

Last Friday, I was late for a lecture due to a personal injury accident on the Odakyu train.


I left with almost an hour to spare, but there was nothing I could do while the train stopped with me trapped inside.


I am proud to say that I understand personal injury on the railroad.



が、―― やっぱり、腹は立ちます。

But - I'm still angry


Even now,

『人身事故の責任は、―― 生死を問わず ―― 人身事故を発生させた当事者にあるに決まっとろうが』

"The responsibility for any personal injury, dead or alive, lies with the person who caused it"

と思っており、鉄道会社は責任はないと思います ―― ちゃんと、国土交通省の「ホームドア設置」の指導に対応していれば、ですが。

I think no responsibility of train companies, if only they are properly compliant with the MLIT's guidance on the installation of platform doors.



I know that it is "deathly" difficult to predict the recovery of operations after a personal injury event.


Even so, I would like them to open real-time train location information published in a CUI (command-based interface) if possible.


If GPS information is not possible, closed section information or station standby information is acceptable.

鉄道会社に『Webで公開しろ』とか、『アプリを作れ』とか言いません ―― それは、民間(私を含む)に丸投げしてもらって結構です。

I will not tell the railroad companies to 'publish on the Web' or 'make an app' -- that can be left entirely to the private sector (including me).


As long as the data is made available to the public, traffic engineering students will create applications on their own, even if they are left alone.


You can bet on that.


If they can use that application to write their thesis, it's a win-win.


If there is data there, whether it is CUI or whatever, we are trained to parse something, we are trained to parse something.



Well, to summarize the above story,


'For my (Ebata's) sake alone, disclose the real-time location of the train after the personal injury accident'


It sounds as if I am saying that.

それでも、鉄道会社が、うかつにダイヤの回復予測時間を口にできないなら ――

Still, if a train company can't carelessly say a projected timetable recovery time--


They should only disclose "real-time" data from the time of the accident to the time the accident is resolved, and then throw the rest to private companies (or students, etc.) to avoid their responsibility.




I will not 'listen to the opinions of those who do not specify their name (x handle name) and source (email address, etc.).


Hence, all comment sections, both on the website and on YouTube, are turned off (no writing).



Recently, however, I have been seeing something like this on the WordPress admin (not user) screen, and it is beyond annoying.


I thought it must be some kind of spam, but I don't understand how this kind of screen comes up.


To begin with, my page does not have a comments section.


It made me sick to think, 'Somewhere, someone might have planted a back door'.



So I did a little digging and found this in the "Edit Post" screen.



I immediately unchecked the box.


It is a tricky business.


Keyword: コメント


今後、鉄道に置き換えわっていく公共交通がBRT(Bus Rapid Transit)です。

BRTs (Bus Rapid Transit) is a public transportation system that will replace railroads in the future.


BRTs seem to be actively being introduced in developing countries.


It seems that BRT is being introduced suddenly, skipping the railroads.



I heard from a colleague at work that "the local railroad line was closed down, but the introduction of BRT has conversely made travel more comfortable.

バス以外に入ってこれない専用レーンで(あるいは、路線の上にアスファルトを引いて専用道路にする)バスだけを走らせる ―― それは、もう鉄道と同じです。

Running only buses in a dedicated lane that only buses can enter (or asphalt over the route to make it a dedicated road) -- it's already the same as a railroad.


After all, they are cheap.


The cost of construction, of course, but maintenance costs are horrendously low, and the cost-effectiveness of transportation efficiency is outstanding.


What sticks out is the cost of labor. Bus stops do not need station staff.


I have heard that the "name" of "XX station" is important to the mind of those who want to keep the railroad alive, not the railroad.


Then I think we should make the BRT stop a "station house" and call it a "station".



I googled the phrase "still need a railroad."


Hmmm, "effectiveness of container vehicles" is mentioned, but wouldn't it be enough to run trucks with containers on BRT routes?


About moving containers, they offers the privilege of having the entire vehicle towed by a truck, moreover , which can then be driven on public roads.


Clearly, in places where there is no need to transport large numbers of people at once, BRT is far more palatable than trains.


In tourist areas, etc., there will be problems meeting the demand of tourists, but that is not a point of contention, since the same problems would be faced by railroads.


Conversely, during the tourist season, the BRT could operate with greater flexibility than rail, such as increasing the number of BRT vehicles or, on an exceptional basis, borrowing regular buses and incorporating them into the timetable.


CO2 emissions will soon be settled with the commercialization of electric vehicles.



I am, however, an amateur in this field.


I am sure there are many things I am missing, and I would be happy to learn about them.


However, you don't need to talk about "interests," "brands," "connections," "vote banks," and the like.


Please limit our discussion to purely technical and economic matters.



"Mathematics will be compulsory until the age of 18"--British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak laid out his new education policy in his New Year's address.


The Prime Minister Rishi Sunak stressed that "mathematics is important in 'a world where data is everywhere and statistics support every job', however 'only half of 16- to 19-year-olds are currently learning mathematics'.


I agree with him.


However, I also believe that if the same measures are enforced in the current Japanese mathematics education, "it will only prolong the time of suffering for young people.



江端:「うん。だから数学の授業で『投資セミナーの例題を使って、等比級数と指数関数を教えれば、一石二鳥だ』と、昔から、ずっと言い続けているんだけど ―― 文部科学省って、バカなの?」

I believe that what is needed in mathematics education today is "mathematics as a 'tasty tool' that can be used throughout one's life.


Compared to English, mathematics is a much more frequently used tool, I think.



"The performance of a personal computer (PC) today is the same as that of a supercomputer 20 years ago"


After hearing the story, I did some calculations.

- 2000年以降、PCとスパコンの性能差は、ざっくり1万倍になる


- After 2000, the performance difference between PCs and supercomputers have been roughly 10,000 times

- ムーアの法則「18ヶ月で性能が倍になる」

- Moore's Law "doubles performance in 18 months."


Given that from the information,

2^(x/1.5)= 10000 を解けばいい。

Solve 2^(x/1.5) = 10000.

x = 19.93 年

x = 19.93 years


I see, 'We are all using 20-year-old supercomputers'.


In other words, in theory, as of 2003, weather forecasts and earthquake prediction calculations that were being calculated on supercomputers can be done in your own room.


From my point of view, 'I just have to wait for 20 years'.


Conversely, the cost of development and investment in supercomputers (about 130 billion yen, not including maintenance costs) is in this '20-year leading'.


I don't know what you all think, but I think the cost is generally reasonable.


第3章: スコアリングの詳細
第4章: MATSimの設定について
第5章: 利用可能な機能とその使用方法
第6章: MATSimのデータコンテナ
第7章: MATSimの初期入力の生成
第8章: MATSim JOSMNetworkエディタ
第9章 シンガポールにおけるMap-to-MapMatchingエディタ
第10章 ネットワークエディターの貢献
第11章: QSim
第12章 信号と車線
第13章 駐車場
第15章: ロードプライシング
第18章 バス路線図マッチングの半自動化ツール
第19章 新しい動的イベントベースの公共交通ルータ
第20章 マトリックスベースの白金ルータ
第21章 "マルチモーダル "への貢献
第22章 カーシェアリング
第23章 カーシェアリング ダイナミックトランスポートサービス
第24章 貨物輸送 貨物輸送
第25章 貨物輸送 ワゴンシム
第26章 旅日記から読み解く貨物連鎖
第27章: デスティネーション・イノベーション
第28章 共同意思決定
第29章 ソクネトゲン
第30章: 日帰りリプランニング
第31章: MATSimエージェントを賢くする信念・願望・意図
第32章: CaDyTS: 動的トラフィックシミュレーションのキャリブレーション
第33章 セノゾンビア
第34章: OTFVis: MATSimのオープンソースビジュアライザー
第35章: アクセシビリティ
第36章: 排出ガスモデリング
第37章: MATSimを用いたインタラクティブな解析と意思決定支援
第38章: 「解析」の貢献
第39章: MATSimにおけるマルチモデリング。PSim
第40章: その他の計算性能に関する経験
第41章 避難計画 統合的アプローチ
第42章 都市シミュレーション MATSim4都市シム
第43章 廃止されたモジュール
第44章:組織 開発プロセス、コード構造、そして
第45章: 自分自身の拡張機能を書き、貢献する方法
第46章 MATSimの歴史
第47章 エージェントベースのトラフィックアサインメント
第48章: モンテカルロエンジンとしてのMATSim
第49章: MATSimにおける選択モデル
第50章: 運動学的波動の待ち行列表現
第52章 シナリオの概要
第53章:ベルリンI: BVGシナリオ
第54章 ベルリンII CEMDAP-MATSim-Cadytsシナリオ
第57章: シンガポール
第58章: ミュンヘン
第59章 スーフォールズ
第61章: 保定 家庭用新型ユーティリティの実証実験ケーススタディ
第62章 バルセロナ
第63章:ベルギー 河川洪水の経済的影響を評価するための推計フレームワークにおけるMATSimの利用
第66章 コトブス 交通信号シミュレーション
第67章 ダブリン ダブリン
第68章 ヨーロッパの航空・鉄道輸送
第70章: ドイツ
第72章: ジョインビル
第73章: ロンドン ロンドン
第74章: ネルソン・マンデラ・ベイ
第75章: ニューヨーク
第76回:パダン パダン
第77章:パダン パトナ
第78章: フィリピン フィリピンにおけるエージェントベースの交通シミュレーションモデル
第79章: ポズナン
第80章: キト首都圏
第81章:ロッテルダム ロッテルダム 公共交通機関のレベニュー・マネジメント
第83章: サンフランシスコ・ベイエリア スマートベイ・プロジェクト-コネクテッド
第84章 サンティアゴ・デ・チリ
第85章 シアトル地域
第86章: ソウル
第87章 上海
第88章: ソチ
第89章: ストックホルム
第90章:タンパ(フロリダ州 都市内移動の高解像度シミュレーションとその結果
第92章:東京 ハイパーパスを用いた車両移動のシミュレーションと移動時間の信頼性に与える影響
第93章: トロント
第94章:トロント トロンハイム
第96章:横浜 MATSimのレジリエントな都市設計への応用
第97章: 研究の方向性

Chapter 3: A Closer Look at Scoring
Chapter 4: More About Configuring MATSim
Chapter 5: Available Functionality and How to Use It
Chapter 6: MATSim Data Containers
Chapter 7: Generation of the Initial MATSim Input
Chapter 8: MATSim JOSMNetwork Editor
Chapter 9: Map-to-MapMatching Editors in Singapore
Chapter 10: The Network Editor Contribution
Chapter 11: QSim
Chapter 12: Traffic Signals and Lanes
Chapter 13: Parking
Chapter 14: Electric Vehicles
Chapter 15: Road Pricing
Chapter 16: Modeling Public Transport with MATSim
Chapter 17: The "Minibus" Contribution
Chapter 18: Semi-Automatic Tool for Bus Route Map Matching
Chapter 19: New Dynamic Events-Based Public Transport Router
Chapter 20: Matrix-Based pt router
Chapter 21: The "Multi-Modal" Contribution
Chapter 22: Car Sharing
Chapter 23: Dynamic Transport Services
Chapter 24: Freight Traffic
Chapter 25: WagonSim
Chapter 26: freight Chains From Travel Diaries
Chapter 27: Destination Innovation
Chapter 28: Joint Decisions
Chapter 29: Socnetgen
Chapter 30: Within-Day Replanning
Chapter 31: Making MATSim Agents Smarter with the Belief-Desire-Intention
Chapter 32: CaDyTS: Calibration of Dynamic Traffic Simulations
Chapter 33: Senozon Via
Chapter 34: OTFVis: MATSim's Open-Source Visualizer
Chapter 35: Accessibility
Chapter 36: Emission Modeling
Chapter 37: Interactive Analysis and Decision Support with MATSim
Chapter 38: The "Analysis" Contribution
Chapter 39: Multi-Modeling in MATSim: PSim
Chapter 40: Other Experiences with Computational Performance
Chapter 41: Evacuation Planning: An Integrated Approach
Chapter 42: MATSim4 Urban Sim
Chapter 43: DiscontinuedModules
Chapter 44: Organization: Development Process, Code Structure and
Chapter 45: How toWrite Your Own Extensions and Possibly Contribute
Chapter 46: Some History of MATSim
Chapter 47: Agent-Based Traffic Assignment
Chapter 48: MATSim as aMonte-Carlo Engine
Chapter 49: Choice Models in MATSim
Chapter 50: Queueing Representation of Kinematic Waves
Chapter 51: Microeconomic Interpretation of MATSim for Benefit-Cost
Chapter 52: Scenarios Overview
Chapter 53: Berlin I: BVG Scenario
Chapter 54: Berlin II: CEMDAP-MATSim-Cadyts Scenario
Chapter 55: Switzerland
Chapter 56: Zuurich
Chapter 57: Singapore
Chapter 58: Munich
Chapter 59: Sioux Falls
Chapter 60: Aliaga
Chapter 61: Baoding: A Case Study for Testing a New Household Utility
Chapter 62: Barcelona
Chapter 63: Belgium: The Use of MATSim within an Estimation Framework for Assessing Economic Impacts of River Floods
Chapter 64: Brussels
Chapter 65: Caracas
Chapter 66: Cottbus: Traffic Signal Simulation
Chapter 67: Dublin
Chapter 68: European Air - and Rail-Transport
Chapter 69: Gauteng
Chapter 70: Germany
Chapter 71: HamburgWilhelmsburg
Chapter 72: Joinville
Chapter 73: London
Chapter 74: NelsonMandela Bay
Chapter 75: New York City
Chapter 76: Padang
Chapter 77: Patna
Chapter 78: The Philippines: Agent-Based Transport SimulationModel for
Chapter 79: Poznan
Chapter 80: QuitoMetropolitan District
Chapter 81: Rotterdam: Revenue Management in Public Transportation with
Chapter 82: Samara
Chapter 83: San Francisco Bay Area: The SmartBay Project - Connected
Chapter 84: Santiago de Chile
Chapter 85: Seattle Region
Chapter 86: Seoul
Chapter 87: Shanghai
Chapter 88: Sochi
Chapter 89: Stockholm
Chapter 90: Tampa, Florida: High-Resolution Simulation of Urban Travel and
Chapter 91: Tel Aviv
Chapter 92: Tokyo: Simulating Hyperpath-Based Vehicle Navigations and its Impact on Travel Time Reliability
Chapter 93: Toronto
Chapter 94: Trondheim
Chapter 95: Yarrawonga andMulwala: Demand-Responsive Transportation in Regional Victoria, Australia
Chapter 96: Yokohama: MATSim Application for Resilient Urban Design
Chapter 97: Research Avenues



From the start of this year's New Year's vacation to now, I can confidently say that I have not skipped an hour.

この正月に見たテレビ番組は、録画しておいた『芸能人格付けチェック! 2023お正月スペシャル』だけです。

The only TV program I watched this New Year's was the recorded "Celebrity Ratings Check! 2023 New Year's Special".


Why, then, is the planned schedule delayed by 2.5 days?

分かっています ―― 「事前の情報収集不足」と「自分の力量の過信」です。

I know -- "lack of information gathering in advance" and "overconfidence in one's own abilities".


I am now feeling a bit overwhelmed, thinking that these two will probably put me in a tight spot this year as well.


MATSimに関する情報が、これほどまでに少ないとは知りませんでした ―― 特に、日本語の情報が絶無に近いです。












  • Windowsの環境変数を引き継ぐのであれば、"msys2_shell.cmd"の中にある、"rem set MSYS2_PATH_TYPE=inherit"のremを外す


MSYS2 で PATH が引き継がれない

の、引き継ぎたいときは Windows の環境変数で MSYS2_PATH_TYPE に inherit を設定するとよい。


