

Last night, Tokyo Tama area bad been serious blackout, and many lines of the Odakyu-train had stuck.

帰宅できない次女の救出ミッションが発動するところでした ―― 京王を使って、最寄り駅まで到着したところを、ピックアップしました。

The rescue mission was about to start for my junior daughter who had also struck at the station, however she change the train and and reached a nearby station by the Keio-train


After, 1:00 am.


As soon as I knew the blackout area(Kanagawa pref. and parts of Chiba and Yamanashi Pref), I doubted about "Cyber terrorism"



Now I am trying to trace the cause of the accident from the news. however,


Any media just said that "According to TEPCO, the cause of blackout seems to be failure of underground power lines, the blackout was restored around 5:30 am"



I am not satisfied with the reason, even if other people could do it.


About "failure of underground power lines", I don't know which that means "Power Line Cut" or "Failure of control panel of electric supply".


Many people can accept the accident that was used "under-ground", however,


I think that no difficulty to specify where the accident happened even "under-ground" or "upper-ground", if the power monitoring system work well.


If the monitoring system had been down because of no electric power, I think that the system, as a monitoring device has a severe problem.


However, I know well how difficult to find the where the failure line or device in the stopped system.


If anything, I am inclined to side with TEPCO.


Aside from that.



Actually, I know how to stop almost all of the train in central Tokyo at the same time,


for one hour at least, hopefully half a day.


I said "If our family join my project, it is enough possible" and explained the project to my wife.


She had an "I see" on her face, but shortly after,

―― 絶対に私たちを巻き込むなよ

"Never include us to the project"


She reminded me.



I think that the news of mass media are generally correct, however, they are fileted. So we have to be careful of the news.


Nowadays we Japanese, ranged from the government to citizens, is all about "support for Ukraine".


I also support for Ukraine both emotionally and egoistically.



However, I am anxious for the contents of the news.


The news, like "Ukrainian troops recaptured areas under their control" or "The Russian military is not in control" are broadcasting quite preferential and frequent, however, I would like you to be care about the news.

メデイアは、ウクライナ支援を支持する私たちが、「喜びそうなコンテンツ」 が優先する傾向があります。

Any media tends to prior to broadcast the news which will make us happy for us.

もちろん、完全な公平な報道などはありえないのですから、ある程度は仕方がないと思いますが ――

Of course I know that perfect fair press is a dream, and we have to hear and read the filtering news.


My concern is that 'I (we) will be hurt later'.


中国の天安門事件(1989)直前の、学生達による民主化運動に関して、日本の新聞は ―― 特に、朝日新聞が顕著だったと思うのですが ――

Regarding the pro-democracy movement by students before the Tiananmen Square protests in China (1989), Japanese news papers ---- particularly, the Asahi Shimbun was the leading company, were


"China's democratization is now a done deal"


all over the paper making the above argument.


I believed it.


After that, many citizens and students were killed by the China government and army at the Tiananmen Square incident.

今、中国が、その事件を歴史からモミ消そうとしている ―― 『なかったこと』にしようとしている ―― ので、具体的な数字は未だに不明です。

Now the China movement has erased the incident from the history ---- pretended that is did not exist ---- So I cannot know the specific victim numbers.


(One of the figures I remember is that "4,000 people were murdered.")



As long as I remember, the news paper company that had written "China's democratization is now a done deal" condemned the massacre of the people by the Chinese government, however,

―― 事件前の報道に関する、自分達の判断に対する自己批判は、行いませんでした。"一切"です。

They did not engage in any self-criticism of our own judgment regarding the news coverage before the incident. "NOT AT ALL"


However, I don't want to condemn mass media's attitudes, including the news paper company.


I tell you again, that the choice of new source apt to be based on the bias from our hopes.


Any mass media has an personality as a Legal Entity, and an interest organization, so it cannot be helped.


問題なのは ――

The remaining problem is


"I believed in the media, I believed in democracy, and I was betrayed in the worst possible way and left alone"



Again, the news in the media is generally correct, but it is filtered.


We need to keep that in mind to protect our own hearts and minds.



Now, I have started a new serialization whose title is "An Engineer Who NEVER Loved by Money"


One of the trial is "using Crypto Assets (Virtual Currency)".


I have already started to get Bitcoins by even small amount of money.


However, as if my trial were under watch, Bitcoins began to fall.


Since then, I contributed my column of "I don't understand how to credit Bitcoins", so this might be

―― ビットコインの呪い

"Curse from Bitcoins"



Enough of that.



After starting to purchase Bitcoins, I came to feel an ambiguous "I want to support or save BitCoin". To tell you the truth, "I was very surprised by me"


I know well that "this is an non-logical feeling".


However, I had same type of feeling by "Hatsune Miku", "AI tech, by my codes" or "Control LAN system from the scratch"


This is wonder feeling that I want to guard anything that I can get understand in my mind.

―― は! もしや、これが「愛」?

Ah! If this is "love"?



If it is true, my love seems to appear easily and lightly.



"pq: sorry, too many clients already" は、コネクション数とかで出てくる訳ではないらしい。


sql.Query() のアクセス頻度が高くなると発生するみたいなので、コーディングでクエリを少なくする工夫が必要となる。

for i := 0; i < 1200; i++ {
		go person(db, i, &subWG)
		time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) // 1秒待つ










本当に鉄道を使ったDBはつくれないのかな? と思い、ちょっと試してみました。

こちらに、mapconfig_for_cars.xml があるので、それを見てみました。

私の場合、芳賀・宇都宮LRT と、一般の道路を交えたダイクストラを実現することが目的でしたが、まずは、(道路のことは忘れて)芳賀・宇都宮LRTの情報だけを取り出すことに注力しました。



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <tag_name name="railway" id="1">
    <tag_value name="tram"              id="101" priority="1.0" maxspeed="40" />

id="1"> とか、 id="101" priority="1.0" maxspeed="40" /> は、適当に付けました(多分、この辺は適当で良いと思います)。


<tag_name name="railway" id="1">
<tag_value name="tram" id="101" priority="1.0" maxspeed="40" />

この結果、分かったことは、osmデータの中にある、<tag k="railway" v="tram"/> が含まれている、<way>のタグが取り出されることでした。

<way id="678320671" version="2" timestamp="2021-08-04T10:06:56Z" changeset="0">
		<nd ref="6351482006"/>
		<nd ref="5948014189"/>
		<nd ref="5558816378"/>
		<nd ref="5948014109"/>
		<tag k="bridge" v="yes"/>
		<tag k="railway" v="tram"/>
		<tag k="electrified" v="contact_line"/>
		<tag k="frequency" v="0"/>
		<tag k="gauge" v="1067"/>
		<tag k="maxspeed" v="40"/>
		<tag k="name" v="(仮称)宇都宮ライトレール"/>
		<tag k="railway" v="construction"/>
		<tag k="voltage" v="750"/>




で作った、utunomiya-railway-latest.osm を使って、テスト用のDB (test_db)を作っておいて、

osm2pgrouting -f utunomiya-railway-latest.osm -c mapconfig_for_train.xml -d test_db -U postgres

をやってみました(実は、芳賀・宇都宮LRTの情報は、工事中の情報が入っていて、utunomiya-railway-latest.osmには、<tag k="construction" v="tram"/>と記載されていましたので、これを、強制的に<tag k="railway" v="tram"/>に置換しました)。


出発点のid = 1 と、

終着点のid = 6 を使って、


root@a2b2f7061d88:/tmp# psql -U postgres
psql (12.5 (Debian 12.5-1.pgdg100+1))
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \c test_db
You are now connected to database "test_db" as user "postgres".
test_db=# SELECT seq, node, edge, cost, agg_cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target,length_m as cost FROM ways',1, 6, false);
 seq | node | edge |        cost        |      agg_cost
   1 |    1 |  112 |  968.5677557470831 |                  0
   2 |  105 |    1 |  401.6831070639031 |  968.5677557470831
   3 |    2 |   40 | 1932.1157045557927 | 1370.2508628109863
   4 |   36 |   43 |  91.90138904387848 | 3302.3665673667792
   5 |   39 |   65 | 111.55679510881248 |  3394.267956410658
   6 |   63 |   67 | 159.06195161851494 | 3505.8247515194703
   7 |   65 |   10 | 45.988089536965845 |  3664.886703137985
   8 |    9 |   74 |  25.50249632394143 |  3710.874792674951
   9 |   71 |    8 |  83.08385331794597 | 3736.3772889988927
  10 |    7 |   12 | 27.274859434129702 | 3819.4611423168385
  11 |   10 |   36 |  55.83052462128617 |  3846.736001750968
  12 |   32 |   37 |  48.05528375189372 | 3902.5665263722544
  13 |   33 |    2 |    700.36313814633 |  3950.621810124148
  14 |    3 |   69 | 13.830090594515813 |  4650.984948270478
  15 |   67 |   57 |  269.7483878007764 |  4664.815038864994
  16 |   55 |   13 | 243.90865759717457 |   4934.56342666577
  17 |   11 |   14 |  592.4332460936212 |  5178.472084262944
  18 |   12 |   30 | 197.95743212114834 |  5770.905330356565
  19 |   26 |   44 | 230.11474397115853 |  5968.862762477714
  20 |   40 |   32 |  32.15748444428291 |  6198.977506448872
  21 |   28 |   34 | 128.30514459608628 |  6231.134990893155
  22 |   30 |   46 | 292.51977773825814 |  6359.440135489242
  23 |   42 |   47 |  42.00097102860326 |    6651.9599132275
  24 |   43 |   51 |  317.7487966492082 |  6693.960884256103
  25 |   48 |    3 | 24.366299209335182 |  7011.709680905311
  26 |    4 |    6 |  35.05578311994414 |  7036.075980114646
  27 |   46 |   62 |  269.6784973606185 |   7071.13176323459
  28 |   60 |   71 |  261.6741520558861 |  7340.810260595208
  29 |   69 |   20 | 1312.5430898908662 |  7602.484412651094
  30 |   18 |   72 |  86.31512692490578 |  8915.027502541961
  31 |   70 |    4 |  962.8503750491366 |  9001.342629466868
  32 |    5 |   60 | 131.65329169122384 |  9964.193004516004
  33 |   58 |   59 |  129.1237292961209 | 10095.846296207228
  34 |   57 |   53 |  93.77398873447196 |  10224.97002550335
  35 |   50 |   55 |  200.4322777934951 | 10318.744014237822
  36 |   52 |    7 |  4122.794957245806 | 10519.176292031318
  37 |    6 |   -1 |                  0 | 14641.971249277123
(37 rows)






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <tag_name name="highway" id="1">
    <tag_value name="motorway"          id="101" priority="1.0" maxspeed="130" />
    <tag_value name="motorway_link"     id="102" priority="1.0" maxspeed="130" />
    <tag_value name="motorway_junction" id="103" priority="1.0" maxspeed="130" />
    <tag_value name="trunk"             id="104" priority="1.05" maxspeed="110" />
    <tag_value name="trunk_link"        id="105" priority="1.05" maxspeed="110" />    
    <tag_value name="primary"           id="106" priority="1.15" maxspeed="90" />
    <tag_value name="primary_link"      id="107" priority="1.15" maxspeed="90" />    
    <tag_value name="secondary"         id="108" priority="1.5" maxspeed="90" />
    <tag_value name="secondary_link"    id="109" priority="1.5" maxspeed="90"/>  
    <tag_value name="tertiary"          id="110" priority="1.75" maxspeed="90" />
    <tag_value name="tertiary_link"     id="111" priority="1.75" maxspeed="90" />  
    <tag_value name="residential"       id="112" priority="2.5" maxspeed="50" />
    <tag_value name="living_street"     id="113" priority="3" maxspeed="20" />
    <tag_value name="service"           id="114" priority="2.5" maxspeed="50" />
    <tag_value name="unclassified"      id="117" priority="3" maxspeed="90"/>
    <tag_value name="road"              id="100" priority="5" maxspeed="50" />
  <tag_name name="railway" id="1">
    <tag_value name="tram"              id="101" priority="1.0" maxspeed="40" />

osm2pgrouting -f utsunomiya.osm -c mapconfig_for_cars_tram.xml -d test_db2 -U postgres

(<tag k="construction" v="tram"/>の<tag k="railway" v="tram"/>の強制置換を忘れずに)




私の勤務している会社は、eラーニング(*)も使って、社員教育を行っています ―― ってまあ、今時、どこでもそうでしょうが。

In my company, e-Learning systems(*) is working for education of employees, well nowadays, many companies use the system.


(*)Education system using PCs tables and smartphones vis the Internet.


The other day, a new education package has come to my mail box.

簡単に纏めれば、「介護」と「子育て」 ―― 我が国のみならず、世界の社会課題 ―― に対する、会社としての取り組みに関する内容でした。

The contents are, company's measures and policies about in short "caring" for "parents" and "children", which are not only domestic but also international social problems.


"My parents had been gone, and my senior daughter has been business person and my junior daughters is a college student. Anyway I don't have think about the problems".


But after a few seconds, I screamed alone.

―― アホか! 私は!!

"How stupid I am!"

―― これから「介護」「子育て」を迎える世代、あるいは現在進行形の世代を、サポートする主体が、この私だろう!

"It is me to support the generations of present and future, who have to fight against "caring" for "parents" and "children"

―― 世間がどうなろうが知ったことではいが、社内の人間や、娘たちは、ドンピシャのターゲットだろうが!!

"I don't care of the world, however I have to support my co-workers and my daughter as supported persons"



I blamed me that I thought, even for a moment, that I had escaped from the two major social issues.



utsu_db=# select * from ways limit 1;
gid | osm_id | tag_id | length | length_m | name | source | target | source_osm | target_osm | cost | reverse_cost | cost_s | reverse_cost_s | rule | one_way | oneway | x1 | y1 | x2 | y2 | maxspeed_forward | maxspeed_backward | priority | the_geom
30797 | 547468496 | 112 | 0.002103460902954004 | 194.17417410447345| | 23363 | 7527 | 5289963314 | 1937141869 | 0.002103460902954004 | 0.002103460902954004 | 13.980540535522088 | 13.980540535522088 | | 0 | UNKNOWN|139.9512784 | 36.5577371 | 139.9532349 | 36.5573415 | 50 | 50 | 2.5 | 0102000020E610000004000000852C66DF707E61400822E6ED6347424033EE17FD727E61403F41182E61474240AD2C76A0737E6140B41D537765474240FD1C7AE6807E61400F9A5DF756474240



utsu_db=# select * from ways_vertices_pgr limit 1;
id | osm_id | eout | lon | lat | cnt | chk | ein | the_geom
4 | 264184195 | | 139.95960820 | 36.60870170 | | | | 0101000020E6100000267F411CB57E61408242F3EFE94D4240



ways_vertices_pgr の"id"  は、waysの"source" または"targetに対応しています。



Sometimes, business orders come to us by forwarded mail.


Many people are support to copy and paste the message of mail subject, like


"Please remained to people who plan to write patent application at this quarter"


and they just forward the mail to us.

―― で、これらのメールは、ほとんどの人間にスルーされる、と

"As a result, these mails will be ignored by most readers"



I can understand it, because they are troublesome.


In addition, the mails from management departments are difficult to understand, as if they are malice.


The contents are "I don't know at all what on earth do they expect?"


Well, I might understand that they have to make the contents like that.


If they try to write the contents on their subjection, it might make the readers trouble.



I also copy, paste and forward the mail to avoid the troublesome, however I have an exception.


If I feel that "if I do that, another trouble comes to me", I will explain it by my words carefully.

概要を、江端の文言で解説し、該当者をby nameで指定し、締切の日時を強調して記載します。

I am going to write outline of the mail and explain it by my words and indicate the person by name, and emphasize the deadline.


As follows

====== メール文面例(ここから) ======

====== Example of the mail (From here) ======


The IT department is furious.


The reason is "we submit the patent application with wrong formats, even they have already had to explain it to us again and again".


About this mail, I am afraid that Mr.A and Ms.B are objects.


We have been ordered to re-submit the modification version.


If you hope. I (ebata) will check it roughly.


I don't care people who don't want it. If so, fight the IT department on your own.



====== メール文面例(ここまで) ======

====== Example of the mail (To here) ======


I know that I can get almost 100% responses, if I write the above.


例年、4月の上旬は、入社したての新人が、窓口業務でOJT(On the Job Training)に出てきます。

Usually, in early April, new employees who have just joined the company appear for on-the-job training (OJT) in window operations.

当然、新人ですので、その業務がもたつきますし、4月は各種手続で、多くの人が窓口に集まってきて 混雑します。

Naturally, since they are newcomers, their work will be slow, and in April, many people will gather at the counter for various procedures, making it crowded.


However, it can also be said that this is a "start-up period for the social system," a period that the people of Japan need to watch with warm eyes.



Today, first thing in the morning, I went to the post office to send out an express registered mail. The person at the counter was a so-called senior uncle.


The uncle was probably a newcomer, with a younger bureau staff member by his side to assist him with business procedures.


He seemed to be confused, however, it could not be help.


About the express registered mail, the method to read a destination address changed to scan the envelopment( I don't have to write the address), I could use the credit cared, and get a receipt including the tracking number.


For me, as a users, these are very useful, however, the operator ( the uncle at the counter ) seemed to be hard to use various devices.



The uncle is me of the future.


Let's all take care of our seniors (elderly).


They (I) have already finished the role of "weaker of society", and now they are expected as essential labors


In addition, they will be contributors to save national budget by rising the age of qualifying conditions.



Now, the slogan of "Take care of elder people" is not completed. The phrase of "as important labors" will be added after the slogan.



In this column, I am writing a column exposing my ignorance and inexperience.


I once wrote about a time when I was scammed.

―― 「自分(江端)の無知や無能や無力をさらして書いている」と、これほど念入りに言っているのに、それでも『傷口に塩ふってくる人』は、一定数いるなぁ

"Even though I have been very careful to say, "I am writing to expose my (Ebata's) ignorance, incompetence, and inability," there are still a certain number of people who "sprinkle salt on the wound"


I am deeply aware of this.



Well, 'beating the dog that fell in the pond' is 'quite fun' for everyone (even me).


After all, the dog (me) is currently drowning in the pond, so I can't fight back.


In addition, I am also aware that, in my case, 'I have reasons to be beaten'.

そして、これらの批判コメンをすることが ―― たとえ『池に落ちた犬を叩く』のであったとしても ―― 担保されている社会は、やはり『良い』のだと思います。

I believe that a society that guarantees the ability to make these critical comments is a good one -- even if it is "beating the dog that fell into the pond".



Just remember, I forget about the "person I "have beaten" in a few minutes. however,

「私"を"叩いた人」のことは、10年単位でも忘れません ―― というか忘れることができません。

I will not -- or rather, cannot -- forget the person who "beat" me, even if it takes me 10 years to do so.


I'll continue to retain vivid memories, and I think I'll remember it for the rest of my life.


私、研究所の先輩から『愛の永久機関』の称号を頂いておりますが ――

I have received the title of "Permanent Institution of Love" from my seniors at the laboratory.


Rather, I think "Fast Breeder Reactor of Hatred" would be more appropriate for me.