

On our junior daughter's recent birthday, my wife and I ordered an L-size pizza and ate an expensive cake, with our second daughter absent.

―― という事実が、レシートから発見されて、次女が怒っていたそうです。

She found the receipts and got angry.


However, I think 'it is your (second daughter's) fault for spending time with her college friends and being away from home on the day.



'Why have a party where the person onself is not present?' I would argue as follows.

―― じゃあ、なんで、お前たち、クリスマスパーティーなんぞやるんだ?

"Then why are you guys having a Christmas party?"



That person has been dead for more than 2000 years now and is currently absent (if he had been resurrected, he would have died).


However, the birthday events continue and continue.


Moreover, he is celebrated not on the "day" of the birthday, but on the "day before the birthday(eve)", which makes no sense at all.


As I have said many times, his birthday is December 25th, and the 24th is a normal, totally unrelated day.


『本人の誕生日に、本人の生誕を祝う』という私達夫婦のスタイルは ――

Our couple's style, to celebrate the birth of the person on the person's birthday, is


"far more sincere than the man and woman who walk the streets on Christmas Eve with the appearance of a couple for anyone"


I believe it.









(1) Nuclear power plants in Japan cannot operate continuously for more than 13 months and must undergo a three-month periodic inspection.


(2) Japanese nuclear reactors must be decommissioned 60 years after their first operation.


The government has now decided that the period of time that the plant has been out of service due to periodic inspections and other reasons will be subtracted from the 60-year period, and the plant will continue to be used.

国民から『詭弁だ!』と非難される覚悟での決定だったろう ―― と、思いましたが、今のところ、あまり、そのような声は聞こえてきません(判断は、まだ早計かもしれませんが)。

I thought that the decision would have been made in preparation for the public's condemnation as "sophistry!", however, so far I have not heard any such comments (although it may be too early to make a judgment).


After all, if you look at the ongoing "realities of the people in a country where the power infrastructure has been bombed and lives are at stake for wintering over," you may not be able to say such a thing.


Just wondering, "Would I, "11 years ago," be able to say the same thing?"



Eleven years ago, I left this note



Even now, this idea has not changed one millimeter.

どんなシステムでも事故は発生します ―― 『絶対』です。

Accidents happen in any system -- "absolutely".


Safety is all about "safety based on killing people".



If restarting nuclear power plants is 'an unavoidable step for the survival of the nation,' then I will accept it.


However, I was also prepared to "continue to encounter accidents of the same level as the Fukushima nuclear accident".

―― 日本国内において、生涯で2~3回は原発事故に遭遇し、最低1回は放射能汚染被害を受ける

"In Japan, I will encounter two or three nuclear accidents in my lifetime and suffer from radioactive contamination at least once"


If we can be so determined, coexistence with nuclear power plants is possible.


「原発事故の発生を前提として、あらゆる事態を想定し、考えうる最悪の事故の対策を考えて、それでも多分、皆さんには、酷い損害を与える可能性をあることを十分に分かった上で ―― 政府は『原発再稼動』を決断しました」

"Assuming the occurrence of a nuclear accident, assuming all possible contingencies, considering countermeasures for the worst possible accident, and knowing fully well that it could still probably cause terrible damage to you all -- the government has decided to 'restart nuclear power plants'."

と、首相が宣言してくれるのであれば ――

If the Prime Minister will declare the above,


At the very least, I declare too that I will stand on the side of the Prime Minister, his cabinet, and the government.


C:\Users\ebata>psql -U postgres -h -p 15432
Password for user postgres:
psql (13.4, server 12.5 (Debian 12.5-1.pgdg100+1))
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \l
                                 List of databases
   Name    |  Owner   | Encoding |  Collate   |   Ctype    |   Access privileges
 agent_db  | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
 postgres  | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
 template0 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |            |            | postgres=CTc/postgres
 template1 | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 | =c/postgres          +
           |          |          |            |            | postgres=CTc/postgres
 yama_db   | postgres | UTF8     | en_US.utf8 | en_US.utf8 |
(5 rows)

postgres=# \c agent_db
psql (13.4, server 12.5 (Debian 12.5-1.pgdg100+1))
You are now connected to database "agent_db" as user "postgres".
agent_db=# \dt
           List of relations
 Schema |   Name    | Type  |  Owner
 public | user_list | table | postgres
 public | user_log  | table | postgres
(2 rows)

agent_db=# select * from user_list;
 id  | age |   type   | departure_name | departure_number | departure_lat | departure_lng |     arrival_name     | arrival_number | arrival_lat | arrival_lng
   0 |  51 | tourist  | 山口駅         |             9324 |   131.4815191 |     34.172788 | 藩庁門               |           1396 |    34.18463 |  131.471535
   1 |  59 | tourist  | 山口駅         |             9324 |   131.4815191 |     34.172788 | 五重塔               |           7136 |   34.190132 | 131.4734607


package main

import (

	_ "github.com/lib/pq" // ←これを追記

func main() {

	db, err := sql.Open("postgres",
		"user=postgres password=password host= port=15432 dbname=agent_db sslmode=disable")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("OpenError: ", err)
	defer db.Close()

	//rows, err := db.Query("select * from user_list")
	rows, err := db.Query("select id, age, type, departure_name, departure_number, departure_lat, departure_lng, arrival_name, arrival_number, arrival_lat, arrival_lng from user_list")
	if err != nil {
	defer rows.Close()

	var id, age, departure_number, arrival_number int
	var type1, departure_name, arrival_name string
	var departure_lat, departure_lng, arrival_lat, arrival_lng float64

	for rows.Next() {
		//if err := rows.Scan(&dt); err != nil {
		if err := rows.Scan(&id, &age, &type1, &departure_name, &departure_number, &departure_lat, &departure_lng, &arrival_name, &arrival_number, &arrival_lat, &arrival_lng); err != nil {
		fmt.Println(id, age, type1, departure_name, departure_number, departure_lat, departure_lng, arrival_name, arrival_number, arrival_lat, arrival_lng)


C:\Users\ebata\yamaguchi\src_try1\others>go run .
0 51 tourist 山口駅 9324 131.4815191 34.172788 藩庁門 1396 34.18463 131.471535
1 59 tourist 山口駅 9324 131.4815191 34.172788 五重塔 7136 34.190132 131.4734607
2 55 tourist 湯田温泉駅 7247 131.4606901 34.1597909 ザビエル記念聖堂 2570 34.1796352 131.4728818
3 60 tourist 湯田温泉駅 7247 131.4606901 34.1597909 ザビエル記念聖堂 2570 34.1796352 131.4728818
4 42 tourist 山口駅 9324 131.4815191 34.172788 五重塔 7136 34.190132 131.4734607



package main

import (

func main() {
	now := time.Now() // 
	time.Sleep(time.Second * 3)

	a := time.Since(now).Milliseconds()

	fmt.Printf("経過: %vms\n", a) // 


C:\Users\ebata\yamaguchi\src_try1\others>go run .
経過: 3008ms




Yesterday, I posted a mourning postcard.


The idea of "mourning" has existed in every region of every time period, but in Japan, the influence of Confucius (55l-479 BC) seems to have been significant.


But the contents were amazing.


'When the parents died, we should be a three-year mourning period.'


'We should set up a tent next to my parents' gravesite and lived there for three years under a set rule of mourning'


I remember the contents like that.


As expected, a disciple complained that three years was too much and that it would affect economic activity.


However, Confucius then told his disciple, "Then you should do what you want"


It was typical power harassment.


That aside.


―― 喪中の為、ディズニーランド、忘年会、および学会講演発表等の、アクティビティ参加をご遠慮申し上げます

"Due to the mourning period, I will not be able to participate in activities such as Disneyland, year-end parties, and presentations at academic conferences"


I hope that we can "utilize" mourning in such a way.



I suddenly remembered that decades ago, a junior (female) in my seminar said


"I don't think I'm like this. I think I can do more."



I remember my senior daughter was also saying something similar about two years ago.


Speaking of me,

―― そんなこと、一度も思ったことない

"I've never thought that"


As such, I can assure you.

===== 過去のコラムから抜粋 =====

--- Excerpts from past columns ---


I have simply continued to carry out the mission I was given (a difficult and troublesome mission that was far beyond my capabilities), crying my eyes out.

具体的に言うとですね、「くっそー! こんなところで負けるもんかあぁぁぁ!」という力強い前向きな一生懸命ではなく、「うえーん! なんとか早く終わって、日本に帰りたいよおぉぉ~」という、負け犬の一生懸命です。

To be more specific: "Damn! I'm not going to lose in a place like this!" --- It's not that kind of powerful, positive, hard work. "I want to go back to Japan as soon as possible! I can't wait to get it over with and go back to Japan!" --- It is the hard work of a loser.

===== 抜粋ここまで =====

===== Excerpt here =====


And now I have considered the cause of the problem.


I believe that firstly, 'I lack the ability to make dispassionate judgments about my skills and resources.


And then, without being able to make accurate predictive calculations, they start to do things, and later on they seem to have "terrible regrets and failures".

そして、第二に、その『どえらい後悔や失敗』を、比較的短い期間で忘れてしまう "学習能力がない"ようです。

And second, I seem to have "no learning ability" to forget their "terrible regrets and failures" in a relatively short period of time.


And then I repeat similar regrets and failures.



While looking out codes for two projects at work, lectures and report submissions and a huge pile of papers piled up, in front of me,


'I hope World War III breaks out and the world is destroyed.'

と ―― 今、かなり本気で考えます。

now I am quite serious about it.


This happens about two or three times each year.



I hope that the rulers of Russia and North Korea are not 'gutless' like me.



It was in 2002 thatI released 'Stagnation Party Collapse' in the serise of 'Mr.Ebata's Small Talk'.


It was the year of the Japan-Korea Joint World Cup.

―― あれから、もう20年かぁ

"It's been 20 years since then, huh?"


I am quite surprised, myself, when I think about it.