Lock : Mutexと同じロック。RLock, Lock双方をブロックする。
fatal error: concurrent map iteration and map write
Lock : Mutexと同じロック。RLock, Lock双方をブロックする。
―― 『住民が、バス停や駅、または、バスや電車の中で、乗車や座席を巡ってバトルを始める』というシナリオが必要になる
As I wrote in this page, this time, I study the meaning of terms of "HP", "AP", "MP".
HP:ヒットポイント: ゲームにおいてキャラの体力や生命力を示すステータスの一つ
HP: Hit Points: A statistic that indicates a character's strength or vitality in a game.
AP:アタックポイント: ゲームにおいてキャラの行動力などを示すステータスの一つ
AP: Attack Points: A status that indicates a character's ability to take action, etc.
MP:マジックポイント: ゲームにおいてキャラの魔法や呪文を使う力を示すステータスの一つ
MP: Magic Point: A status that indicates a character's ability to use magic or spells in a game.
Initially, I felt uncomfortable with the term 'status'.
Because I thought that the word of 'status' is something static, like social status.
However, I did a little digging more,
"The state of a character in computer games, especially online games and role-playing games like, capabilities, experience, and weapons possessed by the character"
As the above meaning, I know that the word of 'status' has already been default in the game word.
I have been designing and developing "human agents" that can be handled by computers.
And I use these agents mainly in simulating the movement of residents and transportation in the city.
When I design an agent, I start with 'static' things like 'address', 'age', 'gender', and 'occupation'.
So, I wondered what would happen if I put the HP, AP, and MP stats into my agent this time.
―― 『住民が、バス停や駅、または、バスや電車の中で、乗車や座席を巡ってバトルを始める』というシナリオが必要になる
"I need a scenario where 'residents start battling over boarding and seating at bus stops, train stations, or on buses and trains"
should be needed.
I think this is the crucial difference between the game and my simulation.
However, I feel that it could be used in other areas, e.g., "bullying simulation in schools" or "power harassment simulation in offices",
like this one.
package main
import (
func max_2(a, b float64) float64 {
if a > b {
return a
} else {
return b
func min_2(a, b float64) float64 {
if a > b {
return b
} else {
return a
type condition_MF3 struct { // condition_MF3の基底クラス
center float64
width float64
express string
func new_condition_MF3(_center, _width float64, _express string) *condition_MF3 {
c3 := new(condition_MF3)
c3.center = _center
c3.width = _width
c3.express = _express
return c3
// 前件部メンバーシップ関数(山3つ)クラス
func (c3 *condition_MF3) func_X(_x float64) float64 {
// x,yは、メンバーシップ関数上の座標を示す
x := _x
y := 0.0 // yの値は、必ず0以上1以下になる
if c3.express == "LESS" {
if x <= c3.center-c3.width {
y = 1.0
} else if x <= c3.center {
y = -1.0 / c3.width * (x - c3.center)
} else {
y = 0.0
} else if c3.express == "COMMON" {
if x <= c3.center-c3.width {
y = 0.0
} else if x <= c3.center {
y = 1.0/c3.width*(x-c3.center) + 1.0
} else if x <= c3.center+c3.width {
y = -1.0/c3.width*(x-c3.center) + 1.0
} else {
y = 0.0
} else if c3.express == "MORE" {
if x <= c3.center {
y = 0.0
} else if x <= c3.center+c3.width {
y = 1.0 / c3.width * (x - c3.center)
} else {
y = 1.0
} else {
fmt.Println("MF3: wrong expression")
return y
type condition_MF5 struct { // condition_MF5の基底クラス
center float64
width float64
express string
func new_condition_MF5(_center, _width float64, _express string) *condition_MF5 {
c5 := new(condition_MF5)
c5.center = _center
c5.width = _width
c5.express = _express
return c5
func (c5 *condition_MF5) func_X(_x float64) float64 {
// 前件部メンバーシップ関数(山5つ)クラス
// x,yは、メンバーシップ関数上の座標を示す
x := _x
y := 0.0 // yの値は、必ず0以上1以下になる
if c5.express == "LESSLESS" {
if x <= c5.center-2.0*c5.width {
y = 1.0
} else if x <= c5.center-c5.width {
y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center-2.0*c5.width)) + 1.0
} else {
y = 0.0
} else if c5.express == "LESS" {
if x <= c5.center-2.0*c5.width {
y = 0.0
} else if x <= c5.center-c5.width {
y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center-c5.width)) + 1.0
} else if x <= c5.center {
y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center-c5.width)) + 1.0
} else {
y = 0.0
} else if c5.express == "COMMON" {
if x <= c5.center-c5.width {
y = 0.0
} else if x <= c5.center {
y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-c5.center) + 1.0
} else if x <= c5.center+c5.width {
y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-c5.center) + 1.0
} else {
y = 0.0
} else if c5.express == "MORE" {
if x <= c5.center {
y = 0.0
} else if x <= c5.center+c5.width {
y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center+c5.width)) + 1.0
} else if x <= c5.center+2.0*c5.width {
y = -1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center+c5.width)) + 1.0
} else {
y = 0.0
} else if c5.express == "MOREMORE" {
if x <= c5.center+c5.width {
y = 0.0
} else if x <= c5.center+2.0*c5.width {
y = 1.0/c5.width*(x-(c5.center+2.0*c5.width)) + 1.0
} else {
y = 1.0
} else {
fmt.Println("MF5 func_X(): wrong expression")
return y
type action_MF5 struct { // condition_MF5の基底クラス
center float64
width float64
express string
x float64
y float64
func new_action_MF5(_center, _width float64, _express string) *action_MF5 {
a5 := new(action_MF5)
a5.center = _center
a5.width = _width
a5.express = _express
if a5.express == "LESSLESS" {
a5.x = a5.center - 2.0*a5.width
} else if a5.express == "LESS" {
a5.x = a5.center - a5.width
} else if a5.express == "COMMON" {
a5.x = a5.center
} else if a5.express == "MORE" {
a5.x = a5.center + a5.width
} else if a5.express == "MOREMORE" {
a5.x = a5.center + 2.0*a5.width
} else {
fmt.Println("new_action_MF5: wrong scale expression")
a5.y = 0.0
return a5
// 後件部メンバーシップ関数(山3つ)クラス
func (a5 *action_MF5) func_Y() float64 {
// x,yは、メンバーシップ関数上の座標を示す
return a5.y
func (a5 *action_MF5) func_Max(b float64) {
a5.y = max_2(b, a5.y)
func (a5 *action_MF5) func_X() float64 {
return a5.x
func complain_reasoning(dis, age float64) float64 {
// Walking(前件部)
Walk_Less := new_condition_MF3(1.4, 0.4, "LESS")
Walk_Common := new_condition_MF3(1.4, 0.4, "COMMON")
Walk_More := new_condition_MF3(1.4, 0.4, "MORE")
// Age(前件部)
Age_LessLess := new_condition_MF5(42, 15, "LESSLESS")
Age_Less := new_condition_MF5(42, 15, "LESS")
Age_Common := new_condition_MF5(42, 15, "COMMON") // 中央が 42歳
Age_More := new_condition_MF5(42, 15, "MORE")
Age_MoreMore := new_condition_MF5(42, 15, "MOREMORE")
// Complain(後件部)
Complain_LessLess := new_action_MF5(0.5, 0.25, "LESSLESS") // 不満の中央値が0.5 0.0/0.25/0.50/0.75/1.00 の5段階
Complain_Less := new_action_MF5(0.5, 0.25, "LESS")
Complain_Common := new_action_MF5(0.5, 0.25, "COMMON")
Complain_More := new_action_MF5(0.5, 0.25, "MORE")
Complain_MoreMore := new_action_MF5(0.5, 0.25, "MOREMORE")
// [ルール00] 歩行距離:少0 年令:子供0
Rule00 := min_2(Walk_Less.func_X(dis), Age_LessLess.func_X(age))
Complain_LessLess.func_Max(Rule00) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule00", Rule00)
// [ルール01] 歩行距離:少0 年令:若年1
Rule01 := min_2(Walk_Less.func_X(dis), Age_Less.func_X(age))
Complain_LessLess.func_Max(Rule01) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule01", Rule01)
// [ルール02] 歩行距離:少0 年令:壮年2
Rule02 := min_2(Walk_Less.func_X(dis), Age_Common.func_X(age))
Complain_Common.func_Max(Rule02) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule02", Rule02)
// [ルール03] 歩行距離:少0 年令:高齢3
Rule03 := min_2(Walk_Less.func_X(dis), Age_More.func_X(age))
Complain_Common.func_Max(Rule03) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule03", Rule03)
// [ルール04] 歩行距離:少0 年令:老齢4
Rule04 := min_2(Walk_Less.func_X(dis), Age_MoreMore.func_X(age))
Complain_More.func_Max(Rule04) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule04", Rule04)
// [ルール10] 歩行距離:普通1 年令:子供0
Rule10 := min_2(Walk_Common.func_X(dis), Age_LessLess.func_X(age))
Complain_LessLess.func_Max(Rule10) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule10", Rule10)
// [ルール11] 歩行距離:普通1 年令:若年1
Rule11 := min_2(Walk_Common.func_X(dis), Age_Less.func_X(age))
Complain_Less.func_Max(Rule11) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule11", Rule11)
// [ルール12] 歩行距離:普通1 年令:壮年2
Rule12 := min_2(Walk_Common.func_X(dis), Age_Common.func_X(age))
Complain_Common.func_Max(Rule12) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule12", Rule12)
// [ルール13] 歩行距離:普通1 年令:高齢3
Rule13 := min_2(Walk_Common.func_X(dis), Age_More.func_X(age))
Complain_More.func_Max(Rule13) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule13", Rule13)
// [ルール14] 歩行距離:普通1 年令:老齢4
Rule14 := min_2(Walk_Common.func_X(dis), Age_MoreMore.func_X(age))
Complain_MoreMore.func_Max(Rule14) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule14", Rule14)
// [ルール20] 歩行距離:多2 年令:こども0
Rule20 := min_2(Walk_More.func_X(dis), Age_LessLess.func_X(age))
Complain_Less.func_Max(Rule20) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule20", Rule20)
// [ルール21] 歩行距離:多2 年令:若年1
Rule21 := min_2(Walk_More.func_X(dis), Age_Less.func_X(age))
Complain_Common.func_Max(Rule21) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule21", Rule21)
// [ルール22] 歩行距離:多2 年令:壮年2
Rule22 := min_2(Walk_More.func_X(dis), Age_Common.func_X(age))
Complain_More.func_Max(Rule22) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule22", Rule22)
// [ルール23] 歩行距離:多2 年令:高齢3
Rule23 := min_2(Walk_More.func_X(dis), Age_More.func_X(age))
Complain_MoreMore.func_Max(Rule23) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule23", Rule23)
// [ルール24] 歩行距離:多2 年令:老齢4
Rule24 := min_2(Walk_More.func_X(dis), Age_MoreMore.func_X(age))
Complain_MoreMore.func_Max(Rule24) // 後件部は上書きされていく
//fmt.Println("Rule24", Rule24)
// 推論計算
numerator :=
Complain_LessLess.func_X()*Complain_LessLess.func_Y() +
Complain_Less.func_X()*Complain_Less.func_Y() +
Complain_Common.func_X()*Complain_Common.func_Y() +
Complain_More.func_X()*Complain_More.func_Y() +
denominator :=
Complain_LessLess.func_Y() +
Complain_Less.func_Y() +
Complain_Common.func_Y() +
Complain_More.func_Y() +
complain := numerator / denominator
return complain
プログラムの中の変数の意味が分からない ―― HPとか、MPとか、APは、アニメ(多分ゲームも?)の中では頻繁に登場するのですが、私は何の略号か分からなかったので、サンプルプログラムの意味が読み解けませんでした。
package main
import (
const line = "--------------------"
func main() {
wiz := newWizard("魔法少女", 10, 10, 5)
war := newWarrior("+‡†狂戦士†‡+", 10, 15, 30)
type human struct { // "人間"という基底クラス
name string
hp int
ap int
func (h *human) init(name string, hp, ap int) { // "人間"という基底クラスのコンストラクタ(3つの初期値を入れていることに注意))
h.name = name // 名前
h.hp = hp // ヒットポイント: ゲームにおいてキャラの体力や生命力を示すステータスの一つ
h.ap = ap // アタックポイント: ゲームにおいてキャラの行動力などを示すステータスの一つ
func (h *human) hello() string { // "人間"という基底クラスのメソッド1
return fmt.Sprintf("こんにちは、私は%sです。", h.name)
func (h *human) attack() string { // "人間"という基底クラスのメソッド2
return fmt.Sprintf("%sの攻撃!%dのダメージ!", h.name, h.ap)
type wizard struct { // "魔法使い"というクラス
human // "人間の属性"を手動挿入
mp int // マジックポイント: ゲームにおいてキャラの魔法や呪文を使う力を示すステータスの一つ
func newWizard(name string, hp, ap, mp int) *wizard { // "魔法使い"クラスのコンストラクタ(4つの初期値を入れていることに注意))
w := new(wizard) // "魔法使い"の実体生成
w.init(name, hp, ap) // "基底クラス"の属性値の設定
w.mp = mp // 新しい属性値の設定
return w
func (w *wizard) magic() string {
if w.mp <= 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%sは力がでない", w.name)
w.mp -= 1
return fmt.Sprintf("%sは魔法を使った!30のダメージ!", w.name)
type warrior struct {
human // "人間の属性"のみを手動挿入
func newWarrior(name string, hp, ap, mp int) *warrior {
w := new(warrior)
w.init(name, hp, ap)
// mpは使わない? Warrior(戦士)は、マジックポイントを持たないものなの?
return w
func (w *warrior) attack() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%sの攻撃!%dのダメージ!", w.name, w.ap*2)
なるほど、変数の意味が分かれば、プログラムの趣旨が読み取れました ―― 加えて、アニメの中の台詞も理解できるようになり、一石二鳥でした。
とほほのGo言語入門 構造体(struct)
I know that "Withdrawal" is a super advanced technology.
I believe that it is not only a "technique" but also a "philosophy".
For me, with that kind of mindset,
- NHK program "Kaitai Kingdom"
- NKS Special "The Road to Decommissioning."
are valuable contents full of thrills.
Japan is an advanced country in terms of nuclear disasters, including atomic bombings and nuclear accidents.
At the same time, however, I believe that these unfortunate disasters have enhanced our nation's "nuclear" disaster preparedness techniques.
As a systems engineer, I know for a fact that 'there is no such thing as an accident-free system' in the absolute sense of the word.
New "nuclear" accidents will continue to occur in the world.
This is because, as long as humanity has no prospect of giving up "nuclear" in the foreseeable future, nuclear accidents are bound to occur.
The following is an illustration of the "1 in a billion years" accident rate, which make me laugh.
There have been three major accidents in the United States (Three Mile), in Russia changed the Soviet Union(Chernobyl, and in Japan (Fukushima).
"Where is the next?"
It is just my imagination, I am concern that that our nearby countries will be in trouble.
Therefore, not only as technologies for demolition and decommissioning a nuclear reactor, but also, as comprehensive study to be general thoughts (or philosophy) which apply for From everyday life to state policy, I will propose
"Withdrawal Study"
I would like to see the term "XX University, Faculty of Engineering withdrawn" or "XX University, Faculty of Economics withdrawn" become more common.
Through the above, I am proceeding with the "Ebata Machoization Plan"...or rather, the "Ebata Body Modification Plan as a caregiver".
The viewpoints are as follows.
(0) Going out (e.g., to a fitness center) is a hassle.
(1) Burly devices such as barbells and dumbbells will eventually become "pickle stones".
(2) Training machines are very expensive as well as there is no place to put them.
(3) Basically what I want is an "assistant" to help me with abdominal and back exercises.
てなことを考えているうちに ―― 昨日衝動的に「買っちった」
I was thinking about it -- I impulsively "bought it" yesterday.
I was able to lutinize the bars (pull-ups), but it remains to be seen if I can include these abdominal and back exercises.
OpenError: sql: unknown driver "postgres" (forgotten import?) with golang
Golangで "OpenError: sql: unknown driver "postgres" (forgotten import?) "で悩まされていました。
よく分かりませんが、"go.mod", "go.sum"とかをいじることなく
go get github.com/lib/pq
(2)import に
import (// 色々_ "github.com/lib/pq" // ←これを追記)
Since Russia's invasions of Ukraine, I have been realizing that fiction stories in novels can be used properly in real life.
First of all, the fact is that "nuclear deterrence" is working to a point.
At this time, neither Russia nor NATO uses nuclear weapons.
Frankly speaking, I have feared and continue to fear that even if "strategic nuclear weapons" are not used, "tactical nuclear weapons" are possible.
2つ目は、新しい"核"兵器としての原発の利用 --- 『原発(原子力発電所)攻撃』です。
Secondly, a new nuclear weapon using nuclear power plants --- "nuclear power plant attack"
As you know, the world is still shaken by the ongoing Russian attack on nuclear power plants(*).
(*) Russia claims "attack by Ukraine
I believe that the Japanese are the only people in the world who truly understand that "nuclear power plants," which produce electricity, "would be in serious trouble if they did not constantly supply power".
Of course, this refers to the "total loss of power" of the Fukushima nuclear accident.
This "attack on nuclear power plants" is ludicrously easy and ultra-low cost compared to "developing atomic bombs".
原子炉本体を攻撃する必要もなく、送電網の破壊だけで足ります -- 『破壊工作員、数人程度』で十分いけるんじゃないかな、思います。
There is no need to attack the reactor itself, only to destroy the power grid -- "a few saboteurs" should be enough.
このように、戦略核 -> 戦術核 -> 原発攻撃 と -----
Thus, strategic nuclear weapons -> tactical nuclear weapons -> nuclear power plant attack,
I realize that we have not "abolished" nuclear weapons, but rather "discovered" a third nuclear weapon.
―― 彼らには、彼らなりの、戦争をしかけるだけの正当な理由がある
It is very interesting that my senior daughter has recently started to seriously consider national defense after seeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
# 正確に言うと『国防』ではなくて『逃亡』ですが。
# To be precise, it's not 'national security' but 'escape'.
―― どこに逃げればいいの?
"Where to escape?"
She is seriously concerned.
「我が国(日本)が、今後、どういう流れで戦争に巻き込まれていくか」 ―― というシミュレーションは、私にとっては、大好物のネタですので、そのいくつかのシナリオを長女に語りました。
Simulations of how our country (Japan) might be drawn into a war in the future are a favorite topic of mine, so I told her about some of the scenarios.
Last night, in addition to this, I also explained "justice from the Russian point of view" and "justice from the Chinese point of view".
―― 彼らには、彼らなりの、戦争をしかけるだけの正当な理由がある
"They have their own, justifiable reasons for starting a war"
The stories of mine seemed to make her more anxious.
Aside from that.
I once criticized my daughters for their lack of modern historical knowledge, and was rebutted.
実際に、歴史の教師は「歴史が重要だ」と言い続けていますが、はっきり言います―― 「古代エジプトのファラオが誰であろうか、その国が滅びようが、それが何だと言うのか」
On the other hand, my wife feels a serious sense of crisis over the fact that no "Chushingura" dramas have been broadcast in recent years.
"What if the spirit of Chushingura is lost from the Japanese people?"
I am truly "not concerned" about this.
However, my wife was extremely angry with me when I told her that it was "a terrorist attack by local ronin who formed a clique," so I have kept my mouth shut.
私たちは、自分なりの価値観で、その価値観を他人にも理解して欲しいと考えますが ――
We have our own set of values, and we want others to understand those values, but--
After all, such attempts will be in vain.
create database agent_db;
create table LocMessage(
ID int,
Lat double precision,
Lng double precision,
TYPE varchar(10),
POPUP int,
RealId int,
PersonState int,
BikeState int,
StartStationLat double precision,
StartStationLng double precision,
GoalStationLat double precision,
GoalStationLng double precision,
StartStationName varchar(40),
GoalStationName varchar(40)
agent_db=# select * from locmessage;
id | lat | lng | type | popup | realid | personstate | bikestate | startstationlat | startstationlng | goalstationlat | goalstationlng | startstationname | goalstationname
package main
import (
_ "github.com/lib/pq"
func main() {
db, err := sql.Open("postgres",
"user=postgres password=password host=localhost port=15432 dbname=agent_db sslmode=disable")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("OpenError: ", err)
defer db.Close()
//_, err = db.Exec("insert into locmessage(id,lat,lng,type,popup,realid,startstationlng ) VALUES(1, 139.0, 38.0, 'PERSON',1,1,222.222);")
// _, err = db.Exec("insert into locmessage(id,lat) VALUES(a, b);")
//ins, err := db.Prepare("insert into locmessage(id,lat,lng,type,popup,realid,startstationlng ) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)")
ins, err := db.Prepare("insert into locmessage(id,lat,lng,type,popup,realid,startstationlng ) VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7)")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("db.Exec Error: ", err)
a := 1
b := 139.02
c := 38.02
dd := "Tomoichi"
e := 1
f := 1
g := 333.333
//ins.Exec("1", "139.0", "38.0", "BIKE", "1", "1", "222.222")
//ins.Exec(1, 139.01, 38.01, "BIKE", 1, 1, 222.222)
//ins.Exec(1, 139.0, 38.0, 1, 1, 1, 222.222)
ins.Exec(a, b, c, dd, e, f, g)