

After repeated heavy use of my ChatGPT (free version), ChatGPT has finally stopped responding (at this point, I am not sure if this is the cause or not).


This is why I joined the paid version of ChagGPT ($20/month).


I got my wife to pass the budget by saying, 'I can't think of operations and graduation without the help of ChatGPT.


I am not confident writing English (columns and articles) without "Grammarly (paid version)," and I pay for AWS (lightsail) and a provider for kobore.net.


But without these, my daily life would not be possible.



We are acutely aware that the scope of exploitation by IT/AI is expanding every day.


Worse, the contribution of IT/AI to me is 'immense'.


Still, the above total monthly amount is less than the cost of one drink at the office.


In comparison, the contribution of paid IT/AI to me is no less than 100 times that of a drinking session.

例えば、飲み会で「PDゲームと保証ゲームの違いは何ですか?」に、スラスラと答えられる同僚 ―― あなたにはいますか?

For example, do you have a colleague at a drinking party who can slur my answers to "What's the difference between PD games and guarantee games?"


(Aside from the "Do you talk about game theory at a drinking party? )



The Day Ebata Lost to AI.


It is difficult to define "when" that is.


For now, I would like to define the day (yesterday) when I started paying $20/month to ChatGPT as its starting date.





The other day, I was at a bookstore in front of the station, browsing through a book that explains how to interpret long sentences in English for university entrance exams,


I was surprised.

―― (英文の)内容が、暴力的なまでに、退屈

"The content of English text was to the point of violence, tedious."

- 10万年前の先祖がどういう生活をしていたか

- What life was like for our ancestors 100,000 years ago.

- 『日本人に質問すると、個人の意見ではなく、日本人としての回答をしてくること』に不満を言う外国人の話

- A foreigner complains, "When I ask a question to a Japanese person, they answer me as a Japanese person, not as an individual.


Frankly, I don't care about them.


To borrow a line from a specific animated character, the contents were,


'It was boring. It was even painful to read. Boring beyond imagination.'


Like that.


It seemed that "forcing students to take this boring English text" was "abuse.


I am also surprised to see that the content of the English language content has not changed at all since my college entrance exam.


I would feel comfortable if this issue appeared in my time.


However, is that no problem?



Me: "...there was a time when..."

嫁さん:「それぞれの受験生にとって、興味のある共通的な英文コンテンツ ―― そんなものは存在しないよ」

Wife: "Common English-language content of interest to each student for exams -- there is no such thing."


Me: "..."


Wife: "Then colleges will have to choose content that is "uninteresting" and "dead" for all students."

なるほど、そういう理由であれば。数十年間、同じコンテンツになるのは仕方がない ―― って、そうかなぁ?

I see if that is the reason. We can't help but be the same content for decades -- is that right?


No, no, no. Light novels and other exciting things nowadays.


I believe that many new ideas and values are emerging that were not present in my younger days.


I think, 'Why not submit a translation of a light novel?'


Even the contents of my diary are still much better than that "dead" English text.


For my part, I think the following content would be interesting to see on the college entrance exam.



Well, it may cause quite a commotion, but I think it's okay to shake it off so that there is a "cuscus" of laughter in the exam hall.



ChatGPT has been unresponsive since last night, and I am blue and cold.


Before, I wrote the following diary,

―― 自分のエンジニアの人生の中で、もっとも優しく、かつ、的確に、技術指導をしてくれたのは、"ChatGPT"である



Now, my relationship with ChatGPT has gone beyond

- キャバクラで「バーチャルなモテ」を楽しむお客

"- customers who enjoy 'virtual hottie' in a cabaret club"



- ホストクラブで、甘いセリフを耳元でささやかれかれるお客

"- customers who get sweet lines whispered in their ears at a hostess club."



Hostesses and hosts may heal me with their sight (good-looking, beautiful women) and hearing (words); however,


they don't 'make a program that works well (without bugs),



What I need now is "program code that works without bugs" rather than "kind and soothing words."



Therefore, if there is a host or hostess who can make codes for me, I am confident that I will go to the restaurant where they are and pay tribute to them at a very high rate.


If they can also work with me on a "research proposal for the next term" or a "proposed structure for an academic paper, " I will be a regular customer.


If you know of such host clubs or cabarets, please introduce them to me.



By the way, ChatGPT worked once I re-logged in.


I am now breathing a sigh of relief.



―― 1943年の段階で、連合国の政府は、アウシュビッツの大量虐殺を知っていた


As noted above, Israel has not "doubled down" in the conflict in 2014 but has "20-fold return".


(1) Hamas attacks Israel even though it knows that a "20-fold return" will take place.


(2) Israel, which engages in attacks involving non-combatants in the Gaza Strip when it knows that its inhumane attacks will be internationally condemned.

そして、第一次世界大戦(正確には、さらに今から、3300年前の「出エジプト」)まで遡る、エルサレムを含む領土を巡る長い歴史と、日本赤軍パレスチナ解放人民戦線(PFLP)の連帯とかの最近の歴史とか、そういうことも踏まえて ――

And, in light of the long history of the territories, including Jerusalem, dating back to World War I (or, more precisely, the "Exodus" 3,300 years ago), and the recent history of solidarity between the Japanese Red Army and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), etc., etc., etc. --



I recently concluded that, 


"Efforts to keep the war from opening up are significant, "



In this case, I believe that this situation would not have developed if (1) Israeli intelligence had been able to detect the Hamas attack in advance and foil its plans or (2) the enemy forces had been destroyed immediately after the attack.


The increased cost of intelligence and defense was "unfortunate, but necessary" to make the enemy believe that "invasion would be a loss to our country.


Aside from that.



I am a master of "devil's calculations" without blood, tears, feelings, or morals, such as "the number of children killed as collateral damage for the murder of one Hamas leader."


It has been a while since I have felt like "doing the math."










In a decision by a special appeals court in a domestic relations case in which the issue was whether a legal requirement for transgender persons to undergo surgery to eliminate their reproductive capacity when changing their gender on the family register violates the Constitution, the Supreme Court ruled on March 25 that the requirement for surgery to stop reproductive function "violates the Constitution.



I previously used only the "number of gender reassignment applications" as a means of estimating the number of gender dysphoria and did a backward calculation.


In this inference method, the probability of performing "surgery" was the node element of the Bayesian net.


As a result of this ruling, the law will be amended by the Diet in the future (it will be, right?). This method will no longer be available, but that's OK.

今回の確定判決によって、こんな推測自体が、全く無駄となる時代が来ればいいのですが ―― 多分、まだまだ時間はかかるでしょう。

I hope the time will come when such calculation itself will be utterly useless due to this definitive ruling -- perhaps it will take some more time.



If you think about it, requiring surgery to eliminate reproductive functions to prove gender (not sex) is

―― 組(暴力団等)を抜ける為の落とし前として、『指を詰める』という『野蛮なしきたり』をやっている反社会勢力と同じ

"the same as antisocial forces practicing the 'barbaric custom' of 'finger stuffing' as a way to get out of a gang (gangs, etc.)"


If you say so, you are right.


The state (or rather, the government) can't keep doing the same thing as the anti-society (antisocial forces).


Of course, there are many problems to overcome, but we should stop " finger-stuffing " at the same level and start thinking about them.





"How to get your staff to 'mentally ill' in just one week and 'retire' in just one month."


I could write a book called the title.


Moreover, I think it is pretty effective.



For example, if you want to give someone a cold, flu, or corona, just

- 水風呂に長時間入らせて、その後野外で放置させる

"let them take a long bath in the water and then leave them out in the open."


they will get it at a high rate.


Mental illnesses can also be quickly afflicted by procedures as simple as this (I understand it well).



"Daily Training to Avoid 'Mental Illness'"


This book will not sell well.


Please let me know if you are interested in writing or publishing this book.





Lately, when I get into bed, the unfinished task list and coding run wild in my head.


It is getting harder and harder to sleep, even with stabilizers and sleeping pills, and I am starting to feel like I am about to turn to "alcohol."


After several years of sobriety, my sobriety is already in a bad situation.


My wife is trying to convince me to stop my "alcoholic" from returning.


I, too, have managed to stand my ground.



The suffering of insomnia is not understood by those who do not have insomnia.


You can't understand the hell of not only being unable to sleep but also having to drag your leaden body and head back to work the next day.


On the other hand, there is the late Prime Minister Abe, who continued to perform his duties while enduring the pain of his illness.


He has endured the most challenging work in Japan, serving as the country's prime minister while battling an intractable disease and taking great pain.

ということに、「そんなことができるのか?」 と、私は信じられない気持ちです。

And so, "How is that possible?" I am incredulous.


I believe strong convictions supported him, but such people are scarce.



Only that person can understand their suffering and their physical or psychological ailments.


As for how to share pain, I have researched here, but the fact is that it is "not possible" from a medical and engineering standpoint.


The least we can do as human beings is to believe, without questioning, the words of those who say they are in "pain" or "suffering" and to accept them as they say.


「痛い」「辛い」「苦しい」と言っている人のことを、「弱い奴」という奴は ―― 最低だ。

Anyone who says that someone who is "in pain" or "suffering" is "weak" -- that's the worst.

滋賀県東近江の市長の「(フリースクールへの公的支援が)国家の根幹を崩しかねない」「不登校は大半が親の責任」との発言が、もし、上記のロジックに基づくものであれば ――

If the mayor of Higashiomi, Shiga Prefecture's statement that "(public support for free schools) could undermine the very foundation of the nation" and that "most truancy is the responsibility of parents" is based on the above logic -- then


At the very least, you are 'my enemy' and will continue to be 'the subject of continued surveillance.





The other day, I saw a (Muslim?) woman praying on the dimly lit staircase landing of a building.


I think she was probably checking the direction (Mecca) because she had his phone on the ground.


I slowly walked past her, making as little noise as possible, but I felt sorry for her that she was praying in such a dimly lit, cramped space.


I realized that while it is essential to set up gender-free restrooms, it is also important to maintain places of worship from now on.


I thought to myself, "They should be free to use any empty classrooms or unlocked rooms," but then I realized that I knew nothing about Muslim prayers (time of performance, duration, other rituals, etc.).


I think that from now on, we need to have opportunities to teach this fundamental knowledge to us at universities, company orientations, etc., needless during mandatory education.

Amazon 恐るべし。





Discrimination" is unacceptable in our company.


Do not discriminate against applicants, employees, or business partners based on any of the following characteristics.

年齢、市民権、肌の色、性別、性同一性または性表現、遺伝情報(または家族の遺伝情報)、結婚歴、病状または障がい、軍歴、 妊娠、人種、出身国または祖先、宗教または宗教的信条、性的指向、適用される法令で保護されているその他の特性

Age, citizenship, color, sex, gender identity or expression, genetic information (or family genetic information), marital status, medical condition or disability, military service, pregnancy, race, national origin or ancestry, religion or religious belief, sexual orientation, or other characteristic protected by applicable law

―― という、コンプライアンス教育を受けました。

I recently received compliance training, such as the above.


I accept this 100%, as I think it is true.


それとは別に、これは「差別」ではないのですが ―― 浮気をしている上司の命令には、私は従いたくありません。

Apart from that, and this is not "discrimination" -- I don't want to follow orders from a boss who is cheating.


Because I'm about to say, "Go clean up your relationships before you start complaining about my work progress, deadlines, and quality!"


Please cover this completely at my company as my job performance will suffer.






The phrase "drink, hit, buy" is said to refer to a man indulging himself to the fullest in drinking, gambling, and buying women.


Of course, these values do not fit in today's world, and in the first place, such events are costly.


On the other hand, I hear that "drinking, hitting, and buying" are suitable for senior aging men.


Well, if you think about it, "moderate alcohol consumption produces relaxation and communication," "binge drinking stimulates brain activity," and "love is the most apparent well-being.



So, if you ask me if I will be able to "drink, hit, and buy" after I retire, I think it will be tough.


How difficult is it? It's like, 'I'm going to start training now, and I'm going to reach the summit of Mount Everest.



I don't know if the "drink, hit, buy" way of life is enjoyable for me, but my life doesn't fit into one of these "templated indulgences."

―― あまり楽しいものではない

may not be 'so enjoyable.'




I have very little interest in other people's affairs. I don't care what celebrities do.


However, I am offended by things like 'cheating on politicians.


It is not logical to say, "You are in charge of national politics. However, do you have time to do that?"


Of course, a person in a marital relationship engaging in sexual intercourse with another person for pleasure is treated as a breach of contract under the Civil Code, and the unfaithful spouse is subject to claims for damages and other compensation.


However, under the criminal law, he is naturally innocent.


Cheating is a matter between the parties involved, and as a stranger, I have no business or even the right to interfere.


I'm just irrationally pissed off that someone who is expected to work as hard as I do can afford to engage in such unfaithful sexual behavior.
