Many people have both the position of employee and manager.
管理者としての私は、従業員の発表(プレゼン)などを聞いた時に、何かコメントを言わなければならないことがあります。特に、何もいうことが思い浮かばなくてもです ―― どーでもいい、と思っている時など。
As a manager, there are times when I hear an employee give a presentation, etc., and I have to say something about it. Even if I can't think of anything to say--even if I don't care.
Some administrators say, “Let's be stingy with the presentation's content.
If you are stingy, you will have the “appearance” of an administrator.
We can call the stingy “scheduling,” but it annoys me.
The managers, however, forget about the “stingy” immediately after that presentation, which is very easy for them.
I know many of you have been outraged by your bosses, who have repeatedly made comments that contradict the comments made in the previous presentation.
しかし、それは仕方がないのです。"上司は" ―― というか、"人間は"、自分の言ったことを直ぐに忘れるからです。
But it can't be helped.” Bosses” - or rather, ‘people’ - forget what they say immediately.
自分の身分を明かにせず、そして、自分の言ったことに責任を負わない ―― こんなことは、SNSを眺めているだけで明らかです。
Not revealing one's identity and not taking responsibility for what one says are apparent just by looking at social networking sites.
I have yet to see anyone properly apologize and self-criticize, even after they were wrong.
That's why I have always said, “Don't listen to/believe/take people's opinions seriously.
This is because most people who give their opinions to others “don't give a shit” about them.
前回の「チ。 ―地球の運動について―」の 第12話 「俺は、地動説を信仰してる」では、上記の話と関係するテーゼとアンチテーゼが登場していました。
The thesis and antithesis related to the above story appeared in the previous “Chi.” On the Motion of the Earth, Episode 12, “I Believe in the Geocentric Theory.”
(1) “It is meaningful to keep receiving criticism and keep correcting your claims based on the premise that they are ‘wrong’ or ”not truthful.”
In response to the opinion that,
(2) The other person says, “The only way to reach the truth that is sufficient for a paradigm shift is to eliminate interference and criticism from authorities, etc. thoroughly, and to stick to one's ideas based solely on scientific means (natural laws, etc.).
This assertion appears in the following section.
So, my argument this time may be (2) above.
However, I do not deny (1) above either.
I am not sure what I am trying to say.
I don't have any grand ambitions, aspirations, or upstandings left in my life, such as 'I want to bring something to the world.
So, as long as it is not against your interest, I would like you to leave me alone and not try to modify what I am doing anymore.
私も、あなたのやっていることには干渉しませんから ―― 私の利害に関わらない範囲であれば。
I will also not interfere with your work if it does not involve my interests.
私は、今の時代に必要なのは「積極的無関心」ではないかと思うのです ―― つまり、『人のことはほっとけ。自分のことだけやっとけ』です。