
親の介護フェーズが終わった(死亡した)時から、自分が、被介護対象者になっていく ―― を実感しています。

I realize that from the time my parent's caregiving phase ends (death), I will be the one to be cared for.


Both our couples are experiencing noticeable subjective symptoms, such as a significant loss of strength, unexplained rashes, worse insomnia (which has been present for some time), and the inability to move their bodies (fingers and arms) as much as they would like.


Of course, we all have times in our 30s, 40s, and 50s when we realize that we are losing our functionality, decade by decade, but I can tell you that this became more pronounced after the end of my parent's care.

―― もうすぐ、あなたにも、この拷問が日々が始まる。そして、誰もが、そこから逃げることはできない



I believe that psychological factors may be a significant factor in this reason.


If you have cared for/observed your parents for an extended period, you have been involved in/observed the process of gradual death of a human being.

健康状態は改善することなく、悪化の方向にのみ決定している一択のプロセス ―― これは、結構な地獄です。

A one-choice process in which health is determined only in the direction of deterioration, not improvement, is pretty much hell.


The personality that is formed through this process is nihilism.

『人生における、努力も、苦労も、栄光も ―― その最期にあるのは、それらと等価交換にもならない、長く辛い死へのプロセスだけである』は ―― 別段に仏教を学ばなくても、毎日が「諸行無常」の実体験です。

The only thing at the end of life is the long and painful process of death, which is not even equivalent to the effort, hardship, and glory of life" -- even if you don't study Buddhism separately, every day is an authentic experience of "all things are impermanent.



About 50 years ago, the songs "Children Who Don't Know War" and "To a world far away" became popular.


I remember that we were made to sing at a cultural festival at some teachers' request (pressure).

正直、私は、これらの歌に1mmも感情移入できませんでした ―― 何言っているのか分からんかったので。

I couldn't get a mm of emotion into these songs -- because I didn't know what they were saying.



I believe that the concept of "adults who don't know/know about caregiving" will be created in the future.


It is unfortunate for those who have witnessed the sudden death of a parent due to an accident or illness.

しかし、10年以上も続く(寿命 - 健康寿命 = 男性で7年間、女性で12年間)連続的な親の死のプロセスを見つづける人も、また不幸なのです。

But it is also unfortunate for those who continue to watch the process of continuous parental death that lasts more than ten years (life span - healthy life span = 7 years for men and 12 years for women).

どちらも不幸ではあるのですが、その不幸の『内容』が違う、その気持ちを共有できない ―― そういう時代の到来は、すでにやってきていると思います。

Both are unhappy, but the "content" of their unhappiness is different, and they cannot share their feelings -- I believe that such an era has already arrived.





A name is an "Identification of myself and others" and should not be easily changed.


The reason is that the identifier (name) embodies the credibility (brand) of the person (including corporations).


In that sense, the cult group that tried to rebrand itself by changing its name from "Unification Association" to "Family Association for World Peace and Unification" is nothing short of "cowardly and disgusting.


The government (Agency for Cultural Affairs), which was complicit in such a cowardly act, must continue to be criticized.


Religious organizations that have lost credibility must work to restore their honor and return their "negative brand" to a "positive brand.


It doesn't matter because the religious organization can keep its name and continue its activities even if ordered to dissolve.


They lose the spiritual, legal personality (tax) preferential treatment.


一方、正のブランドも負のフランドも1mmも化体していない、「江端」という名字 ―― 私は、この名字に私は全く興味がありません。

On the other hand, the surname "Ebata" has not incarnated a single millimeter of positive brand or negative friend -- I am not interested in this surname.


If I were asked to change my last name from "Ebata" to "ABC" starting tomorrow, I would agree within a second if you could convert the cost of that procedural facility, administrative, and other hassles in the future and then pay me a sufficient incentive to do so.


When my daughter changed her last name to benefit from the current civil law when she married, I would have no emotional attachment to it.


When I married my wife, I thought it would be fine if we kept our separate family names or if I changed my last name.


Because it didn't matter.



When I hear about 'taking a so-called son-in-law to preserve the venerable family name, I scornfully sneer at

―― 一体、あんたの一族ごときが、これまで何をやってきたというのだ?

"What in the world has your family ever done?"



The parties involved must be severe, so I shouldn't laugh at them.


江端 ―― 普通に考えれば『居住地が川っぺり』でしょう。

Ebata -- The usual way to think of it would be "residence is on the riverbank."



井上陽水さんの歌に、"リバーサイド"を連呼する、意味がよく分からない歌がありましたが ―― 私には、「水害危険地区」または、「ラブホテルの乱立エリア」を思い浮べることくらいしかできません。

There was a song by Tatsuro Yamashita that I don't know what it means, called "Riverside" -- I can only think of a "flood hazard area" or a "love hotel infested area."



At any rate, I do not find any significance in the surname "Ebata" other than as an "Identification of myself and others."


However, I acknowledge that "Ebata" is a relatively small number of people, so it has a high ability to be an "Identification of myself and others."

―― 一体、裁判所も、立法(国会)も、『識別子の取扱い』ごときに、なんで、こんなにゴタゴタしていやがるんだ



As of New Year's Day this year, the Ebata family has discontinued its newspaper subscription.


I made this proposal shortly after we were married.


It has been 30 years.


I withdrew my proposal after receiving protests from my wife's family and relatives, in addition to her fierce opposition to my view that 'news on the Web is enough.


Well, maybe my views 30 years ago were a bit too advanced.


Back then, there were no cell phones, let alone smartphones, and only a few people were using computers.



TV program listings can now be viewed with TV recording devices, and news is automatically added as a service menu on social networking sites.


On the other hand, newspapers continue to be structured nonsensical, requiring the reader to spread out the paper and insert the article in the fold.


I have not found any "areas that have evolved as an easy-to-read medium over the past 30 years," such as the inability to read articles in succession without moving to the next page.


There is no attempt to create a tailor-made newspaper to meet the readers' demands or anything like that.


(By the way, I don't need the sports and literature articles, so I want a newspaper that cuts them out and makes them cheaper.)


Aside from entertainment scandals, we do not hear any stories about political scandals (political funding, etc.), such as newspaper scoops.


(Incidentally, I was one of those people who read the part about the scoop fight in "Climber's High" and thought, "Are newspaper reporters idiots?")



Recently, however, when I began to think that I might need the newspaper to keep up with news in fields in which I have no interest, my wife came to suggest that we discontinue the newspaper.


Since there was no reason to disagree otherwise, I agreed.


If I feel like subscribing again, I might try to subscribe to "Akahata" or "Seikyo" this time.



昨夜、コーディングで一番難しい(と思われる)部分を突破しました ―― が、その理由が自分でもよく分かっていません。

Last night, I broke through the hardest (supposedly) part of coding -- but I don't know why I did it.


So, now I have come to feel the following.


- I don't want to keep the coding test again and again.



I know well that the codes I don't see the reason for working will cause another serious problem.


In addition,


- I will be eager to make the codes escape from the existing machine to others.



The codes, I don't know the reason for working, seem to be like "winning lottery ticket" or "freshly mined cryptocurrency (virtual currency)."


The machine or system containing this "lottery ticket" is guaranteed to crash rapidly.


It is simply that the memory of such and such a nightmare crash remains vivid, but the probability should be the same.


Anyway, after code development like this, I am inevitably distracted, but I cannot afford that luxury now, so I will keep my mind tight.



The infrastructure currently supports our lives by such "code that has worked, for reasons unknown"(Omitted hereafter.)





Second daughter: "I want you to do that exercise again before the final interview."


She said that.



The "that" practice is this.


The last issue was preparation for the college entrance exam, and this issue will be a preparation for job-hunting interviews.


"Whoever stands up, you must use she/he, even if they are your parents" is not only a proverb but also the policy of the Ebatas.


My children seem to intend to use their parents thoroughly.



Me: "I've only had a few job interviews, man. I'm sure the others are better."


Second daughter: "I expect you to practice 'pressure interviews.'"


Me: "I wonder if I reproduced the "pressure interviews" that well?"


Second daughter; "Your 'pressure' assumptions were so voluminous and so egregious that the college admissions interview was a piece of cake."



This is 'I am complimented,' right?



I am still reading while bathing.


Recently, however, I have been purchasing books in e-book format and taking my tablet into the bathroom with me.


I submerged my second tablet in the water last night.


Currently, we put raw rice in plastic food storage containers and sneak the tablet into the rice.


This is a fairly well-known response to submerged equipment.



At the end of the year, my wife submerged the TV remote control in water, and it stopped working.


My wife was submerged in the water for about 10 minutes without realizing she was immersed.


As a no-go, I tried this response, restored in about two days. Now it is working fine.


In addition, my wife submerged another remote control at New Year's, but this one was also restored.


So now I am the one who submerged my tablet in water.


The tablet is not operational at this time. We plan to give it another day or so.


Still, there has been too much submersion since last year.



The first of the tablets for bringing into the bath was not restored, and the second is in raw rice.


It is a little too careless.


However, there are several reasons for this.

(1)紙の本を買うことがなくなった ―― 最近は、電子書籍の購入が多いです。地震で、本だなが壊れたことも遠因です。

(1) I no longer buy paper books -- I have been buying more e-books recently. The fact that the earthquake damaged the bookstore is a distant cause.

(2)いくら、紙の本が好きでも、やってはいけないことがある ―― さすがに図書館の本を、浴室に持ち込むほど、私はインモラルではありません

(2) No matter how much I like paper books, there are some things I should not do -- I am not immoral enough to bring library books into the bathroom, as I should be

(3)素人さんの投稿の小説が、結構面白い ―― ただ、その多くはウェブサイトでないと読めません

(3) Novels submitted by amateurs are pretty fascinating -- but many of them can only be read on the website

(4)タブレットの値段が十分に安い ―― 読書目的の中古であれば、本の原価より安いこともあります

(4) The price of the tablet is low enough -- sometimes more bass than the cost of the book if it is used for reading purposes


Therefore, "tablet reading while bathing" is reasonable for me.


My second tablet is in raw rice, but if it doesn't return, I will soon get a third one somewhere else.



Some may say, 'Be an adult and take a bath,' but for me, bathing is more than just a time to take a bath.


What I bring to bathing are,


(1) Tablet


(2) Non-alcoholic beer


(3) rice crackers, Daifukumochi, kimchi, or other snacks


『1人喫茶、または1人居酒屋 @ 江端家バスルーム』です。

This is a "One-person coffee shop or pub @ Ebata Family Bathroom."


I don't care about dropping my tablet in the bathtub to save this time.

―― で、まあ、なんというか「困っている」のです。




Today, I asked my wife, who said, "I'm going to a Book-Off," to buy me a used metal bat.


Not because I'm interested in "baseball" (how could I be?), but to repel trespassers.


There is a golf club in the umbrella stand at the entrance of our house that was given to me by my father-in-law, and I have always thought, 'This has a weak ability to fight back.


I thought about buying it on Amazon, but then I thought, why pay the list price for a "bat for beating people up"?



'Ebata, what the hell are you thinking?' You may be thinking, "What in the world is Ebata thinking?" but the reason for this has already been described.

という訳で ―― この平和な時代にあっても、「武装」という概念を持ち続けているシニアが存在していることを、覚えておいて下さいね。

これ以外にも、いくつかの撃退手段を準備しているのですが ―― ちょっと公にはできない内容なので、割愛させて頂きます。

In addition, I am preparing several other means of fighting back. However, I'll spare you the details. Because it is against public order and morals.



"If the prime minister tries to show strange leadership, it will cause a lot of trouble for those involved in the rescue efforts and the people affected by the disaster."


The then Prime Minister beautifully proved this during the Great East Japan Earthquake.


(Search for "calm the PM" to find the article)



The head of the organization is,


(1) No matter how frustrating it may be, they must not come out to the front lines but stay in the rear to keep track of the entire disaster.




(2) They must be patient and let the field decide.


The prime minister was a great role model at the time, showing us the importance of such an attitude.



In that sense, I appreciate the Prime Minister's stance on this disaster.


I guess it depends on whether you see this as a 'lack of leadership' or not.


However, as a lower-level manager who has continued to work in the field, I can say that bosses who offer "last-minute interruptions" are a real nuisance.


Supervisors have to check on their duties. However, I don't want them to join in the project's final phase, much less make "suggestions."



A "senior who doesn't talk is well worth it."

日本語に不自由な外国人の居住者 ―― つまり"言語"の問題です。



(国際的な観点から)日本の物価が安い ―― これは、地味に私にインパクトを与えています。

The low cost of living in Japan (from an international perspective) -- has had a sobering impact on me.


This would be a good thing for attracting international tourists due to in-band demand.


However, as you know, Japan, a major energy importer, has been hit hard.




I have told you several times that about 30 years ago, I was wandering alone in Asia.


Despite the problems of undeveloped infrastructure, unclean environment, and language barriers, Asia was my spiritual home.


In particular, China (the mainland) was "my heart and soul".

―― 何もかもが嫌になったら、中国大陸に逃げて、姉から毎月5000円を送金して貰いながら生きていこう

"If I get sick of everything, I'll run away to mainland China and live off my sister's monthly remittance of 5,000 yen."


At that time, China was such a "cheap country" that one could afford to stay, eat, and drink for a month or so with as little as \5,000.



Now, "my heart and soul" is breaking down at a terrific rate.


Japan has gone from being the second-largest economy to possibly falling out of the ranks in my lifetime.


The fact that my "unearned income strategy using the exchange rate difference" has completely fallen apart, and there is no longer any way out is now hurting me.


「お金に愛されないエンジニア」シリーズで、この「換金レート差額を使った不労所得戦略」の、過去と現在の話を書きたいのですが ―― 今、そんな時間は、全くありません。

I want to write about the past and present of this "unearned income strategy using the difference in exchange rates" in the "Engineers Unloved by Money" series -- but I don't have time for that right now.



In contrast to "work style reform," there is also something called "work style deterioration."


 I have not missed a single day during all the weekdays and holidays in the last one and a half years. No New Year's holidays, no GW, no summer vacation.


I am always writing papers, programming, and creating databases, no matter how long or short the working time.


If you say, 'Research at a university is not labor,' it cannot be helped anymore.

仕事と勉学の両立は「大変」ではありません ―― 「地獄」です。

Balancing work and study is not "hard" -- it is "hell.



The column we used to release once a month is now wholly dormant.


Writing the column was hard work, too, but it was fun because it was a process of putting my mind and the results of my calculations all over the manuscript.

多くの人に読んで貰って、色々な意見を貰えるのは、 ―― 腹の立つことも多いですが、嬉しいことも多いです。

To have so many people read it and get so many different opinions is a lot to be angry about, but it's also a lot to be happy about.


I used to think that "writing a column" and "studying" were the same, but they were pretty different.


I can only assume that the estimate was incorrect.



"If you are doing what you choose, don't complain."


"Don't bother others with what you do for your 'dream.'"


These are standard "public opinions" that can never be refuted.

ただ、世間がどう言おうとも、この「自業自得の呪縛」―― 「サンクコストの呪い」で苦しんでいる人は、少なくない、と思っています。

However, no matter what the world says, many people suffer from this "curse of deservedness" - the "curse of sunk costs.


Even if I am not getting sympathy from anyone like me.

―― エジソン、バカ