

I think that "handshake" from the candidate on election campaign might be effective.


Previously I went to interview to a cartoonist

濃厚な時間を過ごさせて頂いた記憶があります ―― たぶん 、「握手」よりも、強い「何か」だったと思います。

I remember that we could spend an intense time, which was stronger than "handshake".


I heard that He is running for the House of Councillors, and I hope him to win the election.


自分の恥を晒すようで、正直恥しいのですが ――

To be honest, I am shamed to open my ignorance, however, this time I know the following.


(1) In proportional district voting, it is common to write the name of the political party, but you can "write the name of the individual".


(2) and 'writing in the individual's name' will push that person to the top of the proportional district list


Because, at the House of Councillors election, they use "non-binding list system", which means "the order of the proportional list is not decided in advance"


In short, writing "individual name" not "party name", increase the person's change of being elected.


Even in proportional district voting, we can vote the person directly.


Though It was very shameful for me, I have not known the method just now.



I know the cartoonist has dealt with copyright problems seriously, and brought me amazing ideas to us for a long time.


Therefore, today I will go to vote on the day before the deadline and write,


―― とまあ、候補者の考え方や戦略を読み取る上で、選挙公報は、それなりに、楽しい読み物です。

(1) the name of the candidates who have not excluded by me for Electoral district elections


(2) the name of cartoonist for proportional district elections




It seems that the second season of the anime "Welcome to the Meritocracy Classroom" has started.


「ようこそ縁故主義の教室へ」―― 族長が率いる一族のクラス。始終他のクラスと抗争していそう。

"Welcome to the Edenic Classroom" families led by a chief, seems to be in constant conflict with other classes.

「ようこそ血縁主義の教室へ」―― 全員親戚のクラス。気が滅入る。

"Welcome to the kinship classroom", all classes of relatives. Depressing.

「ようこそカルト主義の教室へ」―― 全員が目がすわっている狂信者のクラス。怖い。

"Welcome to the Cultism Classroom" fanatics who all have crazy eyes. Scary.

「ようこそ人格主義の教室へ」―― 全員が人格者のクラス。息苦しそう。

"Welcome to the personalism classroom", everyone is a person of integrity. It's suffocating.


Coming to think of it, we could agree that


"Welcome to the classroom of deviation supremacy", like prep schools are wholesomeness.



(Continuation from yesterday)


This time, what attract me is the party whose name is "Get the U.S. bases in Okinawa Pref. to Tokyo".


This is good policy, if we can ignore the geographic problem.


Adding "Get nuclear power plants in Japan to Tokyo", it will be almost full score.



In this election, "the new coronavirus disaster" seems to be out of scope. (I tried use a search engine just to be sure)


I am not sure why no one who has a policy of "anti-vaccine" candidate.


Even if they think the disaster become peak out, they can say about "compensation to harmful side effects of vaccines". So I wonder that they have not done any activity.


I think that they decided that it was not a contentious issue because of the effectiveness of "with corona" methods.


I estimate that most of the candidate could not blame for the government about the "with corona" method.


According to the defense spending, some candidates show that in the headline.


However, I could not find the phrase "day nursery". Fewer "LGBT" and "same-sex marriage."

―― とまあ、候補者の考え方や戦略を読み取る上で、選挙公報は、それなりに、楽しい読み物です。

Anyway, the election PR is enjoyable in order to estimate the thoughts and strategies of each candidates.



The other say, my daughter said to herself, while watching the news of Russia's invasion to Ukraine

―― 結局、『力』が全てなんだよねぇ・・・

"In the end, it's all about 'power'"



When I was the 20's, I had no thought of it.


At least I had the energy to stand up to the adult who talked it like that.

今の若者は、「力の支配のない平和な世界」の理想(夢想)を持つことすら、許されていないのか、と思うと ―― なんだか可哀想に思えてきました。

The youth in the present cannot allow to have a dream of "a peaceful world without restriction by the power". Coming to think of it, I think they are pitiful.



I think I might choose a ruling party for the election for the House of Councilors, however, at this election, "the constitutional change" might be a big issue.


I am aware that I am a funny voter who hope both (1) the nation voting for Constitution to be realized and (2) the amendment to be rejected at the same time.


I believe that the Constitution should be changed more freely, and that it would be good to have an environment where pro and con sides can engage in heated debate.



Today, I received the election PR.


In the previous election, I felt pain that I went to the city hall to get it, and the next day, it were delivered at the next day. So this time, I just waited it.


In the PR, there is no candidate who uses numbers or charts, so they could not get Ebata's seed slot.

(1) 平文だけで選挙広報書いている人 ―― プレゼン能力"0"と判断して除外

(1) The person who use characters only, is no presentation ability.

(2) NHKのスクランブル放送から、NHK存続を前提とした高齢者の支払い免除へと、姑息な主旨変更をしている党も除外

(2) The party which changed their policy from scrambling broadcasts to exempting the elderly from paying.

(3) 父系天皇は、医学的根拠(私から見れば、興味のない根拠ではありますが)から論じている人がいないので、これも除外

(3) No person who argues the reasons for patrilineal emperors on medical grounds (In my opinion, I don't care of it at all).

(4) スパコンについて「世界で2番目ではダメですか」と言った人は、私からの票は絶対に得られない ―― 私は忘れない

(4) The person who said "What is a problem, even if the super-computer performance is the second in the world?" I never forgive her.

(5) 量子コンピュータやmRANについて論じている人は、私よりも理解ができていない(か、表現がなっていない)ので除外

(5) The persons who argue about quantum computers and mRAN is less understandable that me.

(6)最低賃金はバイトにも適用されるので(ちゃんと調べた)、 最低賃金を1500円まで上昇させれば小売商店や個人経営の飲食店はバタバタと潰れていくと思う

(6)Since the minimum wage apply for the albite, small retailers and restaurant will be bankrupt easily if the wage is risen at 1500 yen.


If they hope the wide restriction of Japan to lead to bankrupt, I can consider it (However I think the small retailers should be continued)

(6) 「消費税廃止」は試してみる価値があると思う。だが、具体的な数値を使った机上シミュレーション or コンピュータシミュレーションの結果(コードも合わせて)も公開していないのは、何故だ?

(6) I think that "the consumption tax should be abort" is a good policy. On the other hand, I don't know the reason why they don't open their simulations result on desk or on computer to us.


I am afraid that it is too danger to start the social and field experiments without any simulation.


(If they have the results of the simulation, please let me know. I'll write a whole column on it).

(7) 芸術は守る価値はあると思うが、老後の心配(年金や国防)に比べれば、私には瑣末に過ぎる

(7) I think the arts are worth protecting, but they are too trivial for me compared to the concerns of old age (pensions and national defense).

(8) 『信仰でコロナ感染を防ぐ』とか唄っていたアホな教祖の党の候補者は、論外


(8) The person of the party which the idiot guru who sang about "preventing corona infection through faith" are out of the question.


(To be continued)


『なんでバスが鉄道の鉄橋の上を走るんだーー!』 で、頭を抱えて週末を潰している江端です。

"Why is the bus running on the bridge of railway!?" This phenomenon is annoying me this weekend.

バスが宇都宮ライトレールの上を驀進している ―― 宇都宮ライトレールの利用を拒否させるような、ダイクストラをどうやって作ろうか


Last night, I woke up for the debugging in my dream four times, and I was exhausted.


Just now, I noticed that I didn't modify the cost parameter of the Dijkstra function.


Finally I confirmed that I could prevent the bus from running out of control.


Well, today, I am going to complete to implement "transferring at the station".



Recently, I come to know that my insomnia is strongly related to heavy coding(debugging).


On the other hand, it seems to have nothing to do with writing columns.


What appears in my dream during my insomnia are "programming code" and "lists of database" in many cases.



In short,


"the opinions that a person says about Artificial Intelligence without insomnia by coding"


is absolutely not believed.


の後で、「一体、江端は何を考えているんだ」と思われるかもしれませんが、『宇都宮ライトレールの利用を拒否させるような、ダイクストラをどうやって作ろうか』と考えています ―― しかも、できるだけ手を抜いて。https://wp.kobore.net/%e6%b1%9f%e7%ab%af%e3%81%95%e3%82%93%e3%81%ae%e6%8a%80%e8%a1%93%e3%83%a1%e3%83%a2/post-6473/


utsu_tram_db  : 道路と鉄道の強制結合
utsu_tram_db2: 鉄道のコストを下げて、宇都宮ライトレールを優先的に選ばれるようにした
utsu_tram_db3: 宇都宮ライトレールを単線にして、取り扱いをラクにした



utsu_tram_db4: 宇都宮ライトレールを誰も使いたくなくなるくらいに、コストを爆上げしてやればいい






# pg_dump -U postgres -p 15432 utsu_tram_db3 > utsu_tram_db3.sql
# pg_dump -U postgres -p 15432 utsu_tram_db4 > utsu_tram_db4.sql



create database utsu_tram_db3;
\c utsu_tram_db3
create extension postgis;
create extension pgrouting;



# psql -U postgres -p 15432 utsu_tram_db3 < utsu_tram_db3.sql
# psql -U postgres -p 15432 utsu_tram_db4 < utsu_tram_db4.sql




We use a motion sensor light in our restroom to prevent forgetting to turn of the light.


However, the light has not worked well theses day..


After thinking it a little, I noticed the reason.


The motion sensor light detect a changes in infrared radiation with moving human body, and turn on the light.

ならば、トイレの室温が体温以上であったとすれば ―― 当然、センサは赤外線を検知できません。

Then the tempterture of the restroom is higher than those of human-body, the sensor cannot detect any infrared radiation.


Therefore wherever and whenever the temperature is higher than 36 degrees Celsius, the effect of security lighting with infrared radiation sensors is missing perfectly.


夜間に36度を越える熱帯夜 ―― 考えるだけで悪夢です。

Tropical nights with temperatures exceeding 36 degrees Celsius at night -- just thinking about it is a nightmare.


However we must remember that nobody could predict a series of extremely hot days (more than 40 degrees Celsius) a few years ago.



After graduation from high school and losing gym class, I came to life sports.



(Here is a story that I was hopeless klutz)


I was enthusiastic about skiing in college, and I started playing tennis in company,



After forgetting TOEIC and Eiken intentionally, I was no longer afraid to use English.


I used to speak English in my way, and I came to write my columns and papers in English.


訳あって、今、またTOEICの勉強をしているのですが ―― 今ならはっきり言えますが

With some private reasons, now I begin to study about TOEIC. And now I can say clearly,


"This test is ridiculous and meaningless"



For example, about the word choice questions, I know that some questions have more than two correct answers.


Nouns can be used adjectivally without any problem, and adverbs can make sense wherever they appear in a sentence.


About the conversation question, I really think that "how low they are that they can't EXPLICITLY talk about the purpose of the conversation" (I think it is true).

こんなものに費やす時間で、海外に行けますし、英語の論文も書けて、運がよければ論文賞を貰えます ―― 断言します。

With the time you spend on this ridiculous and meaningless test, you can go abroad and write a paper in English, and if you are lucky, you get an award. I assure you.


英語を本気で使いたければ、TOEICなんぞは忘れてしまう ―― これが正解です。

If you want to use English seriously, you should forget the existence of TOEIC. This is a correct answer.


However, the system of called "Japan" needs a "measure" for your English ability.


There are few people to judge your ability correctly, This is a typical negative feedback system.


Therefore, in Japan system, we cannot run away from English Test like TOEIC because of the defect of the system. It is no use to blame this system with loud voice.



The conclusion is that "Don't study TOEIC seriously, and set it aside from your life".


If you do it seriously, you might lose the purpose of your life.



utsu_db=# SELECT seq, node, edge, cost, agg_cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target,length_m as cost FROM ways',100, 600, false);

seq | node | edge | cost | agg_cost
1 | 100 | 41 | 27.7006591508524 | 0
2 | 18996 | 21479 | 63.36986127215735 | 27.7006591508524
3 | 6119 | 24518 | 17.68514641657604 | 91.07052042300975


utsu_db=# SELECT node as source FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target,length_m as cost FROM ways',100, 600, false);

さらに、"source"を検索キーとして、座標x1, y1を出力する

utsu_db=# select x1,y1 from ways where source in (SELECT node as source FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target,length_m as cost FROM ways',100, 600, false));
x1 | y1
139.8867509 | 36.5570485
139.8842018 | 36.5574191
139.9070779 | 36.5521857



//rows, err = db.Query("select x1,y1 from ways where source in (SELECT node as source FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target,length_m as cost FROM ways', $1::bigint , $2::bigint , false))", o_source, d_source)
	rows, err = db.Query("SELECT node as source FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target,length_m as cost FROM ways', 100 , 600 , false)")
	if err != nil {
	defer rows.Close()

	x1, y1 := -1.0, -1.0

	for rows.Next() {

		if err := rows.Scan(&source); err != nil {
		// 同じ内容の緯度軽度が2行以上表示される場合があるので、"limit 1"で1行に制限
		rows2, err := db.Query("SELECT source, x1, y1 from ways where source = $1::bigint limit 1", source)
		if err != nil {

		for rows2.Next() {
			if err := rows2.Scan(&source, &x1, &y1); err != nil {
			fmt.Println(source, x1, y1)



100 139.9308613 36.5364704
18996 139.9305846 36.536582
6119 139.9299632 36.5368549
19331 139.9297872 36.5369272
18976 139.9287925 36.5373735
6120 139.9285284 36.5375426
2595 139.9284283 36.5376435
13510 139.8719095 36.558477
13495 139.8713668 36.5586478
556 139.8699614 36.5584908
548 139.868783 36.5585636
600 139.8683731 36.5585918

(どなたか、"where in" "order by seq" 等で対処する方法を思いつかれた方は、ご連絡下さい) 




utsu_tram_db3=# SELECT seq, node, ST_AsText(b.the_geom) AS "Coordinates" FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost FROM ways', 2, 59, directed:=false) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.node = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;

1 | 2 | LINESTRING(140.01202169824 36.57871025496,140.01210960589 36.57850940596)
2 | 3 | LINESTRING(140.01210960589 36.57850940596,140.0145021 36.5730429,140.0146136 36.5727757,140.0147074 36.5725284,140.01472847292 36.57242810487)
3 | 6 | LINESTRING(140.01472847292 36.57242810487,140.01474259746 36.57236088004)
4 | 7 | LINESTRING(140.01474259746 36.57236088004,140.0147498 36.5723266,140.01474930095 36.57229596036,140.0147445 36.5720012,140.0147357 36.5718519,140.0147215 36.5716942,140.0146525 36.5713687,140.0146383 36.5712934,140.0142569 36.5705335,140.0132318 36.5684315,140.0125081 36.5670258,140.0114588 36.5649136)
5 | 41995 | LINESTRING(140.0114588 36.5649136,140.0113901 36.5648283,140.0112966 36.5647907,140.0112113 36.5647891,140.0109652 36.5648276,140.01083814578 36.56486337469)
6 | 10 | LINESTRING(140.01083814578 36.56486337469,140.01068264711 36.56490715847)



utsu_tram_db3=# SELECT seq, source, edge, x1, y1 FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost FROM ways', 2, 59, directed:=false) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;
seq | source | edge | x1 | y1
1 | 2 | 39626 | 140.01202169824 | 36.57871025496
2 | 3 | 39627 | 140.01210960589 | 36.57850940596
3 | 6 | 42190 | 140.01472847292 | 36.57242810487
4 | 7 | 58678 | 140.01474259746 | 36.57236088004
5 | 41995 | 48370 | 140.0114588 | 36.5649136
6 | 10 | 42191 | 140.01083814578 | 36.56486337469
7 | 11 | 42192 | 140.01068264711 | 36.56490715847
8 | 14 | 39629 | 140.00672391747 | 36.56601660123
9 | 16 | 42193 | 140.00534360203 | 36.56639931881
10 | 18 | 39631 | 139.99881746427 | 36.56760356174
11 | 20 | 42194 | 139.99785322163 | 36.56762649318
12 | 22 | 42195 | 139.99322640365 | 36.56769789956
13 | 23 | 42197 | 139.99279862059 | 36.56770561742
14 | 26 | 39632 | 139.9873020073 | 36.56744076372
15 | 27 | 58694 | 139.98637655778 | 36.56719243017
16 | 42011 | 58693 | 139.9849076 | 36.5669615
17 | 42010 | 59395 | 139.9834987 | 36.5659784
18 | 42653 | 58677 | 139.9833653 | 36.5651397
19 | 41994 | 58676 | 139.9831305 | 36.5639836
20 | 41993 | 58675 | 139.9828407 | 36.5628279
21 | 41992 | 48369 | 139.9823791 | 36.5562514
22 | 30 | 58674 | 139.98257030036 | 36.55573422149
23 | 41991 | 48368 | 139.9826931 | 36.5551828
24 | 31 | 39646 | 139.98315132981 | 36.55393844125
25 | 62 | 39633 | 139.98318348014 | 36.55383009795
26 | 34 | 39634 | 139.98429467116 | 36.5475784165
27 | 36 | 44770 | 139.97637588623 | 36.54492018008
28 | 33441 | 59396 | 139.9758737 | 36.5448171
29 | 42654 | 58691 | 139.97571 | 36.5447853
30 | 42008 | 58673 | 139.9727346 | 36.5443785
31 | 41990 | 58692 | 139.9723398 | 36.5443964
32 | 42009 | 58689 | 139.9719943 | 36.5444584
33 | 42006 | 58690 | 139.9688728 | 36.5456984
34 | 42007 | 58683 | 139.9684653 | 36.5458879
35 | 42000 | 58682 | 139.9656822 | 36.5472156
36 | 41999 | 58688 | 139.9644358 | 36.5478259
37 | 42005 | 48960 | 139.9641365 | 36.5479761
38 | 33444 | 58681 | 139.96349045574 | 36.54828227973
39 | 41998 | 58672 | 139.9619295 | 36.5490366
40 | 41989 | 58671 | 139.9600165 | 36.5499581
41 | 41988 | 58846 | 139.9540272 | 36.5527689
42 | 42143 | 59676 | 139.9519912 | 36.5538036
43 | 42943 | 59406 | 139.9492115 | 36.5546546
44 | 42665 | 48588 | 139.9490753 | 36.5546663
45 | 38 | 58685 | 139.94481625362 | 36.5547848398
46 | 42002 | 58684 | 139.9412636 | 36.5548806
47 | 42001 | 58680 | 139.940733 | 36.5548939
48 | 41997 | 48373 | 139.9399581 | 36.5549218
49 | 39 | 58669 | 139.93905845231 | 36.55494655098
50 | 41986 | 59675 | 139.9384363 | 36.5549609
51 | 42942 | 59674 | 139.9380896 | 36.5549625
52 | 42941 | 58687 | 139.9368167 | 36.5558301
53 | 42004 | 58686 | 139.936282 | 36.5567211
54 | 42003 | 48374 | 139.9353468 | 36.5569036
55 | 41 | 39637 | 139.92919004082 | 36.55704773078
56 | 44 | 39639 | 139.92333810575 | 36.55725460701
57 | 46 | 44769 | 139.9223235539 | 36.55728625609
58 | 33440 | 39640 | 139.9182188 | 36.5574198
59 | 48 | 39641 | 139.91623289881 | 36.55749040041
60 | 49 | 60589 | 139.9150276012 | 36.55753526085
61 | 43716 | 60590 | 139.9137825 | 36.5575688
62 | 43717 | 48847 | 139.9092969 | 36.5578313
63 | 52 | 39643 | 139.90814263916 | 36.55792109617
64 | 54 | 39644 | 139.90721660195 | 36.55798632222
65 | 56 | 42199 | 139.90390213698 | 36.55824095683
66 | 57 | 39645 | 139.90305460077 | 36.55830618413
(66 rows)

で、やっとできました。soruceのところは、nodeだのedgeだの入れてみましたが、sourceが正解のようです。なお最後のnode 59は出てきません。edgeなので、終端は表示されない、ということでしょう。



seq, # ダイクストラの計算結果"a"から出てくる"seq" ("a.seq"と記載してもいい)
source, # ダイクストラの計算結果"a"から出てくる"source"("a.source"と記載してもいい)
edge, # ダイクストラの計算結果"a"から出てくる"edge"("a.edge"と記載してもいい)
x1, # ダイクストラの計算結果"a"から出てくる"x1"("a.x1"と記載してもいい)
y1, # ダイクストラの計算結果"a"から出てくる"y1"("a.y1"と記載してもいい)
# の4つを表示してね
pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost FROM ways', 2, 59) a
# ダイクストラの計算結果(テーブル扱い)を"a"とする
# "ways"のテーブルを"b"とする
(a.edge = b.gid)
# "a"の"node"の値と、"b"の"gid"の値が一緒の場合
# 出力結果をseqの値でソートする




Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.



"A New Theory of Action for Engineers Who Are Not Loved by Money(4)"

Let's try to make a stock database by "docker"



When I got a review about this column from the junior colleagues, he pointed out the explanation of the concept of Docker, from the viewpoint of compliance.


These day, the expression of "Mistress" might to be a problem, I know. And in order to avoid annoying flame, I should not use immoral expressions.


(Incidentally, the original expression was "concubine house")


で、その後輩の指摘を受けて、私、かなり考えたのですが ―― 良い表現が思いつきませんでした。

After getting the argue, I thought it again deeply, however, I could not come to a good one.


On the contrary, if I try to express it exactly,


"Twin sisters are enclosed in separate units in the same apartment building."

になってしまい ―― もっと印象が悪い。

I can agree that this expression become worse.


Docker works as a micro-service including same application at the same time with no contradiction. If I try to express these micro-services,


"can do something with the twin sisters simultaneously" is more accurate.


Using different port numbers of each Docker, you can use more than two database simultaneously. I really use docker containers like the way.


Well, even I can agree with you, if you say "Ebata's imagination is vulgar"



According to the "Ebata's imagination is vulgar", a people said that in this column,


However, I wanted to say,

―― それなら、この内容を「上品」に書いたものを、私に見せてくれ

"Rewrite it elegant and show me it"
