

My columns are long.


However, "long" means a lot of research, a lot of calculations, a lot of diagrams, and a lot of writing.


And, I spend a lot of time using my brains and facing the computer for a long time.



―― 江端のコラムは、長いのがイイ!

"I love how long Ebata's columns are!"


I think it would be nice if one of them would comment that way, but I have yet to see such a comment.



I'm wondering if people who comment "more concise" would do so even if it's a romance novel.


I know there are many kinds of romance novels, but the framework of a story is basically like this.

(Step 1)出会う

(Step 1) They encounter

(Step 2)色々なトラブル/イベントが起きる

(Step 2) Various troubles/events occur.

(Step 3)別れる or 結ばれる

(Step 3) They break up or get together


Three lines. You can finish reading this in three seconds.


However, I don't know anyone who says that romance novels are "long".


Well, even if you think so, I think it is because we all know that it is "nonsense", "rude" and "vulgar" to claim so.


もっとも ―― 短く書かなければならないものは沢山あります。

There are many things that need to be written in short form.


Reports to be submitted to superiors and organizations must be written with as clear an argument as possible.


To begin with, the first thing that newcomers to the workforce are thoroughly trained in is how to write a concise report.


Especially in the case of engineers, a huge amount of time (about 2 years) is spent on thorough training (I think this probably hasn't changed).


If it is a research paper, you have to summarize the results of a 200+ page study into a few pages.


If it is a conference proceedings, it is two pages.

zip, tar, cab, 7z なんぞの圧縮アルゴリズムなんぞ、目ではありません。

Compression algorithms such as zip, tar, cab, 7z, and so on are nothing


Don't underestimate "sentence compression skills" of our "trained engineers"



So why are my columns so long?


The reason for this is clear.

―― 私には、書きたいこと/言いたいことが沢山あるからです

"Because I have so much to write/say"


Then, one might say, Ebata cannot criticize "the story of a principal of an elementary and middle school with no presentation skills," but this is an unfair criticism.


This is because I do not 'abuse children in any way,' such as keeping them standing up in the hot sun and making them collapse from anemia.


And I insist, 'If you don't want to read it, you have a 100% guaranteed right to stop in the middle.

しかも、EE Times Japanの編集部は、『江端のコラムの何ページ目で、読者が離れていくか』も、ちゃんと測定しているそうです。

Moreover, the editorial department of EE Times Japan also measures how many pages of Ebata's column a reader leaves.


This is why I have been trying to devise various ways to compose a "long column" (which I will keep as a "trade secret").


Anyway, I am very unhappy to be lumped in with the self-satisfied, boring, and unentertaining stories of incompetent school principals.



I am currently working on this month's column, using MindManager.



I'm in the middle of a "deadline crunch," and it's during these times that I'm unlucky enough to stumble upon interesting content.


Right now, I'm hooked on "Marginal Operation" by Yuri Shibamura, and it's slowly stealing away my precious time before the deadline.


(To be continued)


「ビュッフェ」「バイキング」―― 金額固定の食べ放題、というサービスが日本で始まったのは、所説ありますが、今から63年前の、1958年に、帝国ホテルで始まったらしいです。

"Buffets" and "buffets" - all-you-can-eat services with fixed prices - started in Japan 63 years ago, in 1958, at the Imperial Hotel in Japan.


In the past few years, as general-purpose IT service platforms have become cheaper, various "subscription" services have started to be linked to smartphones.


"Subsc" is an abbreviation for subscription, which simply means "a service where you pay for the period of time you receive the service".

Amazon Prime, NetFlixなどの映画、Amazon Music Unlimitedなどの音楽、最近は洋服のレンタル、家具のレンタル、ホテルチェーン、コミック・書籍、Officeスイート、カフェ、英会話教室、学習塾、宅配、布団、などなど、ぶっちゃけ「なんでもサブスク」という感じになってきています。

Amazon Prime, NetFlix and other movies, Amazon Music Unlimited and other music, clothing rentals, furniture rentals, hotel chains, comics and books, office suites, cafes, English conversation classes, cram schools, home delivery, futons, and so on.


このように、生活の基盤がITプラットフォーム ―― というか、スマホとPCに移行しているのは明かなのですが、

Thus, it's clear that the foundation of our lives is shifting to IT platforms -- or rather, to smartphones and PCs.


"Japan's Digital Competitiveness Ranks 27th, Weaknesses in Data Analysis and Human Resources"


Our country's digital competitiveness is being trounced by our neighbors, South Korea, Taiwan and China.


I'm reading this exhibitor's report right now, and I can summarize it in a nutshell,


"We have a world-class network environment, but our digital technology is in tatters"


This seems to be the case.

―― 私か? 悪いのは私たち、ITエンジニアなのか?

"Is it me? Is it us, the IT engineers, who are at fault?"


I am so upset.


Well, that aside.



I found something called "Viking" for bulky trash collection.

―― トラック載せ放題

"All-you-can-carry services on the truck"


I was impressed by the catchphrase, which was really easy to understand.



I was recently asked to write a book, however, compared to the table of contents, direction, and writing style of the other co-authors, I thought

―― うん、私には、こういうスタイルの文章は書けないな

"Yeah, I don't think I could write in this style"


and, I offered my resignation.


It was a collaborative writing project that had already started, but I could see that my writing style would probably result in "multiple rounds of revisions with the proofreader.


they accepted my resignation after I logically told him my prediction: "As a result, everyone will be unhappy."



However, I had already started writing the manuscript I was initially asked to write.


I thought, "It would be a shame to abandon this entirely," so I decided to use it as the basis for an e-book.

電子書籍は、初めてのトライアルなんですけど、結構面倒なんですよね ―― ここに書きましたが。

This is my first trial of an e-book, and it's quite a hassle -- I wrote about it here.



"If you let Ebata write whatever he wants, we'll end up in big trouble"


I don't know how they think, however, I received an unusual offer: "Let us check (proofread and review) your manuscript".


For me, it was a wishful thinking that I would be able to supervise for free, so naturally I accepted the offer.


Then, at the meeting, I was pointed out a "pretty big mistake".


However, the "misunderstanding" spilled over to the entire text, so the revision process took more time than I expected.



Now, I am not sure if I will be able to reach a successful release, but it will probably be a very different kind of technical book.


If you are interested, please consider purchasing this product.



As I wrote here,


"VOYAGER: Tombstone Without a Date"

を聞きたい一心で、先程、Amazon Primeで、シンエヴァンゲリオン劇場版を見ました。

I just watched the Shin-Evangelion movie version on Amazon Prime because I wanted to hear the song.


(I watched the video while coding, but I was able to clear up a couple of code concerns.)


Well, as it turns out, I didn't understand a single millimeter of this global masterpiece of animation until the very end.


It's a shame that I don't have the receptors to understand, but I can't help it.


似たような話 ―― という訳でもないのですが、最近、私は、小松左京先生の「果てしなき流れの果に」の、十何年かぶりの、何十回目かの再読をしました。

On a similar note, I recently re-read Sakyo Komatsu's "The End of the Endless Stream" for the umpteenth time in as many years.


When a section of notes from Time and Awareness, written by the main character, appeared in the last chapter of the book, I felt so nostalgic that I almost swooned.


I scribbled this passage on the wall of my room in the university dormitory.


Looking back, that was the starting point of my devotion to "time and space.


And when I think of how this is connected to the content of my recent column on quantum mechanics, I am deeply moved.



Then, in the epilogue scene, "An unidentified person in distress who has been asleep for 50 years awakens in 2016," I felt like I had been struck dumb.

―― 「果てしなき流れの果に」の初稿が、私の生前であったということ。

-- the first draft of "The End of an Endless Stream" was written before I was born

―― この本を最初に読み終えたのが、高校2年生の1人ツーリングのテントから出た時の、東の地平線から直撃する態様の光線と、私の足元に広がる雲の絨毯の中であったこと。

-- The first time I finished this book was when I left my tent as a high school sophomore touring alone, with rays of light in the form of a direct hit from the eastern horizon and a carpet of clouds spread out at my feet.

―― そして、当時は想像もし得なかった『2016年』という"途方もない"未来の時空を、越えて、今、私が存在し続けていること

-- And that I continue to exist now, beyond the "tremendous" future time and space of "2016," which was unimaginable at the time.


I am confused and bewildered by this fact.



I'd like to watch "The End of the Endless Stream" made into a film, but the "Lukif" in me is trying to stop me from doing so, that is the embodiment of resistance to all vectors of change...



During a recent visit to my parents' house, I weeded the garden for the first time in a year.


A year ago, we installed weed control sheets over the entire garden, but grass was growing in the gaps between the sheets or even through them.


The grass that grew in this environment was like the thickness of a tree. In fact, there was such awesome grass that we had to use a chainsaw to cut it.


I had been wielding a chainsaw since the evening of the day I returned home, when suddenly, from behind me, I heard an eerie sound and fled at once.

―― 蜂、アシナガバチ

"bees, polistes wasp"


I had heard that my sister had already repelled two nests using this spray before I returned home this time, so I was not expecting their appearance.


I looked carefully and found a palm-sized beehive under the eaves.

これは危険だ、と思ったので、その日は、軒下に蚊取り線香を2つ突っ込んで、撤収しました ―― そして、これが大失敗でした。

I thought this was dangerous, so that day I put two mosquito coils under the eaves and left -- and this was a big mistake.



Early in the morning of the next day, I was convinced that I had been "annihilated" by the 20-second continuous spray of the above-mentioned spray gun, then slept a wink and started work at 10:00 in the morning.


And as I started to work, there were more than 10 bees in the garden, staying in the air and ready to attack me.


This was my fault, as the mosquito coils of the previous day had left the main bees in a waiting state outside the hive.

で、どうしたかというと ―― 左手で草取りの作業をしながら、右手でスプレーガンを保持して、襲ってくる蜂を、空中で迎撃するという、「対蜂決戦型の草取り」という、経験したこともないバトルモードの草取りを行いました。

So, what I did was -- while weeding with my left hand, I held the spray gun with my right hand and intercepted the attacking bees in the air, a battle mode of weeding that I had never experienced before, "bee fighting weeding".


The work efficiency was not good at all.



It reminded me of the incident where the U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan accidentally turned a friend's car into a beehive with their machine gun.


And later, while packing the grass into a garbage bag, I found another beehive.


This time, I didn't make the same mistake.


I sprayed the spray gun at once and made sure there was no sign of a counterattack. After that, I threw some lit newspaper under the hive and sprayed it again with the spray gun. With this improvised flamethrower, I reduced the bees and the hive to ashes in an instant (*).


(*) Amateurs, please do not try this. I am an expert in "playing with fire," having repeatedly burned and blown up things with various chemicals since I was in elementary school.


After this attack, there were no more bees in the garden.


コロナウイルスも、テロリストも、そして、蜂も ―― 時間を与えず一つたりとも残さずに一気に殲滅する。

The coronavirus, the terrorists, and the bees -- all to be eradicated in an instant.


The importance of this was reconfirmed during this garden maintenance.



There is a method of proof called "reductio ad absurdum."

ある命題 P を証明したいときに、P が偽であることを仮定して、そこから矛盾を導くことによって、P が偽であるという仮定が誤り、つまり P は真であると結論付けることです。

When you want to prove a proposition P, you assume that "P is false", and by deriving a contradiction from it, you conclude that the assumption that "P is false is false", i.e. "P is true".


Now, here we go,


(1) Assume that "new coronaviruses exist and there is a disease called COVID-19" is false.


And now, after writing all this... I'm tired, so I'll stop.


The reason is that if you know the "reductio ad absurdum" in the first place, I don't need to talk about this stupid stuff.


Let me change the subject.



I was once involved in a case where the authorities (police) conspired to make up a criminal.

政府が ―― 恣意的か、あるいは無知(この場合「情報不足」も含む) ―― デタラメな情報を流して国民を危険にさらした事件も知っています。

I also know of incidents where the government has put people in danger by spreading bullshit information -- either arbitrary or ignorant (including "lack of information" in this case).


In the first place, we are all familiar with (and have been educated about) the national conspiracy of the Pacific War of 80 years ago, called the "Great Headquarters Announcement.


Therefore, I believe that the stance of the people of our country to 'half trust the state' is 'unavoidable' in light of the above history.


However, I also know that there are very few people who "do the other half of the research (study) on their own."



I also know that the management of 'conspiracies' and 'plots' is quite difficult.


Depending on the number and demographics of the people involved, it is easy for secrets to be leaked if they are few and do not belong to a narrow organization (such as a company or government).


This can be produced by a simple calculation.

例えば、10人、100人、1000人のグループにおいて、「陰謀の秘匿の困難性が、それぞれ10倍になる」と思っている人 ―― もう一度、中学の数学(確率、指数)をやり直して下さい。

For example, if you think that the difficulty of concealing a conspiracy is 10 times greater in a group of 10, 100, or 1,000 people, you need to go back and redo your math (probability, exponents).


In addition, it is hopelessly difficult to have a large-scale "conspiracy" or "plot" against all generations of all people (all over the world).

感染症に関して言えば、「一つの村」を封鎖して、全員を殺害して焼却処分する、というような話なら、私は信じる余地があります ―― これなら、権力によって隠蔽できる範囲だと思えるからです。

As far as infectious diseases are concerned, I can believe in something like sealing off "one village" and killing and incinerating everyone. Because this seems to be a range that can be covered up by power.

日本国民全員に係わる事項について ―― 例えば、感染者数とか、病床数数とか、感染死亡者数とかを、隠蔽したり改竄したりするのは「超絶に難しい」、というか、はっきり言って「無理」。

It is "extremely difficult" or, to put it bluntly, "impossible" to conceal or falsify the number of infected people, the number of hospital beds, or the number of infected deaths, for example, in matters that concern all Japanese citizens.


Even if it could be done, it would take a lot of people and a lot of money.


So where do the people and money come from, and most importantly, I can't even make a rational hypothesis as to why they would do such a thing.



In conclusion, I think that


I'm not saying there aren't conspiracies (I'm sure there are), but in the case of this infectious disease, there is no reason to conspire, and even if there were, the cost would not be worth it.



Well, I thought this would be easier than explaining the "reductio ad absurdum."



With the scrapping of my late father's automobile, I decided to rent a car from this trip home.


This is a cheap rental car that costs 2200 yen/day. Even with full insurance, the price is 7700 yen for two days, which is quite cheap.


However, the mini-car I rented was a smoking car (because it was cheaper) and it smelled of nicotine, but I just don't like the smell of smoke, so it was not a problem.


There were also a number of exterior scratches on the body of the car, and when explaining the situation, he even said, "Well, we don't mind if you damage it a little bit.

乗り心地は、『今、カブールで走っている日本車って、こんな感じかもしれんなあ』というくらいでした ―― が、別段文句はありません。

I thought the ride was about the same as a Japanese car driving in Kabul right now -- but I have no complaints.


If I could go shopping or to the hospital without getting heatstroke, I would have no complaints. It even had air conditioning.


I just went to return the rental car, but the office was locked.


The sign on the door said, 'Call me here,' so I called, waited a while, got a callback, and was told.

―― 鍵を自動車に差したままにして、立ち去って下さい

"Please leave the keys in the car"


I was surprised to hear that.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" (I don't care if it gets stolen.)


I said that, however he also said to me


"No problem."


So, I did as he told me and walked away.



However, I thought that this was a good business model that was attacking a good point.


The possibility that a car with the rank of "running on kerbals" could be stolen,


with the irregularity of the office closing operations,


the break-even point might be in an unexpected place, I thought.



(Continuation from yesterday)

全世界70億人全員参加の世界大戦 ――

A world war involving all 7 billion people in the world.


In just one year, the virus has multiplied its infectious power several times over in an attempt to counterattack humanity (a U.S. pharmaceutical company), which has created an "mRNA vaccine" in just one year.


We are in the midst of a war of unprecedented scale in human history.

そして、やつら(ウイルス)が、さらなる強毒化する変異株を作り出す前に、人類は、隔離予防ととワクチン接種で、やつらを殲滅しなければならないのですが ――

And humanity must eradicate them with quarantine precautions and vaccinations before they (the whistles) create even more virulent mutants.


In the midst of all this,


There are also a certain number of humans who support the virus in becoming more poisonous. That is the person who does not take precautions against infection and refuses to be vaccinated against the virus.


The unvaccinated human body is the perfect laboratory environment for creating mutant strains.


Since they are offering their bodies to the virus, they are "wonderful donations" for them (the virus).


Thanks to that "wonderful donation", the mutant strain is finally entering the "kill children" phase (maybe it's just a matter of time).



People who refuse to be vaccinated have their own reasons for doing so.


"I think it's fair to say that "adverse reactions such as high fever after inoculation may be painful.


It's also fine to "believe fake news with no scientific basis."

また「健康に自信がある」といいって、インフルエンザンの1500倍の感染力と40倍以上の死亡率に立ち向うのも自由です ―― 私は、嗤っちゃいますけどね。

You are also free to claim to be "confident in your health" and stand up to a flu that is 1,500 times more contagious and 40 times more deadly. -- I'm going to laugh at you, though.


On the contrary, maybe a few years from now, there will be a huge adverse reaction to the mRNA vaccine, and most of the people vaccinated will die, and the 7 billion human population will be reduced to 1 billion.


The end of the world, "I can laugh alone in the empty streets of Shinjuku Kabukicho" is one of the futures that I would like to see.


確定できない未来を『盾』に取られれば(理由にされてしまうのであれば)、「ワクチン接種を拒否した人が正しかった」という未来は来ないとは、言えないでしょう ――

If an indeterminate future is used as a shield (or reason), it is hard to say that a future in which "those who refused to be vaccinated were right" will not come.


Just as no amount of facts, logic, and examples could persuade those who believe that artificial intelligence will destroy the human race.


Logic and theory are completely powerless against personal beliefs (or rather, emotions) to those who do not have the receptors for them.


ただ、それらを全て考慮したとしても、「隔離予防ととワクチン接種」を行わない人間の人体が、新型コロナウイスルの変異株の製造培養となっている ――

However, even if all of these factors are taken into account, the human body without "quarantine prophylaxis and vaccination" has become the manufacturing culture for the mutant strain of the new coronavirus.


This much is an absolute fact that cannot be denied.


No matter what the future brings, just be prepared that you will never be able to escape the criticism.



I'm back home today to accompany my mother for her treatment.


This year, I couldn't go back home for New Year's, Golden Week, or summer vacation, so this maintenance of my parents' house (mainly weeding the garden) is going to be a big deal.


Last summer, I took more than enough measures to prevent heat stroke, and yet, I still had the early symptoms of heat stroke.


This time, I'll make sure the bath tub is filled with water and get on with the garden maintenance.



As with last year, residents of the Tokyo metropolitan area are not welcome in any part of the country.


However, at present, I am honestly "scared" to move outside of the Tokyo metropolitan area.


The infectious power of the mutant strain (Delta strain) is so great that I am frightened.


I think the majority of the population, with the exception of a few people, has implemented a basic response to the new coronavirus.


According to my rough calculation, the infectivity of the initial new coronavirus is 1500 times higher than that of influenza (since the incidence of influenza in 2020 was 1/1000).


The mortality rate compared to influenza is more than 40 times higher (some estimates put it at 100 times higher).


However, the infection rate of the delta strain is more than twice as high as that of the initial new coronavirus (it can be calculated to be 4.5 times higher).


In addition, there are reports that vaccination (Pfizer) is only 43% effective in protecting against infection.



I have already completed two vaccinations, but my alertness is higher than last year.


I don't plan to talk to my sister or mother, let alone my relatives, during this trip home.

完全無欠の『たった一人の実家メンテナンス + 母の施術介助』に徹する予定です。

I'm planning to devote myself completely to "the maintenance of my parents' house by myself + my mother's treatment assistance".


以前、私のコラムの中で「いずれは弱毒化」という記載をしましたが ―― もちろん、それは間違っていないはずですが ―― 1年という超短期タームにおいては、「恐しい強毒化」が進んでいます。

In my previous column, I mentioned that "eventually it will weaken" -- and of course, I'm sure I'm not wrong -- but in the very short term of one year, it is becoming "horribly poisonous.


I believe that one of the reasons for the increasing virulence of this virus is the "vaccine offensive" from the human side.

「感染防御率95%」という、人類史上例のない高効率のワクチンが、世界中で何十億の人間に接種されている ―― これは、ウイルス側からは、史上例のない敵対勢力による殲滅戦が展開されている、と、見えるでしょう。

"Billions of people around the world are being inoculated with a vaccine that has a 95% protection rate against infection, an unprecedented level of efficiency in human history. From the viral side, this would appear to be an unprecedented war of annihilation by hostile forces.


The new coronavirus should be regarded as having given up its strategy of coexisting with human beings through "weakening" and has turned to a "strengthening" strategy.


(To be continued)



I hate (not "criticize") any, tyrannical, autocratic state.


Among them, I dislike Pol Pot, Ceau Chesco, Mao Zedong, and the Nazis.


Because these guys took advantage of the children.


Pol Pot tore families apart and thrust their children together into state institutions, and Ceau Chesco did the same.


Mao Zedong tried to maintain his power by creating a "crazy civil war" called the Cultural Revolution and turning ideologically immature young people into mobs (revolutionary fighters?).


By brainwashing children in Germany, the Nazis created a fanatical boy soldier named Hitlerjugend.



The family is the entity that carries out the process of protecting and nurturing a child to adulthood with a concept of "love" that is far removed from financial interests.

国家ごときに、ましてや、権力闘争に明け暮れる腐った為政者の手に、子どもを渡してなるものか ―― と、そう思っています。

I don't want my child to be in the hands of the state, much less corrupt politicians who spend all their time fighting for power.


そう思ってはいるのですが ―― 『家族が子どもを殺している』という事実の前に、呆然と立ち竦みます。

I'm thinking it, however I'm stunned by the fact that family is killing their children.

児童虐待 昨年度“20万件超” 過去最多 厚労省まとめ

"Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare reports record number of child abuse cases, over 200,000 last fiscal year"


I was stunned that "57 abusive deaths, about half of them of 0-year-olds.



"I understand the stress of raising children, especially the anger towards them.


Honestly speaking, that is "hatred" that surpasses "love" by a factor of 100.

―― この子を殺して、ぐっすり眠りたい

"I want to kill my baby, and get a good night's sleep"


If there are any parents who have never thought about such things, I would like to meet them.


"Parenting is torture" is as true as "Caregiving is hell".


However, "childcare torture (as long as it is sleep-related)" is timed. Two years at the most.


That day will come like a sudden clearing of the haze. I can promise you that.


Please believe in that day, and stay away from killing (or abusing) your own children.



Compared to the daily life where children are killed or abused in a closed, locked room.


"Was Pol Pot still better?


Please don't make me think, even for a moment.