



  g++ -g wf.cpp -o wf


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>   // list 利用のため

using namespace std;

//int d[100][100];  // d[i][k]:ノードiからノードkへの距離 
//int via[100][100];  // d[i][k]の間にある(少くとも1つの)中継ノード

double d[100][100];  // d[i][k]:ノードiからノードkへの距離 
int via[100][100];  //  d[i][k]の間にある(少くとも1つの)中継ノード

list<int> path[100][100];   // int 型の list を宣言  

#if 1
// 中継パスの表示ルーチン(再帰呼出し用)
void printPath1_aux(int begin, int end) {
  if (via[begin][end] == begin) {
	if (begin != end)
	  printf("%02d -> ", begin);
  printPath1_aux(begin, via[begin][end]);
  printPath1_aux(via[begin][end], end);

// 中継パスの表示ルーチン(再帰呼出し用)
void printPath1_aux(int begin, int end, list<int>* p) {
  if (via[begin][end] == begin) {
	if (begin != end){
	  // printf("%02d -> ", begin);
  printPath1_aux(begin, via[begin][end], p);
  printPath1_aux(via[begin][end], end, p);

// 中継パスの表示ルーチン
#if 1
void printPath1(int start, int goal) {
  printPath1_aux(start, via[start][goal]);
  printPath1_aux(via[start][goal], goal);
  printf("%02d\n", goal);

void printPath1(int start, int goal, list<int> *p ) {
  printPath1_aux(start, via[start][goal], p);
  printPath1_aux(via[start][goal], goal, p);
  // printf("%02d\n", goal);


int main(void)
  // 変数の初期化
  for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
	for(int j = 0; j < 100; j++){
	  d[i][j] = 999.9; // 距離の初期化(でっかい値を入力しておく(INT_MAXは足し算の時に桁上がりが起こるので使わない)
	  via[i][j] = i; // ノードiからノードkへの経由値の初期化 
 #if 0
  // 確認用の表示
  for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
	for(int k = 0; k < 100; k++){

  //// ここからは実際の距離を手書き
  for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
	d[i][i] = 0; //// 同じノードへの距離は0になるので、上書き
  // [0][2] → "02", [4][9] → "49", [9][[9] → "99"
  // 座標は1ケタ内に留める

  for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++){
	for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++){

	  int n_num = x * 10 + y;

	  // + ( 1, 0)
	  int x_new = x + 1;
	  int y_new = y;

	  if (x_new < 9){
		int n_num_next = x_new * 10 + y_new;
		d[n_num][n_num_next] = 0.069;
		printf("1:d[%02d][%02d]=%f\n",n_num, n_num_next, d[n_num][n_num_next]);


	  // + (-1, 0)
	  x_new = x - 1;
	  y_new = y;

	  if (x_new > -1 ){
		int n_num_next = x_new * 10 + y_new;
		d[n_num][n_num_next] = 0.069;
		printf("2:d[%02d][%02d]=%f\n",n_num, n_num_next, d[n_num][n_num_next]);

	  // + ( 0, 1)
	  x_new = x;
	  y_new = y + 1;

	  if (y_new < 5 ){
		int n_num_next = x_new * 10 + y_new;
		d[n_num][n_num_next] = 0.069;
		printf("3:d[%02d][%02d]=%f\n",n_num, n_num_next, d[n_num][n_num_next]);

	  // + ( 0,-1)
	  x_new = x;
	  y_new = y - 1;

	  if (y_new > -1 ){
		int n_num_next = x_new * 10 + y_new;
		d[n_num][n_num_next] = 0.069;
		printf("4:d[%02d][%02d]=%f\n",n_num, n_num_next, d[n_num][n_num_next]);

  // 実験用上書き
  d[02][12] = 0.025;  
  d[12][22] = 0.025;  
  d[22][32] = 0.025;  
  d[32][42] = 0.025;  
  d[42][52] = 0.025;  
  d[52][62] = 0.025;  
  d[62][72] = 0.025;  
  d[72][82] = 0.025;  

  d[12][02] = 0.025;  
  d[22][12] = 0.025;  
  d[32][22] = 0.025;  
  d[42][32] = 0.025;  
  d[52][42] = 0.025;  
  d[62][52] = 0.025;  
  d[72][62] = 0.025;  
  d[82][72] = 0.025;  

#if 1
  // 確認用の表示
  for(int i = 0; i < 99; i++){
	for(int k = 0; k < 99; k++){

  // 経路長計算
  for (int k =0; k < 99; k++){  
	for (int i =0; i < 99; i++){
	  for(int j = 0; j < 99; j++){
		if(d[i][j] > d[i][k] + d[k][j]){
		  d[i][j] = d[i][k] + d[k][j];
		  via[i][j] = k; //更新処理

#if 0
  // 計算結果
  for(int i = 0; i < 99; i++){
	for(int k = 0; k < 99; k++){

#if 1
  // 経路パス表示
  for(int i = 0; i < 99; i++){
	for(int k = 0; k < 99; k++){
	  if (d[i][k] < 99.9){
		printf("d[%02d][%02d]:%f ",i,k,d[i][k]);
		printPath1(i, k);
		printPath1(i, k, &(path[i][k]));
  // イテレータ (反復子) の定義
  list<int>::iterator pos;

  list<int> l = path[83][04];
  // イテレータをずらしながら、全てのデータを取り出す。
  for(pos = l.begin(); pos!=l.end(); ++pos){
      cout << *pos << "\n";


  // https://cpprefjp.github.io/reference/algorithm/copy.html
  // back_inserter を使って l2 へ設定。
  // back_inserter は要素をコピーするときに l2.push_back() するイテレータを作る関数。

  //std::list<int> l2;
  list<int> l2;  

  //std::copy(l.begin(), l.end(), back_inserter(l2));
  copy(l.begin(), l.end(), back_inserter(l2));

  // l2.erase(v.begin() + 2);       //  3番目の要素(9)を削除
  l2.erase(l2.begin());       // 先頭の要素を削除

  for(pos = l2.begin(); pos!=l2.end(); ++pos){
      cout << *pos << "\n";





I don't think it was a lot of fun when I looked at teenagers in general, except when I was in college.


Even if I become a celebrity and receive a lecture request from the high school I attended, I think I will definitely refuse.

高校には、私をいじめていた奴が2人いて、今でもその2人の名前を覚えていて、今でも私は許していないから、ということもあるのですが ―― それだけでもありません。

There were two guys in high school who were bullying me, and I still remember their names, and I still don't forgive them. But that's not all.


After all, I had hated "school".


However, I loved "university", so I think that what I hated was

―― 「クラス」という「箱」

A "box" called "class"




- "Management area" where it was decided that the teacher should clarify the scope of jurisdiction and responsibility, and the other management targets (students) could be ignored.


- "Cluster" that was forced to be gathered for no purpose, but is compared to other classes and forced to win for no apparent reason.


- Evil "classmates" who interfered with what I was doing and kept pulling my legs instead of cooperating.



At this time of the athletic and school festival, I remember

―― 私が、休日を返上してたった一人で作った文化祭の展示物の前で、集合写真を取ったクラスの連中

"The classmate who took a group photo in front of the cultural festival exhibit that I made by myself after returning from the holidays"



Even now, decades after that, I can't forgive them.



So, even if I become a celebrity and receive a lecture request from the high school I attended, I think


"I will definitely refuse"




My draft in progress came back from the institution I had asked to review it.


Here are some excerpts.

===== ここから =====

===== From here ======


The terms "risk" and "anxiety" in the text are used with the following meanings.


"Risk" is the possibility of disadvantages to the behavior change target (individuals, companies), and changes by accepting the behavior change request by the behavior change guidance system.


For example, an individual may suffer from a viral infectious disease and be forced to take sick leave and lose his or her income, or may die.


In addition, in a company, the occurrence of an infected person in an employee may interrupt business activities and cause financial loss.


On the other hand, "anxiety" means that a person who is subject to behavior change accepts a request for behavior change by the behavior change guidance system, and acts differently from others, and only he / she suffers disadvantages (dismissal, deficit performance, etc.) feelings of anxiety or fear that you may feel.


In this text, the risk of infection with a viral or other infectious disease will be explained as an example, however, risks and anxieties do not only occur for infectious diseases.


For example, in a disaster such as an earthquake or a huge typhoon, there is a risk that the subject may evacuate or wait at home, and regardless of which one is selected, the decision to act differently from others is accompanied by anxiety.


These risks and anxieties are factors that hinder the acceptance of behavior change requests.


Hereinafter, the behavior change guidance system will be described in more detail.

===== ここまで =====

===== To here ======


To summarize the above excerpts, that is,

―― 人を動かしたいなら「"リスク"を数値化して、"不安"を"恐怖"に持ち込め」

"If you want to move people, Quantify the 'risk' and Raise 'anxiety' to 'fear'"



I also thought, "The idea of 'agitating anxiety and moving the world' is the same as the dictator of the east and west in the first place."


Well, these days, anyone can use SNS to do it normally, even if it's not a dictator.


But I wonder if I have never seen "quantification".



About this "behavior change guidance system" that I am proposing, even if I rewrite the following, the meaning seems to be understood.


"Dictator decision support system"



"Brand name system that uses the Internet flame"




Well, I think it will definitely be rejected at the examination stage.



This is the last story related to yesterday's diary.



This time, I read back "The level of support for "LGBT" is too high" as an absolute primary resource.


However, as at that time, I was troubled by the "difficulty of reading" of this sentence.


I couldn't get into the "content" because the "sentence structure" was so bad.



In the first place, I feel a strong sense of discomfort in calling this sentence a "paper".


If this is a "paper", then "I" is too pitiful.


I think that paper is


"A statement of a hypothesis, evidence, objective data (or calculations), and the logical conclusions to be drawn from them"



And the process of writing a paper is that

- 査読者にボロクソに(但しロジカルに)批判されて、

- I am severely (but logically) criticized by the peer reviewers.

- 何度も検討や計算をやりなおして、

- I have to go through all the reviews and calculations again and again.

- それでも受理されず、

- the paper isn't accepted.

- 再投稿を繰り返し、

- I repost it repeatedly

- ようやく掲載の許諾を得る

- I finally get permission to publish it.




So, this is my suggestion to the author of this article.


Once, about the contents released at "Shincho 45", you received proper dissertation guidance at universities etc. and how about submitting it as a "peer-reviewed paper" to a domestic academic society?


Regardless of the person's thoughts, the academic society will accept the dissertation (or rather, it must be accepted) as long as it forms the body of the dissertation.


If there is a part where it is not clear whether the person is subjective or objective, you will be instructed to "specify the cited document".


It's a hassle, but it's safe.


If the domestic academic society does not accept it, you can submit it to a foreign academic society.


I think you will need an English translation, but it is enough to outsource the translation.


If it is not accepted by any academic society in the world (I don't think that is the case), you can post an unrefereed conference paper and give a lecture at the academic society.


If you announce it in advance, you will be able to attract a large number of listeners.



First of all, I recommend that you consult with the teacher who helped you at your university.


If you are rejected by an academic society or a teacher, please contact me (Ebata) as the last line.



According to "The level of support for "LGBT" is too high" in Shincho45


- If I can read it in a proper peer-reviewed dissertation




- If I can listen to a lecture with logical content


I'm willing to help (it's true).



for (let i = 0; i < markers.length; ++i) {
				if (obj.id == markers[i].hashCode){
					console.log("obj.id == markers[i].hashCode")

					//leafletView.RemoveMarkers(markers[obj.id]);  // これでは消えてくれません
					// 1つのマーカーを消すのに、面倒でも以下の2行が必要
					var deleteList = markers.splice(i, 1);					

					// 以下失敗例リスト
					//leafletView.RemoveMarkers(markers[i].hashCode);  //これはダメ
					//leafletView.ProcessView(); // 試しに入れてみる


// 位置情報の更新
    window.setInterval(function () {
        leafletView.ProcessView();  // 変更が行われたときに呼び出されれなければならない (ここでは1000ミリ秒)
	}, 1000);


  • 背景
    • 事業部に散々脅かされた
    • 「もし、ハックされたら研開(というか江端一人)で責任取れよ」と念を押された
    • AWSコンソールは、江端のみにログイン権限があるので、ここからいじるのは難しいそう
  • 江端予測
    • EC2への直接の攻撃・または侵入
      • 一応SSHアクセスはできる状態
      • SSHによる攻撃はかなり難しいのではないか(秘密鍵がある限り)
    • EBLへの攻撃・または侵入
      • 無闇なアタックはできるだろうが、内部に入ることはできないのでは?
    • 取られる情報
      • 個人情報はないので、個人情報の流出は不可能だが、ユーザ利用情報やら運行情報が取られる可能性もある
  • 江端が調べた範囲のこと
    • SQLインジェクション
      • WebからSQLに触れないので意味なし
    • XSS(クロスサイトスクリプティング)
      • Webサイトのリンクは限定的であり、外部から改竄される余地がない
    • バッファオーバーフロー
      • ELBでEC2を保護しているから、サービスは落せない(?)
    • WebDAV
      • 本サービスでは使っていないので関係なし
    • FTPS(FTP over SSL)やSFTP(SSH File Transfer Protocol)等)を採用しているか
      • FTPサーバ上げる予定がないので、自動的にこれを採用することになる
    • メールサーバ
      • メールサーバがない
    • CMS
      • 使用しない
    • 意図しないサーバへのゾーン転送の防止
      • 発生しえない
    • 安全なHTTPS通信
      • TLSを利用したhttps通信を使用
    • 社外公開サーバ セキュリティ対策リスト_20191007.xlsxにて確認済み
  • 江端不明点
    • EC2からIAMを書き換えることって可能なのか?



// server13.go ペアはclient8.go

// Copyright 2015 The Gorilla WebSocket Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// +build ignore

// 使い方
// go run server13.go      (適当なシェルから)
// http://localhost:8080  (ブラウザ起動)

package main

import (


// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID  int     `json:"id"`
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng float64 `json:"lng"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`

//var addr = flag.String("addr", "localhost:8080", "http service address")
var addr = flag.String("addr", "", "http service address") // テスト

var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options

var chan2_1 = make(chan GetLoc)

var maxid = 0

var mutex sync.Mutex

func echo2(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	c, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) // cはサーバのコネクション
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("upgrade:", err)
	defer c.Close()

	//mutex := new(sync.Mutex)

	for {
		//mt, message, err := c.ReadMessage() // クライアントからのメッセージの受信(mtはクライアント識別子)
		//_, _, err := c.ReadMessage() // クライアントからのメッセージの受信(mtはクライアント識別子)


		gl := new(GetLoc)

		err := c.ReadJSON(&gl) // クライアントからのメッセージの受信

		// 原因不明の対処処理
		if gl.ID == 0 && gl.Lat < 0.01 && gl.Lng < 0.01 {
		} else if gl.ID < -1 { // 受理できないメッセージとして返信する
			//条件分岐 (変なIDが付与されているメッセージは潰す)
			//if (gl.ID > maxid) || (gl.ID < -1) { // 受理できないメッセージとして返信する

			gl.ID = -1
			gl.Lat = -999
			gl.Lng = -999
			err2 := c.WriteJSON(gl)
			if err2 != nil {
				log.Println("write1:", err2)
		} else { // それ以外は転送する
			log.Printf("echo2 after c.WriteJSON(gl) ID:%d", gl.ID)
			log.Printf("echo2 after c.WriteJSON(gl) Lat:%f", gl.Lat)
			log.Printf("echo2 after c.WriteJSON(gl) Lng:%f", gl.Lng)

			if err != nil {
				log.Println("read:", err)
			fmt.Printf("echo2 before chan2_1 <- *gl\n")
			chan2_1 <- *gl
			fmt.Printf("echo2 after chan2_1 <- *gl\n")

			//gl2 := new(GetLoc)
			fmt.Printf("echo2 before gl2 := <-chan2_1\n")
			gl2 := <-chan2_1
			maxid = gl2.ID // ID最大値の更新
			log.Printf("echo2 after gl2 := <-chan2_1 ID:%d", gl2.ID)
			log.Printf("echo2 after gl2 := <-chan2_1 Lat:%f", gl2.Lat)
			log.Printf("echo2 after gl2 := <-chan2_1 Lng:%f", gl2.Lng)

			fmt.Printf("echo2 before err2 := c.WriteJSON(gl2)\n")
			err2 := c.WriteJSON(gl2)
			fmt.Printf("echo2 after err2 := c.WriteJSON(gl2)\n")
			if err2 != nil {
				log.Println("write2:", err2)
			fmt.Printf("end of echo2\n")



func echo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

	c, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) // cはサーバのコネクション
	if err != nil {
		log.Print("upgrade:", err)
	defer c.Close()

	/*	ここでロックして待つ */

	for {

		fmt.Printf("echo before gl := <-chan2_1\n")
		gl := <-chan2_1
		fmt.Printf("echo after gl := <-chan2_1\n")

		fmt.Printf("echo before err = c.WriteJSON(gl) gl2.id = %d\n", gl.ID)
		fmt.Printf("echo before err = c.WriteJSON(gl) gl2.lat = %f\n", gl.Lat)
		fmt.Printf("echo before err = c.WriteJSON(gl) gl2.lng= %f\n", gl.Lng)
		err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("WriteJSON1:", err)
		fmt.Printf("echo after err = c.WriteJSON(gl)\n")

		fmt.Printf("echo before err = c.RreadJSON(gl)\n")
		gl2 := new(GetLoc)
		err2 := c.ReadJSON(&gl2)
		fmt.Printf("echo after err = c.ReadJSON(&gl2) gl2.id = %d\n", gl2.ID)
		fmt.Printf("echo after err = c.ReadJSON(&gl2) gl2.lat = %f\n", gl2.Lat)
		fmt.Printf("echo after err = c.ReadJSON(&gl2) gl2.lng= %f\n", gl2.Lng)
		if err2 != nil {
			log.Println("ReadJSON:", err2)
		// ここからチャネルで返す
		fmt.Printf("echo before chan2_1 <- *gl2 gl2.id = %d\n", gl2.ID)
		fmt.Printf("echo before chan2_1 <- *gl2 gl2.lat = %f\n", gl2.Lat)
		fmt.Printf("echo before chan2_1 <- *gl2 gl2.lng = %f\n", gl2.Lng)
		chan2_1 <- *gl2
		fmt.Printf("echo after chan2_1 <- *gl2\n")
		fmt.Printf("end of echo\n")


func home(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	homeTemplate.Execute(w, "ws://"+r.Host+"/echo")

func main() {

	http.HandleFunc("/echo2", echo2)           // echo関数を登録 (サーバとして必要)
	http.HandleFunc("/echo", echo)             // echo関数を登録 (サーバとして必要)
	http.HandleFunc("/", home)                 // home関数を登録
	log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(*addr, nil)) // localhost:8080で起動をセット

var homeTemplate = template.Must(template.New("").Parse(`
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>PruneCluster - Realworld 50k</title>

	<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/1.0.0-beta.2.rc.2/leaflet.css"/>
	<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/leaflet/1.0.0-beta.2.rc.2/leaflet.js"></script>

	<script src="http://kobore.net/PruneCluster.js"></script>           <!-- これ、いずれローカルホストから取れるように換える -->
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://kobore.net/examples.css"/>      <!-- これも、いずれローカルホストから取れるように換える -->

	<!-- goのテンプレートのローカルって、どこになるんだろう? -->

<div id="map"></div>


	ws = new WebSocket("{{.}}"); // websocketの確立

	var print = function(message) {
		var d = document.createElement("div");
		d.textContent = message;

	// 引数にはミリ秒を指定。(例:5秒の場合は5000)
	function sleep(a){
  		var dt1 = new Date().getTime();
  		var dt2 = new Date().getTime();
  		while (dt2 < dt1 + a){
			dt2 = new Date().getTime();

    var map = L.map("map", {
        attributionControl: false,
        zoomControl: false
    }).setView(new L.LatLng(35.654543, 139.795534), 18);

    L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
        detectRetina: true,
        maxNativeZoom: 18

    var leafletView = new PruneClusterForLeaflet(1,1);  // (120,20)がデフォルト

	ws.onopen = function (event) {

	var markers = [];

	// 受信すると、勝手にここに飛んでくる
	ws.onmessage = function (event) {
		// データをJSON形式に変更
		var obj = JSON.parse(event.data);


		if (obj.id == 0){  // idが未登録の場合
			console.log("obj.id == 0")
			// データをマーカーとして登録
			var marker = new PruneCluster.Marker(obj.lat, obj.lng);

			obj.id = marker.hashCode;
			//ws.send(marker.hashCode); // テキスト送信
			var json_obj = JSON.stringify(obj);
		} else if ((Math.abs(obj.lat) > 90.0) || (Math.abs(obj.lng) > 180.0)){ // 異常な座標が入った場合は、マーカーを消去する
			console.log("Math.abs(obj.lat) > 180.0)")
			for (let i = 0; i < markers.length; ++i) {
				if (obj.id == markers[i].hashCode){
					console.log("obj.id == markers[i].hashCode")
			obj.lat = 91.0;
			obj.lng = 181.0;
			var json_obj = JSON.stringify(obj);
		} else {
			// 位置情報更新
			for (let i = 0; i < markers.length; ++i) {
				if (obj.id == markers[i].hashCode){
					var ll = markers[i].position;
					ll.lat = obj.lat;
					ll.lng = obj.lng;
			var json_obj = JSON.stringify(obj);

	// 位置情報の更新
    window.setInterval(function () {
        leafletView.ProcessView();  // 変更が行われたときに呼び出されれなければならない
	}, 1000);

	// サーバを止めると、ここに飛んでくる
	ws.onclose = function(event) {
		ws = null;


func main() {

	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	for i := 1; i < 1000; i++ {
		wg.Add(1) // goルーチンを実行する関数分だけAddする。
		go passenger(i, &wg)
	// goルーチンで実行される関数が終了するまで待つ。
	// time.Sleep(250 * time.Second)

func passenger(count int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
// client8.go ペアは server13.go

package main

import (



// GetLoc GetLoc
type GetLoc struct {
	ID  int     `json:"id"`
	Lat float64 `json:"lat"`
	Lng float64 `json:"lng"`
	//Address string  `json:"address"`

var addr = flag.String("addr", "", "http service address") // テスト

func random(min, max float64) float64 {
	return rand.Float64()*(max-min) + min

func main() {

	var wg sync.WaitGroup

	for i := 1; i < 1000; i++ {
		wg.Add(1) // goルーチンを実行する関数分だけAddする。
		go passenger(i, &wg)
	// goルーチンで実行される関数が終了するまで待つ。
	// time.Sleep(250 * time.Second)

func passenger(count int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {

	//var addr = flag.String("addr", "", "http service address") // テスト
	//var addr = flag.String("addr", "localhost:8080", "http service address") // テスト

	defer wg.Done() // WaitGroupを最後に完了しないといけない。

	//var upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options
	_ = websocket.Upgrader{} // use default options


	u := url.URL{Scheme: "ws", Host: *addr, Path: "/echo2"}
	log.Printf("connecting to %s", u.String())

	c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(u.String(), nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("dial:", err)
	defer c.Close()

	gl := GetLoc{
		ID:  0,
		Lat: 35.653976,
		Lng: 139.796821,

	log.Printf("count:%d before 1 ID:%d", count, gl.ID)
	log.Printf("count:%d before 1 Lat:%f", count, gl.Lat)
	log.Printf("count:%d before 1 Lng:%f", count, gl.Lng)
	//err = c.WriteJSON(mt, gl)
	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("write:", err)

	gl2 := new(GetLoc)
	err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
	log.Printf("count:%d after1 ID:%d", count, gl2.ID)
	log.Printf("count:%d after1 Lat:%f", count, gl2.Lat)
	log.Printf("count:%d after1 Lng:%f", count, gl2.Lng)

	gl.ID = gl2.ID
	for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
		gl.Lat += random(0.5, -0.5) * 0.00001 * 10 * 5
		gl.Lng += random(0.5, -0.5) * 0.00002 * 10 * 5

		log.Printf("count:%d-%d before 2 ID:%d", count, i, gl.ID)
		log.Printf("count:%d-%d before 2 Lat:%f", count, i, gl.Lat)
		log.Printf("count:%d-%d before 2 Lng:%f", count, i, gl.Lng)

		err = c.WriteJSON(gl)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("write:", err)
		gl2 := new(GetLoc)
		err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
		log.Printf("count:%d-%d after 2 ID:%d", count, i, gl2.ID)
		log.Printf("count:%d-%d after 2 Lat:%f", count, i, gl2.Lat)
		log.Printf("count:%d-%d after 2 Lng:%f", count, i, gl2.Lng)

		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) // 1秒休む

	gl.ID = gl2.ID
	gl.Lat = 999.9
	gl.Lng = 999.9

	log.Printf("count:%d before 3 ID:%d", count, gl.ID)
	log.Printf("count:%d before 3 Lat:%f", count, gl.Lat)
	log.Printf("count:%d before 3 Lng:%f", count, gl.Lng)

	err = c.WriteJSON(gl)

	err = c.ReadJSON(gl2)
	log.Printf("count:%d after3 ID:%d", count, gl2.ID)
	log.Printf("count:%d after3 Lat:%f", count, gl2.Lat)
	log.Printf("count:%d after3 Lng:%f", count, gl2.Lng)






As I mentioned in yesterday's diary, I've just done a fair amount of research on a certain person (a politician) and I have to admit, I'm tired of it.


In conclusion.

―― この人の狂い方の「ルール」が分からない

"I cannot understand what the "rules" of this person's madness are"



I have spent quite a bit of time reading books and papers on population issues, fertility, LGBT, productivity, etc., making hypotheses, designing calculation models, and doing all kinds of calculations on computers.


- I interviewed the people involved in "LGBT" directly and continued to receive consultations from FTM and MTF even after the article was published.


- Regarding the "population problem", we conducted a computer simulation of all the people for dozens of hours using 127 million agents.


- After conducting a thorough investigation and consideration of "productivity", he asserted that "there is no" productivity "that can be uniquely defined."


I am the person who have done them.


In addition,

―― 朧げながらの蜃気楼のような全体像が見えてから、"何"かを語り出す

"After seeing the whole picture like a mirage while being hazy, I start talking about "something"


I have seen social problems with an inefficient approach.



My approach is to look at the present and predict the future with "hypotheses, data and calculations"


I don't think "I want to persuade others" at all, and the above approach is "it's enough if I convince myself".


If I deceive myself, that's enough.



This person, like me, may not even think "I want to persuade others" at all.


The only difference is that it's not "hypothesis, data, and math," but "no evidence, logic-ignoring, thorough subjectivity."

―― ラクでいいな~

"It seems to be enjoyable"


I think deeply,


When I think, "How easy is life if I can deceive myself without logic and evidence?", I really envy her from the bottom of my heart.



I think "Lunatics will win eventually".


However, my madness is "weak" because of the strong constraints (evidence / dataism, weak perspective, logic consistency).


Compared to this person's madness, my madness is about the difference between an adult and a baby.

まあ ―― この人のような「みっともない狂い方」をするくらいなら、死んだ方がマシだ ―― とは思っていますけど。

Well, I think it's better to die than to go "crazy unsightly" like this person.


キーワード: 切取り、切り取り、削除、圧縮、キャプチャ、画面、編集、



■amuseGraphics → これは使ったことないなぁ

■AG-デスクトップレコーダー → PC画面をキャプチャする(使い倒している)

■RealPlayer →wmvファイルをmp4に変換するのに使っている(ちなみにVLCでは、結構な音ずれが発生する)



Today's diary is a continuation of the email exchange with Mr. S on October 8th.



Mr. Ebata


As a result of reconfirming the information, the minutes and answer videos that are the primary source have not been released, and there are two articles on Ms.Sugita's official website (posted on September 26th and October 1st). Based on the tweet by Mr. Kotoe Hashimoto, a member of Nippon Kaigi, on October 1st, there was a counterargument to the remark problem.


(It seems that the information has been confirmed by Mr. Ebata, but I will describe it for the time being.)


Mio Sugita Official Website (October 1st)


Kotoe Hashimoto Tweet


The information above reports that the statement was in response to the comfort problem issue. According to whether or not the statement was made, or intent of the statement, these were information that could not be proven to be true because they were statement from the person concerned, or from the hearsay from the congressman's secretary who was there. Therefore, it could not be a source of evidence.


(The video I identified, I thought, was a video that introduced another claim by Ms. Sugita Miho.)


I apologize for basing my opinion on inaccurate information.


Also, according to Sugita's statement, the LDP subcommittee has adopted a policy of withholding information from the public in consideration of the impact of the debate on society and freedom of speech.


(I think the fact that someone leaked the contents of the closed session to the outside world is the more serious issue...)


# Hereafter, due to the description of the personal feelings, omitted by Ebata's discretion



Mr. S


I'm sorry for the late reply.


As a result of my own research for the past two days after receiving your suggestions, I would like to report the following conclusions.

1. 結論

1. Conclusion


(1) I will not add, delete, or change my diary on October 7th at this time.


(2) However, the above (1) does not apply if in the future, based on new evidence, the facts are found to be sufficient to change my mind.

2. 調査状況

2. Survey approach


(1) Investigation policy


(a) An overview of the circumstances of this case, from the occurrence of the incident to the present


(b) Investigation of primary information about the case.


(c) Survey of the contents of major news agencies


(d) Critics' comments that Ebata has used as a reference point for "fixed-point observations" for over 20 years


(e) Research on the top 100 or so articles in this case through Google searches.

(f)本件ではないが、過去の確定的な一次情報の再調査と、Twitterコメント、およびGoogle Scholarを使った論文の調査

(f) Re-examination of previous definitive primary information outside of this case, as well as Twitter comments and research of the paper using Google Scholar.


owever, it would be too much for me to describe all of these, so I will only outline the implementation items below.


(2) An overview of the circumstances of this case, from the occurrence of the incident to the present


(Step1) Regarding the so-called "woman tells a lie" statement, Mio Sugita (hereinafter referred to as Ms. M) announced a completely negative comment.


(Step2) After that, it was confirmed that there were comments from multiple conference participants.


(Step3) Ms. M acknowledged the remark, but added that the background was different (× sexual violence problem, ○ comfort woman problem).


(Step4) Regarding this, as far as I admit, one person has confirmed the comment that agrees with it (there is no consent comment from other participants)


(3) Investigation of primary information about the case.


It is almost the same information as Mr.S. No other recordings or minutes have been found.


(4) Survey of the contents of major news agencies


As a result of investigating the articles of Kyodo News and Jiji Press, there is a description about (2) above, but only the description that the background was mentioned in the thread on sexual damage consultation, not the comfort woman issue.


After this, I could not find any corrections or additional articles regarding the background claimed by Ms. M.


(5) Critics' comments that Ebata has used as a reference point for "fixed-point observations" for over 20 years


In general, in addition to (4), he re-criticizes the so-called "Shincho 45" case regarding LGBT, productivity, and declining birthrate in the past.


There is a statement that the basis of the discussion was still (not the comfort woman issue) in the thread on sexual damage consultation". (However, there is no source of remarks to them. The source seems to be an interview other than Ms. M, but the person himself cannot be identified)


(6) Research on the top 100 or so articles in this case through Google searches.

"水脈" & "女性はいくらでもうそをつけますから"で検索。ヒット数271万件(ちなみに"量子コンピュータ"のみの検索で134万件であり、その約2倍)。

Search for "water veins" & "because women lie easily". 2.71 million hits. (By the way, the number of searches for "quantum computer" alone is 1.34 million, which is about twice that).


I read through the top 100 cases.


Basically, they were lists of the same contents, however there are no articles that support or instruct Mio Sugita's claim.

(7)本件ではないが、過去の確定的な一次情報の再調査と、Twitterコメント、Google Scholarを使った論文の調査

(7) Re-examination of previous definitive primary information outside of this case, as well as Twitter comments and research of the paper using Google Scholar.

■「新潮45 "杉田水脈論文"」の再読、

- Rereading "Shincho 45" of "Ms. Miho Sugita's paper", and


- Ms. M's twitter comment on past sexual victim issues (but "summary"), and

■Google Scholarをつかった"杉田水脈論文"の論文を、引用数の高いものから5件ほどを精読

- Carefully read about 5 papers from the one with the highest number of citations in the "Miho Sugita's Paper" using Google Scholar.


I have carried out the above.


3. Consideration


Regarding the above, I think as follows on the premise that there are misunderstandings and misreads such as my lack of research.


(1) Regarding the primary information that is absolute evidence, I could not find the facts in this case because it was only the person and the other person (meaning one person as far as I investigated).


(2) However, in consideration of other situations, testimony, other behaviors of Ms. M's time history regarding this matter, past remarks, etc., in my own comprehensive consideration, the above 1(1) I made a conclusion.


(3) I intend to immediately implement the above 1(2), depending on new evidence and statements of facts.

4. その他

4. Other


Regarding Ebata's past implementation items similar to the 1(2), I think that the correspondence in this diary regarding HIV will be helpful.

5. 謝辞

5. acknowledgements


I would like to thank you for pointing out the importance of this issue, and I believe that I have been able to re-examine Ms. M's thinking from various perspectives and establish a clear position for myself.


I would be grateful if you would continue to monitor my articles and point out any misconceptions or errors in my articles.


Thank you very much for your support.



October 9, 2020.


Tomoichi Ebata



Mr. Ebata.


I apologize for the delay in confirming and replying.


I am sorry for your great amount of time spent on researching and reviewing the matter and for the views you have taken on the matter.


Since you have given me this much information and evidence, I have no objections or opinions about the diary entries.


In addition, I learned a lot about the time cost and know-how involved in the investigation by observing Mr. Ebata's methods of information research and backstory.


Thank you very much.


Once again, I understood the low cost of spreading information versus the cost of considering the information and it's not the accuracy of information that moves the masses, but the impact.


Also, throughout the investigation, I was impressed that there was a good amount of excitement in the defense, even though Ms. M's self-representation and one person's hearsay were the only sources. On the other hand, the fact that no one has attempted to prove the certainty of the defense's grounds


At any rate, this exchange has allowed me to reevaluate my views on the case and has given me a good opportunity to think about how to handle information and the public outcry.


I look forward to reading more of Ebata's articles and views in the future.
