

I was in a big bookstore the other day, gathering information.


As usual, many of the books are called "XXX in Just a Day.


I think many people buy this kind of book.


If I were, I would written a book whose title is


"The Book of Lies in a Day In just one day."



これ、「ヒルベルト・プログラム」という計画が転けるきっかけなった話のパロディです ―― と思います、多分。

This is a parody of the story that led to the failure of the "Hilbert Program" plan -- I think, maybe.


The source is this book.



(Continuation from yesterday)


I feel like that's a title that might get you in trouble with the ordinance. As a Stein's Gate geek, I'm proud to recommend this time travel comic to you.


Unlike "multi-world interpretation theory" such as "another world story", this is a story that goes back in time on the same time axis.


It's a classic theme of "looks like a kid, however, the brain like an adult", but it's a simple, exhilarating book to read (two books total).


I'm also curious as to why the author uses "Minkowski space" for this theoretical interpretation of time retrogression.


I am reading and studying it with the following book.

ミンコフスキー幾何 - 海城中学高等学校

Minkowski Geometry-Kaijo Junior and Senior High School





"Events in the spatial domain beyond the speed of light, occur at the same time, or even before, by moving to a coordinate system that moves at an appropriate speed"

の、「光速を超えた空間的領域」の部分を、「魂の混線」という現象で説明しているのかなぁ? とか、楽しく考えています。

I wonder if the "spatial realm beyond the speed of light" part is explained by the phenomenon of "soul mixing". Anyway, I am enjoying it.



For me, I'd like to read a comic that takes the story a step further, even more so.


Even a child who "looks like a kid, however, the brain like an adult", the fact of the horrendous children's bullying will make her/him feel nervous.




The new normal that the world has acquired (absolute denial of violence, para-harassment, penalization of sexual harassment, understanding of same-sex marriage, etc.)


will be overturned by the common sense of the past world, and


the child will be re-created to say "Corporal punishment is a teacher's love"



NOT "a guy from the future judging the past from a superior perspective"


BUT "the guy from the future, "brainwashed" with the wisdom of the past"


I would also like to read such a reactionary (x progressive), ironic, unpleasant, time travel story.



I think there is a certain demand group.


- A politician who can't write a single logical column, but just has a loud voice


- Parents and teachers who profess that "corporal punishment is a necessary evil"


- A person who insists on patriotism education, such as saying "love" the "service provider" whose name is "Japan"


I'm sure they will like it.



(Continuation from yesterday)


However, in order to realize "Japazon" (Japanese government) services at the level of Amazon, the users (Japanese citizens) need to have a certain level of literacy.


Amazon is maintaining its services by eliminating front-of-house operations altogether.


In order for Japazon to provide the same level of service as Amazon, all Japanese citizens should be able to use IT devices (PCs and smartphones) as normal.

加えて、Japazonも、現状の人間が行っている窓口業務と同程度のインターフェースが必要ですが ―― いつになったら、"AI"なるものによる窓口業務が開始されるのでしょうか?

In addition, Japazon needs to have the same level of interface as the current human counter service, however, I want to know when the "AI" front service starts?


Aside from that.



I'm getting used to ebooks. It's convenient.


In my case, I have a Kindle on my phone or tablet, and the fact that I don't have to "carry around a book" is a huge advantage.


Some books are available for free (books on Dazai, Ogai, Soseki, etc.).


I read about a page or two a day while waiting at the train station, etc., so I might be able to read through it at least once before I die (and I already know the story).

逆に、コミックなどが、"BOOK OFF"と同程度の古本価格で入手できないのが、なんとも残念です。

On the other hand, it's a shame that I can't get comics like used book prices of "Book-Off".



I don't buy a lot of ebook comics, but I still buy some of them.


Today, I'm going to recommend


"An old man becomes a junior school girl".



(To be continued)



(Continuation from yesterday)


Honestly, we are one of those households that strongly supports Amazon's monopoly.


- Most of our purchases, except for groceries, are made on Amazon

■配送費無料となるAmazon Primeサービスの濫用(最近は過剰包装も改善されつつある)

- Frequent use of the Amazon Prime service, which offers free shipping (excess packaging is improving these days)


- Most of the items I order can be returned (albeit formally, however, in principle) for any reason. Amazon owns the cost of returning the item.)


- When it comes to book purchases, I'm almost 100% dependent on Amazon. They are outpacing the e-book (Kindle version) by more than the paper book.

■Amazon Prime会員の無料サービス、Amazon Prime Videoのメニューが抱負。話題の映画も無料で公開されることが多く、地上波と同時にアップされているコンテンツも多い(最近はテレビではなくPCで見ることが多い)

The Amazon Prime Video menu, a free service for Amazon Prime members, embraces. Many of the hottest movies are released for free, and much of the content is up at the same time as terrestrial content (these days, I tend to watch them on my PC rather than my TV).

■会社の仕事での、Amazon Web Service(AWS)の利用は、避けて通れなくなっている

- The use of Amazon Web Service (AWS) at work has become unavoidable.

■最近はAmazon Lightsaiなどのように、500円/月で、個人運用のインターネットサービスがある。ビジネスで使うに足る十分な性能と機能を持っている。

These days, there are internet services like Amazon Lightsail and others that allow you to operate your personal Internet service for $500/month. They have enough performance and features to be used for business.


Conclusion: Without Amazon's services, the Ebata family's services (but only logistics, education, entertainment, and work) would not be possible.




By the way, it's unfair to say that the Japanese government, which is supposed to be our country's largest service platformer, is losing ground to Amazon, which I mentioned yesterday.

なぜなら、我が国最大のサービスプラットフォーマ日本国政府(*) ―― 名付けて"Japazon(ジャパゾン)" (江端命名) ―― とのサービスメニューは、膨大だからです。

Because the menu of services with our country's largest service platform, the Japanese government (*) -- named "Japazon" (named by Ebata) -- is enormous.


(*) In this context, it also includes local government services


Broadcasting, education, electricity, environmental protection, firefighting, city gas, health care (publicly funded health care, national health insurance, etc.), military, police, courts, libraries, transportation, housing, telecommunications, water... Anyway, It doesn't compare to Amazon.

もっともAmazon Prime(4900円/年)と違って、"Japazon(ジャパゾン)"のサービス利用料金は、もの凄く高いです。

However, unlike Amazon Prime (4,900 yen/year), Japazon's service fee is very high.

先日試算してみたら、江端家の収入の1/3以上が、Japazonへの"課金" ―― "課税"とも言いますが ―― に持っていかれています。

I calculated the other day that more than 1/3 of the Ebata family's income goes to "charges" -- also called "taxes" -- on Japazon.


In Japan, the people in charge of operating Japazon are elected by the users of the Japazon service (the people).


The policy development and monitoring of the operation of the Japazon service, as well as the cost of operating the service, is checked by an "auditing body" called the Parliament.


And this "elections" and "monitoring" cost an enormous amount of money, which is included in the bills (taxes).



In other countries, the operation of the service is "entrusted to a specific person or entity to operate the service for an indefinite period of time" (usually without user consent).


Such a form of service operation is called "dictatorship".

例えば、「日本の北に位置する半島のさらに北半分の国」 ―― ええい、面倒だな。

For example, "a country in the northern half of the peninsula located in the north of Japan"... it's a hassle.


Directly stated. North Korea and China.


For both countries, "dictatorship" is not a bad word.


After all, both countries have an official "dictatorship" in their constitutions and other documents.



What I'm trying to say is,

―― "Japazon(ジャパゾン)"のサービスが、ユーザメリット(正確には"江端家"のメリット)を最大にするのであれば、サービスプロバイダが誰であっても構わん

"As long as the "Japazon" service maximizes the user benefits (more precisely, the "Ebata family's" benefits), I don't care who the service provider is"



So, while I know that the Japazon service is very difficult to operate, I can't help but think the following.

―― "Japazon(ジャパゾン)"のサービスって、もっとAmazonレベルの満足度に近づけられないのか?

"Can't the "Japazon" service get any closer to Amazon level of satisfaction?"



(To be continued)


最近、巷(ちまた) ―― というか、特に米国と欧州でで、GAFA(ガーファ)による市場独占の問題が大きく取り上げられています。

Recently, the issue of market monopoly by GAFA has been widely discussed on the street -- especially, in the US and Europe in particular.

GAFAとは、Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon の4つのプラットフォーマのことです。

GAFA refers to the four platformers of Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon.


Well, I think it's true that GAFA actually dominates the market and uses the privileged position of platform formers to act as an advantage over retail stores.


Ironically, it was "R", not GAFA, that I learned of the specific example of the "privileged status of platformer".


In January of this year, the retailer's union protested that it would be an 'abuse of a superior position', in response to Rakuten's policy of "free shipping on purchases over a certain amount,


In response to this, the Fair Trade Commission filed a "Petition for Emergency Stay Order against Rakuten" with the Tokyo District Court.


既視感があります ―― 私には、1995年の、Windows95発売時の騒乱が、思い浮んできます。

I have a sense of deja vu -- I think of the mayhem of 1995, when Windows 95 was released.

その後、マイクロソフト社は、「Windows OSの特権的地位による独占」を理由に、米国や欧州で訴訟されまくっていました。

Subsequently, Microsoft was being sued all over the U.S. and Europe for "monopoly due to the privileged status of the Windows OS".

「ブラウザ(Internet Explore)の同梱問題」が大きかったです。

The "browser (Internet Explorer) bundling problem" was a big one.


In fact, browsers are the tool that rules the world.

多分、多くの人が気がついていないかもしれませんが、今や、ブラウザは、「デジタル社会」 ―― というよりも、「デジタル技術」を先導しています。

Perhaps many people don't realize it, but browsers are now leading the way in "digital technology" rather than the "digital society".


It's "the foundation of scalable real-time digital services" that allow, for example, to display a million objects on a map simultaneously, as well as real-time games.


I'll never forget the impact I had when I tried to program in WASM (Web Assembler) on Mr. S's recommendation.

ちなみに、このプログラム、皮肉なことに、Internet Explore"だけ"動きません。

By the way, this program doesn't work, ironically, only on "Internet Explore".

それ以外のほとんどのブラウザ(Chromo, Firefox、Edge、Safariその他)では表示されます。

Most other browsers (Chromo, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.) will show it.

しかし、多くの企業が、業務系の基本ブラウザとして、Internet Exploreが採用しているため、今更、これを変更することができません。

However, many companies have adopted Internet Explorer as the basic browser for their business systems, so it is not possible to change this now.


This is a form of so-called "monopoly by OS" (a success story?) .


Aside from that.



By all accounts, it should be clear that GAFA has a monopoly on the market.


In addition,

―― 我が国最大のサービスプラットフォーマであるはずの日本国政府が、Amazonに負けている

"The Government of Japan, which should be Japan's largest service platformer, is losing to Amazon"


It is true.


Of course, even if I know that "such a comparison is unreasonable".


(To be continued)



Anytime I see a male urinal installed in a train station, I run a simulation in my head.


Women may not know this, but there are usually three male urinals installed in stations.


And every time I look at these three urinals, I think.



- Which urinal is the best strategy to use when all three of these are available?


- Which urinal is the best strategy to use, left or right, when the middle is in use?


- Should you avoid urinals while the water is flowing?


Then, taking into account the average time of use of urinals, the dispersion of urinals by age, and the congestion rate at the time of use


Which of these is the best reasoning engine to build into these, urinal-using male agent programs ?


- Rule-based reasoning to describe behavior verbally


- Alternatively, reinforcement learning to derive behavior from observations


- Or, virtual agents to model behavioral economics

とか、考えるのは ―― 楽しい。

It is fun for me to think about those things.



As you can imagine, we are not allowed to set up a camera in the toilet. However, if we had data on the time of the human sensors installed at the urinal, I think I could hypothesize and test it there.


So here's a request to all toilet bowl manufacturers.


Would you mind releasing that time-series human sensor response time data to me?

え? そんなデータ、計測していない?

Huh? You're not measuring that kind of data?


No, no, I'm sure you are measuring it.


The use rates of male urinals are important data for your company.


This is because you need to apply queuing theory to calculate the urinals needed at each station.


"There's no reason to disclose it to Ebata because it's important data"


Oh, that's certainly reasonable.



Then I guess I'll just have to keep observing, independently, in the restroom.


But for sure, I'm sure they'll call the police.


Even I think, "If I find a suspicious person like that, I'm definitely going to call the police".



The "wish" I mentioned the other day is apparently not going to come true.

「私の最悪の予想」の何パーセントくらいのとろで留まるか ―― ということになりそうです。

My interest is going to "What percentage of "my worst expectation" will stay?"



This is the presentation file I used when I was asked to give a lecture by an organization.


"Unpleasant" United States presidential election mechanism


If you are interested, please read it.



Ebata: "Why is this US presidential election on November 3rd?"


Daughter: "Hmm, maybe it's Japan's "Culture Day""


Ebata: "Once upon a time, I've heard that quite a few Americans answered, 'The capital of Japan is Beijing'"



江端:「今も、米国民の日本に対する興味って、その程度だと思う ―― ましてや、日本の祝日を知っているネイティブは、絶無だと思う」

Ebata: "I think that Americans are still interested in Japan at most-even more, and I also think that there are no natives who know Japanese holidays."



(Continuation from yesterday)

―― とは言え、AWSの自習の為に、月数千円を持っていかれるのは、なんとも悔しいな

"However, it is regrettable to bring thousands of yen a month for AWS self-study."

と思っていたところ、見つけたのが、Amazon Lightsailです。

When I was thinking, I found Amazon Lightsail.


It is a server of 3.5 dollars (500 yen) / month, which is a range that can withstand even if I run out of my own stomach.


Yeah, this is good.


In the first place, I have no intention of protecting the server from external cyber attacks.


Even if the system is broken, I can't enter any information that would be a problem from the beginning, and the source code is published on github.


One core (equivalent to EC2) of the virtual server is enough, and the DB can be built in the core.


Above all, I don't want to configure the load balancer used as a firewall or Route53.


という訳で、この11月始めの連休は、Amazon Lightsail上に、試作したサーバを搭載して、数千のオブジェクトのデータで攻撃し続けるという、「えげつない」テストを繰り返していました。

So, this weekend in early November, I was repeating a "bad" test of installing a prototype server on Amazon Lightsail and continuing to attack with data of thousands of objects.


Of course, a communication failure occurred (caused), but the server did not go down. To be honest, I'm impressed with how amazing it is.



So, let's get back to the beginning.


"Shifting the development direction to the home server using Raspberry Pi" is coming into scope of "using the cloud".


For 500 yen / month, I can play on a private internet server ... If I can operate it, it's enough for me.



In this column, I wrote that I "failed" to use the VPS on my website when creating a home watching system.

でもって、ラズパイを使った自宅サーバの方に、開発方向をシフトさせるに至りました ―― まあ、そのおかげで、この連載の記事が執筆できたのですが。

Therefore, we have shifted the development direction to the home server that uses Raspberry Pi. Well, thanks to that, I was able to write an article in this series.

ここ一年の間、Amazon Web Service(AWS)の、Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2)とLBS(ロードバランサ)を使ったシステムを使って、色々やってきたのですが、先日、1年間の無料使用期間が終了して、有料モードに突入してしまいました。

For the past year, I've been using Amazon Web Services (AWS), a system that uses Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and LBS (load balancer). The other day, the one-year free usage period has expired and I have entered the billing phase.


Actually, I didn't notice it and learned that I was charged 5,000 yen / month for about 3-4 months, so I hurriedly deleted my account the other day.


Though I only used it for practice, it was a considerable loss.



In the first place, I'm not good at "AWS".

"AWS"というのは、「ビルデイングブロック」で作るサーバです ―― イメージ的に言えば、「電子ブロック」のような感じです。

"AWS" is a server created by "building blocks". In other words, it feels like an "electronic block".


An "electronic block" is a metaphor that is often (conveniently) used, but when it comes to operation in the real world, it becomes a nightmare.

―― ブロックがたった一つでも動かないと、サーバシステム全体が動かない

"The entire server system will not work unless even one block works"


I've often talked about how scared I was of "non-working servers" with "TLS authentication", "road bangsar", and "domain registration".


『てやんでい! サーバ構築なんてもんはなぁ、コンソールのシェルが2つ、3つ立ち上がっていればいいんでい!』

"Shut up! I only need two or three console shells up to build a server"


In this way, for the elderly who survived only with the command interface type UNIX server construction technique of the 1980s, the methods like "AWS" are really "hard".

まあ、とは言え、こういうセリフを語り出した時から、人間はジジイ化する訳で ――

However, if I start talking about these lines, I become "old farts"


"the engineer who allowed himself to become old farts" is going 'game over'.


If I don't like the 'game over', then engineers have to keep fighting, even when it's a weekend, a major holiday, or late at night after work.


(To be continued)



This is a conversation I had with my senior daughter on my birthday.


"Daddy. Happy birthday. Now, on the occasion of your birthday, what are your future aspirations?"

江端:「ふむ、抱負か・・・『自分が自分の意識と体をコントロールできる時間内での、苦痛ゼロの死』―― この一択だな」

"Hmm, an aspiration... 'Death with zero pain, in a time when I can control my own consciousness and body' - Just this one option"



My wife also says the same thing.


Well, you all will understand when you eventually get on the care front.

ええ、介護者になろうが、被介護者になろうが ―― 全員、例外なく。

Yes, whether you become a caregivera or a care recipient, without exception.