

I often see articles that say, "The programming language 'C++' is hated".


However, if you go to a large bookstore, you can see the number of C/C++ books is overwhelming.


Half of the books related to programming languages are often C/C++ books.


Well, C/C++ is chosen because of its "low-level interface that maximizes hardware performance."




C/C++ is disliked because of the "fear of system downtime caused by memory leaks."


I think that.


Languages in which garbage collection is implemented are naturally slower to execute.


It is precisely because of the wildness that can be implemented with impunity, without worrying about such troublesome things, that C/C++ continues to reign as the fastest language to this day.



While on assignment in the U.S., I found a workaround for this problem of memory leaks that I was experiencing locally in a "commercial library".


I remember presenting it at a meeting and receiving (I think) rave reviews from the members.


I remember being surprised that 'engineers in this country tolerate memory leaks.


Incidentally, at our company at that time, the engineer who implemented memory leak had to keep hanging his head, with hearing "you are an idiot, a moron, and should die".



I heard that "Google will use the C++ mechanism as a foundation to develop Carbon, which is compatible with C++."


"Google Idiot"


"I don't want that! "


Instead of developing something like that, release an extended version of C++ from the get-go! with


(1) Scalable lightweight threads (goroutine's), and


(2) Additional channels are implemented



I want to say that.


By the way, I am O.K that "memory leaks" is 'dumb engineer proof'"


Garbage collection is not a good idea because it makes it impossible to know the exact program execution time.



Well, anyway, I plan to make Golang the last programming language of my life, so, well, I don't care what language comes out now.





$ tree
├── Agent
│   ├── cert.pem
│   ├── go.mod
│   ├── go.sum
│   ├── key.pem
│   └── main.go
├── join
│   ├── cert.pem
│   ├── join.exe
│   ├── join.go
│   └── key.pem
└── ldarp
    └── libdarp.go

のAgent/main.go と、join/join.goの中で、ldap/libdarp.goを使いたいんだけど、

import (


import (


import (


join.go:13:2: package m/ldarp is not in GOROOT (c:\go\src\m\ldarp)
のところに作れば動くんだろうけど、『負けたような気がする』ので、Agent/main.go と、join/join.goの中に、ldap/libdarp.goを埋めこむことで対応した。



私、常日頃から、『北朝鮮という国は、本当に外交戦略が上手いよなぁ』と感心しています ―― 但し、

I have always been impressed by the diplomatic strategy of North Korea -- except for the


all that is right and wrong, justified and offensive from our point of view.


So I tweeted to my wife that I might write a column about it, however, she said


"Don't ever do that"


and I am strictly forbidden.


The reason is that the threat of terrorism to the entire Ebata family will increase (even more than before).



The term "geopolitics" seems to be appearing more and more on TV these days.


"Geopolitics" is, in a nutshell, that a country's positions(political system, etc.) is determined by its geographical condition.


I think the popularity of "Geopolitics" is good.


Above all, the better way is that this subject might be embedded in into geography and history.


The reason is simple.

―― 国際ニュースを見ていても、あまり腹が立たなくなるから

"It makes me less angry when I watch international news"



It's less stressful because I can see 'where the country stands and what they are doing'.



On the other hand, as a nation, this kind of "cultivation of a well-informed public" is both an advantage and a disadvantage.


In this book, written by Jun Moriya, in p. 354,


Clausewitz's "Trinity"

1. 国民 = 本能担当 = 戦争の情熱や熱狂担当

1. people = in charge of instinct = in charge of passion and enthusiasm for war

2. 軍隊 = 自由な精神活動担当 = 戦争の運営担当

2. military = free spirit = in charge of running the war

3. 政府 = 知性担当 = 戦争の大枠担当

3. government = in charge of intelligence = in charge of the general framework of war


From the viewpoint of the above classes, "a well-informed public" has less passion and enthusiasm, and this is a little "troublesome" as the whole nation.


Thinking about Japanese people, the following issue is a sample.

―― 「核」に関してだけは、理性的でも、論理的でもある必要もなく、むしろ、激情や憤怒で対応してもよい



I wonder if this is the reason why the MEXT does not require its citizens to take "geopolitics" as part of compulsory education.



I believe that the art of making things is a kind of insurance policy, and I have always tried to keep up with the latest trends in technology (even if I skip company work).


And now, I am truly astonished to read this.

―― 何か怖いものを見た

"I watched something scary"


It is like that.


もっともメーカーでなくても、「技術」は必要ですが、その技術は、人間の存在を前提とする技術 ―― コミュニケーションとか、人たらしとか、セールストークとか、カリスマとか ―― がメインになるのではないか、と思うのです。

I think that even if you are not a engineer, you still need "technology," but that technology should be mainly based on the existence of human beings--communication, charisma, sales talk, charisma, and so on.


Is that perception itself already misguided?


For example, in my case, I have a vague expectation that even if I am thrown out of the company tomorrow, I will be able to get by with a computer.


I also believe that if I read the manual, I will be able to run most machines.


This is what I consider a "technology of making things" and "a kind of insurance" that does not presuppose human existence.


近年は、都市設計とか、地域サービスとか、地域復興とか、モノ作りの興味が変化していっているのは知っていますが ―― だとしても、

I know that in recent years, urban design, community service, and community revitalization have been popular -- however, I think, that


"Something you've designed doesn't start working without hardware, program, database, and smartphone."




To compensate for the lack of computer resources, I had migrated my PC, which had been left in Windows 7, to Windows 10 yesterday to create a docker environment.

嫁さんの中では、『私が自分のプログラムの為だけにローカルに作った実験用の小規模データベース』は、データベースに含まれていないようです ――

dockerのイメージだけを、リモートに送り込む等、夜遅くまで、色々試していたのですが、データベース丸ごとをイメージにするのは難しく、docker export/import/save/load 全部を試した挙げく、

I was up late at night trying various methods, such as sending docker images to a remote location, but it was difficult to create an image of the entire database, and after trying docker export/import/save/load everything,

―― コンテンツ本体を、手動でUSBメモリにコピーして、現在、DB再構築の真っ最中

"Manually copied the content itself to a USB memory stick, currently in the middle of rebuilding the DB"


Well, I don't mind, since it is a program that I am making alone.


As for me, I don't want to add too many PCs to be managed, however I have no choice.


I cannot leave the simulator stopped due to database overload.



I need three minutes to annoy to choose between getting 100 yen or 200 yen icecream.


However, I wouldn't worry too much about buying a $300,000 gaming PC to run my simulator.


When I was a struggling student, I had purchased a computer with a list price of 850,000 yen with cash.



The "pursuit of high-specification computer" is like a "curse" for engineers.


As I have written many times in the past, an 850,000 yen PC (a supercomputer too) at that time cannot beat even a 5,000 yen board computer today.


Engineers & researchers with common sense should not dance around the "spec.".


Although the subject (content) of this book is incompatible with my way of life


"Do the math in your environment"


If it is to be read this way, I think it is a correct suggestion.



In my column which is released yesterday, I wrote

―― 私が教祖になるには、まず、私が「天啓」を受けている、というストーリーが必要です

"To become a guru, I must first have a story that I am "enlightened"!"



It is true that it is relatively easy to obtain "revelations" in daily life, e.g., through extreme dieting.


This has been proven by my own physical diet.


In addition, I have, in fact, brought God down many times (really).


(↑click to jump to the article)


In other words, the "revelations of founder of religion" in the scriptures, including those of the world's three major religions, are quite 'dubious tale'.



Incidentally, one of my methods of repelling religious solicitations is to

『あなた、神様を見たことがあるの? 私はあるよ。2000年9月11日、米国ユタ州の国立公園の巨大な砂岩のアーチの下で。クリアに見えたよ』

"Have you ever seen God? I have, on September 11, 2000, under a huge sandstone arch in a national park in Utah, USA. I saw them clear."

『あなた、神様の声を聞いたり、姿を見たりしたことあるの? え? ないの? ないのに"この私"に布教をしているの?』

"Have you ever heard or seen God? What? No? And you're proselytizing to me?"


"I think you are a little presumptuous are't you?"


is a method to 'show the difference in class'.



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.



"A New Theory of Action for Engineers Who Are Not Loved by Money(7)"

I became a "guru (temporary)" as a strategy to survive in old age


ぶっちゃけて言いますが、前回のコラムは、あまり好評ではなかったようです ―― Twitterとランク(順位)からの、私の、主観的な見解ですが。

Frankly speaking, the last column was not very well accepted -- from my viewpoint based on Twitter or rankings.


I made some revisions, but to be honest, I was disappointed because I put a lot of effort into writing it.



Junior: "Ebata-san. That's probably a generational gap"


Ebata: "?"

後輩:「私たちの世代は、"カルト宗教"は本当に危険な存在として、認識されていましたよね ―― 統一教会、創価学会、オウム、幸福の科学、エホバの証人・・・。これらの存在を知らない大学生はいませんでしたし、世間も一定の知識がありました」

Junior: "In our generation, "cults" were recognized as really dangerous -- Unification Church, Soka Gakkai, Aum, Happy Science, Jehovah's Witnesses... There was no college student who didn't know about them, and the public had a certain level of knowledge about them. There wasn't a college student who didn't know these things existed, and the public had a certain amount of knowledge about them.


Ebata: "Yes. I think so. I saw LDP General Affairs Chairman Tatsuo Fukuda on the news once saying, 'I don't know what the problem (about the Unification Church) is,' and I involuntarily lectured him on TV, saying, 'What the hell have you learned so far?' "


Junior: "...that LDP member, maybe he really 'didn't get it'."

江端:「ええ! いくらなんでもそれは"ない"だろう。そんな国会議員が我が国に存在するか?」

Ebata: "Yes! That's "no" in any case. Is there such a member of parliament in our country?"


Junior: "It is possible that he had at least some knowledge, but he did not feel the impact (anti-social activities such as psychic sales and excessive donations) firsthand.

江端:「そうなの? 私が大学キャンパスを歩いている時は、『油断していれば、やられる』という緊張感が常にあったように思うけどなぁ」

Ebata: "Really? When I was walking around college campuses, there always seemed to be a sense of tension that if I wasn't careful, I would get hit."


Junior: "Also, it's possible that activity on the cult side is declining."


Ebata: "What do you mean?"

後輩:「信徒勧誘アプローチに改良が加えられていない ―― 既存のメソッドを使い回しているだけで、アプローチの改良をしていない、ということです。で、カルト宗教側も、ジリ貧のまま消滅に向かっている、と」

Junior: "There has been no improvement in the congregational recruitment approach -- they are just using existing methods and not improving their approach. And so the cult side is on the verge of extinction"


Ebata: "If it's on its way to extinction, that's great... but there are still a lot of approaches that could be taken, like the 'one-op missionary' that I proposed in my column, right?"


Junior: "I think the problem with cult groups is that they can't make such 'IT literate' people into believers."


Ebata: "I see. Religion and IT don't seem to go well together..."



Now, in this column, I would like to look at your "interest in cults".


Please note that I am also personally releasing an unmodified version of my previous column to anyone who is interested.

―― 『とある宗教団体』を直撃する内容



The other day, I took a photo from a photo machine (speed photo).


For the first time in my life, I wore "glasses (reading glasses)" to take pictures.

―― メガネをつけると、目付きの悪さが緩和される

"Wearing glasses eases my unpleasant look"


I noticed that.


I was horrified when I saw the photo for my passport renewal.


I thought that if I were involved in an accident or incident and this photo appeared on the news, I would be assumed to be the "perpetrator" or "culprit" without having the news story confirmed.



On the day of the "State Funeral," I spent the entire day confined to my home and worked.

―― 私、結構な頻度で、『職務質問』されるんですけど、良い対策方法ってありますか?



The other day, I was asked from my reader,


"Did you start charging for your articles?"


and I was really surprised.

そういえば、スマホは、EE Times Japanへのユーザ登録が、ワンアクション入るようになっていたなぁ、と思い出しました。

I remembered that for smartphone, user registration to EE Times Japan has been needed as one-action process.


However, you don't need to register from the web browser of PC

いずれにしても、江端の記事は今も無料で読めるようです ―― というか、私は、この件に関してコントロールできません。

Anyway, reading my columns are free of charge even now. I mean, I have no control over this.


I apologize for any inconvenience.



I think that there are more requests for this type of user registration recently.


I am not good at the actions like this either. so I happen to sto


This cases are apt to happen on Nikkei-XXX site. This is because I am "fed up" with the survey sheets that are required after this registration.

年収とか、家族構成とか、職位とか、既婚や未婚など ―― これらのプライバシーを書かされる『不快』さを、日経XXのサイト運営者は理解すべきです。

The Nikkei XX website operators should understand the "discomfort" of being asked to write these privacy details -- income, family structure, job title, marital status, unmarried status, etc.


As a general rule, I do not answer surveys that have more than 10 items. It is because it is too much trouble.



The other day, I went to visit a gym for muscle training, and the moment I saw the questionnaire form (double-sided, with super small characters) that I had to fill out before the visit, I said


"Sorry, I give up"


and left the gym.


I decided that it was not worth the cost of responding to this survey, as I only wanted to tour the gym facilities.



And maybe many facilities and portals are missing out on potential customers like me because of the 'discomfort' and 'hassle' of users.


If they don't realize that, I think that they are "stupid."


If they realize that, I think that they are "unhelpful stupid."


以前、pgr_dijkstra()で、ダイクストラの順番が壊れる という内容で悩んでいて、最終的に、

utsu_tram_db3=# SELECT seq, source, edge, x1, y1 FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM ways', 2, 59, directed:=false) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;





kitaya_db=# SELECT seq, source, target, x1, y1,x2,y2, agg_cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, length_m as cost cost, reverse_cost FROM ways', 3342, 1799, directed:=false) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;



kitaya_db=# SELECT seq, source, target, x1, y1,x2,y2, agg_cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, length_m as cost  cost, reverse_cost FROM ways', 1799, 3342, directed:=false) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;





type LocInfo struct {
	Lon    float64
	Lat    float64
	Source int


// 江端修正版
func getDijkstraPath(dbMap *sql.DB, locInfoStart, locInfoGoal ldarp.LocInfo) ([]ldarp.LocInfo, float64) {
	log.Println("getDijkstraPath", locInfoStart, locInfoGoal)

	var path []ldarp.LocInfo // 経路 (返り値の一つ目)
	var totalDistanceKm float64

	rowsDijkstra, errDijkstra := dbMap.Query(
		"SELECT seq,source, target, x1, y1, x2, y2, agg_cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, length_m as cost FROM ways', $1::bigint , $2::bigint , directed:=false) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq",

	if errDijkstra != nil {
	defer rowsDijkstra.Close()

	var agg_cost float64

	isFirstCheck := true
	isSourceCheck := true

	for rowsDijkstra.Next() {

		var x1, y1, x2, y2 float64

		var seq int
		var target int

		// まずnodeを読む
		if err := rowsDijkstra.Scan(&seq, &source, &target, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &agg_cost); err != nil {

		// 最初の1回だけ入る
		if isFirstCheck {
			if source == locInfoStart.Source {
				isSourceCheck = true
			} else {
				isSourceCheck = false
			isFirstCheck = false

		var loc ldarp.LocInfo

		if isSourceCheck {
			loc.Source = source
			loc.Lon = x1
			loc.Lat = y1
		} else {
			loc.Source = target
			loc.Lon = x2
			loc.Lat = y2

		loc.Source = target

		path = append(path, loc)

	// ラストノードだけは手入力
	path = append(path, locInfoGoal)

	totalDistanceKm = agg_cost / 1000.0
	return path, totalDistanceKm



package main

import (

	_ "github.com/lib/pq"

func main() {
	db, err := sql.Open("postgres",
		"user=postgres password=password host= port=15432 dbname=tomioka_db_c sslmode=disable")
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("OpenError: ", err)
	defer db.Close()

	var a_Point, b_Point ldarp.LocInfo
	a_Point.Source = 20
	b_Point.Source = 1
	path, dist := getDijkstraPath(db, a_Point, b_Point)

	fmt.Println("path:", path)
	fmt.Println("dist:", dist)


// 江端再修正版
func getDijkstraPath(dbMap *sql.DB, locInfoStart, locInfoGoal ldarp.LocInfo) ([]ldarp.LocInfo, float64) {
	log.Println("getDijkstraPath", locInfoStart, locInfoGoal)

	var path []ldarp.LocInfo // 経路 (返り値の一つ目)
	var totalDistanceKm float64

	rowsDijkstra, errDijkstra := dbMap.Query(
		"SELECT seq,source, target, x1, y1, x2, y2, agg_cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, length_m as cost cost, reverse_cost FROM ways', $1::bigint , $2::bigint , directed:=false) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq",

	if errDijkstra != nil {
	defer rowsDijkstra.Close()

	var agg_cost float64

	var loc ldarp.LocInfo
	var x1, y1, x2, y2 float64
	var seq int
	var target int
	var source int

	isFirstCheck := true
	isSourceCheck := true

	for rowsDijkstra.Next() {

		// まずnodeを読む
		if err := rowsDijkstra.Scan(&seq, &source, &target, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &agg_cost); err != nil {

		// 最初の1回だけチェックのために入る これについては、https://wp.kobore.net/江端さんの技術メモ/post-7668/を参照のこと
		// もし rowsDijkstra.Scanで最初のsource値を読みとり、locInfoStart.Source の値と同じであれば、x1,y1をベースとして、異なる値であれば、x2,y2をベースとする

		if isFirstCheck {
			if source == locInfoStart.Source {
				isSourceCheck = true // x1, y1をベースとする処理になる
			} else {
				isSourceCheck = false // x2,y2をベースとする処理になる
			isFirstCheck = false // 最初の1回をチェックすることで、2回目はこのループには入らなくなる

		//var loc ldarp.LocInfo

		if isSourceCheck { // x1, y1をベースとする処理
			loc.Source = source
			loc.Lon = x1
			loc.Lat = y1
		} else { // x2,y2をベースとする処理
			loc.Source = target
			loc.Lon = x2
			loc.Lat = y2
		path = append(path, loc)

	// ラストノードだけは手入力 (ここは引っくり返す)
	if isSourceCheck { // x1, y1をベースとする処理
		loc.Source = target
		loc.Lon = x2
		loc.Lat = y2
	} else { // x2,y2をベースとする処理
		loc.Source = source
		loc.Lon = x1
		loc.Lat = y1

	path = append(path, loc)

	totalDistanceKm = agg_cost / 1000.0
	return path, totalDistanceKm




	(1)main 関数内で、PostgreSQLデータベースへの接続情報を設定し、sql.Open を使用してデータベースに接続します。
	(2)getDijkstraPath 関数は、指定された始点から終点までの最短経路を計算するための関数です。この関数は、Dijkstraアルゴリズムを使用して最短経路を計算します。
	(3)LocInfo 構造体は、地理座標とノードの情報を表現します。
	(4)main 関数内で getDijkstraPath 関数を呼び出し、最短経路とその距離を計算します。異常ノードや隣接ノード、同一ノード、2つ離れたノードなど、さまざまなケースでの最短経路をテストするために、複数の呼び出しをコメントアウトしています。
	(5)getDijkstraPath 関数内では、まず指定された始点と終点に対応する地理座標を取得します。始点と終点が同一の場合は、指定されたノードの地理座標を取得します。
	(6)次に、pgr_dijkstra 関数を使用して最短経路を計算し、結果を取得します。結果は、各ノードの地理座標と距離が含まれる配列として返されます。


package main

import (

	_ "github.com/lib/pq"

type LocInfo struct {
	Lon    float64
	Lat    float64
	Source int

func main() {
	// PostgreSQLへの接続情報

	// Agent_od書き込み用テーブルの初期化
	db_agent_od, err := sql.Open("postgres",
		"user=postgres password=password host= port=15432 dbname=tomioka_db_e sslmode=disable") // トミオカート地図でテスト

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("OpenError: ", err)
	defer db_agent_od.Close()

	route, dis := getDijkstraPath(db_agent_od, LocInfo{Source: 432}, LocInfo{Source: 1070}) // 異常ノード
	//route, dis := getDijkstraPath(db_agent_od, LocInfo{Source: 856}, LocInfo{Source: 688}) // 異常ノード

	//route, dis := getDijkstraPath(db_agent_od, LocInfo{Source: 723}, LocInfo{Source: 853}) // 隣接ノード
	//route, dis := getDijkstraPath(db_agent_od, LocInfo{Source: 536}, LocInfo{Source: 171}) // 隣接ノード

	//route, dis := getDijkstraPath(db_agent_od, LocInfo{Source: 536}, LocInfo{Source: 536}) // 同一ノード
	//route, dis := getDijkstraPath(db_agent_od, LocInfo{Source: 138}, LocInfo{Source: 139}) // 同一ノード
	//route, dis := getDijkstraPath(db_agent_od, LocInfo{Source: 173}, LocInfo{Source: 853}) // 2つ離れたノード
	fmt.Println("route", route, "dis", dis)


// テスト中
// 1行のみの場合、ヌルになるという問題と、同一ノードに対応するため
func getDijkstraPath(dbMap *sql.DB, locInfoStart, locInfoGoal LocInfo) ([]LocInfo, float64) {

	var path []LocInfo // 経路 (返り値の一つ目)
	var totalDistanceKm float64

	// 例外処理 locInfoStart.source == locInfoGoal.source の場合
	if locInfoStart.Source == locInfoGoal.Source {
		source := locInfoStart.Source

		// SQLクエリの作成
		query := fmt.Sprintf(`
		SELECT x1, y1
		FROM ways
		WHERE source = %d;
	`, source)

		// SQLクエリの実行
		var x1, y1 float64
		err := dbMap.QueryRow(query).Scan(&x1, &y1)
		if err != nil {

		var loc LocInfo
		loc.Source = source
		loc.Lon = x1
		loc.Lat = y1

		path = append(path, loc)

		totalDistanceKm = 0.0
		return path, totalDistanceKm

	query := `
	SELECT seq, source, target, x1, y1, x2, y2, agg_cost 
	FROM pgr_dijkstra(
		'SELECT gid as id, source, target, length_m as cost FROM ways', 
	) a 
	INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) 
	//log.Println("getDijkstraPath", locInfoStart.Source, locInfoGoal.Source)

	rowsDijkstra, errDijkstra := dbMap.Query(query, locInfoStart.Source, locInfoGoal.Source)
	if errDijkstra != nil {
	defer rowsDijkstra.Close()

	var agg_cost float64

	var loc LocInfo
	var x1, y1, x2, y2 float64
	var seq int
	var target int
	var source int

	isFirstCheck := true
	isSourceCheck := true

	count := 0

	for rowsDijkstra.Next() {
		// まずnodeを読む
		if err := rowsDijkstra.Scan(&seq, &source, &target, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, &agg_cost); err != nil {

		// 最初の1回だけチェックのために入る これについては、https://wp.kobore.net/江端さんの技術メモ/post-7668/を参照のこと
		// もし rowsDijkstra.Scanで最初のsource値を読みとり、locInfoStart.Source の値と同じであれば、x1,y1をベースとして、異なる値であれば、x2,y2をベースとする

		if isFirstCheck {
			if source == locInfoStart.Source {
				isSourceCheck = true // x1, y1をベースとする処理になる
			} else {
				isSourceCheck = false // x2,y2をベースとする処理になる
			isFirstCheck = false // 最初の1回をチェックすることで、2回目はこのループには入らなくなる

		//var loc LocInfo

		if isSourceCheck { // x1, y1をベースとする処理
			loc.Source = source
			loc.Lon = x1
			loc.Lat = y1
		} else { // x2,y2をベースとする処理
			loc.Source = target
			loc.Lon = x2
			loc.Lat = y2
		path = append(path, loc)


	// ラストノードだけは手入力 (ここは引っくり返す)
	if isSourceCheck { // x1, y1をベースとする処理
		loc.Source = target
		loc.Lon = x2
		loc.Lat = y2
	} else { // x2,y2をベースとする処理
		loc.Source = source
		loc.Lon = x1
		loc.Lat = y1

	fmt.Println("count", count)

	if count == 0 { // 1行のみの場合、ヌルになるという問題に対応するため、
		loc.Source = locInfoGoal.Source
		loc.Lon = locInfoGoal.Lon
		loc.Lat = locInfoGoal.Lat

		// 入力値の指定
		source := locInfoStart.Source
		target := locInfoGoal.Source

		// SQLクエリの作成
		query := fmt.Sprintf(`
		SELECT length_m, x1, y1, x2, y2
		FROM ways
		WHERE source = %d AND target = %d;
	`, source, target)

		// SQLクエリの実行
		var length float64
		var x1, y1, x2, y2 float64
		err := dbMap.QueryRow(query).Scan(&length, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2)
		if err != nil {
			log.Println("First attempt failed. Retrying with swapped source and target.")
			// 入れ替えたsourceとtargetの値でクエリを再実行
			query = fmt.Sprintf(`
			SELECT length_m, x1, y1, x2, y2
			FROM ways
			WHERE source = %d AND target = %d;
		`, target, source)
			err = dbMap.QueryRow(query).Scan(&length, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2)
			if err != nil {

		// 結果の出力
		fmt.Printf("length_m: %f\n", length)
		fmt.Printf("source: %d\n", source)
		fmt.Printf("target: %d\n", target)
		fmt.Printf("x1: %f\n", x1)
		fmt.Printf("y1: %f\n", y1)
		fmt.Printf("x2: %f\n", x2)
		fmt.Printf("y2: %f\n", y2)

		if source == locInfoGoal.Source {
			loc.Lon = x1
			loc.Lat = y1
		} else {
			loc.Lon = x2
			loc.Lat = y2

		agg_cost = length

		fmt.Println("loc", loc)

	path = append(path, loc)

	totalDistanceKm = agg_cost / 1000.0
	return path, totalDistanceKm