

I have two daughters.


They both completed (and planned to complete) private secondary school, high school, and university and have reached adulthood.


I haven't made an income and expenditure account for education because I'm afraid to do maths, but if I did, I'm sure there would be a "sigh" or a "scream."


Nevertheless, through hard work and luck, these women have achieved a degree of academic achievement and education that invokes the 'signaling theory' to the public.


(At least it's a much brighter and shinier 'signal' than my wife and I.)

ですので、費用対効果としては「黒字」であると信じています ―― というか「そう思い込む」ようにしています。

So, we believe we are "in the black" regarding cost-effectiveness - or rather, we try to "assume" so.


At least they are 'in the black' as they seem to have enough intelligence to (sometimes) debunk me.


I say, 'It is in the black,' so it is 'in black.'


Well, let's leave it at that.



As is the case with all schools, a 'donation' request form is provided at the time of payment of the enrolment fee. Moreover, the amount is unreasonable, such as '300,000 yen per unit'.


(I think I wrote this story somewhere but couldn't find it).


When my wife asked me for advice, I said, 'Leave that to the families who can afford to donate. My family can't afford it,' and I kicked that.


Donations are tax-exempt, and families who can afford them can use them as a tax-saving measure for families who can afford them.


In my case, I thought that if my daughters were mistreated during their time at the school because of donations, I would 'write a column about it' (and destroy the school's donation system itself).


Fortunately, my daughters did not encounter any 'donation discrimination' (or maybe they didn't notice it).



But it seems that 'donation discrimination' does exist and is being blatantly operated (which, incidentally, the university authorities deny).


'Endowment discrimination,' or rather 'endowment preferences,' is not suited to Japanese soil, but it operates as a matter of course in US and UK universities.


The Arab kingdoms, or our imperial family, would also be subject to this.


ともあれ、寄付は余裕のある人が行うものであり、それによって、誰に対してもいかなる利益も不利益も発生させない ―― これは、当たり前のことなのですが、「自分の子どもの不利益」を考えると、心配になる保護者もいるだろう、と思います。

Anyway, donations are made by those who can afford them and do not create any benefit or disadvantage to anyone by doing so -- this is a given. Still, some parents may be concerned about the 'disadvantage to their child,' and I think.


'No, it doesn't sound like it,' my wife told me last night.


I asked my wife's friends, and they told me there were quite a few parents who, like our family, had taken the 'Nothing comes from nothing.' approach.


Well, of course, it is.


The average family's finances are in shambles with education, exams, and enrolment fees. There is not a penny of room for 'donations' here.


However, if I had been given a life expectancy diagnosis and there was still money left over after converting the cost of my remaining time, I would not hesitate to donate it to the school where my daughter was taken care of.




□ I plan to donate part of my estate in the future


Many people would comply if they put a tick box on the box.


School authorities that want immediate money will not be too happy, though.





I am aware that the way I do my job is poor.

そのヘタクソの一つには、―― 自分の仕事を褒めてくらたり、誰かが喜んでくれたり、「助かった」とか言ってくれると、自分で決めたノルマを越えて頑張ってしまうことがあります(で、体と心のいずれか、または両方を壊す、と)

One of the things that makes me poor at this is that - if I get praised for my work, or if someone is happy with me or says that I helped them, I may work harder than my self-imposed quota (and break either or both my body and mind)


Well, in short, I am naive.


So, if you want to use me to my full potential and beyond, the way to do it is simple.


It is simply a matter of 'keep me feeling good.'



However, I think many naive people like me are in the world.


I am equally skilled in moving naive people because I understand my naivety.


Serious praise, solemn joy, and verbal 'thank you for helping me.'


The important part is 'seriously'. If you don't mean it, you shouldn't say it. For some reason, followers who are not 'serious' will be found out.

なんで、それがバレると分かるのか ―― チョロイ私(江端)は、チョロイがゆえに、「本気」と「追従」を簡単に見分ける能力もあるからです。

How do they know when it's exposed? I (Ebata) am naive and can easily distinguish between 'serious' and 'follow-up' because of my naivety.


Well, some people may not have the ability to identify them.

そういう人は、騙されやすいと思います ―― 宗教とか、詐欺とか、マインドコントロールとか。

I think people like that are gullible - to religion, fraud, and mind control.


『相互にもっと褒めあえば、社会はより安定して発展していくのに』 ―― と、長い間、私は思っていたのですが、先日、上司から紹介された本を読んで、かなり驚きました。

'If we praised each other more, society would be more stable and developed' - for a long time, I thought, but I was pretty surprised the other day when I read a book introduced to me by my boss.


Here, without 'praise/no praise,' but in the paradigm of 'high context/low context,' but, well, to sum it up in a nutshell.

―― 私たちは、互いに異星人

"We are aliens to each other."



'Japanese means of mutual understanding do not work in the world. Common sense in one's own country is valid only in one's own country. They do not apply to people in other countries, and the effort is futile.'


This book made me clear about the above.


This book has made me realise that all the times I have been 'angry' in my work with foreigners have been a complete waste of time, and that 'I have wasted a huge amount of time, in anger'.



Just as citizens of different nations cannot understand each other, we as individuals can 'try' to understand each other, but we cannot reach mutual understanding.


We are all individuals, no matter how far we go, and although we can strive to transcend our individuality, we cannot escape being individuals.


And, well, if you can open up that much, you will feel better.

江端さんのひとりごと 「壁」


この本を、これからの社会人生活で、毎日、腹を立てながら行きていくことなるであろう次女に紹介しようかと思ったのですが ―― 止めておくことにしました。

I thought about introducing this book to my second daughter, who will be going through her working life angry every day - but I decided not to.


I thought that only after I had spent a series of "days of rage," failing with others, working with foreigners, and failing, as I did, would I be able to understand what the book was talking about.


So, I don't think I "should have read this book earlier."


I have continued to fail spectacularly in the work of several multinational teams.


The book moves me because it is now that I can look back on my past.



As far as I can remember, Dragon Ball was the first manga comic to introduce the concept of "numerical values" for character strength.


I only read the first episode, but I didn't like the idea of putting a "numerical value" on a character's abilities there, so I just stopped reading.


Yes, I understand.


■ I've been doing a lot of numerical simulations,


■ Deviation is the fairest measuring device ever created by humanity.


I have been saying this for a long time. So it is only natural that there will be criticism, "What are you talking about?


The fact that 'Dragon Ball' is read worldwide (probably with a circulation rivaling that of the Bible) makes it clear that my thinking is out of step with the rest of the world.


Besides, this 'quantification of abilities' makes it almost impossible to find content in the recently fashionable worldly fantasy' that does not quantify abilities.

―― 偏差値主義を批判するのに、異世界ファンタジーの能力比較に数値を用いるのは、いいのか?

"Is it okay to use numbers to compare abilities otherworldly fantasy to criticize deviationism?"


I am wondering it.


It seems somewhat distorted that "F-rank" and "A-rank" are used for adventurers in other worlds without any problems but are criticized when spoken of in terms of university pass rates or company rank.



(1) There was previously a significant problem when job application websites were found to be automatically filtering by university of origin.


(2) There was also a situation in which a medical school was found to have unfairly manipulated the passing scores of female candidates, which put the university's survival in jeopardy.

# 真偽は分かりませんが、不当な操作をしないと合格者の大半が女性になる、という話を聞いたことがあります。『学力試験においては、女性の方が優秀である』というのは、私のこれまでの人生経験と合致しています。

# I have heard, although I do not know if it is true, that 'without unfair manipulation, the majority of successful candidates would be women.' 'Women are better in academic exams,' which aligns with my life experience.


Anyway, these criticisms are justified in (1) and (2) above.


Because our country has made it a national policy to ensure complete impartiality in determining pass/fail on a one-shot test only, with complete disregard for other circumstances (economic strength, experience, potential, connections, etc.).


Of course, we do not know if this is 'true fairness.'


However, this bloodless and outrageous 'fairness' is elementary to understand, easy to accept, and cheap to operate.


Aside from that.



As for "requests that only A-rank adventurers can accept," one sometimes wonders if this is "unfair" to the guild's operation, but this may be unavoidable due to the story structure, where "F-rank adventurers play an unexpected role in the story."

ただ、これを「不公平だ!」と叫んで炎上したという事例は、私は知りません ―― 1人くらいは、そういう変なヤツがいても良さそうだ、とは思うのです。

But I don't know of any cases where people have flared up shouting, "This is unfair!" - I think there should be at least one weirdo like that.


Also, there's content titled "X inferior students" or something like that,

―― なに言ってやがる。あいつら全部、国家レベルのエリートだろう

"What are you talking about? They're all national elites."


I think.

実力のあるエリートが、大衆の正義を掲げて、悪の組織を簡単に倒しまくるコンテンツは ―― まあ面白いのですが ―― 同時に不快感もあります。

Content in which a competent elite easily defeats an evil organization with the righteousness of the masses is -- well, interesting -- but at the same time offensive.


'After all, we lowly ones live under the protection of the elite, don't we?


I think, for example, that if you're going to call yourself an 'X inferior student,' you should behave accordingly.



'Who's your favorite singer, Daddy?' asked my second daughter.


Me: "I used to say 'no'"


Second daughter: '?'


Me: "Lately, I think YOASOBI is very good. It's two heads above the rest."



As an anime fan, I think it relates to anime songs, but I think the lyrics are better.


I once wrote that 'this is a new literature.'



I don't want to go to a "YOASOBI" concert, and to be honest, I have only had the opportunity to recognize the singer once, during the Kohaku Uta Gassen last year.

"YOASOBI"の歌は、恋愛史上主義的でもなく、あるいは、その真逆の恋愛敗北的でもなく、猛進的でもなく、虚無的でもなく、支配的でもなく、過度に人を鼓舞したり、逆に抑圧的でもない ――

The songs of YOASOBI are not romantic historicist or, on the contrary, romantic defeatist, not furious, nihilistic, oppressive, overly inspiring, or, on the contrary, repressive -- they are not about the past, but about the future.


I dare say that the "small" coefficient of friction with me is a good thing.



The song 'Someday, Somewhere, Someone is Waiting for You' is almost 100% false. There is no such person anywhere in the world.


Most of the time, 'love does not win', and there is no such thing as a 'belief that you can hold on to for life'.


'You're the only one who will never change' is irresponsible, abdicating responsibility nonsense, and 'I will only ever think of you' is an unhealthy stalker mentality.



I think listeners probably know that and listen to music like that.


The lines in the music are described as unrealizable 'ideals,' which is why they strike a chord with the younger generation (or so I think).


In my experience, 'love does not win' and 'beliefs change over the years.' 'I keep changing from one social position to another' and 'you can't keep thinking only of one person'.


I know what kind of fall-out has happened to people (some of them) who failed to respond in this way and stuck to their way of life.




In the end, it seems to me that "YOASOBI" has "no" or "few" such songs that are "imperative to others" or that "mount others."


So it's effortless for me to listen to (not to mention that it's an excellent piece of music).


Well, not so much. I'm not listening in, so I might be 'off.'



I am not at the level where I 'can' cook, but I think I am at the level where I 'do' cook.


I can make a dish from leftovers in the fridge, as appropriate.


Of course, the food is not 'good,' but 'edible.'

外食は、外出して、注文して、待って、食べて、支払いをして、帰宅する、というプロセスが発生しますが ―― 私は、これを面倒くさいと感じます。少くない時間を消費するのも嫌なのです。

Eating out involves going out, ordering, waiting, eating, paying, and going home - I find this a hassle. I wouldn't say I like to consume a small amount of time.

で、結構な頻度で『外す』のです 。つまり『不味い』。

And I 'miss' quite often. In other words, it 'tastes bad'.


Eating out is a kind of gambling, so this is a necessary cost, but the risk of 'missing out' still cannot be overlooked.



The other perspective is that 'cooking is system building.'



However, I have no scientific knowledge of ingredients or cooking methods, so my cooking is essentially 'trial and error'.


Even my cooking 'fails' when I 'fail.'"



And today, by chance,  I read the book of 


Yankee-kun and Science Gohan



The book is amazing. It explains the significance of the cooking process in an almost 100% scientific way.


It is explained in cartoons (pictorial), and the content is deepened by reading the conversations between the main characters in the storyline.


The storyline is well developed, with Yankee-kun asking our questions and the teacher explaining why.



Regardless of gender or age, you should at least be able to manage your food.


Making the food you want to eat yourself is quick and easy.

彼は『鳥と豚と牛の肉の違いも分からん』と無邪気に語っていましたが ―― はっきりいって、それ『マザコン』や『ロリコン』以上にヤバい。



Half of the students in the seminar at the university I am currently attending are from overseas (as far as I have heard, the JICA supports most of them).

先日、大学で留学生から、「大学の守衛門で、建物を聞いたら、腕で×印をされて、『私は大学の学生ではない』と言われた」という話を聞いて ―― 私(江端)がキレました。


Recently, the team leader in my company has also been an expatriate.


My opportunities to use English have increased dramatically in the last two years.


When this happens, it is no longer a question of 'being able' or 'not being able' to speak English.

「英語を使わない」という選択肢が『ない』のです ―― 本当に『ない』。

There is a 'no' option to 'not use English' -- really a 'no' option.


'If I don't use it, I will cease to exist'.


Frankly, it's a tough day.



When it comes to this, there is not a millimetre of time to talk about 'correct English' or 'beautiful English'.


I can only put into practice what I have written in my previous columns.


(Click above to jump to the column).



I received no small amount of criticism at the time for the content of the above column.


(I am so vindictive that I remember everyone who has made that criticism.)


Incidentally, I am in the situation many Japanese will face now.


The above is a confirmed future.


Can we talk about 'correct English' or 'beautiful English'?


I would say 'no'.


I still think that I am right on this matter.


多分、私のしゃべっている英語を、心底不快に思っている人は、沢山いるでしょう ―― 日本語ネイティブの人であれ、非ネイティブの人であれ。

There are probably many people who are sincerely uncomfortable with the English I speak, whether they are native Japanese speakers or non-native speakers.


In the first place, I, who am speaking, feel uncomfortable with my English.


I'm disappointed that I can't speak English more excellently.


But there is no time for self-loathing.


It is for survival.


There is no way I can afford to be excellent.



I think there are more than a few people who find my bullshit English offensive and dislike me.


I am sorry, but I now have no time for such a consideration.


Please, you must give up.





Yesterday, I found a TV remote control in my refrigerator.


The culprit was easily identified by analyzing the last user, the time of day, the person staying at the house, etc.

――  『終りの始まり』が始まった

"The Beginning of the End" has begun.


The above convinced me of the fact.



Well, ever,


■Two sets of clothes in the bathroom


And so on have been quite common.



The above incidents have occurred over the past ten years, but "a remote control coming out of the refrigerator" should be a red alert by now.


My wife and I confirmed once again that we would share "information" with each other if something like this ever happened again.






Senior engineers.


A junior engineer tells you a story about 'You may not know...',


When she/ good at sharing your knowledge and expertise about it,


Even if you were once in the middle of the pack on the subject,


'Oh, so that's how it is? I learned a lot. Thank you very much.



You are a senior engineer, so only when you say, "Thank you very much.



Junior engineers.


If you keep the above possibilities in mind,


You can reduce the number of times you have to do the abomination of 'I'll find out later and roll over in bed in shame.'"


この歳になると、シニア、ジュニア、どちらの立場も見えるようになって ―― それなりに楽しいこともあります。

At my age, I can see both sides, senior and junior -- and it can be fun.


'When you can think, 'Mounting is such a hassle,' it makes things a lot easier.

―― できるだけ無様な自分を、ありのままにさらけ出す



Every day, my family members scold me, 'You are going to die.'


My sister pointed out to me the other day that I was 'proud.'


In short, they all want to say that I need to be more hands-off and set lower targets.


Well, I spend about 15 hours every day, including weekends, in front of the computer doing something, so I think my family and my sister are correct in pointing this out.


To begin with, I have written blogs and columns criticizing workaholics.


However, it is true that I am now both a student and a worker and have been working for the last two years with unparalleled hard work in the past.


'Why do you keep writing this blog under such circumstances?' but this is a 'break' for me.


Without this amount of leisure time, I would be stuck.

現在、EE Times Japanへの寄稿を止めさせて頂いているのは、その時間を全部、大学の研究活動に持っていかれているからです ―― もちろん、それを選んだのは私自身ですので、全て私の責任ではありますが。

I have stopped contributing to EE Times Japan because my university research activities are taking up all that time. Of course, I chose to do that myself, so it's all my fault.



Me: "For example, if you go to Karuizawa on a trip, the first thing you want to do is arrive in Karuizawa."


Wife: "?"


Me: "And they all get together and tell me, 'Karuizawa is too far away, so compromise with somewhere closer.'"


Wife: "..."


Me: "But, you know, no one can tell me of any 'nearby places' that can replace 'Karuizawa'."


Wife: "We say 'stop it,' but we don't tell you 'what I should do'"


Me: "Yeah. All anyone can do is tell me to 'stop.' If I stop, it stops, but that's not just about me. Are you sure that's what you want?"


Wife: "Isn't that part of 'thinking for yourself'?"

私:「それを『考える労力』のコストの大きさを誰も考えてくれない。『軽井沢の代替地』を考えるコストは、相当に高いんだけど ―― 皆、それを無視して『止めろ』『止めろ』と連呼しかしないんだよね」

Me: "Nobody thinks about the magnitude of the cost of the 'effort' to 'think' about it. The cost of thinking about 'alternative sites for Karuizawa' is quite high - but everyone ignores that and calls out 'stop' and 'stop.'"



Ladies and Gentlemen. Aren't you irresponsibly calling for people overworking to 'stop'?


That's not any advice for the parties involved.


'The advice to 'stop' with no thought for what happens after I 'stop' is...

―― 自分を、優しそうな人間や親切な人間に見せかけることを目的としただけの、無責任な暴力

"Irresponsible violence that only aims to make you look like a nice or kind person."


I think, these days, that it is.


Anyone with a counter-argument should contact me after reading the following blog.

―― 自殺という方法で「逃げていいんだよ」






I did some research on the above. I read the following.


"Ordinance on the Prevention of Violent Delinquent Behaviour, etc., which is extremely disturbing to the public."



I have cut out the part where I think this is the case for this case.


The term 'attracting customers' is grey. In this respect, the defendant (the candidate who put up the naked posters) may have a dispute.


However, I think the point of contention is not Article 7, but the following Article 7-2.


There is room to fight with the argument that 'this is an election poster, not a pink leaflet, etc..'


The plaintiff (either the prosecution or the metropolitan government) will argue that a poster with a naked photo constitutes a pink leaflet or similar. It is easy to bring a pink leaflet from somewhere else and claim its similarity.


The defendant (the candidate with the naked poster) does not have to give a complete rebuttal to this claim.


It is enough to sway the logic of the plaintiff. Because, as a rule, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff's side.


The easiest way for the defendant (the candidate with the naked poster) to argue against this is to 'submit precedent as evidence.'


If there is 'only one fact'  that a poster with a nude photo in a previous election, the defendant will probably win.

普通に考えれば、かなり被告(全裸ポスターの候補者)が有利な裁判です―― 前例さえ見つけることができれば、ですが。

Usually, the case favors the defendant (the naked poster candidate) - if only we could find a precedent.



I looked into this a little more.


Surprisingly, Article 7-2 contains no penal provisions (Article 8).


'Really?' I thought, but the ordinance I was reading did indeed state that it was not mentioned.


That means that, although they may be subject to a claim for damages in a civil court, they cannot make a case, at least not in a criminal court (right?).


If this is the case, the strategy could be to 'keep the posters as they are this time and fight the campaign.'


But I reviewed it carefully and found a description (Article 8(4)(vi)). My apologies.


Yet, it does not seem subject to imprisonment (limited to Article 7).


全裸ポスターでの戦いを再起動することはできます ―― まあ、私は絶対に応援はしませんが。

She can restart the fight with naked posters. Well, I definitely won't support her.


Again, I am 'seriously outraged.'


I will rehash this incident as often as I can as long as I live.