

Yesterday, I was carrying a travel carry-on bag stuffed with experimental equipment, which had become like a lump of iron


I thought that if I made a mistake in carrying the equipment, I would get "strained back in one shot," so I used equipment for people with disabilities & seniors (elevators and escalators) for all of my transportation.


―― 20代のころから、1mmも進歩していない

" I have not progressed one millimeter since my twenties."


I was almost in tears.

私の未来予想図では、『こういう作業は若い部下に命じて、私はちょっと良い服と靴の装いで、お客さまと、にこやかに会話をしている、ダンディなシニア』だったのですが ―― 今の私は『ただのシニア』です。

In my vision of the future, I had envisioned "a dainty senior who orders his younger subordinates to do this kind of work, and I am dressed in a slightly more formal dress and shoes, having a nice conversation with customers" -- but the result was "just senior."


"Boys, don't be ambitious. It's going to be hard later."


I am going to Hokkaido University next month and would like to shout this phrase in front of the Clark statue.


(Well, I probably won't do it. I'm afraid I'll get in trouble with the company and the university.)



Yesterday, I talked with my daughter, who drove me to the train station.


Daughter: "You are as hard as ever. The other day, my mom and I talked about how when you collapse, we might say, 'We knew it was going to happen,' before we get surprised."


Me: "I think I am now in the speculation phase of 'when' and 'where' I will collapse."


Daughter: "If you know that much..."


Me: "But I can't reach Grandpa's (my late father) "hard" anymore. When I was helping my father with his work, it was so hard that I, as a junior high school student, thought, 'I might die.'"


Daughter: "Grandpa is out of scope. We can't hold him to that standard.



A year ago, my team leader stopped speaking during a remote meeting.


They thought, 'It's probably a communication failure or a device malfunction,' but the next day, we found out that he had passed away, and the team was in a panic (I was not at that meeting).


He also helped me on the back end when I was going through a tough time (during the field demonstration), so I was pretty shocked then.

―― もう人生で二度と関わりたくない文化祭


It was not until six months later that I could ask one of the people involved about the incident specifically. It was such a shock to me.



However, despite this life-changing impact, I have not been able to make any significant changes to my lifestyle.


I am aware that I am such a "fool.


However, I also realize that "changing oneself" is so tricky.


sudo apt update


E: Release file for http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/jammy-updates/InRelease is not valid yet (invalid for another 8時間 53分 33秒). Updates for this repository will not be applied.

E: Release file for http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/jammy-security/InRelease is not valid yet (invalid for another 9時間 9分 22秒). Updates for this repository will not be applied.



  1. システム時刻を確認する: 時々、システムの時刻が間違っている場合にもこのエラーが発生することがあります。システムの時刻が正しいことを確認してください


sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Tokyo

sudo apt install ntp




気分は、学生のころは、研究室に寝袋持ち込んで、コーディングしたいたものですが −− リタイアを目前としたシニアエンジニアとは思えない状況です(と、この内容を打ち込んでいる最中も、バックエンドで、”sudo apt upgrade”が動き続けています)。


Raspberry Pi 4でUbuntuデスクトップを動かして遊ぶ





Japanese Language Pack for Visual Studio Code




vscodeでMarkdownを使って文章を書いている時、図面のコピペを文書の中にサクっと入れることができるアドイン "Paste Image"




As noted here,

―― 『漢字はググればいい。計算は電卓使う。学校で勉強する必要がない』の仮説は棄却された("失敗した")


For a while, "Just Google Kanji characters. Use a calculator for calculations. There is no need to study at school,' the post/video of a child who claimed that he did not need to study at school became a hot topic.


I had hoped to see the results of this "social experiment" with himself as the subject, but it appears he has "stepped down" from it.


I am very disappointed.



I am not in a position to comment on this in any way, though, since one's life is one's own decision,

―― 自分と関係のない他人事として、この実験結果を知りたかった

"I would have liked to know the results of this experiment as someone else's business, unrelated to my own."


I thought that.


After all, I did not dare to put my daughter in this experiment.


Therefore, I was very grateful to have someone unrelated to me do those things for me.


Hence, it is still disappointing.



I don't care what other people do when they have nothing to do with me.


People who say something about the behavior of children who are strangers, whether they agree, disagree, praise, or criticize, are more 'bored' than 'loving.


I'm not so unsophisticated as to meddle in other people's lives.


After all, I have the mindset of "I just keep observing people jumping off the platform.


I do stop "flowing stroller," though.




「Last Days 坂本龍一 最期の日々」を視聴ました。

I watched "Last Days Sakamoto Ryuichi Sakamoto's Last Days."


In my reflection, I realized that

―― 私もあと10年ちょっとくらいしか残っていない

"I only have a little over ten years left."



Even if I can live a little longer, "10 years left" is a very realistic figure if I include various disabilities (including cognitive disabilities).


Nevertheless, like Ryuichi Sakamoto, I have no accomplishments to leave behind for posterity, nor do I have life lessons to share with my future colleagues.


I still wonder if this is how I would sum up my life.




I do not believe that, for one millimeter, "history" will create the next better generation.


What I have learned from history,


(1) We fail to apply the lessons of our predecessors.



(2) We make the same mistakes over and over again.



(3) We cannot learn from anything but our failures.




私が残せるものとしたら、膨大は数の失敗 ―― いわゆる「黒歴史」くらいです。

The only thing I can leave behind is many failures—the so-called "black history."


The significance of this "black history" is to "comfort" or "lick each other's wounds" by saying, "In the end, you and I are just human beings of this level, so you should live your lives without overreacting.


Well, I think I can do that much.



Therefore, I will actively disclose my "black history" frequently.


Today, as the first installment, I disclose the following,


"I bought a book called 'Exercises for growing taller and taller,' which came with Shonen Jump magazine.



It was a costly purchase for me, a junior high school student at the time, but I bought it.


So I imitated the strange dance-like gymnastics diagrams and continued for about two weeks, but then I got bored.


I realized, "Can I grow taller by doing gymnastics?


These kinds of dubious booklets and tools use two approaches to fool the dim-witted teenagers.


(1) "Surprised comments"


They list many "testimonials" from successful people whose sources are unknown, which will attract buyers.


However, we do not know if this alleged "successful" person exists.


(2) "Recommendation comments from university professors."


Add a comment that a professor at a university (sometimes the name of a foreign university), which may or may not exist, recommends it.


To begin with, it is unclear whether the professor exists (usually accompanied by a photo of a senior citizen in a suit).


Of course, now I would do all sorts of investigations, targeting, and retaliation (involving the government and judiciary, if poorly done), but teenagers are an essential buying group, the so-called "suckers," in that they do not and cannot know such things.


I will not say, 'Don't be fooled by this advertising.


On the contrary, I say, 'Of course, they will be fooled,' I even think it's better that way.


I believe teenagers must develop "distrust" and "hatred" toward society and adults through this kind of process.


It is a very inexpensive tuition for training by evil men and women and scams before you become an adult.



So, although I can't match Ryuichi Sakamoto's feat of "changing the world with music," and in fact, my vector is entirely different,


I want to start my contribution to the world by "licking my wounds with black history.



The issue of whether "same-day notice" of executions violates the Constitution was dismissed in a recent court decision (now in the first instance).


Regardless of the merits of this trial or the death penalty, I believe that one of the reasons why the death penalty is an "extreme punishment" is because of this "non-disclosure of the date of notification.



Of course, even with "disclosure," extreme punishment is extreme punishment.


For example, if someone said to me, 'You (Ebata) are confirmed to die on April 17, 2034, 10 years from today, and this is inevitable,' I don't know whether I would think this was a good thing or an unnecessary thing to say.

しかし、その『10年後』を努力によって延長したり、あるいは絶望によって短縮したりできる自由裁量 ―― これが死刑にはない。

But the discretion to extend that "10 years later" with effort or shorten it with despair -- is something the death penalty does not have.

『自分の死に方を、自分で選ぶ権利を、国家権力によって奪われる』というこの一点において、"死刑 = 極刑"であるというのが、私の意見です。

I think that the death penalty is an extreme punishment in that it deprives a person of the right to choose their way of death.


Aside from that.



The death penalty is a punishment that we "support" (in principle) after considering our personal views on the whole, including historical background and crime deterrence.


I believe that it is only a matter of time before same-sex marriages are officially recognized (although I think it is wild to put them in the same category).


We can confirm that the judiciary's rulings are changing gradually from year to year.


However, I believe that, as a general rule, public sentiment is "in favor of the death penalty.


As far as I know, there are few court cases on the issue of "the death penalty is unconstitutional."


The issue is also generally "cruelty or not.


This ruling is the only court case I know of (that I am aware of) fighting the "system" itself. (Please let me know if there are any precedents I am missing.)



However, we have a "duty" to check whether this system works well.



―― 死刑執行の立ち会い

"witnessing an execution."



We should apply the same framework as the "jury system" (*) to the "system of witnessing executions.


(*)Notification is made based on a list drawn up by lottery from among the voters, and a person cannot refuse to be a judge without cause.

もちろん、この制度は、安易に導入すべきではなく、もし導入するのであれば、議論の限りを尽さなければならないとは思いますが ――

Of course, we should not install this system easily; if it does, we will have to discuss it in depth.


If we are to make an administrative argument of principle, it is extraordinary that there is no "system of witnessing executions."


The above is because this falls under the "disclosure of administrative processing."


If mandatory participation is "too much to ask," then the program should be operated as an application system for those who wish to participate.


(It would be a significant incident if a person who participates in the program caused an accident (including suicide) due to fear of being forced to participate.)


As for the application system, it is evident that it requires a rigorous examination (tests such as whether the historical background and judicial or administrative handling protocols regarding the death penalty are understood).


In addition, as a matter of human rights, permission for disclosure/non-disclosure by the person executed would naturally be required.


To consider this further, does the bereaved family of a crime victim have the right to be present without the permission of the person executed? And so on, need to be considered.


(Now that you mention it, I had overlooked this point of view. For example, what happens to the family register and certificate of residence after a definite death sentence, and other relatively trivial matters (and what happens if a request for a retrial overturns the sentence? and so on))



By the way, I will apply to this program as soon as it starts.

私は、この社会を、私自身の「血塗られた手」によって維持している ―― という自覚があり、それを肯定します。

I am aware that I am maintaining this society by my own "bloody hands" -- and I affirm that.


Therefore, I believe that I am obligated to watch my "bloody hand" with my own eyes, not as an abstraction but as a concrete object.



The other day, there was a welcome party for the university's B4 (fourth-year college students) seminar.


I'm not too fond of a drinking party, but I may attend a party where we rent a room at the university and have a little over an hour of pizza and beer (soft drinks).


I think of it as "a slightly longer dinner."


I don't get tired and can do my work normally after the party.



Since half of the seminar students are from foreign countries, I have resigned myself to the fact that, inevitably, the conversation will be English-based.


However, I am sorry that I cannot provide the topic well.


At the welcome party, I apologized to an international student.


"I apologized for always being biased toward topics such as "the lives of Muslims" and "how to spend Ramadan in Japan."



Inevitably, I direct in a particular direction.



I heard there are already "prayer spaces" at universities.



I could not even ask him the following question.


"I know that "halal" is important for Muslims, but doesn't "pork ramen" still appeal to you?"


―― なぜ、クラフトノンアルコールビールが製造販売されないのか




NHK's signature program, "Project X," is back after 18 years.


I had very high expectations for this program to portray real engineers in the field, and after two broadcasts, I am delighted with the program.


Again, I am "delighted.


I look forward to continuing this program.


I am reminding you of this in a scattered manner because what I am about to describe reads like an "anti-Project X."


But I also think 'someone has to say it,' so I will.


(1)我が国のエンジニアの取り扱いは、非常に悪い ―― 待遇も、年収も、技術に対する理解も

(1) Engineers in our country are treated very poorly in terms of treatment, annual income, and understanding of technology.


(a) That is why "Project X" is accepted as an "excellent program" that illuminates overlooked engineers.


(b) On the other hand, the program creates a climate of acceptance for 'keeping the status of engineers at a low level.'



(2) Not even their supervisors are willing to praise engineers who have achieved their goals publicly.


(a) In "Project X," this kind of boss behavior is treated as a "virtue" throughout.


(b) This craftsman-like "apprenticeship system" has reduced engineers to a low status.


(c) "I appreciate you in my mind" is synonymous with "I don't appreciate you, which is a significant deviation from today's values, and again, they produce the program with Showa values.



(3) Engineers themselves are not willing to publicly announce their technology.


(a) The "Neglect of information dissemination" in the name of "virtue of modesty" is noticeable. The engineers themselves make too little effort to have their work widely appreciated.


(b) even if we talk about intellectual property or trade secrets, there are many ways to do it. If you don't disseminate your work correctly and insist on its usefulness, the technology will fall into disuse.



(4) There is too much bias toward the "weak group strikes back" scenario.


(a) "The Weak Group Strikes Back" is an exciting drama.


(b) However, it is no exaggeration to say that (unfortunately) a project's success or failure is determined by its investment (money), human resources (people), and time frame (the limit to which the investment can continue).


(c) The above (b) is not limited to engineering but is expected for all projects, but this understanding is left unexplained.



(5) The stories of "failure" covered in "Project X" are too microscopically biased in the direction of "technology" and "personnel affairs.

(a) 技術的失敗に偏っているが、プロジェクトの失敗の多くは、市場調査不足と下準備の不徹底である

(a) Although biased toward technical failures, most project failures are due to inadequate market research and poor preliminary preparation


(b) To create drama without that story would seem grossly lacking objectivity.



(6) No one talks about (1) through (5) above.


(a) There must be a lot of people in our country who are well versed in (1) through (5) above (e.g., university professors doing organizational studies, bureaucrats managing budgets for national projects, etc.)


(b) However, I have not seen (or have remained silent about) anyone evaluating "Project X" from a "project management" perspective. Well, I understand how you feel.)



(7) In general, "Project X" "exploited the dreams and hopes of engineers" to "complete the project," which does not seem to have changed one millimeter from the "exploitation of their challenging " of today's youth.



Again, I am "delighted" with NHK's "Project X."


I am "a little" concerned, but I look forward to more of your programs.





I am Ebata, the official "violent device" of the Ebata family.

『江端家における、家長であるこの私(江端)の役割は、この外交 ―― "交渉"と"戦争"である』


Examples of violent devices include,


(1) I once went to the principal's office of a school to knock him down, or rather, to discuss the matter with him.


(2) Once, at a pension center, I disputed the responsibility of the government office for an incomplete document and had the incomplete document accepted.


(3) I have forced a customer to complete the cancellation and contract of a smartphone by setting a time limit for the customer to respond to a dishonest response.




In each case, the problem was a family member other than myself, but the parties involved were restless, reading their phones or books while I was fighting with them at the counter.


Before I joined the problem,


"If my father comes, he will kill you.


I heard that she said that.



In my case, the following are not customer harassment.


(1) I list the case process chronologically in the text.


(2) Properly separate the responsibility for the incident (including our side).


(3) Then, both parties confirm the issues in the case.


(4) After including (1) through (3) above, summarize which is unreasonable and disadvantageous in light of the rules, the law, and common sense (social common sense).


Thus, after clarifying the background and issues,


(5) Find a compromise point for both sides, demand the necessary response, and inform the other side of the reaction (x retaliation) measures we are prepared to take.


(6) If the other party does not take action within the specified period, the response (x retaliation) is executed "100%".


I think I have been able to use my studies at the law seminar (which I attended at my own expense) in this approach.


I would not say, 'There is no such thing as useless study in this world,' I think, 'indeed, that would be a lie.


But I feel that 'what I have studied is often helpful.




Daughter: "You're good at making things impossible, aren't you, Dad?


Ebata: "That is not true. I am only making a statement based on the "law" and "rules. I am not doing anything more or less than that.


I genuinely believe that.



I know many people may not accept this, but I usually think.

―― 『法律の使用方法』って、『数学の証明』や『プログラムのアルゴリズム』に似ているよなぁ

"How to use the law" is like "mathematical proofs" or "program algorithms."


―― 法律とは、「数学の証明」あるいは「システムのプログラミング」と同じである



Government functions have two categories: domestic and foreign affairs (there are other ways to divide them).


Machiavelli's theory of monarchies seems to say that war is a means of diplomacy (or diplomacy as a means of avoiding war).


『江端家における、家長であるこの私(江端)の役割は、この外交 ―― "交渉"と"戦争"である』

In the Ebata family, my (Ebata's) role as the patriarch is diplomacy, negotiation, and war.


The second daughter said something like the above.


I also received the following line message from my first daughter the other day.


Why do my family members immediately think, "I (Ebata) made it go away through 'negotiation' and 'war'" whenever the problems get resolved?


It is disconcerting to me that people think that I am like the Ebata family's violent apparatus (the police and the Self-Defense Forces).


But I remembered that my sister thought so, too.
