

"Fools learn from experience, and wises learn from history" was Bismarck's maxim, however,

―― もはや、賢者も歴史から学ぶことはできないんじゃないかなぁ

"I wonder if the wise can no longer learn from history."


I come to think so.


The two that immediately come to mind are "Corona" and "Ukraine."


Unpredictable events that are not within the scope of prediction of even so-called experts, let alone laypeople like myself, have occurred and continue to happen.

例えば ―― 『我が国は、とっとと白旗を上げて降参していれば良かった』という、太平洋戦争における米国との戦争についての私の歴史認識は、今、現在進行形で『本当にそうだったのかな?』と思わせるに至っています。

For example -- "My historical perception of the war with the United States in the Pacific War, that 'Our country should have just raised the white flag and surrendered,' is now ongoing, leading me to wonder, 'Was that the case?'"


If I were to learn from history, such questions would not arise.


(The military superpower doesn't always win, as evidenced by the U.S. in Vietnam and Afghanistan.)


The situation in Ukraine today is too different from that in Japan. Still, including that situation, I think 'the right answer cannot be derived from experience or history.


Or rather, 'Is there a right answer to begin with?'


来年あたり、この日記を読み直して、『なんで、私は、こんな抽象的かつ哲学的な語りをしてりるんだ?』 と、頭の中に疑問符が浮んぶあるだろうと思い、一応、キーワードを残しておきます。

I'll leave you with a few keywords in case you reread this diary next year and wonder, "Why am I talking in such an abstract and philosophical way?" so I will leave some keywords here in case there will be a question mark in your mind.


"The Wagner Rebellion."


"Does International Law Apply to Civil War?" (*1)


どうやら、『現時点では、国家主権を超越する主体は存在しない(*2)』―― らしいです。

"At present, no entity transcends national sovereignty" (*2).



「世界中を敵に回しても」・・・? 世界中って、米軍も?

「世界中を敵に回しても」・・・? 世界中って、みたいに?


私が、社会人大学院で、必死に調査研究をしているきっかけの一つが、『マージナル・オペレーション』である、と言ったら驚かれるかもしれませんが ―― これは事実です。

You may be surprised to hear me say that one of the reasons I am working so hard to research in a working graduate school is because of "Marginal Operations" -- this is true.


However, my concern is not conflict or politics but the one-operation of telecommunication devices.


I have not included a citation or acknowledgment of the book in my paper (reviewers would be surprised if I did that).


However, if I can graduate properly, I would like to send a letter of thanks to Mr. Yuri Shibamura.




The "Marginal Operations" series is held by the civic library where I live, and I have been borrowing it from there.


I don't buy books, not because I am sparing money, but because I am sparing space (in my home).


Still, I am holding off purchasing an e-book because I want a good paper book someday.


Anyway, the library where I live is good.


We are proud of our city's library, which has the gall to engage in a head-to-head battle with NHK.



It would be arrogant of me to expect this library to have the entire "Marginal Operations" series.


This time, I purchased two books from Amazon.com that had not been in the library's collection for some time.

『喰い散らかすように読んではダメだぞ』と自分に言い聞かせていたのですが ―― 大学への往復(1日)で、2冊を読み終えてしまいました。

I told myself, 'Don't read it like going to eat it all up' -- but I finished two books on my way to and from the university in a day.


―― こんな読み方はよくない

"Not a good manner to read this"

―― これからは、特許明細書、研究報告書、論文提出の後の「ご褒美」として、読むようにしよう

"From now on, I will read the series as a "reward" after submitting patent specifications, research reports, and papers."


I vowed once again to do so.



I have been struggling with the system for over 10 hours since 1:00 p.m. today in search of information to build a video system.


I have just gotten the system up and running based on just two lines of information written in Chinese.


(Incidentally, the Chinese were deciphered by a translation engine)


This is the case after using various tools in addition to ChaGPT.

『10時間あれば、一体どれだけのことができただろうか』 ―― などと考えたら、この仕事は『負け』です。

"How much could I have done with 10 hours?" If you think like that, you will 'lose' this field.



Systems and programming are fun, but the more specialized and specific they become, the more and more time they consume.


It makes me wonder how it would be cost-effective.


I don't know what price we can put on "finding just two lines of information written in Chinese."



For our country, digitization and programmed education are the inevitable paths.


My number card, which has been causing many problems, seems to me to be an inevitable "bug out" period during the initial operation of the system.


Of course, the government and vendors must offer sincere apologies and reasonable compensation to those affected. Still, there will be no choice but to shut down the MyNumber card system altogether.

なんやかんやいって『マイナンバーカード = 国民監視システム』というのは事実です。

After all, it is a fact that "My Number Card = National Surveillance System."


But now its disadvantages are only as heavy as 'unrealized gains.'

これまでのような、ちんたらとした手動業務処理などと続けていたら、少子高齢化の巻き添えくらって、我が国は、明治維新レベルまで行政処理が退後するだろう ―― と、本気で私は思っています。

I seriously believe that if we continue with the slow and tedious manual processing of work as we have done up to now, the declining birthrate and aging population will drag our country down. Our administrative processes will be returned to the Meiji Restoration level.


Incidentally, our country is completed as a Big Brother surveillance society. It is too late to be jittery now.

―― 一体、裁判所も、立法(国会)も、『識別子の取扱い』ごときに、なんで、こんなにゴタゴタしていやがるんだ

それどころか、私個人としては、ビッグブラザーの側の人間として協力したことすらあります ―― いわゆる、『権力の犬』です。

On the contrary, I have collaborated on Big Brother's side -- as the so-called "dogs of power."




Through digitization and programmed education, I believe that


"digitization and programming education will move many people who complain about system failures to the side of those who are complained about system failures."



When I think of the hellish picture of so many people being put into the world of "10 hours of work and only two lines of renovation" and screaming,

―― 心底から楽しい

That makes me happy with all my heart.


Raspberry Pi Ubuntu Spinnaker SDK Setup
Raspberry Pi Ubuntu Spinnaker SDKのセットアップ

These steps describe using an Ubuntu desktop environment to install Ubuntu and the Spinnaker Python interface on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+. Commands to be run on the desktop are prefaced with (desktop)$, and commands to be run on the Raspberry Pi are prefaced with (pi)$

この手順では、Ubuntuデスクトップ環境を使用して、Raspberry Pi 3 B+にUbuntuとSpinnaker Pythonインターフェースをインストールする方法を説明します。デスクトップ上で実行するコマンドの前には(desktop)$を、Raspberry Pi上で実行するコマンドの前には(pi)$を付けます。

  1. Flash the latest Ubuntu image (at the time of writing: 18.04) to an SD card and perform first-time setup by following these instructions. You will need an HDMI cable, a monitor, and a keyboard. The Raspberry Pi must also be connected to your local network via Ethernet.
    最新のUbuntuイメージ(執筆時点では18.04)をSDカードに書き込み、以下の手順に従って初回セットアップを行う。HDMIケーブル、モニター、キーボードが必要です。また、Raspberry Piはイーサネット経由でローカルネットワークに接続されている必要があります。

  2. Perform basic software updates on the Pi:
    (pi)$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  3. Go to the FLIR File Download website for your camera. The software downloads will require a free FLIR account.

  4. On the FLIR website, find the latest Linux Ubuntu ARM Operating System packages.
    フリアーシステムズのウェブサイトで、最新のLinux Ubuntu ARMオペレーティングシステムパッケージをご覧ください。

  5. Download the ARM64 packages for the Spinnaker SDK and Spinnaker Python Interface, and transfer them to the Raspberry Pi. Eg:
    Spinnaker SDK と Spinnaker Python Interface の ARM64 パッケージをダウンロードし、Raspberry Pi に転送します。例

    (pi)$ ip a # check pi's ip address
    (desktop)$ scp spinnaker-*-pkg.tar.gz spinnaker_python-*.tar \
     ubuntu@<pi's ip address>:~
  6. On the Raspberry Pi, untar the spinnaker sdk and enter the untarred directory
    Raspberry Pi上で、spinnaker sdkをuntarし、untarしたディレクトリに入ります。
  7. Read the README file fully, then run the install script. Eg:

    (pi)$ sudo sh install_spinnaker_arm.sh
  8. You will probably run into some dependency issues while installing the SDK. If that’s the case, missing packages can be installed manually with:

    (pi)$ sudo apt install <name-of-missing-package>
  9. Change back to your home directory, untar the python interface, then untar the python 3.6 interface.
    ホームディレクトリに戻り、pythonインターフェースをuntarし、python 3.6インターフェースをuntarする。

    (pi)$ tar -xf spinnaker_python-1.*.tar
    (pi)$ tar -xf spinnaker_python-1.*cp36*.tar.gz 
  10. Read the README.txt fully, then install numpy and the Spinnaker python interface. At the time of writing, there are no precompiled wheels for numpy on Ubuntu ARM, so pip will compile the package from souce. This will take several hours, but can be sped up a bit by increasing the Pi's swap size.
    README.txtを十分に読み、numpyとSpinnaker pythonインターフェースをインストールします。この記事を書いている時点では、Ubuntu ARMにはnumpy用のプリコンパイルホイールがないので、pipがソースからパッケージをコンパイルします。これには数時間かかりますが、Piのスワップサイズを大きくすることで少しスピードアップできます。

    (pi)$ sudo apt install dphys-swapfile # (optional)
    # follow the rest of the increasing swap size tutorial (optional)
    (pi)$ sudo apt install python3-pip
    (pi)$ python3 -m pip install numpy
    (pi)$ sudo python3 -m pip install spinnaker_python-1.*.whl
  11. Ensure the python module can be imported successfully:

    (pi)$ python3 -c 'import PySpin' # should take a few seconds, then exit silently

    You will probably run into more dependency issues here. When you try to import PySpin with a missing dependency, you'll get an error along the lines of No Such File: <name-of-missing-package>.so. See step 8 for help resolving these issues.
    おそらくここで依存関係の問題にもっとぶつかるでしょう。依存関係が見つからないPySpinをインポートしようとすると、No Such File: <名前-of-missing-package>.soというエラーが表示されます。このような問題の解決についてはステップ8を参照してください。

  12. Increase the space allocated to USB devices on the Pi. This is needed so that the images taken by the camera can fit properly within RAM. Note: This change will not persist through reboot and must be repeated.
    PiのUSBデバイスに割り当てられる容量を増やす。これは、カメラで撮影された画像がRAM内に適切に収まるようにするために必要です。注意: この変更は再起動しても維持されないので、繰り返し行う必要があります。

    (pi)$ sudo sh -c 'echo 256 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb'
  13. Connect your USB 3.1 FLIR camera to the Raspberry Pi via USB.
    USB3.1フリアーシステムズのカメラをUSB経由でRaspberry Piに接続します。

  14. Change into the Examples directory for PySpin, and run the Acquisition.py example as root. If this succeeds, the camera will take 10 pictures and store them as JPEGs in the current directory.

    (pi)$ cd Examples/Python3
    (pi)$ sudo python3 Acquisition.py





Earlier, to a family member, I said that


"I have an idea for a series called 'How to learn Weaker's Strategies from North Korea.'"


However, I was stopped quite seriously by them.


Well, it can't be helped.


But I think we have a lot to learn from the way <<North>> does things.



Maybe, but I think the following series would be accepted.



ChatGPT's lesson on playing the "sincere me."


As a sequel to this column.



However, a serious concern is finding the time to write columns while maintaining good health.



I am easily pleased when my program or system works well.

そんでブログに書いたり、人に言ったりしてしまいます ―― 嬉しそうに。

Then I blog about it and tell people about it -- happily.



But when I look at my colleagues, I see that some do not show such emotions but report casually as part of their duties.

―― 大人だなぁ

-- They're an adult.


I admire them.


As an adult members of society, we should not be happy or sad about a program or a system.


When I see people who are calm like that, I think

―― 単に、私が幼稚なんだな

--, I must be childish.




I don't understand the psychology of people who disclose their mansions, expensive cars, jewelry, and brand-name goods on TV programs.

第1に、持たざる者である私が見ても、そんな番組楽しい訳がない ―― むしろ嫉妬の対象になりえる。

First, from my point of view as a have-not, there is no way I would enjoy such a program -- in fact, I would be jealous of it.

第2に、そもそも開示することにメリットがない ―― むしろ犯罪に巻き込まれるリスクを高めるだけである。

Second, there is no benefit to disclosing it in the first place -- in fact, it only increases the risk of being involved in a crime.


Yes, maybe this logic is not wrong, I think.



However, there is some similarity between my 'I'm happy when a program or system works well' principle of behavior and the above behavior.


What does that mean? That meas,


"If we don't record what makes us happy, it's easy to forget."



Without studying psychology, sad memories can last for years, but happy memories can disappear in less than an hour if they are bad.


A simple example is "passing or failing an entrance exam." The joy of a pass disappears within the day. In comparison, however, the sadness of a rejection lasts about two or three orders of magnitude longer.

―― ポジティブな感情は、超揮発性

-- Positive emotions are hyper-volatile


is no doubt.

私は、嬉しい記憶を忘れない内に残して、それを後で見直すことで、日々を生き延びるという ―― 非常にちっちゃい生き方をしている訳です。

I am a person who survives each day by keeping happy memories before I forget them and revisiting them later -- as a narrow-minded person.



I think mansions, expensive cars, jewelry, and brand-name goods are not what 'keeps the joy going.'


It is a well-known fact that "difference equations express positive emotions.


The quickest way to reaffirm volatile positive emotions is to "brag to others" and "have others envy you.

嫉妬や犯罪リスクを犯してまで、個人情報を開示するのは、嬉しさを維持するための、ちっちゃい生き方の一つのメソッドなのだと思います ―― 私と同様に。

I think disclosing personal information, even at the risk of jealousy and criminal threat, is one method of a narrow-minded life to maintain a sense of joy -- just like me.

―― 江端さんの「貧困な人脈」で、見えなくなっているだけじゃないですか?



私が購入したときは、15K円くらいだったのですが、今、倍になっています。ラズパイって高価になっているんですね ―― それはさておき。

Raspberry Pi 4Bは、USB3対応のようですが、どちらのポートか分かりません。この写真を見ると右側のようです。

(出典 https://misoji-engineer.com/archives/raspberrypi-usb3.html)








を参考にして、/etc/udev/rule.d/40-flir-spinnaker.rules の

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1e10", GROUP="flirimaging"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1724", GROUP="flirimaging"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1e10", GROUP="flirimaging"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1724", GROUP="flirimaging"

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1e10",ATTRS{idProduct}=="4000", MODE="0777", GROUP="flirimaging"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1724", GROUP="flirimaging"

としたら、やっと"USB interface0"が出てきた


sudo dmesg をやると

[ 533.947639] usb 2-1: Product: Blackfly S BFS-U3-89S6C
[ 533.947652] usb 2-1: Manufacturer: FLIR
[ 533.947663] usb 2-1: SerialNumber: 0126934F
[ 600.668167] usb 2-1: reset SuperSpeed USB device number 4 using xhci_hcd
[ 709.333799] xhci_hcd 0000:01:00.0: swiotlb buffer is full (sz: 16384 bytes), total 32768 (slots), used 32687 (slots)



を参考に対応。 改善なし。



表示に成功! 詳しくは明日 ―― つかれはてました。



  1.  ターゲットのカメラ BFS-U3-89S6C-C
  2. 背景と目的
  3. 注意
  4. 手順
    1. USB3のセット

      ドロップダウンリストを確認し、USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)を右クリック(またはタップ&ホールド)し、[Uninstall Device(デバイスのアンインストール)]を選択します(重複している場合は、1つずつすべてアンインストールしてください)。
      必要であれば動作を確認し、デバイスを再起動します。再起動すると、Windows 10が自動的にUSBドライバを再インストールするはずです(私は、リブートしました)。

    2. TELEDYNE FLIR のページにアクセス
      https://www.flir.jp/support/products/blackfly-s-usb3/#Overview あたりを叩くと、多分「アカウント作れ」と言われると思いますので、素直にアカウントを作ってログインします。
    3. そんでもって、https://statics.teams.cdn.office.net/evergreen-assets/safelinks/1/atp-safelinks.html から、


    4. SpinViewの起動








I wouldn't say I like drinking parties, and I finally found out why the other day.

―― 沈黙しなければならないから。

-- because I have to be silent.


It's not that I don't have a topic. On the contrary, I don't think there was ever a moment when I said, 'I don't have a topic.


However, the key point is that 'not all topics are accepted by everyone.


("Islam," "Taliban," "Palestine," or something like that.)


However, the problem here is that both the boss and the subordinate are now younger than me.


I have a hard time with 'the air of care they have for me.



I don't need to tell you now but I am a thorough me-ism.


This world is a means for me to live, nothing more.


I believe that companies and organizations are "tools."

『会社に対する貢献? なにそれ美味しいの?』を、そのまま貫き続けたと断言できます。

"Contribution to the company? What's that good for?" I can say with certainty that I have continued to follow the same line of thinking.


What I think is 'amazing to me' is that my 'me-isms' did not waver one millimeter until I finally reached this age.



But here is where the problem arises.


For example, suppose I said something like, "Work is just a way of life, and it's stupid to seek meaning in it," at a drinking party.

さて、こうなると、年下の上司は、当然に困ります ―― 彼らは、上司として、(それを信じているかどうかはさておき)その真逆のことを、部下に言わなけらばならない立場にあります。

Now, when this happens, the younger bosses are naturally in trouble -- because they, as bosses, have to tell their subordinates (if they believe it or not) the exact opposite of that.

年下の部下は、もっと困ります ―― 彼らは、上司にも忖度しなければならず、同時に、江端を無視することもできないからです。

Younger subordinates are more troubled -- because they have to look out for their superiors and, simultaneously, cannot ignore Ebata.


So, what is the overall optimal solution in such a situation?

―― 江端が沈黙を続けること

-- Ebata's continued silence


In all likelihood, there is no other solution.

私の頭の中には、山のようなネタや小話、江端ポリシーも満載なのですが、これを黙り続けるのは ―― 冗談抜きで、本当に苦しいのです。

I have a mountain of stories and little tidbits in my head, as well as an Ebata policy, but to keep quiet about this -- no joke, it's excruciating for me.

ここに、『飲み会 = 苦行』のフレームワークが完成する訳です。

This is where the "drinking party = suffering" framework is completed.



At drinking parties, I have to be attentive to all people, and all people have to be careful of me.


Moreover, I am now in ongoing sobriety, so there is no chance for me to say something unexpected when I am sober.


In addition, being forced to listen to the claims of a drunken person with a waking head is also painful.


When I see another stranger doing the 'misery boasting' I have done in previous drinking sessions, I am so embarrassed that I want to roll over, remembering the horror of my old life.



I once asked a young engineer.


Ebata: "Can you guys say, 'Ebata-san, that's not true,' when I say, 'This is what I'm talking about'?"


Younger: "I can never say that. Even if I disagreed with you, I would just let it slide and say, 'Oh, I see.'

つまり ―― そういうことです。

In other words -- that's how it is.






I noticed something when I was writing my diary yesterday.


When I was solo touring and solo camping, I used to respond to guys who approached me with a blatantly disgusted look.


For campers who offer to "help make tents,"

―― 私のテント設営を楽しみを邪魔するな、ボケ!

"Don't interrupt my enjoyment of setting up my tent!"


I was cursing in my mind.



For me, "traveling alone" means traveling alone without getting involved with anyone as much as possible.


Therefore, communication has been kept to a minimum.


Solo skiing was like that.




Perhaps some people may not understand my way of thinking.


But 'solo camping' is a really important time and place for such people.


So, I am 100% confident in saying to any lowlife who picks on a female camper while solo camping,


"Go to hell!"
