

I also draw illustrations (digi-e) to insert in my columns, but it is always very hard for me.


As I am not a talented artist, I have used other works as a reference.


Therefore, I have a hard time changing the gender and physique of a person, and even if I want to change the camera view (point of view), I can't handle it at all.


I truly envy those who have the talent to paint.



I was talking to my second daughter about this, however she said to me smoothly,

―― 『一ヶ月、きちんとデッサンの勉強すれば、誰だって描けるようになるよ』

"Anyone comes to draw if they study drawing properly for a month"



When I heard that, I was about to say


"That's the opinion of the gifted !"


However I noticed that it was me to say

―― 『一ヶ月、きちんとプログラムの勉強すれば、誰だってプログラミングできるようになるよ』

"Anyone comes to program if they study programming properly for a month.



And I seriously believe that.


In fact, most people who say they can't program have never written a line of code in their lives.


Therefore, I believe that anyone can program.



I, on the other hand, a person who has demonstrated the "counterexample" of

―― 『一年間、米国に滞在すれば、英語なんて簡単にしゃべれるようになるよ』

"If you stay in the U.S. for a year, you'll be able to speak English easily"



Furthermore, I was the one who made the story into a series of articles for two years.



Anyway, for my second daughter's saying,


"Anyone comes to draw if they study drawing properly for a month"


I was ready to give it some serious consideration.



I am an engineer who is not loved by the English, but I am forced to read vast amounts of English every day.

―― コンピュータに

by computers.



Once, when I was tuning the system at my wife's parents' house, my mother-in-law said to me, 'Well, it's great to read so many horizontal letters'

あ、そうか。これも英語といえば英語か ―― と、今さらながら気がつきました。

Oh, I see. I've just realized that this is also English.


But when engineers struggle with these messages from the computer, they am not 'reading' English.


They are 'observing' the word.



They don't need to read the English that comes up on the computer console.

"Error", "unexpected", "unknown", "irregular", "suspended", "failed", "not found", "expired", "serious", "warning", "overflowed", "invalid", "too long", "out of range", "occurred", "dropped".....

要するに、『上記の単語が出てくれば"失敗"』 ―― これだけ分かっていれば十分です。

In short, if they find any of the above words, they've failed -- that's all they need to know.



After all, "creating a system" means as same as


"They will just keep changing the way they do things over and over again until they don't see these messages anymore"




(Continuation from yesterday)


This is a reprint of a diary entry I made in the past.

===== ここから ======

===== from here ======


It is believed that the Fukushima nuclear accident was caused by an unexpected tsunami.


But I'd like to give it some thought.


Even if that "unexpected" is true, the tsunami did not directly damage the reactors.


The tsunami only incapacitated the backup diesel generator and its peripheral equipment.



So what if I recruited about 10 terrorists, trained them for about three years in sabotage, and then broke into the Fukushima nuclear power plant?


What if we used dynamite to bring down all the transmission towers, destroy the diesel generators, and then overpower the power plant with weapons and holed up all the people in the building as hostages?


Instead of waiting for the fuel rods to dissolve, why don't you threaten the staff with a gun and make them pull the fuel rods out of the central control room and leave them there?


Why don't I just kill a few hostages at a time, just enough for the police to see, and make sure no one gets into the nuclear power plant?


Of course, as terrorists, my fellow terrorists and I have no desire to save our own lives from the start.



Will the special forces be able to properly kill all of us terrorists, assuming civilian casualties, before the radioactive nuclear fuel gets out of hand?


It seems to me that "creating" another Fukushima nuclear accident is not that difficult.



Unfortunately, this idea is not my original, but I stole it from the last scene of "God's Fire" (written by Kaoru Takamura).


In this book, the protagonist and his friend, just two people, successfully attack a nuclear power plant on a winter night and open the lid of the reactor containment vessel.


Moreover, the meticulous planning was not at all unreasonable, even for the reader, and seemed feasible enough.


It seems to me that to prevent such a terrorist attack, a squad of armed men would have to be placed at every operating nuclear power plant in Japan.

===== ここまで ======

===== to here ======


And another thing.

===== ここから ======

===== from here ======


Let's try to make the story simpler, shall I?


What would happen if a neighboring country, which is not on good terms with our country, overstepped the bounds of "brinkmanship diplomacy" and launched a missile attack or air strike on all of Japan's nuclear reactors?


In a matter of seconds, the land and water will be contaminated with radiation, and the majority of the people will be exposed to radiation at the cost of their lives.


Many people may not know this, but in 1981, Israel actually bombed a nuclear power plant in Iraq (Operation Babylon).


When it comes to war, anything is possible.

===== ここまで ======

===== to here ======


Wife: "What happened at this 'Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power plant?"

江端:「超乱暴に、一言で言うのであれば、『原発の中央制御室に至るセンサが壊れていて、鍵がかかっていなくて、"テロリストさん、いらっしゃい" 状態であった、ということ」

Ebata: "If I had to put it in one sentence, it would be, 'The sensors leading to the central control room of the nuclear power plant were broken, the door was unlocked, and we were in a state of "welcome, terrorists.


Wife: "...lie"

江端:「もし、私が、単身、中央制御室への侵入を果たせたら ―― もちろん『不法侵入』だけど ―― 別の意味でヒーローになっていただろうな、と思う」

Ebata: "If I had been able to break into the central control room by myself -- 'trespassing,' of course -- I would have been a hero in a different way, I think.


I am shocked that so few people are shocked or outraged by this news.

"Fukushima 50"を見た人なら、電源設備を津波で水没させなくとも、人の手でダイナマイトで破壊するだけで、全く同じような(原子炉格納容器の爆発に至るまで)状況を作れたはずだ ―― と、思い至れると思っていました。

"I thought that anyone who had seen Fukushima 50 would be able to figure out that they could have created exactly the same situation (up to and including the reactor containment explosion) by simply dynamiting the power plant by hand, without submerging it in the tsunami.



By the way, if a country to the north of the Korean peninsula decides to attack our country, they don't need a continental ballistic missile equipped with nuclear weapons.


A single launch of a semi-medium-range ballistic missile, capable of flying 1,200 kilometers, into any one of Japan's 54 operating nuclear reactors (nine of them) would be "game over.


HDDレコーダに録画しておいた、映画"Fukushima 50"を、毎日10分間くらいに分けて見続けて、先日、終了しました。

The other day, I finished watching the movie "Fukushima 50," which I had recorded on my HDD recorder, in 10-minute segments every day.


I think it was a good movie.

特に、『事故現場(原子炉)に接近しなければ事故を収拾できないのに、接近することができない』という ――

In particular, the fact that "they needed to get close to the accident site (reactor) to get it under control, but we could not"


I think it is important to realize the fact that we depend on such troublesome things in our lives.


I have many other thoughts on the subject, but I would like to refrain from discussing them today.


Nevertheless, it would be a shame to let "Fukushima 50" make you think that you understand the accident.


I would like to attempt a "nuclear accident orientation" here.


先ずは、定番、三原順先生の漫画『Die Energie 5.2☆11.8』

First up is the classic manga "Die Energie 5.2☆11.8" by Jun Mihara.


And then there is Kaoru Takamura's "God's Fire", a teaching book on how to attack nuclear power plants, which I have quoted many times before.


And for a physical attack on a nuclear reactor, it's Keigo Higashino's "Bees in the Sky".


If you have read them it is relatively easy to understand that 'the moment the nuclear power plant is taken hostage, we are sure to lose.



According to "response to the nuclear accident",


You read my column, and ,


the summary is also "Countdown Meltdown" by Yoichi Funabashi.


Of course, there are many other things I could mention, such as the difference between light water reactor type and heavy water reactor type, or the story of the fast breeder reactor Monju, but the above contents are enough for now.



So, actually, that's all the preamble.


In the last few days, there's been a lot of fuss (although I honestly don't feel like there's much fuss).

―― 柏崎刈羽原子力発電所で、一体、何があったのか

"What the hell happened at the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant?"

―― 原子力規制委員会は、何であんなに激怒しているのか

"Why is the Nuclear Regulatory Commission so furious?"


This is where it starts.


(To be continued)



(Continuation from yesterday)


However, form the information from a doctor that I have trusted, and as a result of my own all-out papers research and numerical analysis,


"Masks are absolutely effective in preventing new coronary infections"


I am absolutely convinced that.


The reasonings behind this are,


for this, and


for this, and


for this, and


for this, and


for this, and


for this,


they are composition, proofreading, research, and writing.



I don't just believe what people tell me, I've been taught, I've done my own research, I've done my own thinking, and I've written my own conclusions.


"If the result is laughed at in the future, I don't mind it"


I will defiantly declare in the future.


On the other hand, to the people of the future who laugh at me in the past,


"Even your present common sense may be laughed at in the future"


"Are you doing enough to be able to say, "It's always the result of my own thinking and action", so it's okay'?"


I am going to be even prepared to argue with them.



In the case of the corona disaster, I "overwhelmingly recommend" the use of a mask.


Why am I doing ?


This is because the cost-effectiveness is unbelievably high and the sunk costs are endlessly low.


This is because there is a difference of about 147,000 light years between the advantages gained by wearing a mask and the disadvantages lost by not wearing a mask.

すなわち、「激烈な苦痛、重篤、最悪死亡」 v.s 「10年後の未来の瞬時(数秒)の嘲笑」です。

In other words, "intense pain, serious illness, and worst death" v.s "instant (seconds) ridicule 10 years in the future".


まあ、マスクの使用を選ぶのは「あなた」ですが ――

Well, it's "you" who chooses to use the mask, or not -- however,


that doesn't mean that "you have the right to not wear a mask, anywhere, at your will"


This is because the above cost-benefit discussion does not include "third parties other than you".



As a natural thought,


The act of "I don't believe in masks at all, however I wear masks for people who do believe in them" is


- neithor self-contradictory, nor self-deceptive,


- a common act in the socially accepted sense,


- a super, super, super low-cost approach to building a mutually pleasant society



とまあ ――

And well...


I am truly dismayed that there are still some "hopeless and devastated idiots" left who can't even do this level of logic (calculating costs and social conventions).



(1) "Rabbit jumping" only hurts your legs and feet, and breaks your body rather than building a sports physique.


(2) As for "water intake during exercise," it is a big mistake to say, "You must not drink a drop of water because your body will get exhausted." On the contrary, "You must actively drink water to prevent heat stroke.


(3) Cholesterol intake is increased by mayonnaise, but the risk of death is greater whether cholesterol levels are high or low, and the risk is greater when cholesterol levels are low.



Can you imagine my shock when I was told these things?


When I was a teenager, I was forced to do "rabbit jumping" under the blazing sun in an athletic club, and I was forbidden to drink water. To be honest, I would like to claim damages for (1) and (2).


(I don't know who I should file a lawsuit against.)


My father loved mayonnaise, but my mother forbade him to consume it. If my father had heard (3), I think he would have been angry, behind the grass.


Because these (1) to (3) were said to be "correct" from the perspective of medicine and science.


I think that there have been many of these things, and there will be many more.


This is inevitable.



So, you know.

―― マスクは、新型コロナ感染に、なんの効果もなかった

"Masks had no effect on the new corona infection"


The possibility that such an announcement will be made in a few years to a decade is not "zero".


If such an announcement is made, those who have been "buying up masks" or who have been "criticizing those who don't wear masks" will


"They feel very embarrassed"


Such a future may be coming.


In that future, "mandatory masks for coronary disasters" will be introduced on TV variety shows, and


"People back then were really bloodthirsty for dumb things"


They may sneer at you with saying that.


(To be continued)



(Continuation from yesterday)

では、中学二年生の時に何があったか ―― 私は、中学の生徒会会長に就任したのです。

So what happened in the eighth grade -- I became the president of the student council of my middle school.


I know that the "student council president" is not the character that the public envisions them to be.

そもそも、そんなことをやろうとする奴は、「上手いこと教師におだてられて」「回りに押しつけられて」「その気になってしまうほど単純」で ――

First of all, anyone trying to do something like this is "flattered by a good teacher", "pushed", and "simple enough to get into the mood".

そして、教師たちにとって都合の良い人物 ―― そこそこ判断力が早く、教師の言うことに従順で、御しやすい生徒、 ―― であることを知っています。

And I know that the student is a good fit for the teachers -- a student who is quick to judge, obedient to the teacher, and easy to control.


In other words, it was "me.


Even if there were, I can see now that by obtaining the status of "Student Council President," I protected myself from giving up at the last minute to continue being myself.


Anyway, this (the title of student council president) became the equivalent exchange for the so-called "piano" weapon.


Thus, I was finally able to discard the piano, which I hated.



After entering university, I was freed from the concept of "class," and finally felt that I could breathe easily.


- I didn't need symbols like "buddies" and "friends.


- I could make decisions about relationships based solely on how much I like or dislike a person.


- I didn't have to be controlled by others / control others


- I could "decide" how to live your life with "self-responsibility"


It was during these days that I realized that the hard times were finally over.



Lately, there have been a lot of comics and anime about "going back to the past".


However, in my case, I would not wish to "return to my past.


Especially from elementary school to junior high school, it is joking.



(Continuation from yesterday)


Recently, I realized that there is a certain explanation for this contradictory behavior in my childhood.

子どものころの私は、本質的にキャラクターが"陰"だった ―― というよりは"暗"でした。

When I was a child, my characters were essentially "negative" -- or rather, "dark".


I had a habit of not seeing things as they appear on the surface, but trying to find the "other side" of them, and interpreting them in a "malicious" way.


(This is obvious if you read my columns and blogs, now)


The children's "winners" were what we now call "extrovert" or "lively", had many friends, didn't question things, and listened to adults.


(I know now that they were "childish.")


The opposing "losers" were what we now call "introvert" or "gloomy" as they were called then.


Even back then, I was afraid of being labeled as "gloomy" by those around me.


Naturally, being "gloomy" also meant being ostracized (what we now call "bullied").


For children who are controlled within the unit of a class, being left out means death in school life.


Basically, in the extraterritoriality (lawlessness) of "school," where the concept of law (criminal punishment) does not apply, children who are labeled as "dark-skinned" have no way to protect themselves.


Regardless of what I looked like on the outside, I was in fact a "loser","introvert" or "gloomy" and schools were "hell itself" for me.



In such an environment, what I happened to carry with me was a "weapon" called "piano".

ピアノは ―― モテます。主に女子から。

Playing the piano made me popular, mostly with girls.


It was already the ultimate weapon, no questions asked.


If you've ever taken piano lessons, you know that if you play the piano every day for two to three years, you can easily learn to play by ear by yourself.

さらに、アニメの主題歌、流行歌、なんぞ、両手を使って ―― つまり主旋律ではなく、演奏の方を ―― ピアノで弾けるようになります。

In addition, you will be able to play anime theme songs, popular songs, etc. on the piano using both hands -- not the main melody, but the performance.


With this, there is no way you won't be popular.


The piano I was playing was always surrounded by several girls.



"Ebata... I've always thought you were the worst unpleasant person, however you are still bragging it again"


You might be thinking.


I think so too.


But, you know, I've never told this story to anyone else.


I have never done this to my wife or my daughter.

この"私"が、こんな"美味しい自慢ネタ"を黙っている ―― そんなことありえると思いますか?

Do you think it's possible that I'm not telling you about this delicious boast?


No, no. It's not possible.


There is one thing that comes to mind for me right now.


Even I couldn't believe it, but maybe I was "desperate".


The "loser", "introvert" or "gloomy" had to survive in the "hell" of school.


Though I am pointing out the inadequacies of the school system, criticizing teachers for their lack of knowledge, and worrying about children's narrow view, I was just afraid of bullies and thinking of ways to escape from them, and was

―― 凡庸な子ども

"An ordinary child"


だから、私は、死ぬほど大嫌いだった「ピアノ」という『武器』を、手放すことができなかったのです ―― 中学2年生になるまで。

That's why I couldn't let go of my weapon of choice, the piano, which I hated to death -- until I was in the eighth grade.


I see. There is no way I can talk about such a shameful thing. It's no wonder I've unconsciously sealed it away.


(To be continued)



Lately, there have been a lot of comics and anime about "going back to the past".


What all these contents have in common is the prerequisite of 'retaining memories of the past' and 'recreating the events of the past'.


Well, without this kind of arrangement, the content would be unsustainable, so it may be inevitable.



However, in my case, even if I had these two prerequisites, I would not wish to "return to my past.


Especially from elementary school to junior high school, it is joking.


I will never forget that "suffocating feeling".


Of course, everyone's life is "suffocating," but I think it's easier for adults because they can choose how to deal with it.

―― 最悪でも、組織を巻き込んで自爆してやる

"At the very worst, we could have a suicide bomber involving the organization"


Adults should get that option.


When I was a child, the idea of "destroying" the system of adults, teachers, and schools was not possible.


Now, that idea is easy for me to do.


It would be great if children could rely on adults, but for children, adults are the enemy, so there is no way to rely on them.


Aside from that.


私、小学校のころから、ピアノを続けていました ―― 死ぬほど、ピアノの練習が嫌いだったにも関わらずです。

I've been taking piano lessons since I was in elementary school -- even though I hated practicing piano to death.


I don't know how piano classes are today, but when I was a kid, they were so "dogmatic" that they were trivial.


Now, I can clearly say, "They were idiot".


Beyer, Burgmuller, Czerny... I was really fed up with those days of being forced to "play hopelessly boring music".

『ピアノの上達のためには、弾く手のフォームを美しく整えることが欠かせません』が、ウソであるとは言いませんが ――

I'm not saying that "To improve your piano playing, it's essential to have a beautiful finger form" is all bullshit.


However, the absolute truth is that "in order to improve your piano playing, you must forget about such trivial matters as form and truly enjoy playing the piano".



One example of this kind of "crazy dogmatism" is the stupid "ritual" of joining the tennis club, "freshmen are not supposed to hit the ball, but run and do strength training.


I paid my own way and quickly joined a tennis school or a ski school to learn the "techniques" in the fastest and most logical way.


I am now at a level where I can use a whole range of tennis and skiing techniques and enjoy them normally.


And, the distance I have run to improve my tennis and skiing is "0 meters".



Now, after reviewing them, what I don't understand now is why I didn't stop playing the piano as soon as I could.


(To be continued)



The other day, after doing about 10 squats, my legs started shaking and I couldn't walk.

―― これはまずい

"This is not good"


Entering the telecommuting phase, after the emergency declaration has been lifted, I go to the public pool about twice a week and swim about 1000 meters.


I thought the first challenge in the corona disaster was prevention of infection and the second challenge was lack of exercise (and obesity).

水泳と食事制限で体重を維持できている ―― と思っていたのですが、実は、『筋肉を削り取っていただけ」という事実に呆然としています。

I was stunned by the fact that I thought I was able to maintain my weight through swimming and diet -- but actually, 'I was just shaving off muscle.



It's no surprise, but "swimming" is not part of our daily life.


The basic idea is to walk. or light run.


Of course, swimming would be beneficial in improving immunity.


However, daily physical fitness is maintained/operated in everyday life.



This corona disaster lasts until an effective vaccine or drug is developed and used safely.


And even with the advent of a vaccine and a drug, it will be impossible to completely subdue the corona scourge (we humans have never triumphed over a virus).


If so, it seems impossible to return to the past when remote offices were not the norm



The society of the future is a society that does not move and does not/can't exercise.


However, this is not a new paradigm.


In the past, with the spread of trains, buses, and private cars, humans came to stop walking.


Compared to the last time, the amount of change this time is small, but the small absolute value is incomparable.


My walk rate is sometimes even less than 100 steps/day. Because I just walk around the house.



If it's a part of my life, I can accept "exercise" as a part of my life, but to be honest, the pressure to "exercise" is painful for me.


Only behavioral changes can hardly be expected to transform us into a "body that doesn't need exercise".


If we expect the evolutionary process to take place, we have to prepare a very difficult environment, "person who does not exercise, becomes a survivor".


Even if we could create that environment, I think it would take at least 10,000 years or so to facilitate evolution.



So, that leaves us with drugs.


"A drug that will allow me to live a healthy and comfortable life without a lifetime of exercise and without interfering with my daily life.


You can only rely on this drug.


Well, after all, the last line I expect is science (chemistry).




―― 薬物オリンピック

"Drug Olympics"


Let's start looking into it seriously, shall we?


I think "Tokyo 2020" would be a good place to start.