
『なんでバスが鉄道の鉄橋の上を走るんだーー!』 で、頭を抱えて週末を潰している江端です。

"Why is the bus running on the bridge of railway!?" This phenomenon is annoying me this weekend.

バスが宇都宮ライトレールの上を驀進している ―― 宇都宮ライトレールの利用を拒否させるような、ダイクストラをどうやって作ろうか


Last night, I woke up for the debugging in my dream four times, and I was exhausted.


Just now, I noticed that I didn't modify the cost parameter of the Dijkstra function.


Finally I confirmed that I could prevent the bus from running out of control.


Well, today, I am going to complete to implement "transferring at the station".



Recently, I come to know that my insomnia is strongly related to heavy coding(debugging).


On the other hand, it seems to have nothing to do with writing columns.


What appears in my dream during my insomnia are "programming code" and "lists of database" in many cases.



In short,


"the opinions that a person says about Artificial Intelligence without insomnia by coding"


is absolutely not believed.



We use a motion sensor light in our restroom to prevent forgetting to turn of the light.


However, the light has not worked well theses day..


After thinking it a little, I noticed the reason.


The motion sensor light detect a changes in infrared radiation with moving human body, and turn on the light.

ならば、トイレの室温が体温以上であったとすれば ―― 当然、センサは赤外線を検知できません。

Then the tempterture of the restroom is higher than those of human-body, the sensor cannot detect any infrared radiation.


Therefore wherever and whenever the temperature is higher than 36 degrees Celsius, the effect of security lighting with infrared radiation sensors is missing perfectly.


夜間に36度を越える熱帯夜 ―― 考えるだけで悪夢です。

Tropical nights with temperatures exceeding 36 degrees Celsius at night -- just thinking about it is a nightmare.


However we must remember that nobody could predict a series of extremely hot days (more than 40 degrees Celsius) a few years ago.



After graduation from high school and losing gym class, I came to life sports.



(Here is a story that I was hopeless klutz)


I was enthusiastic about skiing in college, and I started playing tennis in company,



After forgetting TOEIC and Eiken intentionally, I was no longer afraid to use English.


I used to speak English in my way, and I came to write my columns and papers in English.


訳あって、今、またTOEICの勉強をしているのですが ―― 今ならはっきり言えますが

With some private reasons, now I begin to study about TOEIC. And now I can say clearly,


"This test is ridiculous and meaningless"



For example, about the word choice questions, I know that some questions have more than two correct answers.


Nouns can be used adjectivally without any problem, and adverbs can make sense wherever they appear in a sentence.


About the conversation question, I really think that "how low they are that they can't EXPLICITLY talk about the purpose of the conversation" (I think it is true).

こんなものに費やす時間で、海外に行けますし、英語の論文も書けて、運がよければ論文賞を貰えます ―― 断言します。

With the time you spend on this ridiculous and meaningless test, you can go abroad and write a paper in English, and if you are lucky, you get an award. I assure you.


英語を本気で使いたければ、TOEICなんぞは忘れてしまう ―― これが正解です。

If you want to use English seriously, you should forget the existence of TOEIC. This is a correct answer.


However, the system of called "Japan" needs a "measure" for your English ability.


There are few people to judge your ability correctly, This is a typical negative feedback system.


Therefore, in Japan system, we cannot run away from English Test like TOEIC because of the defect of the system. It is no use to blame this system with loud voice.



The conclusion is that "Don't study TOEIC seriously, and set it aside from your life".


If you do it seriously, you might lose the purpose of your life.



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.



"A New Theory of Action for Engineers Who Are Not Loved by Money(4)"

Let's try to make a stock database by "docker"



When I got a review about this column from the junior colleagues, he pointed out the explanation of the concept of Docker, from the viewpoint of compliance.


These day, the expression of "Mistress" might to be a problem, I know. And in order to avoid annoying flame, I should not use immoral expressions.


(Incidentally, the original expression was "concubine house")


で、その後輩の指摘を受けて、私、かなり考えたのですが ―― 良い表現が思いつきませんでした。

After getting the argue, I thought it again deeply, however, I could not come to a good one.


On the contrary, if I try to express it exactly,


"Twin sisters are enclosed in separate units in the same apartment building."

になってしまい ―― もっと印象が悪い。

I can agree that this expression become worse.


Docker works as a micro-service including same application at the same time with no contradiction. If I try to express these micro-services,


"can do something with the twin sisters simultaneously" is more accurate.


Using different port numbers of each Docker, you can use more than two database simultaneously. I really use docker containers like the way.


Well, even I can agree with you, if you say "Ebata's imagination is vulgar"



According to the "Ebata's imagination is vulgar", a people said that in this column,


However, I wanted to say,

―― それなら、この内容を「上品」に書いたものを、私に見せてくれ

"Rewrite it elegant and show me it"




I feel cold by air-conditioned.


while I work as a telecommunication worker, I set the temperature 29-30 degree. Celsius in my room, however, I feel cold.


One of the reason is to work wearing only under wears, and another is my senior body, which work as economical mode.


But truing the air-conditioned off, the temperature in the room begins to increase dynamically.


In the situation, I have to do a hand switching control every one hour by myself.


「高齢者がエアコンの使用を忌避する」というのを、「もったいない精神」に因るものだと思っている人 ―― 私もその1人でしたが ―― 認識を改めて下さい。

Some people think that the reason why seniors avoid using air-conditioned, is based on "mottainai spirit", should change their recognition, including me.


For elders, air-conditioned makes them really feel cold.


On the other hand, without air-conditioned, they are going to be heat stroke directly.


高齢者が熱中症で倒れる ―― というのは、父が実家で一人で住んでいた時、現実的な恐怖でした。

Recently I have experienced twice hunger-knocks, however, I could not feel any signs just before them.


Maybe, a heatstroke occurs at the same approach too.

完全に無自覚のまま、いきなり「倒れる」「重症化」「死亡」に至ります ―― 本当に「喉が渇く」ということが『ない』のですから、手の打ちようがありません。

They are suddenly going to fall down, serious illness and death with no sign. It cannot be helped because they could not feel thirsty.


To be honest, both inside and outside in summer are dangerous for elders.



Now I am expecting to world electric companies to R&D for a new products,

―― 寒くないエアコンの研究開発

"coldless (x cordless) air-conditioned"


「何、訳の分からないことを・・・」と、今は、思われるかもしれませんが ――

You might think "What is Ebata saying this time?"


Eventually everyone who read this, will understand what I am saying.





改ざんしたOSMファイルはこちらです →  utsunomiya-lrt-latest-3-no_modify.osm




utsu_tram_db3=# SELECT node, edge, cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id,source, target,length as cost, reverse_cost FROM ways',59, 2);
node | edge | cost
59 | 39645 | 0.000838932462205439
57 | 42199 | 0.00017001043575301866
56 | 39644 | 0.0006648489696234544
54 | 39643 | 0.0001856669446528486
52 | 48847 | 0.00023156077313171402
43717 | 60590 | 0.0008988270825760914
43716 | 60589 | 0.00024913429002363974
6 | 39627 | 0.0013247287163596904
3 | 39626 | 4.3848865768758054e-05
2 | -1 | 0
(67 rows)

で、この、59, 2をひっくり返すと

utsu_tram_db3=# SELECT node, edge, cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id,source, target,length as cost, reverse_cost FROM ways',2, 59);
node | edge | cost
2 | 6 | 0.00011771065375457692
1 | 41208 | 0.0006123344685235885
20511 | 26189 | 0.0023489322317445127
13446 | 33830 | 0.0006745722936052778
26440 | 8017 | 0.0017400311472012054
54 | 39644 | 0.0033242448481172722
56 | 42199 | 0.0008500521787650932
57 | 39645 | 0.0041946623110271945
59 | -1 | 0

(117 rows)

数が合わない。 あれー、 reverser_costを入れれば、いいんじゃないの? と悩んでいました。


ちょっと調べてみたら、パスの方向を見られている可能性に気がついて、(1)reverse_costを抜いて、(2)length as cost を cost にして、(3)directed:=false を付けてみました。

utsu_tram_db3=# SELECT seq, node, edge FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost FROM ways', 2, 59, directed:=false);
seq | node | edge
1 | 2 | 39626
2 | 3 | 39627
3 | 6 | 42190
4 | 7 | 58678
5 | 41995 | 48370
6 | 10 | 42191
62 | 43717 | 48847
63 | 52 | 39643
64 | 54 | 39644
65 | 56 | 42199
66 | 57 | 39645
67 | 59 | -1
(67 rows)

utsu_tram_db3=# SELECT seq, node, edge FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost FROM ways', 59, 2, directed:=false);
seq | node | edge
1 | 59 | 39645
2 | 57 | 42199
3 | 56 | 39644
4 | 54 | 39643
5 | 52 | 48847
6 | 43717 | 60590
62 | 10 | 48370
63 | 41995 | 58678
64 | 7 | 42190
65 | 6 | 39627
66 | 3 | 39626
67 | 2 | -1
(67 rows)

同じ数(67 rows)になり,対称性も担保できているようです。



The new Corona Virus(COVID-19) with intense virulence, that be scared by people, has been suppressed by world wide vaccination.


As a result, the virus changed to be weaker than the previous strains, and they has started to get a new strategy to live with human-being.

―― というのは、これまでの、人類のウイルスとワクチンの闘いの定番であり、特段珍しい話ではありません。

This is a typical way for virus to survive with human, not a special story.


However, the number of vivctim was tragedy.


More than 30 thousand persons in Japan, more than 5 million persons in the world was historical unprecedented disaster.


In addition, this disaster is not finished.


Nevertheless, I think it would be a good idea to summarize this new coronavirus disaster as a break from the rest of the world.


I am thinking about it.


Back to the board.



I heard that the people who don't stop using masks is a social problem now.


In my case, I didn't use a mask when I was walking alone, even while Alpha strains and Beta stock were raging in the world.


When I was alone in my room, of course, I didn't use it.


When I know that there are some person who think to use a mask when they are alone in the room, I was really surprised. (my wife said that it was a lie or a demagogue)



The effect of masks are deceasing the risk of infection by reducing the "exposure" to virtues from droplet at close range.

感染リスクは、(1)ウイルス株の毒性 x (2)他人からの飛沫量(= マスクによる飛沫量の減衰 x 他人との距離 x 他人との時間) x (3)感染者数の比率 、という非常に単純なかけ算で決まるものです。

The infection risk is decided by a simple multiplication of f (1) the virulence of the virus strain, (2) the amount of droplets from others (= attenuation of droplets by masks x distance from others x time spent with others), and (3) the radio of number of people infected.


Therefore, now (1)virulence is going down, (3)the ratio is also going down, so, the advice of "No mask, no problem" under the keep social distance, is a natural result.

もちろん、「0.001より、0.0001は、1/10小さい数になる」という意味において、マスク着用に意味がない訳ではありませんが ―― それで、別のリスク(熱中症等)が、100倍になったら、意味ありません。

Of course, using mask is a significant from the viewpoint of "0.001 is bigger than 0.0001", however, even if it loaded another risk (Heat stroke, etc.), it should be nonsense.


For this two years, the both risk are almost equal. however, now the balance is collapsed.


Now heat shocks are risker than the infections.



I have watched this COVID-19 disaster from the beginning, as "Math." and "Probability".


According to the above "summarization", I think that one of them might be "few people is watching disaster from the viewpoint of mathematics and statics".


私は、いじれらキャラ ―― という訳ではないので、多分、あれも「いじめ」の一態様だったと思うのです。

I was not play a "funny character", so I think that it was probably a type of "bullying".


I am a self-confessed athletic whiz, so I was subjected to various "bullies" at athletic competitions.


- Softball pitcher at a ball game

→ 私は、球技全般が嫌いで、チームプレイが嫌いで、ベースボールは憎悪のレベル

-> I don't like ball game, and team play in general, and baseball is a level of harted.


- 50-meter backstroke swimmer at a swimming meet

→ その時、私は、背泳ぎ5メートルのレコード保持者

-> At that time, I was 5-meter backstroke recode holder.


- 100-meter steeplechase athletes

→ その時点で、私は、走り高飛び110cmのレコード保持者

-> At that time, I was 110 cm high jump recode holder.



Of course, I had no intention to "win" that game, I ever prayed for rain at all the competitions.


However, I knew well that gods are ruthlessness against athletic whiz, so I had to train swimming and jumping during summer holiday and early morning.


My aim was

―― 最下位であったとしても、無様でないような負け方をするため

"How to fade me, even if I was at the bottom of the list"



To be honest, I thought that I was "miserable" really.



I have never claimed that "School should open all student's graded answer sheets on the wall". Above all, that becomes "human rights issue" absolutely.


In comparison, I have been claiming that all athletic competitions is an "invasion of privacy in public". However this opinion seems not be accepted in public.


Whenever my daughter declared to "skip the marathon competition", I called her school to tell her absence because of "serious disease"

『全員参加の下品なプライバシー暴露大会など、出席する必要はない。プライバシー暴露大会なら、希望者のみの出席とするのが当然』が、私のポリシーであり ―― なにより、

It is my policy that "She doesn't have to attend "vulgar invasion of her privacy in public". It will be enough to be held by only the applicants", and above all,


"Saving my daughter is my mission, as a guardian"



By the way, does the vulgar custom , that is "intense group bullying" to clap for the last runner of the marathon race, continue now?


When I was a child, stupid teachers and students could not


"Pretend to forget the last runner with miserable athletic whiz"



―― こんな世界、消えればいい

"I hope this world disappears"


There were one child who felt that, and there are children feel that even now.


At least, it is absolute that you have created one person in this world who does not even want to watch baseball or soccer.


「(妊娠)中絶は女性の権利」というアメリカ合衆国最高裁の判断が、49年ぶりに覆った ―― というニュースに、かなりショックを受けています。

I am quite shocked to hear that the judge of the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned the decision of "(pregnancy) abortion is a women's right"


Speaking from my experience of two years work in the U.S. I know well "the people of the U.S. nation are more conservative than that of Japan".


While the days, I had known that "the nation in the country is liberal, intelligent and logical like the Democratic party" is just our illusion.


However I often said that "Don't believe the news headline easily", so I will research the news and descript about them again.



Yesterday, Mr. Odajima Takashi passed away. He was 65 years old.


My base-knowledge of scientific thought was the books of Komatsu Sakyo-sensei. On the other hand my base-knowledge of criticism thought was those of Mr. Odajima Takashi.



Now I booked the book, whose title is "Walking with looking up and drinking" at the city library.


From the viewpoint, I am also an "alcoholics" even just I stopped drinking". It is said that this situation is like stop a ball on the slope.


I really scare the above phrase that he had left.


今、Amazon Primeで、「地獄の花園」という映画が公開されています。

Now, the movie whose title is "The Garden of Hell" has been released on Amazon Prime.


Though someone don't like it, I think, it is amazing.


The movie gave me a shock, like as when I watched the movie of Live-action version of "Rurou Kenshin" on the plane from London.



I was afraid that the battle actions scene by Japanese actress seems to be inferior to that of Hollywood movie, for example, Ms. Angelina Jolie in the movie of "Mr.& Mrs. Smith"


However, in the movie of "The Garden of Hell, Not only the main character, but also the supporting actors and extras plays amazing action battle.


According the action scene, I want give all performers my standing ovation.


I cannot image how much they trained and practiced for this movie. They are beyond my imagination.


いや、実は、この映画、予告編を見た時から、私の心の中で、『これは、個人的に当たりだ』と直感していたのですが ―― この映画を、銀幕で見なかったことを、今、心の底から後悔しています。

To tell the truth, I watched the trailer of this movie in the movie theater, and I felt "it must be on my mark". So I fully regretted not have gone to watch the movie.


However, I doubt if the movie is popular for many people.


For me, I can forget daily annoying about the gag and nonsense. It is perfect.


I like a term of "Master OL" and the actors who play OL workers are also good.


Let me try to watch it again.