

I've said before that a "love of gambling" is a kind of talent.


And then there was the "I'm honestly jealous" story.



The following incidents happened while we were in an emergency under intense curfew.


"The pachinko parlor continues operating, and enthusiasts come from far away."


"Mahjong betting by employees of two famous newspapers and the Tokyo High Court of Appeals chief prosecutor."



Regardless of their position, these are "gambles with the risk of infection."


What's more, it's definitely "a dangerous gamble that will blow away their career in an instant.


It also comes with the bonus of "the greatest disdain and hatred from many people."


Even if I'm not familiar with the world, I can't help but wonder if it's not a script for a play of some kind.


But even if it was a play, the "qualities" of the actors were necessary.


―― パチンコや麻雀というのは、そんなにも楽しいものなんだ

"pachinko and mahjong are such fun things to do."


When I think about it like that, I can't help but feel that I'm living a "boring life" because I can't entertain such things.



In yesterday's diary.

"この環境を、当時の私の状況にあてはめると、答は一択となりました ―― 『退学』です"

"If I apply this environment to my situation at the time, the answer is one thing -- 'expulsion'."


I told my family that I had written to the

次女:「なんで? パパだったらネットで何でもできるでしょう?」

Second daughter: "Why? Dad, you can do everything online, right?


Ebata: "In those days, the Internet was nothing!


At that moment, she looked like


"she didn't understand" and


"she had noticed something".


Afterwards, she looked at me with her face as if she was "looking at a black-and-white recorded image".


I thought that.



Afterwards, my wife and I discussed


Was there a "convenience store" when we were in college?


When did "pizza delivery" start?


However, our memories were fuzzy and we couldn't verify them at all.



I've told you several times that I was a student who covered my tuition and living expenses by working part-time during the latter half of my six years of college and graduate school.


A part-time job is, in a word, the equivalent exchange of time and money.


In particular, the engineering school of science and technology was a place where time was "ripped off" by experiments and reports, so there was little time left to cut back.

しかし、 合コンやら、飲み会やら、恋愛やら、青くさい議論やら、帰省やら、そういうものを、全部やめてしまえば、まあ、そこそこ「時間」というものは、捻出できるもんです。

However, if you stop all of these things, such as dating, drinking, love, blue-collar arguments, and going home, you'll be able to find some "time".


Of course, this was just my case. I would like to refrain from talking about this as a general commentary.


Putting that aside.



My greatest concern now is the desperate situation of students who are in similar situations to mine under the corona disaster.


In a situation where they can't go out, many students can't even cut their time.

この環境を、当時の私の状況にあてはめると、答は一択となりました ―― 『退学』です。

Applying this environment to my situation at the time, the answer was one thing "expulsion".



Under these circumstances, the most likely part-time jobs for engineering students are


Web design, simple programming (x system construction), VBA for Excel, etc.



However, without a certain level of coding ability, it seems a bit difficult.


If you are not an engineering major,


Blog writing (writing blogs and columns on designated topics), cram schools and tutors who give remote lectures


There may be some such things, but even this will be tough without a certain amount of IT literacy.



There may be a second or third wave of coronal catastrophe coming, and it is said that a pandemic will come once every 10 years.


The position of programming education for elementary and junior high school students may be changing in the future.

―― 「論理的思考の教育」から、「パンデミック災禍時の『食っていく』ための手段」へ

From "education in logical thinking" to "means to survive in the event of a pandemic disaster"




Recently, I've been running my second website in WordPress.


At first, I was going to migrate all the current html version to WordPress, but I gave it up because I tried it for a bit and found that the time and effort to migrate was too much.


And so, I thought to myself,

―― 同時に2つ運用してやればいいか

"Why don't I just run the two at the same time?




The reason why I decided to switch to WordPress is that the percentage of people accessing my site from a smartphone has been increasing recently.


My home page was only intended to be accessed from PC, and I thought it was necessary to make it smartphone-responsive, too.


I also thought that WordPress would be relatively easy, since I'd done it once before, when I remade the website of the town hall association two years ago.


In the actual creation, I referred to various web sites, and for the design of the page, I displayed the "page source" on a web page I liked, and imitated the settings.



The advantages of WordPress are


If I throw in the text, it will be changed to an appropriate shape.


Especially diagrams and photos are put into a suitable format just by throwing them in.


I don't have to make separate versions for smartphones and PCs.


It's all about "I can do it easily".


The disadvantages of WordPress are


It takes time to find the right display settings for you.


I'm worried because I can't control the page myself.



Anyway, at the moment, WordPress is functioning mostly as "my notepad".



I'm from Okehazama, It is the "Okehazama" where the battle of the war the nation was fought.


The other day, I was watching a travel show with my wife.


In the program, there were various historical museums and souvenir shops, even though it was a minor battlefield that doesn't appear in history textbooks.


My wife muttered to me,

―― 何やってんだろうなあ、桶狭間合戦場跡は

"I wonder what they're doing at the site of the Battle of Okehazama"



There are two battlefields, one on the Nagoya side and the other on the Toyoake side.

江端の実家は、その中間位置にありますので、この実家こそが、真の合戦場後なのだ ―― などと下らない主張をする気はありませんが ―― どちらの合戦場跡も、全然、商売っ気というものがありません。

"My parents' house is in the middle of two, therefore, this home is a true battlefield site". I don't mean to make such a trivial claim, but neither of the battlefield sites has any business atmosphere at all.


They may be shying away from each other. From the point of view of local governments across Japan, this may be considered a waste of resources.


Well, since such facilities are easily turned into non-performing loans, both facilities may have made a very wise decision.


Well, in addition, I don't like that warlord with suspected bipolar disorder who instilled a troublesome "surprise is cool" mindset in subsequent Japan.


Therefore, I don't mind at all as they are.



(Continuation from yesterday)


In the midst of this new type of corona infection control, there are pachinko parlors that continue to operate without any orders from the government, and adults who visit pachinko parlors from afar.

しかし ―― いいですか、ここが重要ですが ―― パチンコ店が営業を続けていること(*)、あるいは、パチンコに興じることは、完全に、100%、どこのだれからも文句のつけようがない、完全無欠の「合法」行為なのです。

But --- Listen to me, this is an important point --- Keeping a pachinko parlor open(*) or playing with a pachinko parlor is a 100%, uncompromising, "legal" act that nobody can blame.


(*)"Request" and "command" are different


As I can see, no proposal has been found for a law or regulation that limits the quantity of "Can Chu-Hi", which is a mass production system for alcoholics.


Smoking outdoors is the same as standing pissing outdoors. Tobacco with walking is synonymous while sprinkling urine. It's common to smoke in the smoking area or in your own room, just as you piss in the toilet.



If I were a child,

―― そんな大人が、あるいは、そんな大人の存在を許している大人が、一体、誰に、何を、偉そうに語っていやがるんだ?

"What can do such adults, or adults who allows such adult, say for what, who, acting the great man ?"


I would think that, and I understand that children would feel uncomfortable.



As an adult, I also know that "adults exist as an unpleasant entity that forces children to do this".


Adults have the power to impose "believing that they are good for children (having a certain objectivity)" regardless of whether they are right or wrong.


In comparison, children do not have the ability, means, or cost to counter it.



As I said, I am not qualified to discuss this article scientifically or logically.


I'm not interested in "games" or "60 minutes" or "90 minutes" at all, and I have no plans to be interested.


I'm just silent.


Even so, I would like to be an adult who can understand only the "children's upset discomfort."



I once wrote a diary with the content of "A Study on "Revision of Child Pornography Law"".


I argued a theory that seemingly contradictory: (1) "I agree" with the establishment of the law, and (2) "Rage" with one phrase of the law. (If you read it, you will understand that there is no contradiction)



By the way, it seems that the online game addiction measures ordinance in Kagawa Prefecture is controversial.


Well, as usual, I read the article suddenly without seeing any net news or SNS.


I have broken down the problematic numerical target, Article 18, paragraph 2, into the following 6.


(1) In the case of the preceding paragraph, the guardian must ensure that the child has sufficient sleep and that he / she has a regular lifestyle.


(2) When using computer games that lead to children's addiction to online games,


(3) The maximum usage time per day is 60 minutes (or 90 minutes if the school is closed).


(4) In addition, when using smartphones, etc., for children before completing compulsory education, it should be until 9 pm


(5) For other children, the standard is to stop using it by 10 pm


(6) Parents must endeavor to comply with the rules in the preceding paragraph.



I see, I understand that this article aims to become a basis article for rules at school and at home by including "numerical values."


It is true that the law and the Supreme Court decision (the largest court) have such a function.


I think that about the problem of game addiction, there is nothing wrong with the approach of solving the problem from the administration and legislation, focusing on the game time.


However, since I have never played video games and net games for more than 90 minutes in my life, I cannot discuss that the reason for "60 minutes" or "90 minutes".


So, regarding this matter, I would like to discuss it in a "common comparison theory" with a cowardly approach.



For example, what would happen if the age restrictions in this regulation were removed and "net game addiction" was replaced with "sex addiction"?


(3) 'Up to 60 minutes of sex per day (90 minutes on national holidays)


Or what happens if we remove the age restriction under this ordinance and replace "Internet game addiction" with "alcohol addiction" "pachinko addiction" "number of cigarettes smoked"?


(3) 'The maximum amount of time to enjoy alcohol or pachinko per day is 60 minutes (or 90 minutes on national holidays).


(3) 'The maximum number of cigarettes per day is six (9 on national holidays)



I know well that this is a sloppy replacement.


This is neither a constructive comment nor a suggestion on this Ordinance.


However, what I can understand by this "replacement" is "Children's feelings"

―― うるせい! ばかやろう! 余計なお世話だ!!

Shut up! This idiot! It's none of your business!!



(To be continued)



In the anime "Silver Spoon", there is a scene where the protagonist argues against his father.

「失敗した人間は、一度失敗した人間は、何もしちゃいけないのか? 一度のダメで全部がダメになるのか?」

"A human who fails... humans who have failed once, should not do anything? They should be denied by just one mistake?"


"We are just like economic animals. One illness, one injury, going to a disposal site, if productivity drops. That's the same with economic animals!"


"No, some owners don't even dispose of economic animals easily. Even an equestrian horse has the chance to fly a second time if the horse fails to jump"


"I am less than an economic animal?"



I understand his claim.


I realized it in particular, I was taken to Mito instead of Chiba due to a single failure to select the route at the junction of the Metropolitan Expressway.

一度(ひとたび)選択を間違えれば、二度目のチャンスを貰えないという点では ――

If you make a mistake once, you will not get a second chance.


All Metropolitan Expressway users are "economic animals".



At midnight last night, my wife's smartphone WiFi slumped, and then the network troubles begin to spread out my home.


This problem was resolved, and I restarted the suspended equipment, and it took about 3 am for some reasons.


I thought, "this is my weak point".


Even if they cannot use the network, my family is harmed.


Well, they may not be able to take remote lectures.


My strategy was to leave the network alone and go to sleep soon.

しかし、私は、目の前に問題があると放置できない 懼懼 ことが、稀にあるのです。

But I rarely can't leave things, if a problem is in front of me.



This includes computer and server construction, and network settings.


In contrast, I am not good at trust, friendship, affection, meetings, politics, approvals, and other incompetent neighbors and relatives. I don't like anything have human being as a control component.


Because I can't move people as I hope.



Anyway, this time, I cleared it at 3:00 am, but if this took longer, I think I would have stayed up all night.


If this was a "human," I think I could give up in less than a second.