

On August 31, the day before September 1, adult with a generous heart, send out a message to children who "can't decide whether to kill themselves".

―― 逃げていいんだよ

"You can run away."



The message of "you can run awasy" is also often used for working people who have been pushed to the edge at work and have become depressed. This is an irresponsible and vicious message.


If you are allowed to "run away", then you are first obligated to explain the specific "how to escape" in detail.


・・・ では以下に、逃げ方の実施例を記載する。

Now let me explain an example of how to escape below.


(1) Prerequisites


The case that you have your own room (if you don't, skip to Chapter 2)


(2) Items to be implemented by August 31


(a) Install your own key in your room. A "stirrup" will suffice and can be obtained at a tool store for about 300 yen.


(b) Keep a week's worth of food and water in your room. Keep at least 20 liters of water in your room.


(3) Items to be implemented from September 1


(a) Start "shut-in". As a rule, never leave the room and never talk to the family.


(b) Do not enter into discussions easily. Do not negotiate with anyone for at least three days.


(c) If there is no movement by the parent or teacher after 7 days, declare "suicide" via email, line, etc.


(d) If the above does not change the situation, you may still commit suicide.


(4) Anticipated parent or teacher response


(a) At the very least, if "shut-in" continues for three days, parents and teachers may start to move.


(b) Disclose to the parent or teacher the reason for not attending school (the fact of the bullying and the name of the person who has been bullying you), with the door closed.


(c) The teacher should suggest that you come to school anyway, but you should not respond to him/her easily.


(d) If you agree to attend school, declare that you will resume your truancy at any time on terms that suit you.


(5) The above reasons


(a) The purpose of this example is to magnify the problem, extend blame to parents and teachers, expose the bullying party to the entire school, and hopefully force him or her to change schools.


(b) Only one thing to do is "shut-in". After that, the other world will move, and you can ride it.




(a) If the situation still does not improve after doing the "shut-in" above, then

―― 自殺という方法で「逃げていいんだよ」

"You can run away" by way of suicide.



You should be well described, up to this point.



All child suicides are "murders due to adult omission."


Adults who just say "you can run away" and leave are the worst "inaction" practitioners.



People who like math are good at math, and


People who likes English, is good at English, and


People who like history, are good at history, and


People who like computers are good at computers.


Yeah, it was good, I think.


I can say "Congratulations" from the bottom of my heart.


だが ――



People who likes math, says that math is just a trick, and


People who like English say that it's enough to remember only 81 sentences in English, and


People who like history say that history is just a matter of figuring out the flow, and


People who like computers say that anyone can handle computers.


I will not tolerate these people.


Whoever is lucky enough to like something, extends their good fortune to others, and say


"It's easy."


I'm not going to tolerate the arrogance of anyone who says these things.


『彼らを・・・責めているんじゃない・・・ むしろお祝いを言うよ』(*)

"I don't blame them... but I congratulate them."(*)

(*)はみだしっ子5 奴等が消えた夜 P.155

(*)Hamidashikko 5 The Night they Disappeared p.155


Why can't they stop at "I like it" or "I'm fun"?


Why are they going to force others to be "easy" by attaching logic to that "like" and "fun" and even generalizing it?

いい加減、ほっといてくれ ――

"Come on, just leave me alone... "



The shameful thing is that I have only recently realized this.


"Writing a patent specification is easy once you get the hang of it."

と言い放っていた頃の私を許せない人は ―― 私を"刺し"に来てもいいです。

Anyone who can't forgive me for saying that -- can come and "stab" me to death.


I'm aware that 'I have done nothing but get stabbed to death'.


I'm not going to file a civil lawsuit (although you can't escape from criminal case).


However, the only reason is the "patent specification".


I will go into "Retaliation Mode" as usual, expect of them.



All functions of https are working!!


I rewrote docker-compose.yml,


I added a description to nignx.conf,


I modified packed JavaScript by sight,

それでも動かなくて、悩みまくった主原因が「ブラウザに残っていたキャシュ」だったという、情けないオチであったとしても ―― とにかく

It had not worked, and finally I noticed that the main cause of the trouble was the "cache left in the browser". To tell you the truth, it was shameful. However anyway


It is working now!


うん、docker-compose buildからDB構築までの一連の処理を、100回は繰り返したと思うぞ。

Yeah, I think I've gone through the whole process from docker-compose build to DB build at least 100 times.


I understand the difference between Linux and Windows 10 docker command description, from the bottom of my heart.



However, I also know that it will not work tomorrow.


Softwares hurt the developer/moddererator's heart in the way.

だから、今は ―― 50%くらいのテンションで抑えておこう

So, for now -- let's keep it at about 50 percent intensity.



Last month, I was busy practicing a presentation and question and answer session in preparation for my junior daughter's interview.


In my opinion, when it comes to presentation, I think


"Even if your brain is straight, you can hit the lines into your body until your mouth is talking."



The presentation time remained unknown, so I had her give her 1-minute, 2-minute, and 3-minute presentations 10 to 20 times each, and repeated them thoroughly for the last two days, about three hours.


As for the question and answer session, I asked as many times as I could think of "malicious," "difficult to answer," or "cannot answer."


At the interview, I think, "If you get stuck in words and make silence for 3 seconds, you lose."


However, I don't think it is desirable to simply say "I don't understand."



For answers to questions,


"I can't answer at this point, but I think I can clarify it by studying the field of XXXX in the future."


"For the current question, for example, if I could add the condition XXXX, I think we can use the existing method called XXXX."


In this way, you don't say "I don't know" but you can change the phrase in a positive direction or with a certain hypothesis



In two days, I thoroughly taught these "adult" skills to my junior daughter.

これは、他の受験者等と比較して、チートではないかとも思うのですが ――

I think this is unfair compared to other examinees.


It is the privilege of the protected person (child) to utilize the skills of the guardian (father).



Although I buy more and more e-books these days, we still buy paper books as well.


Even if I can read the same book in the library, I may also buy a paper book.




The reason is simple.

―― 本にアンダーラインを山ほど引き、私以外の人間には解読できない文字を書き込み、本を風呂の中に水没させるため

"To draw a pile of underlines in the book, to write characters that cannot be deciphered by anyone other than me, and to submerge the book in the bath"



I recognize that the right to the full extent of abuse for this book, "if it's a 3,000-yen book, I buy it for 3,000-yen".


I think one of the features of the book is "sharing," but I don't care about that.


My respect for the book is not for tangible objects, but only for the knowledge contained in that book.


In particular, in my case, "understanding" is not enough, but the task of "understanding and then telling others in your own words" is needed. Hence, normal book reading is not enough for me at all.

「本の中から沸き上がってくる、新しいコンセプト」―― これを獲得する為には、通常の本の取り扱いでは全然足りないのです。

To get "a new concept coming out of the book", in order to get this, it is not enough to handle a normal book.


Of course, I do not mean to impose on you, how to handle this book.


In fact, I even think it's better to stop handling such books.


Aside from that.



Recently, I also purchased a book stand to facilitate reading in the bath.


In the bath, while drinking non-alcoholic beer and eating kimchi, I am reading a book on this bookstand.

「プチ極楽」といったとこです ―― 安い極楽ですが。

It's like "petit paradise" -- a cheap paradise.


However, I am required to take a bath last in the family (my senior daughter complained about the smell of kimchi filling the bath).



One of the topics of this presidential election,


"Just by analyzing the 'GOOD' button on a social network, you can learn about a person's personality."


You can read explanatory those articles in various places.


In my case, by analyzing all of the Twitter timelines of people who have disrespected my column, I would judge the person as follows,


"She/He counts for nothing"


and, I could find relief.


This is a pretty good way to do it, and I recommend it to you.

私のコラムをディスってきた人間の多くは、見事なくらい「執筆者の論調に簡単に乗せられる軽薄」か「物事をロジックで説明できない低能」でしたが ――

Many of the people who have disrespected my column have been, brilliantly, 'a frivolity that can easily be put into the tone of the author's argument' or "Incompetence that cannot explain things with logic".


However, on the other hand, although it is a rare case, she/he was also an "observer who grasps the event based on his own policy" with intelligences based on their self-assertions".


I can "lower the tame" in both opposite directions.



This is the same as analyzing the "GOOD" button on a social network.


And it's one of the reasons I've decided not to use all social networking sites, including Twitter and Facebook.

―― 誰が好き好んで、自分のパーソナリティを世間に晒すものか

"Who likes to expose their personalities to the world?"


I think that.



I realized the following when I was in the middle of writing this diary.

―― 毎日日記を公開し、毎月コラムをリリースしている私くらい、自分のパーソナリティを世間に晒している人間もいないだろうな

"I am the one who publishes a daily diary and releases a monthly column, and I am the one who is exposing my personality to the world"



I've come to the obvious fact that if I don't want my personality to be known, I should shut down my diary and column first.



I just happened to find it while watching Youtube.


I laughed at the mess.


I'm already on my third viewing.



Now, I think my daughter is going to bring a man home.


I'd like to show this to him then and watch how he react to it.

―― これを見て、「何が面白いのか分からないような男」は、正直嫌だな

"I honestly don't want to be a "guy who doesn't know what's funny"



I was asked to fill out a survey once to see what books I would like Ebata to read (even if I was forced to).


I'm digesting the lists now, at a fairly nonchalant pace.


Some books I liked and some I didn't (obviously).



One of the books recommended by several people was called "Slaughterhouse Organ".


However, this one doesn't seem to be to my liking and I haven't been able to finish it.


However, I also think it must be interesting, as more than one person has recommended it.


So, after confirming that the "Slaughterhouse Organ" movie was on Netflix (Netflix) titles, I subscribed it.


I didn't know that "titles can be removed after a certain period of time.


見るものがなくなったので、「バイオレット エバーガーデン」を家族に見せたのですが ―― 簡単にハマったようです。

I ran out of things to watch, so I showed "Violet Evergarden" to my family -- they were easily hooked.


We haven't finished watching all the episodes yet, but I think we've already confirmed to go to see the movie that's playing now.



My wife used to watch "Blades of Demons", which has even become a social phenomenon, however she seems to stop watching it. She couldn't get too enthusiastic about it.

一方、嫁さんは「PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス」の第3期までの視聴を「2日間」で完了しています。

Meanwhile, my wife has completed the first three seasons of PSYCHO-PASS Psychopath in "two days".



My senior daughter has decided to buy the DVD of "Scent of Woman".


Ebata: "You can watch that movie on NetFlix now.


Daughter: "I will buy it for a missionary for my friends.


My daughter also get too enthusiastic about it.


私の好きなコンテンツが家族と被る ―― これは、結構、幸せなことだなぁ、と実感しています。

"My family loves my favorite contents". I realize that this is a pretty happy thing.


死に気になれば、なんでもできる ――

"You can do anything if you want to die"


I'm dumbfounded that there are still people out there claiming such nonsense.


Many people who want to attempt suicide are basically in a state of "not wanting/ability to do anything" (many of which are caused by mental illness).


In the "I don't want to do anything" category, there's also "preparing for suicide.


A person in such a state can "do anything"?


Don't be silly.


Really, I can assume that any idiot making the above ridiculous claims is now an "uncorrectable idiot".



Diving into suicide is the least expensive form of "suicide preparation".


It has a high success rate and does not require any equipment to prepare. Moreover, it can be performed anywhere in Japan.

アクションは「レールに倒れ込んでいくだけ」 ―― そして、それが妨害される可能性は絶無です。

The action is "just falling into the rail" -- and there is no chance of it being interfered with.



Of course, the damage to third parties is enormous.


It continues to cause tremendous inconvenience to tens of thousands of people.


But there is no logic to counter 'I don't care what happens after I'm dead'.

だからこそ、「飛び込み自殺」に対抗する最後の切り札は『苦痛』しかない ―― 私は、そう判断したのです。

That's why only 'pain' is the last trump card against 'jumping into suicide'. -- I decided that.



That's why I keep thinking about 'a social system that uses "avoidance" from pain, anxiety and fear as its engine'.


This is not a concept or a call to action that can be described only with words and pictures in Powerpoint, but a concrete logic (algorithm) for a social control system.

上記の内容の研究、ここ数年、ずっと提案し続けているんですけど ―― ウケが悪いです。

I've been proposing the above research for the last few years -- but it's not popular.


This research topic is not easy to get adopted.


I know it's a "bad use of words, however, I am also well aware of that, if I obscure the words in this area, I will only get boring research results.


Well, I've resigned myself to the fact that for the time being (or until I die), I'll just have to do "my weekend research" as I've always done.



The other day, I told my family, with complaining


"I wish I could have lived bullishly"


my family said to me,


"Few people live as bullish as you."




I remembered that I had talked about this before.


Well, even I have the common sense to say, "I am what others define me to be".

そして、私が「私が気弱な人間である」を立証する為には、その立証によって利益が得る側 ―― つまり、"この私"に立証責任があります。

And in order for me to establish that "I am a feeble-minded person, the onus is on the party that benefits from that proof. I mean, "it is me"



When I look at the world (including Japan) after the U.S. presidential election, I feel relieved that there are so many people in the world who do not know the principle of the burden of proof. At the same time, it feels bleak.


The burden of proof doesn't have to be complete facts, but it can be derived from various types of reasoning based on data (numbers) that you have a handle on.


It's enough to have supporting numbers, evidence and logic to persuade many people of that reasoning.


It's not that the burden of proof is "on the media" to prove anything.



But it's easy and effortless to "criticize the media". It's overwhelming.


You don't have to do any calculations on your own calculator or computer, and you don't have to do any literature research in the first place. You can just write a phrase in a few seconds.


How many times have I thought, that I wanted to stop writing this columns and walk away looking good, without sweating, and just writing a critical comment for a few seconds.



I have the confidence to look for evidence and construct logic to establish that I am a feeble-minded person.


However, when it comes to "how many people will accept the results of that proof", it's a whole different story.


The biggest problem is,

―― 弱気な人間は、自分の主張を立証するに為に証拠集めやロジックを組みたてるようなことはしない/できない

"Feeble-minded persons don't/can't do anything to gather evidence or construct logic to prove their claims"


Maybe I can't stand up to this claim.