

I mentioned the other day that 'one (of) the targets of my research this year is "loneliness"'.

"ネガティブの感情" ―― フォースのダークサイド ―― の活用方法に関して、私の右に出るものは ―― 少ないと思います。


When I mentioned this to my wife, she said, 'What?' She asked me back.


My wife also had the same impression of the place as I wrote in my diary above.


昨日、ノリーナ・ハーツさんの「THE LONELY CENTURY なぜ私たちは「孤独」なのか」を読了して、今、まとめに入っています。

Yesterday I finished reading "THE LONELY CENTURY Why We Are "Lonely"" by Noreena Hertz and am now putting it together.

「LONELY CENTURY」の感想文を書いています


The work that is currently expected of me (I think) is "how to measure loneliness", but this is quite difficult.


Technically, various measures can be taken. Although this is possible even with current technology, it is naturally intertwined with the issue of privacy.

―― プライベートを干渉されたくないが、孤独でいるのもイヤだ

'I don't want my private life interfered with, but I also don't want to be alone.'


I cannot find an approach that conveniently resolves these disparate and conflicting desires.


Usually, the answer is 'you have to give up one or the other.

一応、「THE LONELY CENTURY」の終章に、ソリューションらしきものは記載されているのですが、「これだ!」と思えるような決定打はないようです ―― まあ、そんなものがあれば、すでに実施されているハズですが。

There is a solution in the last chapter of "THE LONELY CENTURY," but there seems to be no definitive solution -- well, if there was such a solution, it would have been implemented already.



I am a person who can think that 'solitude is worth it,' so I have no hesitation in testing the following.



Compared to TOEIC, I don't have any resistance at all (I would rather take it).



Incidentally, there is a paradigm-shifting way to (comfortably) solve this "loneliness" problem.

「孤独」を「孤高」と読み替える ―― それだけです。

Replace "loneliness" with "isolation" -- that's it.



OSS (Open Source Software) is now a commonplace, but its origins can be traced back to fetchmail, emacs, and Linux.


I think the first argument (or rather, column) that presented OSS as "not just a bona fide source code disclosure, but a good software development model" was Eric Daymond's disclosure, "The Cathedral and the Bazaar".


I re-read this today and did not find any reference to the OSS business model here.


However, various business models have now been realized and are already well established.



Well, to see how badly OSS was treated in the beginning, please refer to this article.

'今となっては、ITに詳しくない人ですら知っている用語、OSS(オープンソースソフトウェア) ―― この概念が世間に公表された時、世界中のITエンジニア(私も含めて)から「アホじゃないか」と、あきれたものです'

'Nowadays, even people who are not familiar with IT know the term, OSS (Open Source Software) -- when this concept was announced to the world, IT engineers around the world (myself included) gasped and said, "Isn't that stupid?'


'The source code of a program is the culmination of software technology. If you make that source code open for anyone to see, it is like giving your work all the way to someone else.


Others include,

'その当時、Linuxのカーネルコンパイルなんかやっていたら、「江端ぁ! オモチャのOSで、遊んでんじゃねーぞ!!」と叱られたものです(本当)'

At that time, when I was compiling the Linux kernel, my boss said to me, "Ebata! Don't play with a toy OS! I was scolded by him.




And lately, I think...

―― ソースコードが開示されたところで、所詮、他人の書いたコードは、自分には読めない

"Even if the source code is disclosed, I can't read the code written by others after all"

という、『オープンソース ≒ クローズドソース論』を、主張したいと思います。

I would like to argue that a theory of "Open Source is nearly equal to Closed Source".

I know well, that,

―― オープンソースコードの理解にかかるコストは、オープンソースコードをスクラッチから作り直す程度のコストに匹敵する

"The cost of understanding open source code is comparable to the cost of rebuilding open source code from scratch"



It was late this morning that I was able to understand this from the opposite direction this time, by the fact of


'I couldn't understand a hundred lines of someone else's code, but I could instantly recall a thousand lines of my own code that I wrote five years ago.'



In other words, 'open source code maximizes its value when it is paired with its developers.


As a matter of fact, if I am using someone else's open source and a bug arises, I have no desire to debug that code at all.


In such cases, my response is about three things: (1) deal with the problem in operation, (2) abandon the use of the code, or (3) hope the bug does not come up in a workshop at a conference.



Of course, this my experience does not negate a single millimeter of the OSS development and business models that have been discussed.


But for me, my OSS is about


"Collaborative development between me in the past and me in the present"


is the most significant.



Professor Leskenen's line from Steins;Gate Zero episode 18,

「これは、私と、私による合作なんだよ ―― 時を越えた」

"This is a timeless collaboration between me and me"


should be added to the significance of OSS development.


連休中ですが、普段より働いている気がします ―― 疲労を感じます。

I'm on holiday, but I feel like I'm working more than usual -- I feel tired.


Based on my policy of "making every effort to 'cut corners'" , I am struggling with following issues.



Come to think of it, the book I made myself before really helped me out.


'Thank you, past me!' And I thank myself for crossing time and space.


私、最近、teratail(https://teratail.com/)という技術系の質問掲示板を使わせて頂いておりまして ―― 質問ばかりしています。

I have recently been using a technical question board called teratail (https://teratail.com/) -- I ask a lot of questions.


I am too sorry to do this, but even I would like to answer what I can.


That's the 'trade-off'...No, I don't mean that. Let's see, it's called 'mutual aid coexistence', yes, yes.


However, anything I might be able to answer is either "answered" or "resolved", leaving no room for me to speak.


『いつか、あなたを助けるから、今はちょっと勘弁ね』と呟きながら ――

With muttering, 'Someday, I'll help you, just not right now,'


Today, I am sitting in front of my computer with giving my headache, and trying the construction and use of the GIS database for Utsunomiya City.


BS世界のドキュメンタリー 「女王陛下の戴冠式」を見ていました。

I was watching the BS World Documentary "The Coronation of Her Majesty the Queen".


This documentary chronicles the 16 months of preparation leading up to the coronation event, with comments from Queen Elizabeth II and others involved at the time.


I love these behind-the-scenes stories of events and enjoyed watching them.



My senior daughter said, "I wonder how much the queen will be paid for this".


I replied, "I don't think Her Majesty the Queen is getting paid."


Senior Daughter: "Why, in the UK, can they make these programs?"


Ebata: "Perhaps, well, in a good way or a bad way, the British imperial family is certainly 'open' to the public."


Even after the divorce, it is hard to imagine the paparazzi chasing the former Crown Princess to death in a car accident in the Japanese Imperial Family.



Ebata: "Personally, I'd like to watch a documentary recording the Emperor's accession to the throne, even if it's 10 years later."


On the other hand, the wife said.


"I don't want to watch that."



Well, I thought that the "degree of opening and closing" of the Imperial Family is not only the judgment of the Imperial Family and the Imperial Household Agency, but also our public awareness might be a major parameter.



Russia is currently under a condemnation resolution from the United Nations.


In the past, Japan withdrew itself from the League of Nations (1933).


Russia is under economic sanctions, but it is the world's energy resource producer and China is a (de facto) ally.


In the past, Japan was also subjected to economic sanctions from all over the world (100% economic sanctions since 1941).


In addition, our country's energy production was only about 10%, and our only allies were two European countries (Germany and Italy), neither of which was an energy supplier or had transportation routes that could accommodate energy (*).


(*)To my surprise when I looked into this issue, it seems that Japan was producing quite a bit of crude oil at that time.

―― それでも、当時の我が国の国民は、4年間の戦争を耐え凌いだ

-- Yet, the people of our country at that time endured four years of war

もし東京大空襲がなれば、もし原爆投下がなければ、もしソ連の平和条約の一方的破棄がなければ ―― たぶん、もっと長い期間耐えていただろう、と思います。

If it had not been for the air raid on Tokyo, if it had not been for the atomic bombings, if it had not been for the Soviet Union's unilateral abrogation of the peace treaty -- maybe they would have endured for a longer period of time, I think.


Incidentally, public disillusionment with the war occurred only in the last six months of the war, when air raids began to become more frequent, and until then, government approval ratings had been relatively favorable.

戦争中の政府の支持率は「高い」 ―― これ、結構、常識です(例えば、自殺率が恐しく改善します)。

Support for government during war is "high" -- this is pretty much common knowledge (e.g., suicide rates improve horribly).


Japan lost the war, but Vietnam was fought for 20 years and finally won against the U.S. Cuba has been under economic sanctions since 1960 and is still enduring them.



I think you should do your own research and think for yourself about the "Russian invasion of Ukraine" instead of just receiving one-sided views from the mass media.


I have looked into this issue from the perspective of "comparisons with our country's past wars in the Pacific," but I am sure there are many other approaches.



I once tried to help a man who had fallen and was yelled at, 'Don't do anything unnecessary!


It was quite a shock, so I remember it.


However, I too am of the nature that I can't honestly ask for help from others, so I can understand the mind a little bit.



A few years ago, I saw a man lying in a train station.


Everyone seemed concerned, but did not seem to reach out specifically for help.


As a rule, I am on their side, but I still crouched down near the fallen man and said a few words.


"If you wish, we can help you. Which is better for you?"


I have decided to "ditch" anyone who refrains here.


I do not offer second chances.


This is the "Ebata First & Final Call Protocol".


Incidentally, at that time, the man asked me to 'call the station staff,' so I called the station staff and just walked away.



I always ask, at least once, the following questions.


"Shall I give you a seat?"


"Shall I call an ambulance?"


"Shall I get you some drinking water?"

"If you need help, I will give it to you."

"If you need help, I will give it to you."



However, if they 'decline' on their own terms, I will walk away.


(If no response is received, the decision will be based on the situation)



However, an exception to this protocol is made with regard to "a person attempting to commit suicide by jumping into a train station".


If she/he does not comply, I will stop them, even by force.


"If you're going to jump in, make sure it's the next train after the one I'm on."



I wrote down in my notes what I wanted to do during this holiday weekend, then, there were a tremendous number of things to do.

―― どうして、私(たち)は、連休に、こんなに過大な要求を自分に課せるのか?

"Why do I (we) put such excessive demands on myself(ourselves) during the holidays?"


Is it a "holiday illusion," so to speak?


The time we are given and the abilities we have, do not jump during the holidays.


The only advantage is that 'emails and phone calls don't come to us'.



I have been coding deeply since the first day of GW.


Three buses equipped with my artificial intelligence (technology) are moving and working together, mutually calculating their routes hundreds of times per second and continuing to pick up and drop off residents of the city (which I inspected last month).


On a web map, of course.

―― 可愛いやつらめ

"Cute little guys"


I am looking at them with smile.

嫁さんも、動いているアイコンを見て「可愛いね」と言っていますが ―― 多分、その見方は、全然違うんだろうなぁ、と思っています。

My wife also looks at the moving icons and says they are cute, however I think that her viewpoint is different from mine.



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.


定年を自覚したエンジニアがひねり出した“投資のHello Worldアプローチ”

"A New Theory of Action for Engineers Who Are Not Loved by Money(2)".

An engineer scoping retirement has come up with a "Hello World approach to investment



My work these days is "solitary".


No, I don't mean 'work is lonely'.


The "shut-in" itself is not a problem, since I have been confined to the laboratory for the last 10 years and went straight from the Corona Disaster to working from home.


On the contrary, I am of the category that was able to perform with the Corona Disaster.


Well, that's beside the point.



The target (one of the targets) of my research this year is "loneliness".


Loneliness is, of course, a problem in itself, but recent studies have shown that the negative impact on society caused by loneliness is going to be serious.

まあ、仕事の内容については、詳しくお話できませんが ―― やはり、驚くべきことは、

Well, I can't tell you more about the job description -- however, the amazing thing is that,

―― その研究の担当者(の一人)が、この私(江端)である

"It is me that one of the people in charge of this research




In my family, I seem to be treated like the 'opposite vector of loneliness'.


I think I "like being alone" more than I "can stand being alone".


"Eat alone than go out for a drink"," "Study alone with mind map rather than brainstorm in a group," "Tennis or skiing rather than baseball or soccer"

一体、会社は、何を考えているんだ、と疑うレベルです ―― 「全く何も考えていない」かもしれませんが、案外「考え抜かれた人事」かもしれない、と思うこともあります。

I'm at the point where I wonder what on earth the company is thinking -- it may be "thinking nothing at all," but I sometimes wonder if it might be "thoughtful HR".


Because a man like me, after retirement or the bereavement of a loved one, will soon be "wandering around in the darkness of loneliness,"

『ドタバタ』が人生のデフォルトの奴が、体や脳の障がいによって、今のパフォーマンスが発揮できなくなったら ―― 本当に、それは、あっという間にやってくると思います。

If a guy whose life default is "slapstick" is unable to perform as well as he does now due to a physical or brain disability -- I really think it will come very, very quickly.

『「孤独」の毒が全身に回った時には、もう手遅れ』 ―― これが、私の想定される未来です。

By the time the poison of "loneliness" has reached my entire body, it will be too late" -- this is my envisioned future.



Perhaps this year I will write a patent specification with "loneliness" as the "problem to be solved".


After all, I have even written patent specifications, presented at conferences, and submitted papers using a system that utilizes "anger" and "frustration".

"ネガティブの感情" ―― フォースのダークサイド ―― の活用方法に関して、私の右に出るものは ―― 少ないと思います。

I don't think anyone is more knowledgeable than I am about how to utilize "negative emotions" -- the dark side of the Force.



This series of articles is a study work on how to successfully convert the "dark side of the Force" to "money (cash)" in my retirement.


The important thing is that if I don't do it before the 'loneliness' poison turns, it will be completely too late.


I am quite impatient.


It is true.



I used to think the peeler was the best invention I had seen in my lifetime.


However, the year before last, it lost the top spot to "mRNA vaccines."


The top spot remains unchanged, but a new competitor to the runner-up, the peeler, has appeared on the scene.


It is a "Power Grid"




This is amazing.


My hanging limit time has increased from 20 seconds to 60 seconds.


I found that the "Power Grid" can support my weight by my grip strength and a band wrapped around my arm so that I can hang on even with a weak grip.


However, the bars in my room are very narrow between the ceiling and the bars, so the elastic (rubber) that wraps around the palm is rugged and takes a lot of work.


The body must be lifted high enough to get the elastic to wrap around the palm, so we are now using a stepladder to get closer to the ceiling.



And I thought this could be the ultimate weapon to save elementary school students.

さか上がり ―― それは、私が『愚劣教育の極み』と断定した、体育ハラスメントである、鉄棒運動の技の一つです。


"kick over" ---- It is one of the bar exercise techniques I have determined to be 'the ultimate in foolish education' and physical education harassment.


I am unsure if the Power Grid can successfully be applied to "kick over." Still, if it can be used successfully, I hope it will relieve children (including myself, once upon a time) struggling with "kick over" in one fell swoop.


The fact that anyone can do "kick over" with the use of aids is enough to diminish the value of "kick over" and erase the significance of "kick over" from the educational field.



世の中には、『外で遊ばない子どもは成績が悪い』 ―― ということを、何がなんでも主張したい大人が多いようです。

世の中には、『外で遊ばない子どもは成績が悪い』 ―― ということを、何がなんでも主張したい大人が多いようです。

"There seem to be many adults in the world who want to insist at all costs that "children who don't play outside get bad grades."


But, as I wrote, I am sick and tired of the "children playing outdoors" culture.


I wonder what kind of people are talking about "respect for diversity" and "emphasis on individuality."

「とじこもり続け」「コミュニケーションを忌避する」 ―― そういう子どもを、そのままに認めることを、"ダイバーシティ"って言うのです。

A "shut-in" or "communicative disorder" - to accept such a child as they are is called "diversity.



Solo camping (camping alone) has recently become popular.


When I was a young man, I used to post a set of camps on my motorcycle and go touring.


And people who have "never been" camping, or sometimes even people who have "been", tend to forget the following.

―― テントの居住性って、最悪です

"Tent habitability is the worst"


It is usually either as hot as a sauna or as cold as the open air.


Naturally, we cannot get a good night's sleep.


The next day, dragging my lead-like body, we have to move on.


I once went on a touring trip to Hokuriku in GW, but I reached my physical limit on the second day and had to stay at a business hotel on the third day.


I was exhausted and convinced that if I continued on my motorcycle trip, I would 'cause an accident'.



In the first place, we humans are a species that has evolved by abandoning the idea of living in nature, building houses, cities, and means of transportation.


A reckless desire to return to nature, without preliminary training, can be deadly.

ソロキャンのデビューは、経験者とともに、十分な回数を積んでから ―― を、強くお勧めします。

I strongly recommend that you make your solo camping debut only after you have done the camp enough times with an experienced person.


To the worst case, you may become a "hermit" who decides that "home is best" for the rest of your life.


バックパックを背負って、世界中(おもにアジア)を放浪していた私 ―― あれは「別の世界線の私」です。

Wandering around the world (mainly in Asia) with a backpack on my back - that was "me on another world line".


With many sacrifices, I have arrived at the "current world line" where "home is best".