

If you are thinking of applying for a “#White Case,” please prepare yourself first (by the way, it goes without saying, but “White” is not a self-applied adjective. “White” is a third-party evaluation... but it's silly to say that).


Creating the “image” of a forged ID (not the actual forged ID itself)


In this blog, I disclose passwords and IDs as examples, but I process the images.

私は画像加工処理には"SAI"を使っています(PhptoShopは高価で手が出ない)。ペイントツール には、GIMPとかibisPaintとか色々ありますし、多分、Windowsに標準実装されているペイントツールでも対応できると思います。

I use “SAI” for image processing (PhotoShop is too expensive for me). There are various paint tools, such as GIMP and ibisPaint, and I think that the paint tool that is standardly implemented in Windows can also handle it.



If you want to change your address and various numbers, it's pretty easy. You can probably get a fake photo of yourself that doesn't look strange by pasting a photo of yourself generated by an AI (probably).


A legitimate company would probably check IDs, but I don't think such authority would be granted to an underground part-time job organization.


If the other party says “the verification results are different”, you can be reassured. You can say, “Oh, I made a mistake,” and then show them your ID card.

# それでも、メールとかSNSで送れ、と言われたら、その段階で「変だ」と思って下さい。普通、本人の認証は、恐しく面倒な手続が必要なのです(キレそうになります)。

# Even so, if you are asked to send it by email or social networking service, please think it is strange at that stage. Usually, the authentication of the person in question requires a troublesome procedure (I'm about to lose my temper).


(Click to go to the column)


If you send them a “picture” of a forged ID, even if the person in charge of the illegal work tells you, “I'll harm your family,” you can say, “Go ahead and try if you can,” and then destroy the SIM card in your smartphone. You can let them search for as many addresses as possible where you don't exist.



However, this “easy” above is probably not “easy” for many of the people who get involved in “#white cases.”


Even for me, I would have had to use SAI for 2 or 3 years before I could make fake ID images 'quickly.'


If you're in debt and in a tight spot right now, you probably don't have time to study paint tools leisurely.


However, if I were to say here, “I will create a fake driver's license image,” then I would be the criminal. Of course, I will not lend a hand to such a ridiculous thing (if you ask me about this, I will disclose the contents of your email or message in full on my blog).



The other day, when my wife said, “I want to use the services on this site, but the site asks me to send a picture of my driver's license. What should I do?” So I (omission below).



I think that crime should not be committed, but if necessary, it should be done so that you will not get caught.

―― 大麻を試したいなら、なぜ、栽培、乾燥、製粉までの全行程を、DIYで実現しようとしないのか?


Also, my former boss said, “Cybercrime that is only done once and is a one-shot deal will never be caught.” I still support this view.


They get caught because they repeat the same crimes with the same methods, revealing their greedy minds.



In the last article, I talked about how “illegal part-time jobs” don't pay at all.

―― 借金は、『踏み倒せること』を、皆さんご存じですか?


We also talked about how escaping from an illegal part-time job is difficult.

―― 私たちが培ってきた「良心」は、簡単に「命令」に負ける

チームワークの本質が「脅迫」というのは、もちろん言い過ぎでしょうが ―― 『それでは、次、江端さんから今週の進捗を報告して下さい』いうリーダの言葉は、『脅迫』の一態様ではないか、と思うことがあります。


Today, I would like to suggest one way to deal with the situation for people who have “fallen victim to illegal part-time jobs” but “don't want to get the police involved” (but only before the crime is committed).


If I am blackmailed after my personal information has been obtained through illegal work, I will take the following measures.


First, (1) delete my SNS account, and (2) take out the SIM card from my mobile phone and destroy it. These measures will cut off how the other party can blackmail me.


To begin with, a large amount of information about you and your family has already been leaked.


How often do you think data has been leaked from credit card companies and companies with lax security?


Your name and address are probably already known to 10, 20, or even 100 or more organizations. Adding one more here is nothing.

「お客様の個人情報の利用目的外についての利用. お客様からお預かりしました個人情報につきましては、上記利用目的以外には、一切の利用を行いません」って、って、一体、誰が、それを保証し、保障してくれるの?


The goal of those who lead the black market work is not to harm you or your family but to maintain a path of blackmailing you.


The chances of them harming you or your family are extremely low.


Because carrying out visible crimes such as violence with their own hands is entirely against the interests of those who run illegal part-time jobs (those who direct the crimes without being seen).


In a nutshell, “it's not worth the cost for them.”



Sometimes I think that if I were the administrator of a illegal part-time jobs, I would be surprised.

―― なんで、若いやつらは、こんなに真面目でチョロいんだ?

"Why are the young ones so earnest and gullible?"




If I could stomach the idea of getting into trouble with the police, I would hand over my phone to the police.


If you did it before committing the crime, you did nothing illegal. You will not be charged with a crime. I promise.


On the contrary, you may be commended for your help in bringing down the illegal work organization.



Right now, I'm having a discussion with ChatGPT about


'I think it would be quick and easy to get this sorted out if one of the police officers applied for illegal part-time jobs and did some undercover work, but why don't they do that?



I want to talk about this next time.



Recently, I've been getting a lot of calls on my company-issued smartphone from unknown numbers


I don't expect to receive a call from a talent agency, but I do expect to receive a call from a publishing company, and I think there is a chance I might receive a call from a website for senior job-seekers.


On rare occasions, I also receive phone calls from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications or the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (for example, when I request information disclosure).


However, I don't answer the phone.


Don't answer the phone; look up the incoming number online, and if the number is a hit, reject the call, and you're done.


Recently, I've been getting a lot of calls like this, and I find this whole process annoying.



We are already in an age where phone numbers themselves are unnecessary.


I use LINE or LINE Phone with my family and Teams or Teams Phone at work.


There is no scene where a phone number appears.


Does the term “international phone call” still exist?



Leaving that aside, there are times when I think it might be a good idea to block all incoming calls, but it is undeniable that only public telephone lines will survive in a disaster.



We have a home landline, but I don't answer the phone, even if it's a landline.


Also, ignore any calls that do not leave a message and register them as blocked calls.

でも、この作業が面倒くさいです。 ―― これ、無人自動化できないかなと思っています(多分作れると思う)。

But this process is a pain. I think this could be automated without any human intervention (I think it could probably be done).



But I came up with an easier way.


It would be sufficient to create an answering message for the answering machine as follows.


'I am currently standing in front of the phone, but I will not answer it, so please record your message with your phone number and the content. If you hang up without saying anything, I will add this phone number to my blocked numbers list. Please leave your message after the tone (beep).'


Why not apply this method to all phones, including smartphones and landlines?


I think it's time to finish the procedure (protocol) of 'answering the phone directly when it rings.'





'Hey, you. First of all, tell me where you got my phone number from.


This is the quickest way to do it, but some people can, and others can't.



(Click to go to the column)



I was talking to my daughter (my eldest daughter) the other day, and I told her that I was scared of being asked by my boss, “Can't you do it? (But I couldn't find my page after searching for over 10 minutes, so I will write it down, even though it's a hassle).


■The eldest daughter's argument


"When my boss says, “Can't you do it?”, I feel like I'm being scolded, blamed, and scared."


■My Argument


“Can't you do it?” is just a work-related confirmation. If you don't check whether it's because the period is too short or because of the person's abilities, you won't be able to manage the progress of the work. In most cases, there is no intention to reprimand the person or their abilities."



Me: “However, it's only been recently (in the last 10 years or so) that we've come to understand this. When I was younger, I thought I would have been terrified if my boss had asked me, 'Can't you do it?


Eldest daughter: “I've never thought about it like that (doing a confirmation check), and I don't have the mental space to think about it like that.”


Her point is valid.


But don't worry. Even I, who am about to retire, still find my superiors and managers scary, regardless of age.



Now, including the company executives, all my superiors are younger than me.


It's scary when people say, “Mr. Ebata, can you do this? I'm terrified.


At this age,

『江端さん。長いこと、この仕事やってきたんでしょう? アンタ一体、その歳になるまで何やってきたんですか?』


I hear a voice saying, “Mr. Ebata, you've been doing this job for a long time, haven't you? What on earth have you been doing until you reached that age?”


Of course, I know that this is paranoia. I also understand that my younger boss is being careful with me but is still checking on the progress of the work.


I think (I want to believe) they also understand that I don't cut corners at work.


Even so, I'm still scared of scary things.



Right now, I'm most afraid of silence.



Here's what the process looks like.

私が説明する → 30秒間くらい応答がない → その後、上長から疑問点を指摘される

I explain → there is no response for about 30 seconds → then my superior points out the questions


This process makes me feel like I'm 'receiving the biggest scolding.'

しかし、これは『私の主張を、時間をかけて、しっかり理解しようとしている』というプロセスかもしれませんが(たぶんそうだろうと信じている) ――

However, this may be a process where the superior is 'trying to understand my point of view, taking the time to do so' (I believe that is probably the case).


Even so, I'm still scared of scary things.



I would like to summarize today's diary using the following phrase.

―― 安心して下さい。定年間際の私でも『年齢に関係なく、上長/上司は怖い』です。

Don't worry. Even I, who am about to retire, still find my superiors scary, regardless of age.




I try to make an appointment for a complete physical examination on my birthday (or the day before or after).


In most cases, there are few people, and you can finish all your consultations without waiting, but this time, I encountered a situation where I couldn't even sit on a chair in the waiting room.


I wondered what was going on, but it seems that the fact that it was the day before a three-day weekend affected it.



I was disappointed that my “correct visual acuity” was measured this time.



I realized that my eyesight test using my “Ebata Bayesian Inference Prediction” method had stopped working, or instead, that the deterioration of my body over time had become so severe that such things no longer worked.


This time, I also failed to lose weight. I ended up 1.0kg over my target weight, which was shameful. I've been practicing “ultra-precise weight management” until now, but I ultimately failed to lose weight this time.


My weight loss failure doesn't bother anyone, but I wondered what would happen to a boxer's match if he was outweighed at the pre-match weigh-in, so I researched.

『即試合没収』→ 『興業利益の損害賠償』となると思っていたのですが、これ以外にも、色々ありました( 再計測(サウナや走り込みで対応)、ファイトマネーを相手側に譲渡、非公式の試合形式への変更など)。

I thought the penalty would be 'immediate forfeiture' and 'compensation for loss of profit.' Still, there were other things (re-measuring (handled by sauna or running), transfer of fight money to the other party, change to an unofficial match format, etc.).


Priority is given to making arrangements for the match, and measures are often taken to ensure its playability.


Leaving that aside.



After being told “no abnormalities” during the medical examination on the day of the physical, you often receive a report with “a lot of negative comments” delivered to you later. I am leaving that aside.

だったら、人間ドックの当日の問診いるかなぁ、と思うのですが ―― 多分、"いる"のでしょう。

Then, I wonder if they need a medical interview on the day of the physical examination - I think they probably do.


It's the so-called “Donna Donna”.

―― もうね、なんというか、気分は「ドナドナ」



Nowadays, it's not as simple as saying, 'I can do whatever I want with my own money, whether I smoke, drink, or get fat!' because lifestyle diseases account for about 30% of national medical expenses or about 13.5 trillion yen per year.


Incidentally, Japan's annual military expenditure is about 8 trillion yen.


Of course, smoking, drinking, and overeating are not the only causes of lifestyle diseases, but neglecting to make an effort to maintain your health is something that will be criticized. Still, in the future, it may become something that is hated.


It's not just a matter of “it's my prerogative!” - in some cases, they might even be seen as “the enemy of the people.”


It's a rather gloomy picture of the future.



A complete physical examination is a hassle, isn't it?


Even though I think to myself, “It's only once a year, so I'll just have to put up with it,” I still can't help but have high expectations for a “remote health checkup.”


Some services allow you to collect a few drops of blood or urine at home and send them off by post, but they are not yet mainstream. (In the first place, ordinary people cannot use special equipment that uses radiation, etc.).


In the end, a “human dock” is like an inspection process to check whether the parts of society are working correctly and to repair any problems. In other words, checking whether you are functioning correctly as part of society is a process.


However, I am not living “for the nation's sake” nor caring for my health “to keep down the national medical expenses.” Ultimately, I am doing it just because I want to avoid pain and suffering, and in short, it is “for myself.”


Instead, I think, 'If bad health is a 'quiet rebellion' against the state, that's not so bad' - I am aware that I am a 'perverse person' to that extent.



I saw news about a trial in which a driver was charged with dangerous driving, resulting in death, for causing the death of a motorcyclist by turning right at an intersection at three times the legal speed limit (194km/h).


I didn't know the difference between “vehicular manslaughter” and “professional negligence resulting in injury or death,” so I did some research.


The difference between “vehicular manslaughter” and “professional negligence resulting in injury or death

項目 危険運転致死傷害 業務上過失致死傷害
定義 飲酒や薬物使用、著しいスピード違反など、故意に危険な運転を行い、他人を死傷させる行為 運転手の注意義務違反によって発生する死亡・傷害
対象となる行為 飲酒・薬物運転、暴走運転、過度な速度違反、信号無視などの危険行為 不注意による事故、過失による死傷
法的根拠 刑法第208条の2 刑法第211条
罰則 より重い罰則(懲役最大15年または20年 比較的軽い罰則(懲役最大5年または罰金
故意性 故意または極めて重大な過失 過失
対象者 危険な運転行為を意図的に行う者 一般的な過失運転者
飲酒運転での暴走事故、無謀な速度での追い越し 居眠り運転、標識見落としによる衝突事故


I see. I understand that it is difficult to prove “intentionality” when it comes to dangerous driving causing injury or death (the same applies to murder, which cannot be established without “intent to kill”).


I also looked into the following.


■ From past court cases, cases where it was clear to the general public that the offense was “vehicular manslaughter due to dangerous driving,” but it was not applied, and an overview of these cases

事例 概要 争点 判決
飲酒運転による死亡事故 被告人が飲酒後に交差点で赤信号を無視し、横断中の歩行者に衝突し死亡させた。 アルコールの影響で正常な運転が困難かどうかが争点となった。 裁判所は酩酊状態が「正常な運転が困難」と認められず、業務上過失致死罪が適用。
てんかん発作による死亡事故 被告人はてんかんの持病があり、発作の危険性を認識しながら運転。発作中に歩行者と衝突し死亡させた。 発作の危険性を認識していたが、運転を続けたことから危険運転致死罪の適用が検討された。 発作頻度や体調管理から危険運転致死罪の適用は難しいとされ、業務上過失致死罪が適用。
無免許運転による死亡事故 被告人が無免許でスピード違反を犯し対向車線にはみ出して衝突、相手運転者を死亡させた。 無免許運転やスピード違反の悪質性から危険運転致死罪の適用が検討された。 無免許やスピード違反は悪質だが、「正常な運転が困難」と認定されず、業務上過失致死罪が適用。


■ Details of the court case in which “vehicular manslaughter” was applied

事例 概要 争点 判決
飲酒運転での死亡事故 被告人が大量の飲酒後に運転し、信号無視で交差点に突入。歩行者に衝突し死亡させた。 アルコールの影響で正常な運転が困難な状態であったかどうか。 裁判所は飲酒量と行為の悪質性を考慮し、危険運転致死罪を適用。
薬物使用運転での死亡事故 薬物使用により正常な判断ができない状態で運転し、対向車に衝突し相手を死亡させた。 薬物の影響で正常な運転ができない状態にあったかどうか。 薬物影響による判断力の欠如が認められ、危険運転致死罪が適用。
極度のスピード違反による死亡事故 高速道路で法定速度を大幅に超えるスピードで運転し、他車に衝突し相手運転者を死亡させた。 極度のスピード超過により正常な運転が困難だったと判断できるか。 極端なスピード違反による危険性が認定され、危険運転致死罪が適用。


今回の事件の論点は、弁護側の主張( + 当初の地検の判断)は、

The point of contention in this case seems to be the logic behind the defense's argument (and the original decision by the district public prosecutor's office), which was that

―― 法定速度の3倍(時速194km)を出していたが、被告は"個人的な技能"によって、その高速運転を制御できていた

'Although the defendant was driving at three times the legal speed limit (194km/h), he was able to control his high-speed driving through his “personal skills”'


After that, the District Public Prosecutor's Office requested that the charge be changed to 'vehicular manslaughter due to dangerous driving,' the Oita District Court accepted this. Still, this seemed to be 'due to strong public opposition.'



So I read the “Act on Punishment of Acts Causing Death or Injury by Driving a Motor Vehicle.”


Article 2 defines “vehicular manslaughter due to dangerous driving.”


The word “speed” appears in Article 2, Paragraph 1, Items 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, and the points of contention in this case are probably Items 2 and 8.


However, “No. 8” is subject to the “AND” condition of a dangerous speed on a road where passage is prohibited, so I think this will be a simple battle with “No. 2”.



二 その進行を制御することが困難な高速度で自動車を走行させる行為

(Dangerous Driving Causing Injury or Death)
Article 2: A person who has caused injury to another person by committing any of the following acts shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a period not exceeding 15 years, and a person who has caused death to another person shall be punished by imprisonment with work for a definite term of not less than one year.
(ii) The act of driving a motor vehicle at a high speed that is difficult to control


ん? この条文の「その運行」とは、どの運行のことだろう、と、思い調べてみたのですが、法文中に定義がありません。他の条文の準用もしていないようです。

Hmm... I wondered which “operation” this article referred to, so I looked it up, but the law does not define it. It also does not seem to apply mutatis mutandis to other articles.


When I asked ChatGPT, it said, “The definition of ‘operation’ is not clearly stated in the text of the law.”


It was also said that “In the general legal interpretation and case law, ‘operation’ is understood to mean the series of actions of a vehicle traveling on the road, that is, the entire process of the driver controlling the vehicle and proceeding towards the destination.”

あれ? もし、この「運行」が、この法解釈や判例通りに適用されるとするのであれば、この事件(法定速度の3倍(時速194km))の定義が、第2条1項2号はドンピシャで適用されて、即、結審するんじゃないの?

Huh? If this “operation” is applied by this legal interpretation and precedent, then the definition of this case (three times the legal speed limit (194km/h)) should be applied precisely as per Article 2, Paragraph 1, Item 2, and the case should be concluded immediately, right?


What am I doing wrong?



Since I couldn't understand anything anymore, I decided to cry out to ChatGPT.


The following is not my opinion, so I will copy and paste it as it is.



Generally speaking, I thought, “It's difficult to judge new laws because there are so few precedents.”

裁判における「危険」の考え方が、私たちが普通に「危険」と思っていることをそのまま適用できない、というのは理解できるのですが ――

I understand that the way we think about “danger” in court cases cannot be applied as it is to what we usually think of as “danger” ――


To me, it doesn't make sense that causing the death of a driver who was turning right at an intersection at three times the legal speed limit (194km/h) is 'far less serious' than the crime of robbery and murder for illegal part-time work.

―― 借金は、『踏み倒せること』を、皆さんご存じですか?







エーリッヒ・フロム(Erich Fromm)(『自由からの逃走』)、ストア派の哲学者エピクテトス、その他数多の哲学者が語っていることですが、私は、エリック・ホッファー(アメリカの独学の社会哲学者)の言葉が、一番しっくりきます。

Erich Fromm (Escape from Freedom), the Stoic philosopher Epictetus, and many other philosophers have said this. Still, I find the words of Eric Hoffer (an American self-taught social philosopher) to be the most fitting.


'Immersion in others, whether support, obstruction, love or hatred, is ultimately a means of escaping from oneself.


大リーグの日本人選手を称えるのは結構なことですし、マスコミの行動原理(視聴率が価値)からすれば、それをコンテンツとするのは当然ですが ―― 正直、私は、情報過多でうんざりしています。

It's OK to celebrate Japanese players in the Major Leagues, and from the perspective of the media's principles of action (ratings are valuable), it's only natural to make it the content of the story - but to be honest, I'm fed up with the information overload.

7時のNHKニュースのスポーツコーナーで、「その選手の練習風景"のみ"」をニュースとした時は、『さすがにそれは"ない"だろう』と思いました ―― 特にNHKは、一応「公共放送」を唄っているわけですし(政府の御用メディアの面もありますが)。

When the sports section of the 7 o'clock NHK news broadcast showed only footage of a specific athlete training, I thought, “Surely that's not right.” especially since NHK is a public broadcaster (although it also appears to be a government mouthpiece).


There are all kinds of sports activities going on in Japan. I was shocked when I saw that the 7 o'clock NHK news had been replaced with a news source that showed only “training scenes.”


NHKスペシャル「混迷の世紀 最終回 “超大国・分断” アメリカはどこへ」を見ていた時も、私は、上記のエリック・ホッファーの言葉が思い浮かんできました。

When I watched the NHK Special “The Confused Century, Final Episode: ‘Superpower Divided’—Where is America Heading?”, the words of Eric Hoffer above came to mind.


Watching the voters' meeting, it seems they are putting into practice the saying, “Immersion in others, whether it be support, obstruction, love or hatred, is ultimately a means of escaping from oneself.”


However, I am not a US citizen, and I don't understand the mindset of US citizens. Therefore, I don't think I know the feelings of such enthusiasm/obsession for the leader (the president).

ただ、日本国民の一人として、米国国民と決定的に違うところがあるとすれば ――

However, if there is one thing that distinguishes Japanese citizens from American citizens, it is that ――


'I don't have high expectations for the leader (prime minister).'


I think that this is the best way to sum it up.


Also, in Japan's political system, it can be said that 'leaders change frequently.' Of the Japanese prime ministers, about 17.2% have served for more than four years.


Leaders in our country are like interchangeable parts, and they can be easily replaced due to “misjudgments,” “offensive words and actions,” and “money problems.”


In addition, the Japanese people also have the excellent ability to forget the past easily.

―― あいつら、馬鹿



I think that the Japanese political system and the Japanese people's light-footedness, where they can say, “If that person is no good, we'll replace them with this person,” is something that we can be proud of of the world.


If you “abuse the opposing candidate (personality) with dirty language,” you will immediately and wholly dig your own grave. The way elections are conducted in Japan (Japan) seems to be much better than the presidential elections in the United States.


However, recently, some people who are not so good have been standing for election and making a big show of “shame.”



ともあれ ――



'Immersion in others, whether it be support, obstruction, love or hatred, is ultimately a means of escaping from oneself.'


Ebata's interpretation ultimately comes back to this↓.




資料5 『非集計ロジットのRプログラム例』のMNLモデルのサンプルコードを拡張したものを使っていたのですが、上手く動かなかったので、GO言語で作ってみました。

このプログラムは、Go言語を用いて多項ロジットモデル(Multinomial Logit Model, MNL)の推定を行い、以下の要素を計算・表示するものです。

### プログラムの主要な機能

1. **データ読み込み**
   - `loadData` 関数で、`transport_data.csv` ファイルからデータを読み込み、各選択肢の所要時間、費用、利用可能性、および実際に選択された結果を `Data` 構造体に格納します。

2. **対数尤度関数の定義**
   - `logLikelihood` 関数で、ロジットモデルの対数尤度関数を定義します。
   - 各選択肢について、効用を計算し、その効用に基づいた選択確率を計算します。実際の選択結果に基づいて対数尤度を計算し、最適化のために負の対数尤度を返します。

3. **初期尤度の計算**
   - `initialLogLikelihood` 関数で、選択肢が全て等確率(均等選択)で選ばれると仮定した場合の初期尤度を計算します。
   - 初期尤度は、モデルの改善度を測るための基準として使用します。

4. **ヘッセ行列の計算(数値微分による近似)**
   - `hessianMatrix` 関数で、数値微分を用いて対数尤度関数の二階微分からヘッセ行列を計算します。
   - `epsilon` は微小量として設定され、4つの関数値の組み合わせを使って二階微分を近似的に計算します。
5. **最適化の実行**
   - `optimize.Problem` 構造体を用いて、対数尤度関数を最小化(尤度最大化)する問題を定義します。
   - `optimize.Minimize` 関数で最適化を実行し、最適なパラメータを推定します。

6. **結果の表示**
   - 最適化が終了すると、次の項目が表示されます:
     - 最適化されたパラメータ
     - 最終対数尤度
     - ヘッセ行列
     - t値
     - 尤度比と補正済み尤度比

### t値の計算

- `t値` は、推定されたパラメータの統計的有意性を示す指標であり、各パラメータの推定値をヘッセ行列の対角要素の平方根で割ることで求められます。
- ヘッセ行列の対角要素が非常に小さい場合や不安定な値の場合、計算が `NaN` になるのを防ぐため、`diag > 1e-5` の条件で計算しています。

### 尤度比と補正済み尤度比

- **尤度比**:初期尤度と最終尤度の差を初期尤度で割ったもので、モデルがどれだけデータに適合しているかの指標です。
- **補正済み尤度比**:尤度比に、パラメータ数の補正を加えたものです。

### 実行結果の例


1. **初期尤度**(均等選択の仮定による尤度)
2. **最適化されたパラメータ**
3. **最終尤度**(モデルの最大尤度)
4. **ヘッセ行列**(二階微分を基に計算された行列)
5. **t値**(推定パラメータの統計的有意性の指標)
6. **尤度比**および**補正済み尤度比**(モデルの改善度の指標)

### 全体の流れ

1. `transport_data.csv` からデータを読み込む。
2. 初期尤度と、最適化前の準備を行う。
3. `optimize.Minimize` 関数を使って対数尤度を最大化し、パラメータを推定する。
4. 最適化後の結果(パラメータ、最終尤度、ヘッセ行列、t値、尤度比)を表示する。

### 注意点

- このプログラムは `gonum` パッケージを使用しているため、事前に `gonum` をインストールしておく必要があります。
- ヘッセ行列の数値微分による計算には誤差が生じやすく、`epsilon` の設定を適切に行う必要があります。


package main

import (


// データ構造体の定義
type Data struct {
	所要時間  [6]float64
	費用    [6]float64
	利用可能性 [6]int
	選択結果  int

// データの読み込み
func loadData(filename string) ([]Data, error) {
	file, err := os.Open(filename)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	defer file.Close()

	reader := csv.NewReader(file)
	records, err := reader.ReadAll()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// データの解析
	var data []Data
	for _, record := range records[1:] { // ヘッダをスキップ
		var d Data
		for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
			d.所要時間[i], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(record[7+i], 64)
			d.費用[i], _ = strconv.ParseFloat(record[13+i], 64)
			d.利用可能性[i], _ = strconv.Atoi(record[1+i])
		d.選択結果, _ = strconv.Atoi(record[0])
		data = append(data, d)

	return data, nil

// 対数尤度関数の定義
func logLikelihood(x []float64, data []Data) float64 {
	// パラメータの取得
	b := x[:6] // 定数項
	d1 := x[6]
	f1 := x[7]
	epsilon := 1e-10
	LL := 0.0

	for _, d := range data {
		// 効用の計算
		var v [6]float64
		for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
			v[i] = b[i] + d1*(d.所要時間[i]/10) + f1*(d.費用[i]/10)

		// 各選択肢の効用
		var vehicle [6]float64
		var deno float64
		for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
			if d.利用可能性[i] == 1 {
				vehicle[i] = math.Exp(v[i])
				deno += vehicle[i]
		deno += epsilon

		// 選択確率の計算と対数尤度の加算
		selected := d.選択結果 - 1
		if selected >= 0 && selected < 6 {
			P := vehicle[selected] / deno
			LL += math.Log(P + epsilon)

	return -LL // 最小化のため、対数尤度を負にする

// 初期尤度の計算
func initialLogLikelihood(data []Data) float64 {
	numChoices := 6
	initialProb := 1.0 / float64(numChoices)
	L0 := float64(len(data)) * math.Log(initialProb)
	return L0

// ヘッセ行列の計算(数値微分)
func hessianMatrix(f func([]float64) float64, x []float64) *mat.Dense {
	n := len(x)
	hessian := mat.NewDense(n, n, nil)
	epsilon := 1e-7 // 微小量を小さめに調整

	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
			x1 := make([]float64, n)
			x2 := make([]float64, n)
			x3 := make([]float64, n)
			x4 := make([]float64, n)
			copy(x1, x)
			copy(x2, x)
			copy(x3, x)
			copy(x4, x)

			x1[i] += epsilon
			x1[j] += epsilon
			x2[i] += epsilon
			x2[j] -= epsilon
			x3[i] -= epsilon
			x3[j] += epsilon
			x4[i] -= epsilon
			x4[j] -= epsilon

			f1 := f(x1)
			f2 := f(x2)
			f3 := f(x3)
			f4 := f(x4)

			hessian.Set(i, j, (f1-f2-f3+f4)/(4*epsilon*epsilon))

	return hessian

func main() {
	// データの読み込み
	data, err := loadData("transport_data.csv")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("データの読み込みに失敗しました: %v", err)

	// 初期尤度の計算
	L0 := initialLogLikelihood(data)
	fmt.Printf("初期尤度: %.4f\n", L0)

	// 初期パラメータの設定
	b0 := []float64{0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.01}

	// 最適化問題の設定
	problem := optimize.Problem{
		Func: func(x []float64) float64 {
			return logLikelihood(x, data)

	// 最適化の実行
	result, err := optimize.Minimize(problem, b0, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("最適化に失敗しました: %v", err)

	// 結果の表示
	fmt.Println("パラメータ:", result.X)
	fmt.Println("最終尤度:", -result.F) // 対数尤度は負にしているため、正に戻す

	// ヘッセ行列の計算
	hessian := hessianMatrix(problem.Func, result.X)
	fmt.Printf("%v\n", mat.Formatted(hessian, mat.Prefix(" ")))

	// t値の計算(対角要素が小さい場合は NaN の出力を回避)
	tValues := make([]float64, len(result.X))
	for i := 0; i < len(result.X); i++ {
		//diag := -hessian.At(i, i)  // 負数だと失敗する t値: [NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN]
		diag := hessian.At(i, i) // この値だと t値: [0.27283268674968236 0.4899627491877213 NaN 0.5670961673406928 0.5233519195569353 0.4461558961138306 2.2512263380604414e-07 0.00010138601282162748]となる

			これにより、ヘッセ行列の対角成分も負になる傾向があります。このため、-hessian.At(i, i) として二階微分の符号を反転し、正の値を使うことで、t値 の計算が可能になるのです。
			diag := +hessian.At(i, i) を用いることで t値 の計算が安定する場合があることから、この方法を適用するのは合理的です。
			この修正により、数値計算上の不安定性が軽減され、t値 の NaN が減少する結果になっています。このまま diag := +hessian.At(i, i) の設定を維持するのが適切でしょう。

		fmt.Println("diag:", diag)
		if diag > 1e-5 { // 計算が安定する閾値を設定
			tValues[i] = result.X[i] / math.Sqrt(diag)
		} else {
			tValues[i] = math.NaN() // 計算が不安定な場合は NaN を設定
	fmt.Println("t値:", tValues)

	// 尤度比と補正済み尤度比の計算
	LL := -result.F
	likelihoodRatio := (L0 - LL) / L0
	adjustedLikelihoodRatio := (L0 - (LL - float64(len(result.X)))) / L0
	fmt.Printf("尤度比: %.4f\n", likelihoodRatio)
	fmt.Printf("補正済み尤度比: %.4f\n", adjustedLikelihoodRatio)




G:\home\ebata\tomioka3B\src\others\main102>go run .
初期尤度: -1014.1359
パラメータ: [2.2058979412543716 5.024455710944181 -25.15815870069447 4.874931119599283 7.05844290286456 6.064128738785668 0.0007331345928576025 0.03238097122760465]
最終尤度: -678.9446456155601
? 65.36993168992923 -11.368683772161605 0 5.684341886080802 -5.684341886080802 17.053025658242408 -1082.867129298393 378.00873542437336?
? -11.368683772161605 105.16032489249484 0 -14.210854715202005 -14.210854715202005 -19.89519660128281 -9362.111086375082 1477.9288903810086?
? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?
? 5.684341886080802 -14.210854715202005 0 73.89644451905043 -5.684341886080802 28.42170943040401 -2611.9550966541287 -335.37617127876734?
? -5.684341886080802 -14.210854715202005 0 -5.684341886080802 181.89894035458568 -93.79164112033324 -2444.267011014745 -3129.2302082874817?
? 17.053025658242408 -19.89519660128281 0 28.42170943040401 -93.79164112033324 184.74111129762608 15529.622032772751 1568.8783605583014?
? -1082.867129298393 -9362.111086375082 0 -2611.9550966541287 -2444.267011014745 15529.622032772751 1.0605450029288478e+07 -26716.40686457977?
? 378.00873542437336 1477.9288903810086 0 -335.37617127876734 -3129.2302082874817 1568.8783605583014 -26716.40686457977 102005.51514572?
diag: 65.36993168992923
diag: 105.16032489249484
diag: 0
diag: 73.89644451905043
diag: 181.89894035458568
diag: 184.74111129762608
diag: 1.0605450029288478e+07
diag: 102005.51514572
t値: [0.27283268674968236 0.4899627491877213 NaN 0.5670961673406928 0.5233519195569353 0.4461558961138306 2.2512263380604414e-07 0.00010138601282162748]
尤度比: 0.3305
補正済み尤度比: 0.3226


2.2058979412543716 → b_taxi
5.024455710944181 → b_drv
-25.15815870069447  →  b_bike

0.0007331345928576025 → d1
0.03238097122760465 → f1






初期尤度: -1014.1359 と 最終尤度: -678.9446456155601の意味と意義は以下の通り。


今回の計算では、初期尤度: -1014.1359 に対して、最終尤度: -678.9446456155601が小さくなっているので、パラメータを使った方が良い、というのは理解できました。その場合、この
尤度比: 0.3305
補正済み尤度比: 0.3226


初期尤度: -1014.1359 → 最終尤度: -678.9446456155601 は、値が335も大きくなったということになります


つまるところ、偏ったコインを作る = パラメータをつけくわえる、という理解で良いようです。




t値: [0.27283268674968236 0.4899627491877213 NaN 0.5670961673406928 0.5233519195569353 0.4461558961138306 2.2512263380604414e-07 0.00010138601282162748] のように値が小さいです


1. 標本数を増やす

- 例: ある多項ロジットモデルで、交通手段の選択確率を説明するための「時間」と「費用」の変数があるとします。最初のサンプル数が50の場合、時間の係数に対するt値が1.8で有意ではなかったとします。標本数を100に増やすと、標準誤差が小さくなり、同じ係数であってもt値が2.5になり、有意となる可能性が高まります。

2. 変数のスケールを調整する

- 例: 収入に関するデータが1000円単位で表されているとします。この場合、係数の標準誤差が大きくなりやすいことがあります。これを1万円単位にスケール変換すると、収入の変動がモデルに対してより明確に影響し、標準誤差が小さくなることでt値が増える可能性があります。

 3. 説明変数の分散を大きくする

- 例: 交通手段の選択モデルにおいて「通勤距離」を変数に入れたとします。もしすべてのサンプルがほぼ同じ距離(例えば、全員が2~3 kmの範囲)であれば、分散が少なくt値も小さくなります。データ収集の際に5~10 kmなどの多様な距離を持つサンプルを増やすことで、距離の変化に応じた係数の影響が明確になり、t値が大きくなることが期待できます。


