when my senior daughter was using our family's car, my wife asked me to pick up my junior daughter from the station.


Ebata: "No car here"


Wife: "Why don't you two ride back on (senior daughter's) bike?"



People who don't ride motorcycles don't understand how 'reckless' this is.


First of all, riding a motorcycle that we do not ride on a regular basis is dangerous in itself, and two ride back on is even more dangerous.


"If you're willing to turn a family of four into a family of two in an instant, I'm willing to do it"


I told her, and she seemed to give up.


Motorcycles are not that dangerous if you follow the rules and use the correct procedures, but they still have a much higher injury and death rate than cars.

だから、街中で徒党を組んで爆音立てて珍走しているバカは ―― 『人類史上考えうる最低最悪のバカである』と断言できます。

That's why I can say that the idiots who are running around the streets in gangs and making noise are the worst idiots in the history of mankind.


That aside...



I was influenced by the TV anime "Super Cub", but lately, my enthusiasm for motorcycles has been growing.


However, my wife has asked me to stop until my second daughter graduates from college, so I'm going to be patient for a while longer.

―― これからの老後のことを考えると、バイクというのは、良い選択肢ではないかな?

"Isn't a motorcycle a good option for my future retirement?


Sometimes, I thought it.


I definitely think I will have mobility problems in the future and also develop dementia.

一方、私は、父や母から移動手段(自動車)を奪ってから、彼等のQoL(Quality of Life)の劇的な劣化も、よく覚えています。

On the other hand, I also remember well the dramatic deterioration of their QoL (Quality of Life) after my father and mother were robbed of their means of transportation (cars).


I believe that we have reached a social consensus that it is dangerous for the elderly to drive a car.


So I thought about

―― ならば、高齢者のバイク運転はどうだろうか?

"Then how about elderly people driving motorcycles?"




"Ebata. Aren't you a real idiot?" I can almost hear you saying.


If cars are dangerous, it stands to reason that motorcycles are even more dangerous.

私が、バイク事故で、私が死ぬのは ―― まあ、どうでもいいです。

It doesn't matter that I will die in a motorcycle accident.


However, I also think that 'the incidence of accidents that cause death to others by motorcycle is low for elderly people.


First of all, if you are riding a motorcycle, there is no way (structurally speaking) that you can mistakenly step on the gas pedal and brake.


If your dementia is advanced enough to cause the throttle to malfunction, you will not be able to ride a motorcycle first.


However, there is a risk of motorcycles crashing into buildings and pedestrians.

ですので、バイクで人に怪我をさせる可能性はあります ―― が、バイクが加害者として殺傷するほどのケースは、そんなにない、と、思っています(珍走しているバカを除けば)。

So, it is possible for a motorcycle to injure a person -- but I don't think there are that many cases where the motorcycle is the aggressor and kills or injures (except for the idiots on the road).


So, I did some research, but I haven't found any data on accidents caused by motorcycle assault (if you know of any, please let me know the URL).



Nevertheless, I do believe that a motorcycle driven by a rider who has lost cognitive function is quite scary.


Besides, there is no way to avoid a motorcycle that is going the wrong way. I would definitely hit the rider.


It would be awful if I were made to be the perpetrator of such an accident.


I think this would qualify as a "runaway old man," which is even worse than a running idiot.


So, this is a social trade-off (between the availability of transportation for the elderly and the occurrence of traffic accidents).


Further study is needed, however,

―― 高齢者にこそ、移動手段にバイクを

"Motorcycles as a means of transportation for the elderly"


I am hopeful that this paradigm may be one of the possible futures.



The main argument comes in.


Can anyone recommend a bike that gives me the same feeling as the "DT-125"?


Would you like to give you a picture of my riding on the bike I bought?


Who wants it?


Well no one would want it.