

Every day, my family members scold me, 'You are going to die.'


My sister pointed out to me the other day that I was 'proud.'


In short, they all want to say that I need to be more hands-off and set lower targets.


Well, I spend about 15 hours every day, including weekends, in front of the computer doing something, so I think my family and my sister are correct in pointing this out.


To begin with, I have written blogs and columns criticizing workaholics.


However, it is true that I am now both a student and a worker and have been working for the last two years with unparalleled hard work in the past.


'Why do you keep writing this blog under such circumstances?' but this is a 'break' for me.


Without this amount of leisure time, I would be stuck.

現在、EE Times Japanへの寄稿を止めさせて頂いているのは、その時間を全部、大学の研究活動に持っていかれているからです ―― もちろん、それを選んだのは私自身ですので、全て私の責任ではありますが。

I have stopped contributing to EE Times Japan because my university research activities are taking up all that time. Of course, I chose to do that myself, so it's all my fault.



Me: "For example, if you go to Karuizawa on a trip, the first thing you want to do is arrive in Karuizawa."


Wife: "?"


Me: "And they all get together and tell me, 'Karuizawa is too far away, so compromise with somewhere closer.'"


Wife: "..."


Me: "But, you know, no one can tell me of any 'nearby places' that can replace 'Karuizawa'."


Wife: "We say 'stop it,' but we don't tell you 'what I should do'"


Me: "Yeah. All anyone can do is tell me to 'stop.' If I stop, it stops, but that's not just about me. Are you sure that's what you want?"


Wife: "Isn't that part of 'thinking for yourself'?"

私:「それを『考える労力』のコストの大きさを誰も考えてくれない。『軽井沢の代替地』を考えるコストは、相当に高いんだけど ―― 皆、それを無視して『止めろ』『止めろ』と連呼しかしないんだよね」

Me: "Nobody thinks about the magnitude of the cost of the 'effort' to 'think' about it. The cost of thinking about 'alternative sites for Karuizawa' is quite high - but everyone ignores that and calls out 'stop' and 'stop.'"



Ladies and Gentlemen. Aren't you irresponsibly calling for people overworking to 'stop'?


That's not any advice for the parties involved.


'The advice to 'stop' with no thought for what happens after I 'stop' is...

―― 自分を、優しそうな人間や親切な人間に見せかけることを目的としただけの、無責任な暴力

"Irresponsible violence that only aims to make you look like a nice or kind person."


I think, these days, that it is.


Anyone with a counter-argument should contact me after reading the following blog.

―― 自殺という方法で「逃げていいんだよ」






I did some research on the above. I read the following.


"Ordinance on the Prevention of Violent Delinquent Behaviour, etc., which is extremely disturbing to the public."



I have cut out the part where I think this is the case for this case.


The term 'attracting customers' is grey. In this respect, the defendant (the candidate who put up the naked posters) may have a dispute.


However, I think the point of contention is not Article 7, but the following Article 7-2.


There is room to fight with the argument that 'this is an election poster, not a pink leaflet, etc..'


The plaintiff (either the prosecution or the metropolitan government) will argue that a poster with a naked photo constitutes a pink leaflet or similar. It is easy to bring a pink leaflet from somewhere else and claim its similarity.


The defendant (the candidate with the naked poster) does not have to give a complete rebuttal to this claim.


It is enough to sway the logic of the plaintiff. Because, as a rule, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff's side.


The easiest way for the defendant (the candidate with the naked poster) to argue against this is to 'submit precedent as evidence.'


If there is 'only one fact'  that a poster with a nude photo in a previous election, the defendant will probably win.

普通に考えれば、かなり被告(全裸ポスターの候補者)が有利な裁判です―― 前例さえ見つけることができれば、ですが。

Usually, the case favors the defendant (the naked poster candidate) - if only we could find a precedent.



I looked into this a little more.


Surprisingly, Article 7-2 contains no penal provisions (Article 8).


'Really?' I thought, but the ordinance I was reading did indeed state that it was not mentioned.


That means that, although they may be subject to a claim for damages in a civil court, they cannot make a case, at least not in a criminal court (right?).


If this is the case, the strategy could be to 'keep the posters as they are this time and fight the campaign.'


But I reviewed it carefully and found a description (Article 8(4)(vi)). My apologies.


Yet, it does not seem subject to imprisonment (limited to Article 7).


全裸ポスターでの戦いを再起動することはできます ―― まあ、私は絶対に応援はしませんが。

She can restart the fight with naked posters. Well, I definitely won't support her.


Again, I am 'seriously outraged.'


I will rehash this incident as often as I can as long as I live.



Last night, I received a phone call from my sister.


The consultation was about a relative's memorial service.


In addition, we exchanged status reports.



Sis: "So, are you busy?"


Me: "Yeah, I guess so. Sometimes, I'm so busy that I'd rather be dead."

姉:「大学? 仕事?」

Sis: 'University? Work?"


Me: "Both."


Sis: 'So, is your research anywhere near Nobel-prize-worthy?'


Me: "Nobel Prize... it's about a million kilometers from here."


Sis: "Why are you even dying to do it?"


Me: "Well, 'I wish I'd done it before I died'. If I don't do it on my deathbed, I'm going to regret it."



This is what motivates my research.

―― 数理モデル + シミュレーション でのノーベル"物理学"賞が来たーーーー!!



Liu Bei's so-called 'three visits' in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, when he visited Zhuge Liang's home three times to recruit him, are said to have resulted from a kind of 'academic meritocracy.'


The heroes of the Three Kingdoms (the three participants in the "Peach Garden Oath") have no 'education' (or, more precisely, no 'training').


So, they had excessive respect and expectations for a person (Zhuge Liang) who had completed his studies correctly.


This story has a persuasive power to make you think, 'I see.'



I presume that someone who knows something I don't know is saying that they are probably right. ' I make a 'presumption'.


The important thing is 'presumption'. It is not 'final'.



'Presumption' means that specific facts can reasonably be derived from other facts. In law, a presumption is a system for admitting facts under certain conditions, even without solid evidence. Presumptions are rebuttable and can be overturned by other evidence or circumstances.


By comparison, 'final' means that the facts have been legally established and are unalterable or irrefutable. A confirmed fact or judgment has a legal effect and is binding on the parties.



A concrete example of this is the difference between fathers and mothers concerning their children's parents (we will not discuss gender issues here and will assume that fathers and mothers are biological males and females).


When a child is born, the mother is 'final' as the child's parent, but the father is only 'presumed' (Civil Code Article 772).


Fathers are "required to bring an action for the denial of illegitimacy within one year after the birth." That means The father is legally established as a parent one year after the child's birth.


When I told my family about this, they were surprised.


Second daughter: 'So, you weren't a 'dad' for the first year after I was born?'

私:「そうではなくて、"パパ"であることを否認できる期間が1年間あった、ということなんだが ―― まあ、そういう理解でもいいかな」

Me: "No, I mean that there was one year during which I could deny being a 'dad' - well, I guess that's how I understand it."


Now, let's return to the main subject



Zhuge Liang was,


(1) 'presumed' to 'may be a good military strategist' due to the academicism of the time; and


(2) 'final' as an excellent military strategist' by his subsequent achievements.



The bottom line is that we cannot be 'final' unless we are 'presumed' by society.


Signalling theory.


'The Three Kingdoms is not a pure meritocracy story,' of course.


Instead, the Three Kingdoms is a story full of nepotism, kinship, cultism, and personality.


(Click to jump to the column).

しかし、三国志に「学歴主義」も入っているとするなら ―― これは、ほとんど、現代の物語と同じです。

But if the Three Kingdoms also contains 'academic meritocracy' - this is almost the same as the contemporary story.




As one of the Tokyo residents who work properly, pay proper taxes, and live quietly and quietly in the rural areas of Tokyo,

―― 全裸のポスターを貼られたり、掲示板を広告媒体として使われたり、都知事選挙が『低俗な遊び場』として使われている

"The metropolitan election is being used as a 'vulgar playground' in response to naked posters being put up and billboards being used as an advertising medium."


I feel intensely uncomfortable about this.


I would like it to be done somewhere other than my current location.

他人事であれば、私はどうでもいい―― この辺の私の考え方は、終始一貫しています。

If it's someone else's business, I don't care - my thinking in this area has been consistent throughout.



In the past, there have been horrific, tragic, incomprehensible incidents involving unrelated people, such as the JRA's internal rebellion, the Aum Shinrikyo's sarin gas attack on the underground, and, even today, the former Unification Church's psychic business. There still are. There probably will be more in the future.


詐欺まがいの寄付(犯罪)をやるなら、―― 社会問題にならない程度の金額や規模に抑える、という程度の『犯罪の運用・管理』もできないほどに、絶望的にマヌケなんですよ、ヤツら(旧称統一教会)は。


These were several incidents that could be qualified as 'socially acceptable "madness,"' but they still had one thing in common: I could think of their acts as 'mad dogma.'

彼等は、狂ってはいるが、人類を良い方向に向かわせようとしているという ―― それが、無関係な人を殺害し、洗脳で他人の財産を巻き上げるということによるバカげた救済であったとしても ―― その理解不能のロジックの存在だけは、感じる(×信じる)ことはできました。

That they are mad but trying to move humanity in the right direction -- even if it is through the ridiculous salvation of innocent people by murdering them and brainwashing them into taking other people's property... -- I could only feel (x believe) the existence of that incomprehensible logic.

比して、今回の、全裸のポスターや、掲示板ジャックから見られる思想は ―― 『社会に対する言語化できない怒りの思想』のように見えました。

In contrast, the ideas seen in the nude posters and the hoarding - 'ideas of unspoken anger against society.'


I have experienced this form of anger and unreasonableness.


There was a time when I lived with the depression of 'I'm going to destroy the world.'


If this vile strategy of terrorism is something revolutionary ideals, I was going to remain static.


しかし ――

However --

『20日夜に河合氏は警視庁から呼び出され、都の迷惑防止条例に違反する可能性があるとして、警告を受けて、撤去作業を行っている』との記事を呼んで ―― 私はキレました。

'On the night of the 20th, Metropolitan Police Department summoned Ms Kawaiby the Metropolitan Police Department and warned that he may be in breach of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's nuisance prevention ordinance, and he is working to remove them,' read the article -- I got mad.

―― 権力からの、警告一発で、即、取り下げ?  その程度の覚悟でやっとんのか、お前?

"One warning from the powers that be, and it's immediately withdrawn? Is that what you're prepared to do?"


I had assumed, on my own, that she prepared to fight a thorough battle with the police and, if coercive measures happened, to resist and be arrested for obstruction of justice and to commit suicide in protest while in custody.

―― お前の覚悟ってその程度なの? バカか? お前は真正のバカなのか?

"Is that the extent of your preparedness? Are you an idiot? Are you a genuine idiot?"


I thought, "She must have something he wants to destroy, even if it means making enemies of power, the masses, and everything else," it seems I overestimated her.


And, well, for my part, I would like to say something.


If you prepare to apologize and back down at the first intimidation from the authorities, then don't do it in the first place, you stupid bastard.



Pornography and anti-authority have always been a set of pairs.


Moreover, pornographic posters are so "vulgar" and "filthy" that they even oppress the public.


Pornography usually inspires lust, but the photographs on this election poster are terrific in their vulgarity. Not a shred of lust.


That poster, removing 100% of the concept of beauty from eroticism, was so complete that it was an unpleasant poster with a sense of vomit that a picture of vomit in Shinjuku would be much better.


I would name this 'vomitism' rather than 'terrorism'.

それでも、"テロ"ではなく、"ゲロ"、すなわち、"下品"と"不快"と"不道徳"で、権力と大衆の両方に喧嘩を売るというのであれば、その姿勢は買ってやらんでもないと思っていたのですが ――

Still, I would have bought the attitude if they had fought both power and the public not with "terrorism" but with "vomit" - "vulgar," "offensive," and "immoral."


After all, she is just a "lowlife idiot who acts without thinking,"


And I was a jerk for expecting even 1 mm of anything from this anti-social behavior.

「なくなったらいいXXX」という考え方は、民主主義とか、主義主張とか、そういうことは関係なく ―― 『統計学的』に良くない。



I think (1) strategy-based TV/smartphone games and (2) system building/programming are the same.


More crudely, "games and work are essentially the same."


Of course, many people would argue against this. The first of these is my wife.


The wife insists that 'there are a handful of people for whom work seems like a game.'


Well, actually, the root word for labour 'slave'.


I think the view that 'working is equal to being a slave' is probably correct in terms of cultures around the world and terms of reality.


ただ、システムやプログラムが予想通りに動いた時のホッとした安心感、安堵感というのは、ゲームのラスボスを倒した時の似ているのではないか ―― と"推測"しています。

However, I "guess" that the feeling of relief and relief when a system or program works as expected is similar to when you defeat the game's last boss.


I say "guess" because I don't know anything about the game or understand it.


But still, if you feel like 'breathing a sigh of relief and reaching for a cold beer,' maybe the system, the program, and the game are similar.



I have devised a way to make the game the most painful.


'Finish defeating the game's last boss by the morning of next week. Submit the evidence (proof) of its defeat with a screenshot attached.'


Any gamer would hate the game if it were a quota system that

本来、システム構築もプログラミングも楽しいものです ―― 締切とノルマさえなければ。

Inherently, system building and programming are fun -- as long as there are no deadlines and quotas.



Studying without deadlines, quotas, exams, and examinations is fun.

アウトプットにもならず、金銭対価にもならず、社会的評価にもならず、そして、誰からも褒めて貰えないけど ―― それでも、楽しいのは確かです。

It's not output, it's not monetary compensation, it's not social recognition, and no one praises it - but it's still fun.


So, the study of teenagers and the study I am doing are essentially completely different. The former is a 'survival strategy' and the latter is 'entertainment'.


No matter how often an adult tells a teenager that 'English and maths are inherently fun,' they will never get it.


The youngers might shout at me, 'Don't be a sleepwalker! You old man!!'



ここから帰納的に導かれる結論は ――

The conclusion that follows inductively from this is --.


'Games and work are essentially the same' may be accurate, but even if it were true, you'd still get yelled at for 'being stupid.'






Earthquake Early Warning alarms have a very unnerving melodic sound.


I have heard that the sound designers did much research and testing to create that sound.


So I did some research.


The Japan Meteorological Agency, NHK, and an acoustic design company created the alarm.


The creation of the alarm sounds utilized knowledge of psychoacoustics. In particular, the sounds that humans instinctively feel anxious and alarmed about were analyzed, and their characteristics were incorporated to create and select several alarm sounds.


The creation process involved acoustic design experts, who adjusted the frequencies, rhythms, and volume of the sounds. Particularly, the frequency bands (usually high frequencies) that cause discomfort and tension were chosen, and they were then continually improved with feedback from experts and the public.


I think the alarm sound is a perfect piece of content that instantly alerts many people.



In my house, I can hear the Disaster Management Radio.


The alarm sounded this morning for a follow-up earthquake emergency.


If they had not notified me before this test audio that it was a test, I would have just scowled inside my house.


Disaster prevention and administrative radio are essential infrastructure systems.


In a major earthquake, there will be a massive power outage, which will wipe out all TV sets. Your mobile phone will be in chaos with personal information. Even if you keep a radio handy, it will not broadcast news specific to your local area.


The last resort is the disaster management radio. It is the only one that can be relied upon for earthquake early warnings and evacuation instructions.



Since the telecommuting system has started, I have been working from home and often hear broadcasts on the Disaster Management Radio.


The Disaster Prevention and Management Radio generally tells me when to start a silent prayer on Atomic Bomb Day, End of War Day, Memorial Day for Earthquake Disasters, etc.


On the other hand, announcements asking people to 'look for missing elderly people' are usually made weekly.


I believe I understand the fear of the families of the missing.



And it was this incident that drilled into me the fear of my parent's dementia + wandering to the bone.



I have been disclosing my location to my family for ten years by installing a location-transmitting app on my phone (my daughters naturally refuse to disclose this, so it is a unilateral disclosure on my part).


So, if I have dementia, as long as I have my phone with me (and before my phone runs out of power), I may be able to get help.

しかし、スマホすらも忘れて徘徊するほど認知症が進行すれば ―― もう打つ手が思いつきません。

But if my dementia progresses to the point where I forget even my phone and wander off - I can't think of anything else to do.

ちなみに、靴に入れるデバイスとか、あれ、全然ダメです ―― 充電方法や電源装置のサイズの他、そもそもコストが見合っていません。コストに見合うような大量生産に持ち込むには、"徘徊"を、日本で1000件/日のオーダにする必要があります。

Incidentally, you can put devices in your shoes or whatever that's not good at all. Besides the charging method and the power supply size, the cost is not worth it to begin with. To bring it into cost-effective mass production, "wandering" would have to be 1,000 cases/day in Japan.







It may sound like a 'total 'post-jumping' game,' but with the advent of 'generative AI,' the future predictions I made in the past have been dramatically off the mark.


There is no excuse, especially when it comes to my power forecasts.

―― 生成AIの登場が、これまでの私の仮説を、次から次へとひっくり返しに来ているなぁ


On the other hand, we cannot deny the possibility that technological innovation will lead to the appearance of semiconductors with '1/100 power consumption' in the future.


The above forecast could turn upside down once more.

ともあれ、未来予想というのは、"もし、現在の状態が1mmも変化しなかったら"という前提が入らないとできないものです―― これは、私が以前より繰り返し申し上げてきたことです。

Anyway, we cannot make future projections without assuming that "the present state of affairs does not change by a single millimeter" - something I have repeatedly said.


So, I make no apologies or self-criticism for not accurately stating the future.


Because that is what forecasting is all about.



That said, there was a comedian who said something interesting.


Before going to bed that day, he watched the recorded 'Fortune of the Day' on the morning news.


He then mutters, 'It was not right at all.'


It can be said to be 'reinforcement learning' by the comedian that 'fortune-telling is completely unreliable.'



'I think many people confuse 'risk' with 'uncertainty.'


Put, 'risk' is a number that can be calculated by probability and assigned to a definite object.


The two sides of a coin, or the concept used in horse racing. No coin can be in a state other than two sides of the same coin, and no horse race ticket can be represented by a number. Natural disasters such as earthquakes are also calculable risks.


In comparison, 'uncertainty' is a situation where the subject is unknown.


Two years ago, we did not even know that generative AI existed. Of course, we couldn't have predicted generative AI's power and economic benefits two years ago.


Future forecasting through simulation is on a 'risk.' basis.


It cannot compete against the emergence of 'bombs' such as generative AI.



If described in terms of 'difficulty',

"不確実性予測 > シミュレーションによるリスク計算 >>>>>>>占い"


"Uncertainty Forecasting > Simulation-based Risk Calculation >>>>>>> Fortune."


Or, to be honest, 'does fortune-telling cost anything?' (although there are initial costs for dubious costumes and props).


Please let us know if you know of any books or papers on divination that someone has systematically assembled using a scientific approach.


There seems to have been a discipline called 'astrology,' so there probably should be.


In the category of universities,


■ Department of Data Science, Faculty of Engineering


Or, unsurprisingly,

■宗教学部 統計学科 未来予測センター

■ Faculty of Religious Studies Department of Statistics Centre for Future Prediction


It may be something like that.


apart from that



I love a method of inference calculation called Bayesian inference. Its most important feature is the concept of 'posterior probability.'


Simply put, this is the idea that probability is a posteriori colossal change (or, instead, it is now common knowledge).


However, 'Bayes' has been considered heretical for nearly 200 years by mainstream 'frequencyists' in the statistical community. In this regard, I recommend this book, which I have repeatedly praised.

草思社文庫<br> 異端の統計学ベイズ


Today, I thought that I was watching an international drama.


It's the so-called 'locked-room murder case in a snowbound mountain villa,' where one person is killed every day. It's a classic, not to mention Christie's 'And Then There Were None'.

―― 毎日、だれかが殺される度に、生き残った人間の「犯人である確率」は上がっていくよなぁ

"Every day, every time someone dies, the survivor's "probability of being the killer" goes up, doesn't it?"

―― これって、典型的な「事後確率」じゃね?

"Isn't this typical 'posterior probability'?"


(Incidentally, the probability of a killed person also fluctuates to zero.)


I wonder why there has been 200 years of controversy over such a clear-cut event.


The above is what so-called authoritarianism does - read more about it here.



On the other hand, if this "snow-covered mountain villa" is "transferred to another world", this would be a case of "uncertainty".


It spoils it as a mystery, though.