I wrote a column with a story called "The Emperor System is a Blockchain".
At that time, I did some research on Kojiki (Japanese mythology), which was quite interesting.
It's not bad to study Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism, but "Shinto" is also quite cool.
何がいいって『神社の見学が楽しくなる』―― この一言に尽きます。
The best thing about it is that it makes visiting the shrine fun.
If you know which deity is worshipped in this shrine, your sightseeing will be much more enjoyable.
And when you understand that, you can understand the history of the area.
To put it bluntly, it is very exciting to see the "regime side" and the "anti-regime side" or, to put it more bluntly, the "right side" or the "left side" or the "third force" centered on the emperor system -- however,
I may be the only one who sees the shrine that way.
The other day, I saw an advertisement in the newspaper for a hanging scroll of "Amaterasu".
It's easy to find them on Amazon.
On the other hand, the "Amaterasu" in my mind is a "naughty woman"
I think there is a certain need for this kind of hanging scroll.
Well, it's not a bad interior design, and above all, "Amaterasu" is the first block in the blockchain called the Emperor System.
NFT(Non-Fungible Token)の一番最初のブロックといっても良いかもしれません ―― そのオーナーは、今上の天皇陛下、でいいの・・・かな?
It may be the first block of NFT (Non-Fungible Token) -- its owner is the current emperor, is that right?
Well, that's aside.
I had an accident last night, blowing up my folder of English papers that I've been writing for the past few months.
This was right after I made major revisions on two papers last night.
I tried to recover it by any means possible, but the last backup was too old.
迫り来る投稿締切日、どこにもないマスターの原稿 ―― 完全にパニック状態でした。
The looming submission deadline, the master manuscript nowhere to be found -- I was in a complete panic.
I tried to back up the folder, but the system didn't recognize the folder, so I couldn't do anything about it.
However, tampering with the master file could have completely destroyed the file system to an unrecoverable level.
I was in a state of "bloodlust".
ですので、ググって、調べて、祈るような気持ちで、">chkdsk f: /f"を実施しました。
So I googled, researched, and prayed, and did ">chkdsk f: /f".
ファイルシステムが復旧した時 ―― 私は、ディスプレイの向こうに「神」を見ました。
When the file system confirmed the recovery -- I saw "God" across the display.
It was 5:30 this morning.
I thought I caught a glimpse of God's halo through the window.
So, although I have no plans to purchase the hanging scroll "Amaterasu",
「chkdsk f: /f」という掛け軸が販売されるのであれば、今、直ぐにでも購入する準備があります。
If the hanging scroll "chkdsk f: /f" is sold, I am ready to buy it right now.

Keyword: fsck