

Recently, there are certain reasons, I am completely stopping alcohol consumption now. I do not even mention 1 milliliter.


However, in April there are many drinking party and I am embarrassed to be honest.


At the drinking party 's seat,


Colleague: "Mr. Ebata, the doctor stooped it?"


Every time I responded


Ebata: "Ha-ha, do you think that even a doctor can stop me?"


with smiling, nobody comes to touch this topic to be recognized something.


Set it aside.



When I do not drink, I can see something various.

―― アルコール摂取量に応じた、人格の崩壊の有様

"Personal collapse presumably according to alcohol sumption"


To me, it is clearly visible, honestly, it's really "scary."


Because I will "observe" a lot about people at the next seats, who is changing to a different personality (or hidden personality) from the start time of the drinking party.


I have not able to be feel "fear" since now. I think the reason is that I also change the my personality with drinking, and start to live in the another world.


The feeling is, ... let me think... " Okabe's Reading Steiner"



My wife is a so-called "Geko" who has no alcohol decomposing ability by nature.


So I asked her


"Have you ever lived such a scary life until now?"


However she responded, "I never thought of scary, in particular"


I felt a deep emotion that there was an "observer of loneliness" close to me.



Some people will read my diary after several years so I will explain the background.


When I wrote this diary, "Ou-Sumo" was a national sport in Japan. (However, I don't know if that is a sport or a shrine festival.)




In a rural tour held between Grand Sumo Tournaments, when a person breakdowned at the sumo ring, and a WOMAN entered the call to help the person, the P.A. announcer spoke out, "GET DOWN FROM THE RING IMMEDIATELY."


(If you could understand the above phrase, I would explain it. "Sumo-ring" is a sanctuary, so women cannot enter the ring because all women are unclean creatures.)


In addition, after the woman got out of the ring, much salt was spattered.


(If you could understand the above phrase, I would explain it. The act of "sprinkling salt" is one of the rituals for paying shit (injury) in priests etc.)



When I came home, my senior daughter was furious with this news.


"They exposed the Japanese shame all over the world."



However, I have already ended such a phase 10 years ago. Even when I heard this news, I did not feel anything.

Handling is the same for the "Japan Sumo Association" and "Japan High School Baseball Federation."

―― あいつら、馬鹿

"They are stupid."


This is fine.



Or my vector of interest is in the opposite direction.

―― これだけ裏切られ続けている大相撲に、多くの人は、まだ、何を期待しているんだろう?

"What are they still expecting "sumo" that has been betraying us so much ?"



How to say, I cannot find any good example, however,


"A woman who continues to give money to a kept man"


I cannot wipe away the image.



By the way, although it is not known unexpectedly,

It is famous that "Japan sumo wrestlers' victory and defeat table) is a practice problem of detection for mathematical statistics fraud detection.

("大相撲"、"八百長"、"数学" or "統計"、あたりでググれば、すぐ出てきます)

(If you input the words "Sumo," "Mathematics," "Mathematics," or "Statistics" in the Google search engine, you will come out soon.)


Even Japanese high school mathematics teaches "statistical hypothesis test" (I have memories I learned).



If I can find the significance of the existence of a "sumo event," I think the point is that.

「身近な不正を発見する実学としての統計学」を学ぶことができる「素材」 ――

"Materials" that we can learn "Statistics as a practical university to discover familiar fraud."




During my assignment to the US, "Mike," who was next to my partition, died, and I experienced a funeral in the United States.


There was a hall like a little concert venue in the church, and many people were as if everyone was in the town.


Several people talked about memories of the deceased at the stage of the hall, and the participant listened to the story and raising

―― 大爆笑

"thunderous laugh."




In the story when the deceased was playing tennis,

「ファイナルマッチになった時、相手が打ち込んだスマッシュが、コートぎりぎりで入り、私たちが残念そうな溜息を付い時、彼は、大声で叫んだのです ―― 「アウト!」と」(*)

"When it became a final match, the opponent's smash came in at the end of the court, and we got a sorry sigh. But He shouted out loud - "Just!" (*)


(*) In general, in tennis, we play games with such a self-judgment.


In other words, he said, "he was a funny and fun guy that the deceased is various about winning," and he was inviting the laughter of the venue.


I have been in the US for two years and feel that "there are about half a wonderful culture and a non-wonderful culture in the United States."


Among them, I think the funeral "to remember the deceased with smiling" goes into the top class of a wonderful culture.


(However, you need to think a little that among the United States, "Fort Collins" in Colorado had large IT companies and a state university, and most people were intellectual people)


比して、我が国の葬式を見直すに ――

In comparison, to review the funerals in our country


- Odorless meaning Unknown senescence, the smell of incense sticks


- Participants who can not do anything other than burn incense by walking


We did not know what they were discussing- a Buddhist sermon, worse than our newcomer presentation.


- With ordinary, no substitute greetings by the mourner


"What on earth is it for anyone?"


"Is not the funeral to remember the deceased?"


I always think about it again and again.



I was self-evaluating "Speech Failure" on the previous evening's greeting and planning to recover from the mourning greeting at the central funeral.

「どこにでもいるような人物」の話ではなく、『私の父の話を、私の気持と、私の言葉で語る(しかも、1分以内で)』と ――

It is not a story of "people like everywhere." I will talk about my father's story with my feelings and in my words (and within a minute)."



At the venue late at night without anyone, I continued to elaborate the contents of my speech by myself in front of my father in the coffin.



(Continuation from yesterday)

食費が高いからといって、長年お世話になった人をゴミとして廃棄する ―― これは人道的・・ではなくて、IoT的にどうだろうか。

Just because food costs are high, we discard people who have been indebted for many years as garbage. This is not for humanism but for IoT engineer.

で、今回 ―― 「自分で電池交換してみようかな」と思いました。

So, this time - "I thought I'd try to replace battery by myself".


Even if I fail to replace the battery and destroy my watch, this is my "gratitude" for my watch that I have taken care of for a long time.



I bought a battery (143 yen) at Amazon.com and attempted to change the battery by watching the video on YouTube.


I could not replace it as I expected.


I pulled the metal fitting almost, forcibly pull out the battery, and inserted a new battery.



The two clocks are moving cheerfully now.


They can receive the radio waves everyday and adjust the correct time. the backlight also flashes properly, and the alarm sound is clear.


Both of them did considerably unreasonable in this battery exchange, so it may not do well,


In this way, the watch I have fixed by oneself is many times "cute" than a watch that I have not.


私は、"CASIO 腕時計 WAVE CEPTOR 電波時計 MULTI BAND5 デジタルモデル WV-58J-1AJF メンズ"を愛用しております。

I always use a watch, ""CASIO Watch WAVE CEPTOR Radio Watch MULTI BAND 5 Digital Model WV-58J-1AJF for Mens".


After examining past history at Amazon, I have already bought three same watches.


One for my father, the others for myself, the junction of the band has already been lost.

時計屋に持っていくと、「修理するより購入した方が安い」と言われます ―― 残念ですが、これは事実です。

Taking it to the watch shop, the clerk tells me "it is cheaper to purchase than to repair". Unfortunately, it is true.


So, I purchased bonded parts (180 yen for 10 pieces) at Amazon, and forcibly join the band with glue.


Recently, the two batteries have run out of batteries in a row.(It was reset on January 1, 2005, and no display came out at all)


When the battery runs out, I was planning to replace it.


The cost of replacing the batteries is also a reasonable amount(Especially when maintaining the waterproof treatment, it also becomes "it is cheaper to purchase than to repair".



Costly, it is correct behavior to discard these watches and purchase new items, In other words, such actions will also contribute to the economy of the Japanese economy.


But these watches were

―― 空腹で、気を失っている

fainting on hunger.



(To be continued)



Recently, I read an information magazine for group companies at the corner for coffee-breaks.


In that magazine, the dialogue between a marriage consultant(woman) and a consultant (man) was described.



Woman: "Well, let's first go on a diet"



Yes, she is right.

If you lose weight, you can become beautiful.


If you are careful about anorexia, diet is the best cosmetic method for both men and women.


For appearance, there are (violent) effects that can not compare any expensive cosmetics.


「知性を高める」「教養を身につける」「自分に自信を持つ」「他人から頼られる行動を行う」 ―― は、もちろん大切なことです。

I can agree that that it is important, of course, to "increase intelligence," "acquire cultural knowledge," "have confidence in yourself," "active something others depend on you".

しかし、こと「恋愛」「結婚」戦略については ―― 残念ですが ―― アクションリストのトップは「ダイエット」です。

But for "romance" "marriage" strategy, -- Unfortunately -- the top of the action list is "diet".



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

世界を「数字」で回してみよう(46) 働き方改革(5):


Let's turn the world by "Number" : Work style reform(5) "

If you are a boss, you can be a "power harness manufacturing equipment" simply"



"As long as we are alive, we should have a consciousness that we become a perpetrator of power harassment"


I said to my family.

「パラハラのほとんどは、悪意のない無意識から発生しているんだ ―― 例えば」

"Most of the parahara are caused by Unconscious without malice, for example "


"There is no woman who has never been confessed from heterosexuality, is not there?",




my wife and senior daughter interrupted quickly,


""No, no, no such woman! No way!"




"Here, the "establishment of power hara" has alreay set. Now,hundreds of thousands of women in Japan have thought that they want to kill you "(*)"



My junior daughter seemed to agree with me.


In addition, I said to them


"In my case, I thought that I wanted to kill a guy who had said to me "Getting married is easy."




I think we should not forget


(1)we live our life with thinking "what is easy for us" is equal to "what is easy for others"


(2)As long as we life, we have to continue to hurt someone absolutely"


(3)There is no way to avoid it



What we can do is

―― それを自覚し続けること

to be aware of it


This is our limit.



(Continuation from yesterday)


I hate "pain" and "suffering."


My tolerance to "pain" and "suffering" is very low.


Whatever the family left behind, whatever a person dealing with my corpse feels, I can sacrifice anything if I avoid "pain."

―― 「苦痛」は「家族愛」を超える

"Pain" is beyond "Family Love"


This was also evident in Nazi Germany's "Dirty Experiment."(Please search by yourself for this "Dirty Experiment").


で、現在、私は、介護が必要な両親 ―― 自力で体を動かせない、自分や外部世界を正しく認識できない両親 ―― がいるのですが、

I have parents who need care, for example, parents who can not move their bodies by themselves or can not recognize themselves.


- they can not move their body by themselves,


- even if the pain they want to die is going to be continuous without interruption

●それが外部の人間から認定できない状況になった場合 、

- when it comes to a situation where they are not recognized from the outside.

彼らは、『永遠に続く激痛の猛威』を受け続けなければならないのか ―― と思うと、

If they must continue to receive "the everlasting pain of intense pain."


I have never thought of so much "scary" before.


I am convinced that all people have the right to escape from unbearable pain; indeed, I am one of the humans with the plan.


However, once I cannot move even my body in the situation, I also cannot prepare for any suicide, for example, "jumping in" or "hanging."


I could not shout the "voice of help" during this intense pain.



Humans should have embedded a mechanism to avoid pain easily by nature.

なにか、簡単に死に至れるような仕組み、そうですねえ ―― 生まれながらにして、本人だけが認識できない情報であって、例えば

Something like a mechanism that easily leads to death... let me see, it might be information that can be recognized by themself, and for example, a simple method of


"Turn your little finger 90 degrees counterclockwise; get killed."


I think that such a mechanism might be embedded at the DNA level.

しかし、『苦痛を回避する自殺』が、種の保存存続に資するか? ―― と問われれば、それは、無理だったんだなろうな、とも思います。

However, does "suicide to avoid pain" contribute to species' survival? - If asked, I think that it was impossible.


Selfish genes have two roles.


"Stay!" but "die after a certain period." They are not interested in such as "consideration for pain avoidance."



(Continuation from yesterday)


"All adults are enemies against all children who tell their dream."


This is a correct social figure.


As an adult, I knew the importance of "No listening to others talk."


After keeping my eye open for "No listening to other's talk," I believe I could start translating my dream into action, even if the goal is small.


In addition, I knew that the worst enemy was Internet communication to interfere in "No listening to other's talk."


For persons who cannot have their dream in the closed universe, a "creator" in dreamers is an outlet for hostility.

Twitterであれ、Lineであれ、Facebookであれ、掲示板であれ、ネットの向こう側にいる人間の全ては、「何かを創り出そう」とする、あなたの行動を妨害しようとします ―― 批判とか批評とかという形を装いながら。

On the Internet, they are trying to interfere with you, if you are a creator, with Twitter, Line, Facebook, and other bulletin boards, giving the appearance of reviewers or critics.



From the opposite direction,


if you want to create something new,

何も創り出さない/出せない奴は ―― 誰であれ ―― あなたの敵になります。

any person who doesn't / cannot make things will be your enemy.


最近『「坂本竜馬」の記述を、歴史の教科書から削除する』 ―― 真実か単なる噂かは不明ですが ―― という話を聞きました。

Recently I heard the story that "to delete the description of" Sakamoto Ryoma "from history textbooks", though I don't know whether it is true or just rumor.



I think this is good because of several reasons.


I believe that the study of history should be as objective "database" as possible, and I also think that it is better to exclude story and fantasy.


For stories and fantasies, I think it is definitely fun to open flowers in the creative field such as novels.



On the other hand, my opinion is different from the wife who thinks "history should be a romantic and fantasy", obviously,


I think my wife's policy is as good as it is.


Especially, "History based on Romance and Fantasy" has the effect of transforming the boring lessons of the educational setting into vivid one.



However I sometimes make a slip of the tongue,


- "Ryoma Sakamoto" was a weapon merchant who had been supplying weapons to counter-organization terrorist organizations

- "Chushingura" was "Terror affair by rural ronin who cooperated with parties in the reign of Tokugawa Tsunayoshi, the 5th Generals of the Edo period "


and I continue being angry with my bride, with a big threatening attitude.