
NHK BS1スペシャル『ウクライナ大統領府 軍事侵攻・緊迫の72時間 完全版』を、嫁さんと3日がかりで見ました。

My wife and I watched the NHK BS1 special "The Ukrainian Presidency: Military Invasion, 72 Hours of Tension, Complete Version" over three days.


The Ebata family's dinner is based on "NHK News 7.


I use the time before and after to watch another program with my wife.


In this case, we divided the program into 3 times.



It's like watching a movie with a lot of great content that I can't believe happened in real life."


I completely agree with my wife's opinions.


The events of the past 72 hours, told in a matter-of-fact manner, astonished me,


There is no excessive staging, no music, no talk of made-up "love" or "justice",

それでも、番組の最後の方は、私も涙を抑えきれませんでした ―― 嫁さんはいわずもがなです。

Still, by the end of the program, I couldn't hold back my tears either -- not to mention my wife's.



Wife: "If Japan is invaded militarily, will you fight too ?"



Ebata: "I think I will fight. In my case, the reason for fighting is not even one percent 'patriotism,' but only 100 percent 'I'm angry.


Wife: "That should be enough."


Ebata: "But in my case, I don't think I can march 2km when equipped with weapons, so I will ask to place me in cyber warfare."

ぶっちゃけ、戦争や権力への反抗心を持たない若者なんて ―― 『そんな若者なら、とっととやめちまえ!』と言いたいくらいです。



I thought this program was produced in the U.S., the U.K., or France, but to my surprise, it was produced by Japan's NHK.


I was kind of happy. I feel like buying lunch for everyone involved in the production.


With NHK News, NHK language programs, NHK News (earthquake bulletins, disaster), and NHK Documents, I am at least aware that I am getting my money's worth for the NHK subscription fee.


As long as NHK continues to provide documentaries of such high quality, I will continue to pay NHK subscription fees as NHK wants



I once thought sincerely and seriously for about a minute about "the last meal of my life."


To my own surprise, an unexpected meal came to mind.

―― 京都等持院駅にある『お好みジャンボ』の『お好み焼き』

"Okonomiyaki" at "Okonomiyaki Jumbo" at Kyoto Tojiin Station




When I was a second-year master's student (the oldest in my lab's seminar), I had taken my bike out to buy okonomiyaki for everyone remaining in the seminar room and had brought back take-out okonomiyaki for about 10 people.


I just searched the route on GoogleMap and it was quite a distance (30 minutes round trip by bike).


I remember that I went there quite often while I was in college.

今の『孤食の江端』からは(私ですら)想像もできないのですが ―― ゼミ生たちと一緒になって、騒ぎながら食べるお好み焼きは、本当に美味しかったのです。

I can't imagine (even I can't) from the "solitary Ebata" of today -- the okonomiyaki was really delicious with getting together with the seminar students and making a lot of noise.



Today, I attended a welcome party for newcomers to the seminar at the university I currently belong, and had pizza in the seminar room with them.

出席者の半分くらいは、国際留学生だったので、この機会に『日本/日本人に対して言いたいこと』を聞き出し回っていました ―― コラムのネタの仕込みも兼ねて。

About half of the attendees were international students, so I took the opportunity to go around asking them what they wanted to say to Japan/Japanese people -- as well as preparing material for my column.


I would like to talk about this later.



Anyway, I watched the party, hoping that they could remember the taste of pizza as the "last meal", like me.



Today is the day of the presentation of the first general seminar of the new semester.


The presentation time is 7 minutes, but I ended up making 46 pages of materials.


I made it with the feel of writing column.


However, I don't have time to fix it, so I will do something about it in the presentation presentation.


In other words, we will do something with "operation".



Sometimes I have needed to release a buggy program without fixing the bug.


In this case, there is a response to the user of the program to "ask not to perform this kind of operation".


This is called "responding with operation".




In my life, "respond with operations" is one of the most used phrases.

"入試"であれ、"仕事"であれ ―― そして"結婚生活"であれ。

Even if it's "entrance exams", "work" or "marriage."



I was boldly misinterpreting http.HandleFunc() in the GO language.



In addition, I have been lying for a long period of time.

本当に申し訳ありません ―― が、誰からもクレームが付かないということは、もはや「オオカミ少年」と同じ扱いなのかもれれません(単に興味がないだけかも)

I am truly sorry -- but the fact that no one has complained about it suggests that it is now treated like the "boy who warned wolf coming" (or maybe they are just not interested in it).


I am still a researcher in this, so I try to be careful about fact-checking. Well, it is an effort goal.



I was able to discover this because of a malfunctioning program I created.

repeated read on failed websocket connection


In fact, I was so impressed that I was even saying to myself, 'How has it been working without any problems up to now?


I came to this discovery in an attempt to recreate what I had been using as a dedicated terminal into a public service.


But I am already spreading around a program that is misinterpreted.



"If you easily use a program created by someone else, this kind of scary risk awaits you."


So, please keep that in mind.


It is never an 'excuse'.



Non-alcoholic beer is a beer-flavored carbonated water beverage, basically the same as cola or other carbonated beverages.


Of course, it has zero alcohol(*), and in light of the calories, it should be a much healthier drink than other drinking water.


(*) Some beers with less than 1% alcohol by volume are called non-alcoholic beers, but are not included here.

―― なぜ、ノンアルコールビールを駅の自販機で取り扱ってくれないの?

"Why don't they carry non-alcoholic beer in the station vending machines?"


I like to drink normally, on my way to work, to school, or in the company cafeteria.



To begin with, the design of that can is confusing.


That design makes it look like you are drinking real beer.


I sometimes drive while drinking non-alcoholic beer and will probably be caught by the police in the near future (although I am sure I will be released soon).


I don't drink it as an alternative to beer, I like the unique barley taste of that beer.


And if I am going to pay for something, I want to drink what I like.



I wonder if the reason why the can design is made to look exactly like real beer is because many users want to be fooled into thinking that they are drinking beer, not only in terms of taste, but also visually.


I understand how you feel.



In fact, I believe that non-alcoholic beer contributes significantly to the prevention of drunk driving.


―― アルコール摂取量に応じた、人格の崩壊の有様

Well, sometimes I see things I don't like.



My family has become significantly less alcohol literate since I stopped drinking.

なにしろ、『麦茶を炭酸水で割れば、ノンアルコールビールになる』と信じていていた者がいたくらです ―― 嫁さんと次女です。

After all, there was persons who believed that "if you mix barley tea with soda water, you can make non-alcoholic beer". They were my wife and my second daughter.


NHKスペシャル 「ナチス 科学者たちの罪と罰」を見ました。

I watched NHK Special "Crime and Punishment of Nazi Scientists".


Well, as is clear from the title, this is a story about scientists who have not only provided scientific evidence (endorsement) but have actively cooperated with Nazi Germany's various inhumane policies.


What I thought when I watched this program was not the obvious impression that "it is not good when scientists have "justice". It was, that

―― ああ、私だって、簡単に、そっち側になる

"Yeah, I could easily be on your side, too."



To begin with, "Nazism" is now condemned as an "evil" that is completely denied, but at that time it was "righteous" in Germany, and even now there are not a few adherents of Nazism.


To begin with, the concepts of "justice" and "evil" change with the times and the environment.


Especially in a situation where "if you don't give the power side the benefit of the doubt, you will be killed," the concepts of "justice" and "evil" are easily transcended.



I have written about this many times in the past, I thought. I have recently been suffering from "dementia-like symptoms" of repeating the same thing over and over again, so I will leave this story at this point.

―― 江端さんって、ナチズムの信奉者なのですか?


Nevertheless, many of the programs I record have "Hitler," "Nazis," and "Nazism" in them.


I sometimes worry that my family might think I am a 'Nazi Party member' or a 'neo-Nazi sympathizer.



Just to be sure, let me reiterate,

―― 「逆だよ! 逆! 私は『ファッキン、ナチ』の側だよ」

"It's the other way around. I am standing on the side of "Fucking Nazi!""




「Protocol Buffersって何? 」から、「公共交通オープンデータ」を攻略する

For the past week or so, I have been working on a means of obtaining real-time information related to Yokohama City Transportation Bureau buses and a viewer that uses this information.


Yesterday in one day, I replaced the code of the infrastructure, uploaded it to AWS, TLS support, and finally succeeded in making it a server.


But even I was surprised, as I did not expect this to be completed in just one day(In most cases, the estimated cost will be 3 to 10 times the estimated cost until completion).


How was this miracle possible?

―― 過去の私が助けてくれたから

"Because my past helped me"




I, in May 2020, replaced my website platform with WordPress.

で、そこに、ジャンル無視で、メモを書きまくり、無節操に公開してきました ―― よくご存知だとは思いますが。

And there I have been writing notes all over the place, ignoring genres, and publishing them in an uncontrolled manner -- as I'm sure you are well aware.


Of course, the notes are 'only for me to know', and all the prerequisites, construction environment, and directories to be specified are left undocumented.


I honestly think, 'If someone else other than me reads it, they won't understand it at all.


But only I, who have been writing, 'get it'.


This is pretty important.



If it is a memo like this, it doesn't needs to be published on a blog.


However, "blogging" prevents 'misplacing'.


When I centralize my notes in WordPress, no matter where I am (office, parents' house, university, etc.), I can find my past notes with a single keyword shot.


And WordPress is a great way to display code nicely and paste information. It is also easy to add later.


Once I get used to this, making memos is just plain stupid.



Of course, some of the information concerns my personal life, but I keep such information private.


WordPress, however, is not so trustworthy with this "private" feature.


So, today I found a serious security issue and was in a big hurry to deal with it (it took 4 hours of my day. It has not been completed yet).



When I don't know something, I search on my blog rather than Google.


At a fairly high rate, my blog answers my questions.


I myself am relatively unconcerned about "information dissemination" and use blogs from the perspective of "getting help from the past me.


I recommend WordPress as a tool for this purpose.


Well, I only know sticky html and WordPress as blogging platforms, so I have no way to compare them.



I'm scribbling away and writing a conference paper in English.


(For more information on my writing style, please click here.)


This is possible because of the translation engine.



Once I pitched a paper to a conference after going through an outsourced English language check, from a reviewer at the conference, I was given the following message.


"Your English sentence is not good enough"



When I reported the matter to the subcontractor as a complaint, they rushed to replace the person in charge.


This subcontractor, who always comes back with the lowest rating on the quality of my English (even though they don't have to do that (maybe my company is asking them to do it)). Anyway I had felt happy for long time.


After that, however, I stopped asking for outsourced checks.


I was getting angry at the conference.


"If you don't like my English, that's fine, and you can reject it for that reason."


I felt that.

私的な見解ですが ―― 現在のアカデミズムに決定的に欠けているのは『思いやり』なんじゃないかなぁ、と思うのです。



It is true that the English we non-native English speakers write may be unnatural from the perspective of native speakers.


Of course, if it 'doesn't make sense', then I guess I can't help but be criticized, but I don't agree with the comment that it is 'unnatural'.


As I wrote here, I believe that there are as many varieties of English as there are countries in the world, or as many people in the world.



I think, 'Tolerance and acceptance of English texts that you cannot read with ease is what makes us international and diverse'.



I thought about it from another direction.


Recently, "otherworldly fantasy" has become popular (it is so).

で、ここで、『世界共通語が日本語であり、アカデミズムの世界では、日本語が研究分野の共通言語である』という異世界を想定します ―― ファンタジーの要素はなさそうですが。

So, here we assume an alternate world where 'the universal language is Japanese, and in the world of academia, Japanese is the common language of research fields' -- although there does not seem to be an element of fantasy.


If a sentence was submitted that was full of kanji errors, "te ni wo ha" was a mess, and the relative pronoun "that" was translated as "that",


'As expected, this will be hard to read'



And I, as the reviewer, might responce the following,


"Your Japanese sentence is not good enough."



あれ? というとは、私の論文の英文は、『そういう感じの英文』だったということ?

Huh? Does that mean that the English sentence of my paper was 'that kind of English sentence'?


And now I am suddenly feeling vulnerable.



Seniors workers have an image of being "window-dressers".


しかし、今の私は、窓の外にいます ―― 「屋外の工事現場」です。

But now I am outside the window -- an "outdoor construction site".

一人の労働者として、道路工事や建設現場でがんばっている高齢の職人さん達をみると、肩を組んで、歌いながら、一緒にお酒を飲みたい、という気持ちになります ―― 本当です。(私は、今、断酒中(4年目)ですが)。

As a worker, when I see elderly craftsmen working hard at road and building construction sites, I want to rub shoulders with them, sing with them, and have a drink with them -- really. (I am currently in my fourth year of sobriety).



To put my current job in a nutshell, I am the sole proprietor of a company called "Ebata Software Development, Inc."


However, at this company, (1) I make the order specifications myself, (2) I decide the delivery date myself, and (3) maintenance after completion depends on my own mood. From the perspective of other software outsourcing companies, this is the kind of work that would make them "furious.


Therefore, the company is not ordinary one.



This situation may be brought about by a severe shortage of labor.


This is because a large number of engineers are sent in at the new hire stage, who can talk about "upstream processes" and "concepts," but have no experience in creating things.

だから、私は、「昔取った杵柄(きねづか)」を、手放すことができないのです ―― 今や、私の「杵柄」はボロボロです。

That's why I can't let go of my "kinezuka" -- my "kinezuka" is now in tatters.


Frankly, I believed that 'when I become a senior, I will be displaced by young people who will use up all the new technology.


However, when we open the lid, we find that not only construction sites and system development, but also the whole of Japan is relying on "seniors" (a disastrous situation).



Well, this is not so much "their (the newcomer's)" fault, but rather "the employer's (the company's)" fault.

趣味でも勉強でもバイトでも構いませんが、自力でシステムを組み上げたこともない人が、どうやってモノを作れるのか、私は今でも分からなのですが ―― 会社の募集要項に、確かに書かれているんですよね。

It doesn't matter if it's a hobby, study, or part-time job, I still don't know how a guy who has never put together a system on his own can build things.However the application guidelines certainly say that.


Programming experience is not a requirement for employment."


Well, it is true that it is no good if one can only program, but I highly doubt that a person without even programming experience can talk about systems.


I detest excessive fieldwork, but it is very difficult for me to accept a person who has never built a system (or even a web page) from scratch by themselves as a member of the manufacturing community.



So, was Ebata able to program when he joined the company?


In fact, my programming skills at the time I joined the company were about the N80-BASIC level, so called "just working".

本格的なコーディングは、入社後だったと思います ―― なので、入社時の私のスキルは、今の若い人と同じです。

I think the real coding started after I joined the company -- so my skills at the time I joined were the same as a young person today.


The rest is just personal ideological differences.


I believe that "not moving" is the same as "not existing".



However, "Ebata Software Development" is not a company that only needs to do programming.

20ページのプレゼンテーション資料を1時間で作ったり、1日で研究報告書を執筆しろと言われたり、ソフト外注先のプログラムの動作不良を潰すことを頼まれたり、無茶な学会発表を命じられたり、予算の計算したり、各種の発注作業をしたり、大学の授業を受けたり、講義したり ――

The company was asked to create a 20-page presentation in an hour, write a research report in a day, crush a software subcontractor's program malfunction, present at a conference, calculate budgets, place various orders, take university classes, give lectures, and so on. --


Howeve, it is

―― 『動かせ』と言われたら、"No"と言わない(言えない)会社

"The company that does't or cannot say "No", whenever asked to move something"





Coding (programming) can get "stuck" quite often, due to bugs or confusion about API specifications.


Specialized (cult-like) field like the one I work in, I can't even find an article explaining it.


Well, that's why I publish what I have faced the problem on my blog, without 'neatly summarizing' it.


Even my garbage notes are far better than no information whatsoever.



Now, this coding "getting stuck" issue is one that I get really pissed off to deal with. In the worst case, it can take up two or three full days of my time, with zero results.


To get out of this coding quagmire, we need to have the courage to "abort" it.


However, this "abort" is really difficult.


It's called "The Curse of Sunk Costs."

―― エジソン、バカ



In cases like this, I 'email questions to the experts'.


Thus, I temporarily step away from the problem.


Of course, this is a shameless method that inconveniences others and is rude in the first place.


Therefore, I must build a relationship of trust with them on a regular basis.

その信頼関係とは何かと言えば ―― その方からの質問に対しては『自分の持っている全ての知見を、最速かつ無条件で開示する』ということです。

What is that relationship of trust? When that person asks me a question, I have to 'disclose all the knowledge I have in the fastest and unconditional way possible".


This must be done on a daily basis.


This is called "human networking".


Exchanging business cards is not "networking".


We must keep the "blood" of proper exchange of information and trust flowing through our connections.


A "networking" without "blood" is just a "tube.


逆に言うと ―― 私は、思い出したように、困った時だけ私を使おうとする奴に対しては、意図的に(悪意的に)対応しません。

Conversely -- I will not intentionally (maliciously) respond to anyone who tries to use me only when they are in trouble, as I recall.


I have cut off the "tube" itself to anyone who does not send me even a single thanks mail for the information I provide.

まあ、このような狭量の人間を『大人げない』というのでしょうが ――

Well, I guess you could call such a narrow-minded person 'childish', however,


As far as I know, most adults in the world are not 'childish'.

私は、過去は振り向かない人間です ―― 特に、他人の過去は。