

I have written here,


Logical or not, we have only two choices at the end of our lives: (1) die without dementia, or (2) die with dementia.

―― どうせ、いずれ自分が罵しられることになるなら、今、他人を罵しっておいた方がおトクかな


And, well, soon, I will be entering the dementia phase.



Many people fear the "cognitive impairment" in dementia, but even beyond that, dementia raises the "mortality" rate.


The opposite?


Aging, underlying diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease, as well as infections, malnutrition, and poor physical function, can also trigger dementia.


In any case, the benefits of good health are significant.

自分にとっても、他人(社会)にとってもです ―― 今更、何を、という感じですが。

Both for myself and others (society) --- Even if you think what Ebata is talking 



My father, who never drank or smoked, became cognitively impaired but still did not become "bedridden" for the rest of his life. (He stopped smoking after he started his own business.)


My mother also never drank or smoked, but she fell in a factory and almost became critically ill, and as far as I can remember, she had two car accidents. I believe this is what caused her to be 'bedridden' in her later years.


Comparing the two, our caregiving load was “quantitatively obvious”.


For us sisters and brothers who have cared for our parents, our father's health has been a real, tangible help.


I have confirmed that if we had both become 'bedridden,' our sister and brother care team would have failed.



The main reason I currently do not drink, smoke, or overeat and continue to do pull-ups, sit-ups, and step-ups is because of my father in his later years.


My father is my learning persona.


More than the millions or even millions of dollars in inheritance, my father's good health helped my siblings and me.


In addition, my father and mother left me a legacy that I am grateful to use, although it is only for my (adult) college tuition.

―― 今の私の選択を、一番喜んでくれているのは、父と母のような気がする


ちなみに、晩年の父は、介護施設内で人気者だったようです ―― 認知障害で、まともな会話もできていなかったのに、端的に言えば「モテていた」のです。施設の高齢者だけでなく、施設の介護支援の方からも、です。

Incidentally, in his later years, my father was a famous person in the nursing home -- he was "popular," to put it simply, even though he was cognitively impaired and could not speak properly not only from older people in the facility but also from the care support staff.


The father figure overlaps with "Charlie returning to the institution" in the last chapter of "Flowers for Algernon."


There is indeed a way to live a life that people continue to love, even when you have dementia and are no longer able to contribute to society, only to be taken care of by people.


I have confirmed that.


Posted by ebata