

Yesterday, one of the international students asked me to write his name in Japanese (katakana and hiragana).

―― は?



I thought it.


I thought that if I were a foreigner, I would be allowed to write my name in a foreign language.


Besides, I think that forcing people to write in katakana and hiragana is a bit rude to people from other countries.


ところが、日本の法律では、日本語表記が必須となっているのですよ ―― 例えば「特許法」。

However, Japanese law requires Japanese notation -- for example, "Patent Law".


For example, the inventors of JP Shou 55-043192 was


Mr. "Rehm Gesellschaft Mitut Beschurenkutter Haftung".


この名前なら、なんとなく「ドイツ人」かな、と思えますし、ドイツ語は、日本語発音がしやすいのいいのですが ――

I think this name sounds somewhat "German," and German is easy to pronounce in Japanese, but--


People in the Middle East, Africa, and Southeast Asia (excluding Japan) cannot guess the pronunciation from the letters because they are not written in the Roman alphabet.



And I gave up reading the letters and converting them to Japanese, and said


"Would you try to pronounce you name as slowly as you can ?"


I wrote down the sound in katakana as it is.


'You know what, if you need me to fill out the paperwork, I'll write it right here, right now'


I offered to do it, but he said he would do it himself because it would help him learn Japanese.


I think it is an admirable mindset.



After that, I felt like I was his godparent in Japan.



I have always loved soba since I came to Kanto area.


Soba in the Kanto region is usually delicious.


―― 小田急の乗客の多くに愛され続けている「名代 箱根そば」について、熱く語れる女子高校生

The soba restaurant (even if it is a stand-up buckwheat noodle shop) attached to the station is also properly delicious.



Yesterday, I enjoyed the "buckwheat noodles with gravy" that I had at a restaurant in a super public bathhouse, so I cooked it myself and served it to my wife.


Here is the recipe I used as a reference.


I kept tasting, gradually increasing the amount of ingredients in the dipping sauce, because I felt it was 'less flavorful than yesterday'.


Eventually, I lost the taste, and at some point I couldn't modify the taste.


Cooking also has a "point of no return".


(The term used to be used for brain death determination, but recently it seems to be used for global warming countermeasures, etc.)


Well, it was delicious there, and my wife loved it, so I will cook it again.



Today's story is the one I plan to use as a preamble to my next column.



I have recently seen the opinion that one way to live a meaningful life is to decide "what not to do" instead of what to do.


Engineers (especially software engineers) have been warned again and again about "reinventing the wheel," a term that refers to "taking something that has already been completed and making it again on your own.


My attitude toward the above has always been consistent.

―― ふうん





Today, in lecture, we were solving Dijkstra and modified label methods as the shortest path problem, using paper and an empit.


After a long time, I was impressed by the beauty of the solution.


I had even coded both the Dijkstra and Warchal Floyd methods on my own.

ワーシャル-フロイド法 サンプルプログラム


However, there are plenty of such routing problem algorithms and others on the Internet, and there are also extensive free libraries.


私のやっていることは、典型的な『車輪の再発明』です ―― だから、これは「無駄」なのでしょう。

What I am doing is typical 'reinventing the wheel' -- so I guess this is 'futile'.



However, I had coded those algorithms on my own and was free to modify them.


Thanks to that modification, I devised an algorithm to calculate how a city of one million people went from train schedule havoc caused by a suicide jump to convergence in five minutes, and got one peer-reviewed paper through.


Also, if I were to decide "what not to do" instead of what I should do, the diaries and columns I have been keeping would be "terminated immediately" at that point.


まあ、私の人生は、無駄が多く、かつ、有意義でもないのでしょう ―― が、それならそれで、私は構いません。

Well, I guess my life is not very meaningful or meaningful -- but that's OK with me.


I will die muttering, 'I have truly lived a meaningless and futile life'.


公共交通指向型開発(TOD: Transit Oriented Development) - 公共交通機関に基盤を置き、自動車に依存しない社会を目指した都市開発。
「交通隣接型開発」(TAD:‘transit-adjacent development’) 公共交通拠点と隣接して、高密度、大規模開発を行うが、機能上に、互い協調的な開発モードが不足である。






(Step 1) CSVファイルの作成
ファイルはこちら → test_user_list_14.csv

ファイルはこちら → test_user_list_14.csv

(Step 2) Google MAPの立ち上げ

(Step 3) Google MAPの立ち上げ



(Step 4) 「マイプレイス」を選択

(Step 5) 「マイマップ」→「地図を作成」

(Step 6) 「インポート」を選択

(Step 7) ファイル(test_user_list_14.csv)をドラッグ

(Step 8) 緯度、経度を選択

(Step 9) マーカーのタイトルを選択

(Step 10) マーカーの色を変更する(→黒)

(Step 11) マーカーをクリックすると情報が表示される


KeyWord: Google MAP、 マーカー、 アイコン、 csv, エクセル



Our heating system is basically gas or oil fan heaters.


However, there is one analog oil heater.

期間限定 個別送料無料】コロナ 石油ストーブ 木造6畳用 RX-2222YHD | 家電・電化製品 | ホームセンター通販【カインズ】

アナログ、とは、いわゆるコンセントのない、自立起動・運用ストーブであり ―― まあ、普通のストーブで、普段は全く使っていません。

Analog, is what is called an unplugged, self-starting and operating stove -- well, a normal stove, but we usually don't use it at all.


During the Great East Japan Earthquake (March 11, 2011), there was a massive blackout and rolling blackouts.


In addition, given the current domestic energy supply situation, I believe that "several to a dozen days of power outages" will occur in the near future.



So, the other day, I conducted a combustion experiment on this stove, and I was able to confirm that the stove was up and operational, without incident, however,

―― 火力が弱すぎる

-- Too little firepower.


- The water in the kettle on the stove does not boil.


- The effect of "convective heat" does not occur and the living room temperature does not rise.


- What I do my best is to get "radiant heat" by approaching the stove and holding my hand directly over it.


I am honestly stunned by the results.



When I was in elementary school, this was the only type of stove available, and I used the same type of stove in my college boarding house.


I remember the first time I experienced an oil fan heater, the room temperature rose so quickly that I thought, "Is it magic?"


Conversely, I seem to be consuming integer times more energy for comfort than we did back then.


On the other hand, however, it seems that the sensors and computers built into the oil fan heaters are holding back unnecessary energy consumption, and I have not been able to make an accurate comparison.


This is because in this combustion experiment, "the rate of oil consumption of the analog oil heater seemed to be faster than that of the oil fan heater.



Anyway, I am relieved that the "preparation of analog stoves for power outages" was complete in our home.


I could get a good prospect of 'When the blackout hits, the family will gather in front of the stove to keep warm'



I currently have SAI installed on my PC and use a mouse to create illustrations.


I don't want to master digital painting in earnest, but I am wondering if I can use ibisPaint on my iPad as a whiteboard for remote work.

で、今悩んでいるのは、Apple Penを買うか、廉価版を買うか、です。

So now I am wondering if I should buy the Apple Pen or the lower priced version.

- Apple Pen(第2世代)は、19000円以上

- Apple Pen (2nd generation) is over 19,000 yen

- KINGONEスタイラスペンは、3000円以下

- KINGONE stylus pen is less than 3000 yen


『Apple Pen2本 + αで 、iPadが1台買える』と思うと、Apple Penの購入には、抵抗があります。

I am reluctant to buy an Apple Pen when I think that "two Apple Pens + α can buy one iPad".

調べているうちに、Apple Penのメリットは、筆圧検知らしい、ということが分かってきました。

In the course of my research, I have learned that the advantage of the Apple Pen seems to be pressure detection.


The ability to change between thick and thin lines with brush pressure is said to be very important for people who are into digital painting as a job or a hobby.


I understand this.


I am also currently using SAI and actually have to go back to the menu once to change the line thickness, which is "quite annoying".



So, I am now struggling.

これまで通り、PC + SAI + マウスで絵を作り続けてもいいのですが、

I can continue to create pictures with my PC + SAI + mouse as I have in the past, but

『次女が、iPad + ibisPaint + Apple Pen で、サクサクと、高品質の作品を量産しているのを見ていると、なんか対抗したくなる』

"When I see my second daughter creating high quality works with her iPad, ibisPaint, and Apple Pen, I feel like competing with her"


is not true.


I, who have "zero artistic ability," can now illustrate my own columns on my own, at my own risk.


If I have a personal painting environment in front of me, I should do what I can.


よし、Apple Penにしよう。

Okay, let's go with the Apple Pen.


However, I should look for a "used" "first generation" (about 5500 yen).


At all times, I am a coward at the last minute.


PostgreSQLで、新規のデータならinsert, 書き換えならupdate をしようと思ったのですが、なんか面倒くさいので、初期テーブルを沢山作っておくことで対応することしました。


package main

import (

	_ "github.com/lib/pq" // ←これを追記

func main() {
	// user_log, bike_logへのアクセス
	dbAgent, err := sql.Open("postgres", "user=postgres password=password host= port=15432 dbname=agent_db sslmode=disable")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("dbAgent OpenError: ", err)
	defer dbAgent.Close()
	err = dbAgent.Ping()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal(err, "\nHint: dbAgent Database may not have started")
	// user_logテーブルの内容の全削除
	dbAgent.Query("delete from bike_log;")

	// insertのテスト
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("insert into bike_log (stationid, num_bikes) values(%d, -1)", i)

	// updateのテスト
	for i := 0; i < 10; i = i + 2 {
		str := fmt.Sprintf("update bike_log set num_bikes = %d where stationid = %d", i*2, i)


C:\Users\ebata\yamaguchi\src_try1\others> go run main4.go
insert into bike_log (stationid, num_bikes) values(0, -1)
insert into bike_log (stationid, num_bikes) values(1, -1)
insert into bike_log (stationid, num_bikes) values(2, -1)
insert into bike_log (stationid, num_bikes) values(3, -1)
insert into bike_log (stationid, num_bikes) values(4, -1)
insert into bike_log (stationid, num_bikes) values(5, -1)
insert into bike_log (stationid, num_bikes) values(6, -1)
insert into bike_log (stationid, num_bikes) values(7, -1)
insert into bike_log (stationid, num_bikes) values(8, -1)
insert into bike_log (stationid, num_bikes) values(9, -1)
update bike_log set num_bikes = 0 where stationid = 0
update bike_log set num_bikes = 4 where stationid = 2
update bike_log set num_bikes = 8 where stationid = 4
update bike_log set num_bikes = 12 where stationid = 6
update bike_log set num_bikes = 16 where stationid = 8


agent_db=# select * from bike_log;
stationid | num_bikes
1 | -1
3 | -1
5 | -1
7 | -1
9 | -1
0 | 0
2 | 4
4 | 8
6 | 12
8 | 16
(10 rows)




The latest article on "New Behavioral Theory for 'Engineers Not Loved by Money'" has been published.


-Latest Articles


A serious analysis of "Can I be happy there without money?" from the perspective of religion and happiness.


In this issue, I have seriously analyzed the question "Why do cult members seem so happy?" from the perspective of religion and happiness, starting with the question "Why do they seem so happy even without money?