

My wife and I also thought a lot about prenatal checkups.

結局、私たちは、出生前検診をしませんでした―― ただ、そう決めた、というだけです。

Ultimately, we didn't have prenatal check-ups - we just decided not to.


At the very least, I neither approve of nor disapprove of, evaluate, or criticize other people's prenatal checkups.


ただ、私の判断に、ちょっとだけ背中を押したことがあったとすれば、『子どもと嫁さんと一緒に生きていく日々を、公開していこうと思った』 ―― それくらいですね。

If anything pushed me a little towards making my decision, I thought, 'I want to share the days I spent living with my child.


This diary (blog) I write daily is quite the “root” of my life.


It's 'my,' not 'someone else's.'

『包丁一本 晒(さらし)に巻いて』という感じで、『"index.html"一本、テキストのみで生きていく』で、私はいいんです。



When I was young, I also had so-called "friends".


I remember in the middle of the night, singing at the top of my voice while drunk with my friend, returning to the dormitory.

で、昨夜で、何十年かぶりで、その夢を見ました ―― かなり鮮明に。

So, last night, for the first time in decades, I had that dream - quite vividly.




'I wonder if he died last night...'


I thought.


We are not in contact with each other now, so I don't know whether he is alive or dead.


And his life or death will remain unknown in the future, and I will also die eventually.



Anyway, in my mind, I pretended he was dead and held a “funeral” in my heart.


I reflect on him and think, 'He was a good guy.

もし、彼がまだ生きていたとしたら、彼は怒るかもしれませんが ―― 私たちは、これでいいのです。

He might be angry if he were still alive - but we are OK with this.





When I reread my diary (blog), I realized once more that 'there are multiple personalities coexisting within me.'

社会に対してこれだけ暴言を吐きながら、私にはうつの傾向があり、精神安定剤で安眠を確保している毎日です ―― これが一人の人間の中に併存している、ということに、「人間は凄い生き物」だと思う。

While I am spouting off so much abuse to society, I tend towards depression, and I have to take sleeping pills to get a good night's sleep every day. I think that the fact that these things can coexist in one person shows that “people are amazing creatures.”


I'm sure I'm not the only one with a split personality like this.


Well, even so, I think it's better than the persona of a politician who criticizes money and politics in public but is having an affair in private.


I am a rare man who has never been able to acquire the concept of “cheating” (and, of course, I have never been able to do it either).


I think it will probably be difficult for him to act on it (have an affair) in the future.

そういう行為にはお金も時間もかかると思います。そんな時間と金があれば、私なら、研究(or コーディング)するか、コラムを書いています。

I think that kind of activity takes a lot of time and money. If I had that kind of time and money, I would do research (or coding) or write columns.


It is unclear whether this is due to “character,” “environment,” or “constitution,” but as one of the people with such a rare persona,

―― 国政を左右するまさにこの時に、浮気なんぞをしている時間と金があるなら、国民の為に働らかんか! ボケ!!

"At a time like this, when national politics are being influenced, if you have the time and money to be having an affair, why don't you work for the people? Idiot!"


I feel like saying that. As for me, I think I have the right to say that.



Enough about that



The statements and concepts that emerge from my split persona are, of course, split and contradictory.


But there's nothing I can do about it.


It's only natural that my multiple personas would say contradictory things.


That's why I will never correct or apologize, even if someone points out the inconsistencies in my words and actions.

『それは、両方私であって、同時に、それぞれ別の私だから」 ―― と、私は言い張ります。

“It's both me and not me simultaneously,” I insist.

―― お前は俺か



There are quite a few cases where the approval process for work gets in the way of doing the job you want.


If you get the company's approval, you can do your work at the company's expense (obviously).


Of course, if the investment is more than I can afford, that's the only option, but if it's within my budget, I don't hesitate to sign the contract or make the purchase myself and get straight to work.



This standard amount is based on the cost of a single drinking session.

私が個人で契約しているITサービス(AWS, Web, Deepl, ChatGPT)は、全て、会社の飲み会のコストより安いです(かなり安い)。

All of the IT services (AWS, Web, Deepl, ChatGPT) that I have subscribed to individually are cheaper than the cost of a company drinking party (much cheaper).


For example, the fee for using the web platform I operate is 500 yen per month (excluding consumption tax and name service fees). It's cheaper than lunch.


Conversely, you could also interpret it as Ebata paying for the service with the money he would have spent going out for drinks every week.


Since drinking parties are both a place for communication and a chance to make contacts, it is impossible to say which is better.



I'm willing to participate in drinking parties and other events if I can pick up material for my diary (blog).

でもなあ ―― 社内の人事やら、どの事業部が金を持っているだの話なんぞ聞いても、正直、酒が不味くなるだけです(私は飲みませんが)。

But, to be honest, listening to things like internal personnel matters or which department has the money makes the alcohol taste terrible (I don't drink).


I have no interest in praising or belittling the talents of people I don't know, whether it's soccer, baseball, or shogi.


And I sometimes wonder what the fun is of eating with someone who can't even hold a coherent argument on Islam, Hamas, Palestine, Gaza, education, the declining birthrate, national defense, diplomacy, marriage, or even love.


(Of course, I am aware that my interests are biased.)




In short, I am a senior citizen who has “always been isolated”, “is still isolated”, and “will almost certainly die alone/in isolation” in the future.


I do my work correctly. I meet my quotas and deadlines. I also do my reporting, communication, and consultation properly. If I can't do that, I will explain it adequately.


Please don't expect me to do anything else (such as going out for drinks).



I also ate at my daughter's (eldest daughter's) wedding reception while chatting with the family and relatives at the same table.


I did not go around pouring sake/beer at other tables.


And I was never poured sake/beer by anyone else.


Maybe I was giving off that aura (“leave me alone”).


『ダンジョンの中のひと』は、双見酔(ふたみ すい)さんによるファンタジー漫画で、アニメ化もされています。















If you are thinking of applying for a “#White Case,” please prepare yourself first (by the way, it goes without saying, but “White” is not a self-applied adjective. “White” is a third-party evaluation... but it's silly to say that).


Creating the “image” of a forged ID (not the actual forged ID itself)


In this blog, I disclose passwords and IDs as examples, but I process the images.

私は画像加工処理には"SAI"を使っています(PhptoShopは高価で手が出ない)。ペイントツール には、GIMPとかibisPaintとか色々ありますし、多分、Windowsに標準実装されているペイントツールでも対応できると思います。

I use “SAI” for image processing (PhotoShop is too expensive for me). There are various paint tools, such as GIMP and ibisPaint, and I think that the paint tool that is standardly implemented in Windows can also handle it.



If you want to change your address and various numbers, it's pretty easy. You can probably get a fake photo of yourself that doesn't look strange by pasting a photo of yourself generated by an AI (probably).


A legitimate company would probably check IDs, but I don't think such authority would be granted to an underground part-time job organization.


If the other party says “the verification results are different”, you can be reassured. You can say, “Oh, I made a mistake,” and then show them your ID card.

# それでも、メールとかSNSで送れ、と言われたら、その段階で「変だ」と思って下さい。普通、本人の認証は、恐しく面倒な手続が必要なのです(キレそうになります)。

# Even so, if you are asked to send it by email or social networking service, please think it is strange at that stage. Usually, the authentication of the person in question requires a troublesome procedure (I'm about to lose my temper).


(Click to go to the column)


If you send them a “picture” of a forged ID, even if the person in charge of the illegal work tells you, “I'll harm your family,” you can say, “Go ahead and try if you can,” and then destroy the SIM card in your smartphone. You can let them search for as many addresses as possible where you don't exist.



However, this “easy” above is probably not “easy” for many of the people who get involved in “#white cases.”


Even for me, I would have had to use SAI for 2 or 3 years before I could make fake ID images 'quickly.'


If you're in debt and in a tight spot right now, you probably don't have time to study paint tools leisurely.


However, if I were to say here, “I will create a fake driver's license image,” then I would be the criminal. Of course, I will not lend a hand to such a ridiculous thing (if you ask me about this, I will disclose the contents of your email or message in full on my blog).



The other day, when my wife said, “I want to use the services on this site, but the site asks me to send a picture of my driver's license. What should I do?” So I (omission below).



I think that crime should not be committed, but if necessary, it should be done so that you will not get caught.

―― 大麻を試したいなら、なぜ、栽培、乾燥、製粉までの全行程を、DIYで実現しようとしないのか?


Also, my former boss said, “Cybercrime that is only done once and is a one-shot deal will never be caught.” I still support this view.


They get caught because they repeat the same crimes with the same methods, revealing their greedy minds.



In the last article, I talked about how “illegal part-time jobs” don't pay at all.

―― 借金は、『踏み倒せること』を、皆さんご存じですか?


We also talked about how escaping from an illegal part-time job is difficult.

―― 私たちが培ってきた「良心」は、簡単に「命令」に負ける

チームワークの本質が「脅迫」というのは、もちろん言い過ぎでしょうが ―― 『それでは、次、江端さんから今週の進捗を報告して下さい』いうリーダの言葉は、『脅迫』の一態様ではないか、と思うことがあります。


Today, I would like to suggest one way to deal with the situation for people who have “fallen victim to illegal part-time jobs” but “don't want to get the police involved” (but only before the crime is committed).


If I am blackmailed after my personal information has been obtained through illegal work, I will take the following measures.


First, (1) delete my SNS account, and (2) take out the SIM card from my mobile phone and destroy it. These measures will cut off how the other party can blackmail me.


To begin with, a large amount of information about you and your family has already been leaked.


How often do you think data has been leaked from credit card companies and companies with lax security?


Your name and address are probably already known to 10, 20, or even 100 or more organizations. Adding one more here is nothing.

「お客様の個人情報の利用目的外についての利用. お客様からお預かりしました個人情報につきましては、上記利用目的以外には、一切の利用を行いません」って、って、一体、誰が、それを保証し、保障してくれるの?


The goal of those who lead the black market work is not to harm you or your family but to maintain a path of blackmailing you.


The chances of them harming you or your family are extremely low.


Because carrying out visible crimes such as violence with their own hands is entirely against the interests of those who run illegal part-time jobs (those who direct the crimes without being seen).


In a nutshell, “it's not worth the cost for them.”



Sometimes I think that if I were the administrator of a illegal part-time jobs, I would be surprised.

―― なんで、若いやつらは、こんなに真面目でチョロいんだ?

"Why are the young ones so earnest and gullible?"




If I could stomach the idea of getting into trouble with the police, I would hand over my phone to the police.


If you did it before committing the crime, you did nothing illegal. You will not be charged with a crime. I promise.


On the contrary, you may be commended for your help in bringing down the illegal work organization.



Right now, I'm having a discussion with ChatGPT about


'I think it would be quick and easy to get this sorted out if one of the police officers applied for illegal part-time jobs and did some undercover work, but why don't they do that?



I want to talk about this next time.



Recently, I've been getting a lot of calls on my company-issued smartphone from unknown numbers


I don't expect to receive a call from a talent agency, but I do expect to receive a call from a publishing company, and I think there is a chance I might receive a call from a website for senior job-seekers.


On rare occasions, I also receive phone calls from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications or the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (for example, when I request information disclosure).


However, I don't answer the phone.


Don't answer the phone; look up the incoming number online, and if the number is a hit, reject the call, and you're done.


Recently, I've been getting a lot of calls like this, and I find this whole process annoying.



We are already in an age where phone numbers themselves are unnecessary.


I use LINE or LINE Phone with my family and Teams or Teams Phone at work.


There is no scene where a phone number appears.


Does the term “international phone call” still exist?



Leaving that aside, there are times when I think it might be a good idea to block all incoming calls, but it is undeniable that only public telephone lines will survive in a disaster.



We have a home landline, but I don't answer the phone, even if it's a landline.


Also, ignore any calls that do not leave a message and register them as blocked calls.

でも、この作業が面倒くさいです。 ―― これ、無人自動化できないかなと思っています(多分作れると思う)。

But this process is a pain. I think this could be automated without any human intervention (I think it could probably be done).



But I came up with an easier way.


It would be sufficient to create an answering message for the answering machine as follows.


'I am currently standing in front of the phone, but I will not answer it, so please record your message with your phone number and the content. If you hang up without saying anything, I will add this phone number to my blocked numbers list. Please leave your message after the tone (beep).'


Why not apply this method to all phones, including smartphones and landlines?


I think it's time to finish the procedure (protocol) of 'answering the phone directly when it rings.'





'Hey, you. First of all, tell me where you got my phone number from.


This is the quickest way to do it, but some people can, and others can't.



(Click to go to the column)