BS1スペシャルの「密着 自衛隊“ミサイル防衛のリアル”」を見ました。
I watched a BS1 special, "Close Look at the Self-Defense Forces: The Realities of Missile Defense".
I'm currently thinking a lot about how I'm going to live after I retire.
"I wonder if there are any openings for 'Senior(Elder) Self-Defense Officers'"
I am thinking about it.
That is quite seriously,
(1)cannot run more than 500 meters
(2)cannot walk with objects heavier than 5 kg
(3)If you let me handle the firearms, I could cause casualties to our allies by misuse.
(4)If I were to camp out, I am confident that I would be a corpse on the second day.
On the other hand,
(1)build an improvised communication system in wartime (maybe).
(2)harassment of the enemy's strategic system (maybe).
(3) (If I can get proper training), I can learn about various types of cyber attacks faster than the average person (maybe).
As for working preferences,
'I want to work remotely from home and serve in cyber warfare only.'
I am aware that I am being very brazen.
However, I am not insulting the SDF people, I am just really hoping that they will use "this half-assed IT senior" as a defensive force and use it to their advantage.
I wonder myself how the former head of the university's self-governing dormitory (who deserted during his term of office) came up with this idea.
If I had to give one reason, I would say it is the influence of this series of articles.
I feel that now that I have the habit of reading figures such as "the number of SDF personnel, the quantification of conventional forces, and the ratio of forces in each country," I am able to see the "reality" of war.
その程度の数字も知らずに、国防について語っていた若いころの私って ―― まあ、それはそれで「きちんと役割を果たしてきた」と思っています。
I was a young man when I was talking about national defense without knowing that level of numbers -- well, I think I "played my part properly" in that.
若者は、クラウゼヴィッツの「三位一体」の、『1. 国民 = 本能担当 = 戦争(?)の情熱や熱狂担当』の重要な主人公だからです。
The youth is an important protagonist of Clausewitz's "trinity" of "1. the people = in charge of instinct = in charge of the passion and enthusiasm of war(?)".
私、常日頃から、『北朝鮮という国は、本当に外交戦略が上手いよなぁ』と感心しています ―― 但し、
ぶっちゃけ、戦争や権力への反抗心を持たない若者なんて ―― 『そんな若者なら、とっととやめちまえ!』と言いたいくらいです。
To be honest, a young man who does not have a rebellious spirit against war and power--I would say, "If you are such a youth, stop being the youth immidiately"