

I have previously described why parents feel comfortable when their children are reading.

―― 太宰や芥川の文庫本を、読みかけのようにして、リビングの床に落しておくだけ


I am one of those mediocre parents.


The reason why I think that way is because of my own experience that 'reading is painful.


Since it is painful, the illusion arises that 'people who read a lot of books are hardworking and respectable.'


And I think that illusion is entirely flooding the world quite a bit.


In fact, "reading" is a rather conveniently used measure of a person.



What books have you read lately?" Who is your favorite author? And what's the story behind the book? These are simple profiling techniques that we, ordinary people, can use.


We don't use this technique among friends or colleagues but often at first meetings, such as school or college interviews or blind dates. Because it is convenient and easy.


And, well, we adults who know such things empirically want our children to be able to give "nice and witty answers" to such questions at any time.


It is a kind of "risk management."

こういう質問に対してサラッと答えられる人を「カッコイイ」とか「安心できる」と思う人は ―― まあ、分かりませんが、少なくとも世界に一人はいます。

People who think that a person who can answer these questions smoothly is "cool" or "secure" -- well, I don't know, but there is at least one person in the world.



And one of the victims was my daughter.


The other day, my daughter told me,


"A fundamental problem exists with a father recommending "Bakemonogatari" to his elementary school daughter."



I have talked about Ishin Nishio's book several times.


I can say many things about it, such as "excessive wordplay and unique style" and "complex plot and characterization," but I like it.

「でも阿良々木君、目の前の女の子は救った方が良い」」」 ← この3つの括弧を書き込みたくて、仕方がないのです。

『世間の常識(良識)を疑い、人間の善性や悪性を、ある時は肯定し、ある時は否定する』―― そのロジックが楽しい。

I enjoy the book's logic, which "doubts the common sense of the world, affirming at times the goodness and malignancy of human nature, and at other times denying it."


The father who recommended "Bakemonogatari" to his elementary school daughter may have had a fundamental problem, but I think my daughter has developed a normal reading habit.


However, my daughter's reading field(*) has not expanded as much as I had hoped, but I think that's OK.


(*)Literature, history, non-fiction, philosophy, politics, economics, etc.



When I was a student at the university, I was studying alone, doing what I wanted to do, when the matron of the university dormitory, perhaps not seeing me, said to me,


"If you work hard at what you want to do, you will find others who want to follow your path."



As a conclusion of my life up to this age, I affirm the following.


"I have never been able to make such a friend, and I am convinced I will not be able to make such a friend until I die."



If one thinks about it, this result is logically natural, needless an inductive observation.


Because others are not me, and what they want to do is not what I want to do.


Your way of thinking has never been, and will never be, understood by anyone, and you will never be able to make friends who pursue the same path.

この孤独の闘いの果てにあるものは何か ―― 孤独の闘いの終了(死)だけです。

What is at the end of this solitary struggle? It is only the end of the solitary battle (death).


And the fact that nobody remembers you and me. Not a trace of the struggle will remain.


And, well, I'm "okay with that".


人と共にありたい、人と理解しあいたい、人から優しくして欲しい ―― そう思うなら、「一人ぼっちの闘い」などは、止めてしまえばいい。

If you want to be with others, if you want to understand others, if you want others to be kind to you -- if that's what you want, then you can stop "fighting alone."


No one blames you; I don't blame you, and you don't have to blame yourself.


A cessation of fighting is a 'ceasefire.' Generally, a ceasefire is welcomed unconditionally worldwide.


You will stop "Fighting the world and myself." immediately.



Stop 'hating' on the world that no one understands you for your lone struggle. It's not only pointless. It's out of line.


Looking for ways to "enjoy your world " without anyone understanding you is much more constructive.



After all, what I do in my work, studies, columns, and blog is like that.

闘いをやめて世界と迎合して楽しく生きていくのも、闘い続けながら息もできないような孤独の中で死んでいくのも ―― どっちの生き方も、大して変わりません。

You can stop fighting and live happily in harmony with the world, or you can continue to fight and die in solitude that makes it impossible to breathe -- either way of life is much the same.

私たちは、好きな方を選べばいい、と思います ―― ただ、選んだ後で、ガタガタ、グチグチと言わない方がいいとは思います。

I think we can choose whichever we want -- I don't think we should rattle and whine about it after we've made our choice.


Because it's not a good look.


これで、答えになっていますか? 私に質問をされた方。

Does this answer your question asked me?

『友人は債券である』 ―― この話を嫁さんにしたら、嫌な顔をしていました。






When you fill out a survey or register on a website, the state asks you, 

「お客様の個人情報の利用目的外についての利用. お客様からお預かりしました個人情報につきましては、上記利用目的以外には、一切の利用を行いません」

"We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than those stated above. We will not use your personal information for purposes other than those stated above."

って、一体、誰が、それを保証し、保障してくれるの? と思っています。

But who in the world can guarantee and warrant that? I am wondering.


The above is a "pledge" and not a "contract".


Because (in my opinion) there are incidents of personal information leaks every other day.


Since even an external attack can leak out so quickly, there is no way to 100% stop this from happening in the hands of an insider.


If anyone can refute my views, please challenge me.


例えば、「お客様の個人情報の利用目的外についての利用. お客様からお預かりしました個人情報につきましては、上記利用目的以外には、一切の利用を行いません」

For example, "We will not use your personal information for any purpose other than those stated above. We will not use your personal information for purposes other than those stated above."


In addition to the following,


"If such a fact should ever occur, we will, within 72 hours of the fact, dismiss all of our employees, distribute our assets to our customers and pay the remainder to the government treasury, close our business entirely, and accept the finality of the judgment without appeal at the first instance if all of our directors become defendants in the information leakage."


I would expect the above.

この記述でさえも「誓約」の粋を出ませんが、僅かなながらも記述内容に信用が加わるとは思います―― でも、私が調べた限り、そんな会社や組織は一つもありませんでした。

Even though this statement is not the best of "pledges," I think it adds some credibility to the statement, albeit only a little - but as far as I have found, there is no such company or organization.



Previously, I had created a fictitious person to complete surveys and website registrations.


I gave my name, age, occupation, address, phone number, all bullshit, and my email address was a free email address that I created and then deleted after I finished.


With so many leaks going on, my (our) personal information must have already been spread around.


Under such circumstances, it became ridiculous to create fictitious characters, so I stopped.



There was another recent survey, and I described the following in the comments section at the end.



(1) I feel stressed when I read the results of the medical interview, which seem to miss the point. (1) It is stressful to read the results of a medical questionnaire that seems off the mark.


(2) While the questionnaires' contents are said to be confidential, it is easy to identify the respondents if statistics are collected on a small group of people (the basis of statistics). In effect, I feel that this type of questionnaire does not guarantee privacy.



I did, however, eventually cross this comment out and submit it.


For an organization, identifying individuals is a piece of cake.

忘れないでください ―― 私は「会社の犬」です。


And, "Even a pheasant will not be struck unless it crows" is a fundamental principle of the organization.






I have just finished reading "The Power of Intercultural Understanding," introduced above.


I finished it last week, having decided to read it only on Fridays during my commute to college.


It was so interesting that I didn't want to read it all in one sitting, so I decided to 'only do it on Fridays when I commute to college.


It is no exaggeration to say this book is an "intellectual laugh book."

特に図が秀逸です ―― 最高。

The diagrams are especially excellent -- the best.


I'm sorry if this is a spoiler, so I'm reprinting it as a partial citation (Article 32(1) of the Copyright Act).


The above diagram is the base diagram, which is 'funny.' The book is complete of this kind of stuff, and every time I read it, I would say, 'Exactly!'


I showed the above figure to my wife while explaining the book to her at a ramen restaurant, and we both laughed with admiration.

私たち夫婦は、2000年から2年間の間、「『米国民の時間の考え方』に翻弄されまくって帰国したチーム」でもあったので、異文化ギャップについては、骨の髄まで思い知っているのです ―― 嫌な思い出として。

My wife and I were also "the team that returned home after being tossed around by the 'American way of thinking about time' for two years from 2000," so we know the cross-cultural gap in our bones -- as a bad memory.


However, after reading this book, I was surprised to learn that the U.S. was still better off.



I have been wandering the world since I was young, and I have been resentful and quarrelsome in every country I have visited, but now I look at it with a faraway look and think, 'I have wasted a lot of energy.


The book's obi states, "More essential than language skills.

著者は、それこそが『異文化理解力』である、ということを主張していると思うのですが ―― 私の主張は、昔から一貫して、この一言に尽きます。

I think the author is arguing that that is what "intercultural understanding" is -- On the other hand, my argument has always been consistent with this one word.


Why don't we stop trying to 'understand others'?"


江端さんのひとりごと 「壁」



Like many young people, I used to 'strum' the folk guitar in junior high school.


When I say 'I was 'strumming,' I just 'strummed'... I could hold down an F code, the upper limit of my guitar skills.


One of my friends once asked me if I would like to perform in a live concert.


Of course, I was a 'fool' of my stature then, just like anyone else.


However, as expected, I had enough sense to think that it would be "strange, no matter how you think about it," to invite someone who can only "hold the F code" to perform live.


Naturally, I refused. No matter how stupid I was, I could at least judge whether I could perform in public.

なんで、こんなことを書いているかというと、Amazon Primeで「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく」をぼんやりと眺めているうちに、ふと、このことを思い出したからです。

I am writing this because I suddenly remembered this while idly watching "Botch the Rock" on Amazon Prime.



Now that I think back on it, maybe it was something like a

―― ライブ詐欺

"Live scam"


Maybe it was like that.


Live scam" is a term I just came up with, but wouldn't it be enough if the scam was, for example, 'forced to sell a quota of live tickets'?


Moreover, I was just a junior high school student without any law knowledge. I could have easily fooled them.


I thought it was strange then but didn't think it was suspicious.

『眩しいくらいに無垢で純粋な私(江端)』 ―― 今の私からは想像もできないような私が、当時は、確かに存在していたのです。

I was 'dazzlingly innocent and pure (Ebata)' - I certainly existed then in a way that I can't even imagine from what I am now.



Once again, I think,


"It's so easy to cheat a child."


I am now deeply aware of this.


I thought that in the future, when I am out of work, hungry, and in real trouble, I will become an "adult who targets children.


To be frank, this is easy.


After all, the people you are cheating do not know the law and are not even aware that they are the victims of a crime.



Therefore, I think that adults who force children to engage in sexual acts or scam them out of money should be 'removed from this society.


I think we can divide offenders dealing with children from other offenders. I don't think they should have a chance for rehabilitation."


If that is not possible, I believe that even if we apply the general law, we can permanently record criminal records as digital tattoos on the personal number card.

『子どもに手を出した奴に、未来はない』 ―― それでいい、と思う。

'There is no future for those who commit crimes against children' -- that's fine, I guess.


I support the fact that the law is slowly changing in that direction.




When I was in university, I went to a course for a suspension (license suspension), and the police questionnaire tabulation system pointed out that I was not law-abiding.

江端さんのひとりごと 「遵法精神って何?」


I believe that law-abiding spirit refers to a policy of compliance with the law, but I do not see it as 'acquiescing to the law.'


I believe the law is a 'rule' but not necessarily 'justice.'


When I was a student, a senior student told me, 'If smoking is dangerous, then it must be dangerous whether you are an adult or not. It is unreasonable to prohibit it only for young people.


Of course, this is an extreme view. I believe that the state must restrict smoking to minors who are still in the process of physical development.


However, I think that 'adhering stubbornly' to it is a kind of 'slavery to the law' and a dangerous sign for society as a whole (it could accelerate totalitarianism).



Ebata's interpretation of 'law-abiding spirit' means 'to make it appear to the "world" that one is obeying the law.'


Smoking and non-smoking are also 'not a matter for the law' as long as they continue to be kept secret as individual acts, to the extent that third parties do not externally detect them.


As long as you keep it completely confidential within your sphere, you are not disrupting the social order, and the health problems caused by smoking and smoking cessation are your problem.


(Although, if you bring up the burden of medical costs, it is not entirely a personal issue.)


As an adult, I can say, 'Do it well so you don't find out. But as long as I find your fault, I have to behave like one of the law-abiding adults.



Children do not understand these 'painful and troublesome positions' of adults.

大人としては、『なんで、我々大人にバレる態様で、喫煙や飲酒をするんだ、このバカ! 』と叫びたいことでしょう。

As an adult, I may want to shout, 'Why are you smoking and drinking in a manner that we adults can see, you idiot? '.


And I would shout at her, 'Are you so low that you can't even give that level of consideration and ingenuity?


(Well, I don't deal with stupid teenagers who proudly show smoking and drinking to others, as I identify them as 'uncorrectable idiots').



As a teenager, I used to have a plum wine evening with my mother a few times a year.


Had this been made public, my mother would have been subject to fines, detention, and imprisonment under the Underage Drinking Law for "encouraging a child to drink," and she may have also been subject to injury charges for abuse.


As a night-time drinker, I could also have been in trouble with the police and suspended or expelled from school.


I also used to force myself to pour beer down my throat before university exam days because I couldn't sleep. I didn't think beer tasted good at the time (I had had insomnia since I was a teenager).


But I didn't do anything stupid like tell anyone about it, much less brag about it.


It is an example of a way of life that makes me appear law-abiding to 'the world.'



Incidentally, a diet member said, 'What's the fuss over a mere cigarette? It's not a drug!" But this opition is wrong, to begin with.


Tobacco, alcohol, cannabis, and methamphetamine are all 'drugs' in terms of being addictive and damaging to health.


It is just that tobacco and alcohol consumption above a certain age is considered legal by our country.


Tobacco and alcohol consumption are legal solely as a compromise between tax revenue, health hazards, and social order.

飲酒を嗜む人にとっては、我が国は「天国」ですが ―― 断酒中の人間にとっては、「地獄」と言えます。


In the first place, I doubt that we can divide tobacco from cannabis from the science viewpoint.

―― 大麻を試したいなら、なぜ、栽培、乾燥、製粉までの全行程を、DIYで実現しようとしないのか?


I am aware that it is a historical fact that 'cannabis caused a sharp increase in opium addicts and succeeded in significantly reducing the productivity and workforce of Chinese society (Opium War (1839-1842))', and that with tobacco it is only 'now, I have not confirmed that.'


As for alcohol consumption, think 'the tax revenue is delicious for the state.' (From the 1890s to the early Showa period, alcohol tax accounted for about 30% of the national budget. Incidentally, it is now around 1% (still 1.18 trillion yen).)


てなことをトータルで勘案すると、オリンピックに出場する未成年の選手が、飲酒と喫煙で、出場停止にさせられるというのは、厳しい措置ではありますが、私は、妥当であると思います ―― 少なくとも、失当ではない、と思う。

Taking all of the above into consideration, I think it is a harsh measure to suspend underage athletes from the Olympics for drinking and smoking. Still, I think it is reasonable -- at least not unjustified.


Of course, this would be a desperate and frustrating measure for the individual who sacrificed much of their life and efforts.


But do you think allowing a party violating national law to represent a nation in an international event is possible?


That's impossible. It is also a matter of pride as a law-abiding nation.


And, as an adult, I am also tempted to say, "Why didn't she do it privately, in secret, so that she hid? I also feel like stamping our feet.

―― 泣いて馬謖を切る(by 三国志)

"To make a costly sacrifice in the course of justice" (by Three Kingdoms)


The word fits perfectly (if you don't know it, please look it up).


Please help us teenagers not to allow such cruel measures for us adults. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


"If you're going to do it, do it quietly, alone, and without being noticed. Do not associate with others. If you can't stand it, do it privately and quietly. "


Please be thorough in this.


It is a request from Ebata as an adult.




What I resent is that when high school baseball players or college football players drink, smoke, or use marijuana, they "always do it with their friends.


'If you want to do something illegal, do it alone. If you are too chicken to do it, you can't do it in the first place! I want to yell at him.

『私(江端)のやり方を見習え』 ―― とまでは言いませんが。

I don't want to say, 'Follow my (Ebata's) example.


『日本の夏が、私たちを殺しにきている』 ―― が、全く大袈裟に聞こえない夏になりました。

The summer of Japan is coming to kill us - it does not sound like an exaggeration at all.


Last summer was generally bad, but this summer is just as bad, if not worse.


Yesterday, on my way home from university, I dropped in at a drugstore in front of the station and was delighted to see that they had the traditional red bean condensed milk shaved ice (95 yen).

くらしモア 練乳入りあずき氷 160ml(くらしモア(日本流通産業))の販売価格と購入店舗 | ものログ


I was pleased to find that these simple shaved ice products have recently disappeared from convenience stores, and I have been looking for them for a long time.

―― かき氷って、こんなに美味しい食べ物だったけ?

"Has shaved ice ever tasted so good?"


I was happy 'walking shaved ice' under the sun's scorching rays.





At 14:00, the hot light almost crushed me,


At 16:00, the hot air makes it hard to breathe,

18時には全身が温水プールの中に水没し呼吸困難になる ――

By 18:00, a heated swimming pool submerges our whole body in a heated swimming pool, and we breathe hard.


Such is the summer, which seems to change its aspect by the hour.


I don't need this kind of summer. I want to ask someone to return to the traditional Japanese summer."



In November 2022, the Government took the helm to restart nuclear power plants.


At that time, there were, understandably, many protests against the Government's decision.


I accepted the change of policy on the condition that 'all citizens are prepared to be victims (hibakusha) of one or two nuclear accidents in their lives.'

―― 日本国内において、生涯で2~3回は原発事故に遭遇し、最低1回は放射能汚染被害を受ける


However, if the Government were to take this decision, it would have been better to take it in the 'boiling summer (now)' or the 'freezing winter (maybe this winter).'


It is a fact that a stable electricity supply protects people's lives.


However, I don't think Japan has ever had a summer that 'scorches the people to death.'


Until a technology that will allow us to survive this extraordinary summer and winter in our country with renewables (or another type of energy), we will have to accept any energy.


Because of 'nuclear power' and 'summer,' we have known that both are 'barter with life,'


  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install libgstrtspserver-1.0-dev

  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH


  gcc -o dummy_cam_0.2 dummy_cam_0.2.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gstreamer-1.0 gstreamer-rtsp-server-1.0`

  ./dummy_cam_0.2 -r rtsp:// -f


  ./dummy_cam_0.2 -h

   cam@cam-desktop:~/cpp/src$ ./dummy_cam_0.2
   cam@cam-desktop:~/cpp/src$ ./abc_vtp_0.1 -i -p 38089 -r rtsp://

pt@pt-desktop:~/go/src$ more srt_rtsp_server_38089.sh 

gst-launch-1.0 srtsrc uri=srt://:38089 keep-listening=true ! decodebin ! autovid


#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <gst/rtsp-server/rtsp-server.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void print_usage(const char *prog_name) {
    g_print("Usage: %s -r [RTSP_URL] -f [MP4_FILE]\n", prog_name);
    g_print("Default RTSP_URL: rtsp://\n");
    g_print("Default MP4_FILE:\n");
    g_print("Example: %s -r rtsp:// -f\n", prog_name);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    GMainLoop *loop;
    GstRTSPServer *server;
    GstRTSPMountPoints *mounts;
    GstRTSPMediaFactory *factory;
    const char *default_url = "rtsp://";
    const char *default_mp4 = "";
    const char *rtsp_url = default_url;
    const char *mp4_file = default_mp4;
    char path[256] = "/test";
    char service[6] = "8554";  // ポート番号のデフォルト値

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) {
            return 0;
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0 && i + 1 < argc) {
            rtsp_url = argv[++i];
            // RTSP URLのポート番号とパス部分を抽出
            const char *url_port = strchr(rtsp_url + strlen("rtsp://"), ':');
            if (url_port != NULL) {
                const char *url_path = strchr(url_port, '/');
                if (url_path != NULL) {
                    strncpy(path, url_path, sizeof(path) - 1);
                    path[sizeof(path) - 1] = '\0';  // Null terminatorを追加

                    int port_length = url_path - url_port;
                    if (port_length < sizeof(service)) {
                        strncpy(service, url_port, port_length);
                        service[port_length] = '\0';  // Null terminatorを追加
        } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0 && i + 1 < argc) {
            mp4_file = argv[++i];

    gst_init(&argc, &argv);

    loop = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);

    server = gst_rtsp_server_new();
    gst_rtsp_server_set_service(server, service);

    mounts = gst_rtsp_server_get_mount_points(server);

    factory = gst_rtsp_media_factory_new();
    char launch_string[512];
    snprintf(launch_string, sizeof(launch_string),
             "( filesrc location=%s ! qtdemux name=d d.video_0 ! queue ! rtph264pay pt=96 name=pay0 )",
    gst_rtsp_media_factory_set_launch(factory, launch_string);

    // ループ設定を追加
    //g_object_set(factory, "loop", TRUE, NULL);

    gst_rtsp_mount_points_add_factory(mounts, path, factory);


    gst_rtsp_server_attach(server, NULL);

    g_print("Stream ready at %s with file %s\n", rtsp_url, mp4_file);

    return 0;


『マンション爆発「自殺図りガス栓開けたが換気 タバコで爆発」』というニュースを見ました。

I saw a news report titled “Apartment Explosion: ‘Attempted suicide: Gas Tap Opened, Ventilation Cigarette Caused Explosion.’”


I know that human beings cannot act logically in the process of committing suicide.


Therefore, ordinary people may have many thoughts about this news.


I can only guess they would feel the opposite of “sorry” or “pity.”



There is one person, however, who cannot make a fool of him for this attempted suicide.


It is me.

江端さんのひとりごと 「危ない漂白剤」



TC(Traffic Controller)で、帯域5M、パケットロス10%、遅延1000msを セットするコマンドを教えて下さい

# qdiscの設定をクリア
sudo tc qdisc del dev eth0 root

# トークンバケットフィルター (TBF) を使用して帯域幅を制限
sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 root tbf rate 5mbit burst 10kb latency 50ms

# ネットエミュレーション(netem)を使用して遅延とパケットロスを追加 sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 1:1 handle 10: netem delay 1000ms loss 10%

TC(Traffic Controller)のコマンドの一つとして使われている"latency"と"delay"の違いについて教えて下さい。


"latency" は、トークンバケットフィルター (TBF) などのキューイングディシプリン(qdisc)で使用されます。ここでの "latency" は、バッファ内のパケットが許可される最大遅延時間を示します。つまり、指定されたバッファサイズ(burst)が満たされている場合に、パケットがそのバッファ内にどれだけ長く滞留できるかを示します。


"delay" は、ネットエミュレーション(netem)で使用され、パケットに対して指定された遅延を追加します。この遅延は、ネットワークの遅延やラグをシミュレートするために使用されます。


  • latency: TBF などのキューイングディシプリンにおいて、バッファ内での最大滞留時間を指定します。パケットの滞留時間が指定された latency を超えると、そのパケットはドロップされる可能性があります。バッファ内の滞留時間であり、ネットワーク全体の遅延を反映するものではありません。
  • delay: netem などで使用され、パケットに対して指定された遅延を直接追加します。ネットワーク全体の遅延やラグをシミュレートするために使用されます。
