

These days, it's not often that the whole family eats together.


My wife and I, who work from home, mainly have dinner together.


In our house, I record NHK documentaries and my wife records variety shows from commercial broadcasters.


My recording times are generally late night reruns, so we've been able to avoid double-booking my recording times.


The problem is that 'we can't share and view the contents each other.



If you look at the list of my recorded programs, the titles usually include


"Nazi", "Taliban", "Chernobyl", and "nuclear power plant".



When I look at my wife's program list,


I see "Matsumoto", "Matsuko", serial TV novels, night dramas in general


in the list.


Of course, I also like variety shows, so there is some content that we can share and watch, but that number is not very large.


私は、アウシュビッツの映像を見ながら、食事ができますが ―― まあ、普通の人にはできないでしょう。

I can eat while watching videos of Auschwitz -- well, most people can't.


(Maybe I've seen all the official Auschwitz concentration camp videos.)

でも、「渡る世間は鬼ばかり」を含めた、ドラマを見ながらの食事はできません ―― 消化器官が全停止するのような気分になります。

However, I can't eat while watching dramas, including "The world is full of demons" -- it feels like my digestive system is shutting down.



So now, the only content that the Ebata family can share is "Gaia no Yoake" and "Hatsu-mimi gaku".



The company with which I have a SIM contract informed me that my credit card was not working. So I was inquiring with my credit card company via my online bank.

They said to me,


"When we checked the status of the card, we were informed that the customer's debit card information may have been traded on a black site"


"In order to prevent fraudulent use of the card, we have stopped the online payment of the card, so it seems that the payment could not be made"



In the meantime, I checked my past history and found no evidence of unauthorized use, so I am relieved.


And I'm sure the credit card company will be "fine" with this, however I came to think that,

―― 連絡なしにいきなりカードを無効にされる、って、どうなの?

"What if they suddenly deactivate my card without contacting me?"



If my credit card had been suspended while I was on an overseas business trip, I would have panicked.


I think, "I should be careful," but I don't really know what and how to be careful about.


Anyway, I went through the process of reissuing the card and contacted the SIM company about it.



By the way, all of the above exchanges were in "chat".


As a rule, online banks do not provide telephone support for consultations (including complaints).


It really was a world of 'if you can't chat in real time on your phone/PC, you are not wanted'


However, there is a certain amount of anxiety associated with a contact system where we cannot make requests or complaints aloud to a real person.


On the other hand, for what it's worth, online banking is convenient, so I think,

―― そのうち、社会(大衆)の方が、それ(チャットやチャットボット)に対応していくのかな?

-- I wonder if society (the masses) will eventually respond to it (chat and chatbots)?




Although there seems to be some trouble, I realized that the GIGA school concept is an essential education for children to live by.


「『無様に泣き叫ぶシニア』になる勇気」 ―― これが、私たちに残された老後戦略なのです。

So, I think the behavior of us will be this way, as seniors.



In my experience, the fastest way to be able to do something is to start doing it.


This "getting started" is a well-known and oft-quoted means of problem solving, and the toughest example I know of is the development story of windows NT.


The story is so well known that David Cutler, the development leader, had his development team members work on Windows NT using the "developing WindowsNT".


In development period, the "OS" in developing are used by the development members. Of courser, they were in screaming stream. I don't want to think of the situation at all.



I will try this approach, even though I don't require it to be that severe. This is exactly what I'm doing right now.


I'm writing today's diary entirely on my iPad. To be honest, I'm dying of stress. I can't use SKK, my favorite perverted IME, I can't use Windows (split screen I can use), I can't use emacs key bindings, and I can't work with the translation engine and change between the split windows(I'm using my fingers to do that).


However, I am using a bluetooth keyboard for input.


Many people may say, "Hey, that's no different from carrying a notebook PC," but since Ebata's reading environment has mostly shifted to the iPad, I can't leave it out.


If you add a laptop to the list, the weight of your traveling belongings is no longer a joke.

―― ラクをするために苦労をする

"Struggling to make things easier"

と言うのは、誰にとっても日常なですが、iPadと WindowsノートPCの間には、どう見ても相容れないコンセプトがあるとしか思えません。

This is a daily issue for everyone. However, I think that there is an apparently incompatible concept between iPad and Windows.

前にも述べましたが、文部科学省のGIGAスクール構想で、 iPadがマジョリティになった時に、すでに勝負はついたのです。


And I wrote it before, the winner has already confirmed when iPad because majority of the "GIGA school" project by the MEXT.

「システム管理がしやすく、ユーザに裁量を『与えない』iPad」が、Windowsや、ユーザに開発の裁量を保証するLinux, Andoroidに勝利したのは、(今、考えてみれば)当然と言えます ――  だって子どもに使わせるのですから、管理しやすいデバイスを選ぶのは、当然ですよね。

iPad that cannot give the users free development and management, would be chosen for children naturally, than Windows, Linux and Android that can do. Because they are easy for adults to control IT education of the children.



Anyway, I am writing this text with a lot of stress.


However, it cannot be helped.


In order to survive my remining life, I cannot do anything except for flattering children.



I've written a lot about "Hyouka", the novel and anime.

実際に、歴史の教師は「歴史が重要だ」と言い続けていますが、はっきり言います―― 「古代エジプトのファラオが誰であろうか、その国が滅びようが、それが何だと言うのか」


The main character in this story, Satoshi Fukube, is portrayed as a hobbyist who is well versed in all kinds of knowledge and miscellaneous topics.


He calls himself a "database", with saying


"The database cannot reach to conclusions"


and self-deprecates his inability to use his knowledge for reasoning and prediction.


However, this is a typical misunderstanding of databases (by the public).



A database is not just a storage medium for vast amounts of knowledge.

データベースには、特定の複雑な条件にヒットするテーブルを、超高速で引っ張り出してくることができる機能があります ―― というか、それができないのであれば、「データベース」の名に値しません。

Databases have the ability to pull up tables that hit certain complex criteria at very high speed -- or rather, if they can't do that, they don't deserve the name "database".

# select * from passenger_log where riding_user IN ( select user_id from request_log_view where passenger_log.departure_time < time_before) ;


"Identify the users whose departure time is after the departure time of the bus, and raise all points on their travel route"


from tens of millions of tables (using SQL statements, etc.).


A database is one that has the ability to run multiple search conditions simultaneously and extract information from different perspectives.


Of course, this is not an " estimation " or a " prediction ", and of course not a " conclusion".


Sometimes, however, the potential of a database is "something more".


しかし ―― 私もそんなことを真面目に論じたい訳ではありません。

Of course, this is not an " estimation " or a " prediction ", and of course not a " conclusion ".


Generally speaking, "database" is a title (a title of respect) given to a person's broad knowledge, which is no problem, I think.


The reason why I'm writing this is because I've been working on building a database again recently, and I've been watching "Hyouka" in the background.


Amazon Primeで「東京原発(*)」という映画をやっています ―― これは、いいです。笑えます。

There's a movie on Amazon Prime whose title is "Tokyo Nuclear Power Plant (*)" -- it's good. It's funny.


(*)This is a separate content from Mr.Hirose's book "Nuclear Power Plants in Tokyo".


Please watch it with a light heart.


If you want, you can listen to the audio alone, like a radio, and enjoy it fully.


Nevertheless, I was shocked to learn that this movie was produced in 2004.


It's as if the movie was made with a foreknowledge of what will happen in 2011.



This is a sudden change of subject, but our family basically subscribes to the Yomiuri Shimbun.


I basically 'dislike' the tone of the Yomiuri Shimbun, but I continue to subscribe to it for one reason only: The articles are written in 'technical writing' style.


(Click here for a list of my biases against each newspaper in Japan)

最近、読売新聞は「震災・原発事故後の原子力政策"推し"」の記事で、正直ウザいですが ―― 知っておかなければならない情報として、第一面はしっかり読んでいます。

Recently, the Yomiuri Shimbun has been annoying me with its articles on the "push" for nuclear power policy after the earthquake and nuclear accident, however I read the front page of the paper as I need to know the information.

―― 「カーボンニュートラル」を奇貨として、復権を狙っているあの「もんじゅ」の亡霊たちの話が、ワンサカ登場しています

"The ghosts of Monju are making a comeback, using "carbon neutrality" as an oddity, and their stories are popping up all the time"


From the bottom of my heart, I marvel at how immortal they (the nuclear interests) are in an absolute sense.



By the way, I recently contributed columns recommending (or so it seems) the use of the COVID-19 vaccine.


And I've been reading about me (Ebata) on some forums.

―― 政府関係者(私のことらしい)が、一般市民を装って寄稿している

"A government agent (apparently that's me) contributing under the guise of an ordinary citizen"


I laughed quite a bit when I saw it written (my wife and I were laughing hysterically).

正直、「政府の回しもの」で喰っていけるのであれば、喜んで、何でも書くつもりですが ―― が、政府は今まで一度も声をかけてくれませんでした。

To be honest, I would be happy to write anything if I could make a living as a "government agent" -- but the government has never approached me before.


Maybe this is the reason.



If I were a "government agent,"


This column, or


This column

一発でクビだったと思うんですが ―― いかでしょうか?

would have made me be fired in a heartbeat, I think. What do you think of that?



As you may know, I have never been particular about "graves".


If you read "The Tale of the Heike in Paris", you will understand what I mean.


At the time,

『朽ちていく墓標の、なんという悲しく惨めなことか―― あんなもの、ない方がマシだ』

"What a sad and miserable thing a decaying gravestone is -- It is better to have no grave at all.


I think that was the first thought that came to my mind.



Most private cemeteries will be reclaimed and there will be no trace of them after 50 years. And the land will be cleared.


It is quite rare for a cemetery to exist for more than 100 years, and the only ones that remain are the graves of famous celebrities in historical scenic spots.


It is also very doubtful that the person's remains are in there.


The possibility that the land we now live on was once a cemetery is too high to ignore.

つまり ―― 墓とは、しょせんは、その程度のものなのです。

In other words -- a grave is just that -- a grave.


Still, I think it has the significance of being a landmark for families and relatives to gather.


However, the validity period of the landmark is definitely shorter than copyright (70 years), and maybe even shorter than patent right(20 years).



So, here's a story that made me laugh a little the other day.


I have already purchased a grave (or is it a "hole"?). I don't know what the funeral will be like, but I do know where the remains will go.


The other day, when we were discussing with my family that we were considering donating our bodies to a university hospital, I said to them,


Ebata: "I heard that if I donate my body, they will bury me in the university's cemetery.



My wife was very upset and said to me


""What? You don't want to be in the grave with me, is that it?"

と凄まれました ―― 『俺の酒が飲めん、と言うのか』というノリで。

like "You don't want to drink with me"


I politely replied, "No, no, I want to join you and spend many years together.


It is true that I want to be in the same grave with my wife. I feel like we could have a lot of fun.


For example, we can make cherry blossoms bloom in the middle of winter by scientifically reacting the soil, or blow up an entire cemetery by achieving a room temperature nuclear fusion reaction.



However, I think there are a certain number of people (or a significant number of people) who say, 'I don't want to be in the same grave as my spouse, father-in-law, or my mother-in-law, even if I die.


To understand this, I suggest you try a thought experiment like "I'm going to the same grave as the boss I hate so much.


I felt like I was going to throw up just thinking about it.


Including these issues, I think there is a certain persuasiveness to the idea that "graves" are the worst.



Recently, there is a gift "pencils with names written on them".


My mother-in-law wanted to give it as a gift to the child of one of her patients at the hospital, and I ordered and delivered it from Amazon.


Later, I was asked to place an additional order for two more people.


It seems that one of the brothers is in trouble because the other one wants the pencil.

で、追加発注をしようとしたのですが ―― 在庫切れになってしまっていて、私も困っています。

So I tried to place an additional order -- but it's out of stock, and I'm having trouble with it, too.



Still, I'm impressed by the fact that just having a pencil "with your name on it" is a great added value.


The price is more than double that of a regular pencil.


Well, I think it takes a lot of time and effort (special equipment and inputting time and effort) to put a print imprint on a pencil, so I don't know if "more than double" pays off.

―― 個人情報保護の時代を逆手にとった新ビジネス

"A new business that reverses the era of personal information protection"


I guess I'm overthinking it.



However, I think that "the gift of specializing in individuals" is "the way" of the future.


Oh, by the way, the 3D printer I had ordered seems to have arrived from China this morning.



Last year, I had to replace the battery of my company phone due to its lifespan, but I realized that I had forgotten to install the new coronavirus contact confirmation application (COCOA), so I hurriedly installed it now.


This COCOA has been reported to have many problems, and I feel that it is becoming a 'no-no'.


In addition, if we don't receive any reports of infected contacts, we will lose interest.


Therefore, I propose that we create a test mode called "Test Infection".


For example, I can use a virtual new type of virus, such as the Ebata strain (for testing), and spread the information about the infection to my close contacts as I walk around the city.


If we want, we can make it game-like and issue "Ebata stock (for testing) infection coupons".


In addition to increasing the usage rate of COCOA, this has the advantage that it can be used for field test verification (bug detection).

―― てなことは、多分、デジタル庁も、厚生労働省だって考えたはずです

"I'm sure the Digital Agency and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare have thought of this as well"


If they hadn't come up with this level of idea, I'd call them "incompetent".



However, I know well.

このような、仮想新型ウイルス『江端株(テスト用)』みたいなテストモードを作れば ――

If they create a test mode like this, a virtual new virus called "Ebata strain (for testing)," and they use the virus as a tool for testing,


There are more than a few people who mistake it for a "concentrated corona infection," and as a result, it becomes a socially confusing fuss.

で、すでにシステム開発サイドには、このようなテストモードとテストモードを実施するチームが、存在していると思うのですが ――

So, I think there is already a team on the system development side that implements this kind of test mode and test mode...


The problem is the declining interest of the general public in COCOA.


I think this is a vexing problem.



How about gathering those who want to be in test mode?


It may be necessary to test the person beforehand to confirm his or her suitability, but it also seems that the registry (registration) process will be difficult.


If this is the case, the government could select and request companies to be tested.


The idea is that the employees of the company (their company phones) will be unconditionally installed with COCOA that supports the test mode, and the operation and management will be thrown to the company.

そうですね ―― グループ含めて従業員10万人以上の、『デジタルで食っていくぜ』を宣言している大手企業であれば ――

Yes, if a major company with more than 100,000 employees, including group companies, has declared "we are going with digital services",


I think it would be easier for the government to make a request, don't you think?



Today, I'd like to share with you a memo that has been the cause of a lot of confusion between my family and my sister over the past few days.


"Funeral services after my death and notes regarding them"



My family will be the ones who will be running around after my death, so I guess it's inevitable that my will is secondary.


Incidentally, my children told me, "After all, you can't walk any other path than 'normal' either.



私の遺体なんぞででよろしければ、先生の大学に全部差し上げますが、要ります? ―― コラム執筆の御礼としては、甚しく「粗品」とは思いますが。

Regarding yesterday's email, I received an email last night from the doctor in charge of the donation.


So, I just called the university hospital.


The following is a summary of the main points of the Q&A session with the person who responded.


Q: 移植は無制限にO.K. で 献体はN.G.という取り扱いは可能ですか? (嫁さんの要望)

Q: Is it possible to have "unlimited transplants" and "no donation"? (My wife's request).

→ 無理。原則として「移植」と「献体」は両立しないと考えて頂いた方が良いです(角膜移植のみの場合などの例外もある)。

-> Impossible. As a general rule, it is better to think that "transplant" and "donation" are incompatible (there are exceptions such as in the case of corneal transplants only).

Q: 献体するにはどうればいいのですか

Q: How can I donate my body?

→ 今年度分の予約は終了しましたので、4月1日以降に連絡を下さい。

-> Reservations for this year have been closed, so please contact us after April 1.

Q: 私の献体は可能ですか

Q: Is it possible for me to donate my body?

→ (住所を聞かれて)管轄内ですので可能です。

-> (When asked for the address) It's within our jurisdiction, so it's possible.

Q: 私の献体の条件は何ですか

Q: What are the requirements for my donation?

→ (1)コロナ等のウイルス感染による死、(2)梅毒、結核等の感染症による死、(3)自死 でないこと、となります。

-> There is no problem as long as the following items are not included. (1) Death due to viral infections such as corona, (2) Death due to infectious diseases such as syphilis and tuberculosis, (3) Suicide

Q: 献体の「使われ方」をインタビューまたは見学したいのですが、どうすれば良いですか?

Q: I would like to interview or observe the "use" of a donated body.

→ 本大学での対応は難しいので、全国ネットワークの「篤志会」にコンタクトされることをお勧めします。

-> Since it is difficult for our university to respond to this request, we recommend that you contact the national network of "benevolent societies".



I did my own research on "What should I do if I want an organ transplant only?" like my wife.


Basically, this page contains everything you need to know.


In particular, the "organ transplant explanation video" is excellent.


What we can do now is pretty simple.


If you want to donate your organs, do it "now, immediately".


(1) Fill in your address, name, and other information on your driver's license, My Number Card, or Organ Donation Intention Card (I got this at the checkout counter of a convenience store).



(私もこれから全部記入しますが ・・・ちなみに、マイナンバーカードのカード記入欄は、『どんな極細のペンなら記載できるんだ!』という位に小さい(怒)。これでは、『行政は「臓器移植をさせたくない」と考えている』ようにすら見えます)

(By the way, the field for filling out the card on the My Number Card is so small that it looks like "What kind of ultra-fine pen can you use to fill it out? This makes it look like the government doesn't want people to have organ transplants.)


(2) Repeatedly tell family, friends, and hospitals, "These are in my wallet, so be sure to contact the administration after my death.


After that,


(3) Live each day healthy enough to be able to reuse my organs, and pray that someone else will reuse them.



The important thing is...

―― 自分から積極的に動いてアピールしないと、あなたの臓器(一説には、総額1000万円相当)が、燃やされて(火葬)て灰になってしまう

"If you don't actively promote yourself, your organs (worth a total of 10 million yen, according to one story) will be burned (cremated) to ashes."


which is an absolute true.

『意思を示しておけば、善意の誰かが何とかしてくれる』というのは ―― はっきりいって、「幻想」で「甘えた考え方」です。

The idea that "if I show my intentions, someone with good intentions will take care of it" is -- quite frankly -- an illusion and a naïve way of thinking.


Of course, this is a story for those who wish to donate their organs for transplantation.



By the way, if it's "donation" versus "organ donation," I prefer the latter.


And Ebata, an engineer who considers human organs as "devices" or "parts", from the bottom of his heart,

『お願い! 誰か私(の臓器)を貰って!!』

"Please! Somebody take my organs!"


I want to shout that.


ちなみに、これは、終活(人生の終わりのための活動)の一環ですが ―― なんか『婚活』とか『就活』に似ているなぁ、と思いました。

Incidentally, this is a part of the "life after life" (activities for the end of life) -- I thought it was somewhat similar to "marriage hunting" or "job hunting.



(Step.1) https://www.jotnw.or.jp/faq/?category=001001にアクセス





はっきりいって、ネット登録→IDカードの発行が圧倒的にラクかな と思います。
