

I received an offer to make a paper on the international conference paper I released three years ago.


I looked it up and it appears to be a solid identity and not SPAM or an ad scam.


One question, however, is the field of the offered paper.

―― 「哲学的取引 (Philosophical Transaction)」

"Philosophical Transaction"



Philosophy is, "the study of life, the world, and the principles of the origin of things, or a view of life created from experience", so I believe this is another form of "technology".


So I don't have a lofty image of philosophy, but I do feel a terrific sense of discomfort about this offer.


Well, my recent work on my original approach to "quantifying human dissatisfaction (anger) and incorporating it into system operations" may be a "field of philosophy".



Anyway, it was an unexpected offer, from an unexpected office.


"That's quite an interesting event to fly in"

I was laughing a bit.



To begin with, I was locked in a lab by myself, even at the company office, writing patent specifications and reports, coding, building a system.


Even before the Corona disaster started, I was sort of "working at home in the office".


Still, meetings and business trips were pulling me out of the lab.



These days, thanks to telecommuting, working hours are increasing.


However, in my case, my work and hobbies are in the quantum state of "0 cat" and "1 cat", so I can't "observe" the real working hours with any accuracy.


Anyway, since I can't find a "break point" during working time, I can just keep on building a system.


Reports, patent specifications and conference papers were also submitted on time and without delay.


I feel deeply that this is another result of my thoroughgoing "anti-team-playing" spirit,




However, my physical condition is falling down certainly.


"solitary attributes" + "forced telecommuting" + "IT environment with three computers and five displays running at the same time

is equal to

= 「慢性的な疲労状態」

"chronic fatigue".


is established now.



の"client.go"を改造して、「とりあえず、動かして、止めることができればいい」という割り切りだけでコードをごそごそを変えてみました。(server.goは変更なしで大丈夫)。 ファイルは、~/go_echo/に置くこととします。

// go run client_multi_agent.go

// Copyright 2015 The Gorilla WebSocket Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// +build ignore

package main

import (


var addr = flag.String("addr", "localhost:8080", "http service address")

var interrupt = make(chan os.Signal, 1) // Go のシグナル通知は、チャネルに os.Signal 値を送信することで行います。
			  	 		   			  	 // これらの通知を受信するためのチャネル (と、プログラムが終了できること
										 // を通知するためのチャネル) を作ります。
var	u = url.URL{Scheme: "ws", Host: *addr, Path: "/echo"} // JSON型の配列記述方法?

func main() {
	flag.Parse()     //引数の読み込み argv, argcと同じ
	log.SetFlags(0)  // ログの出力で時間の情報、この時点で0秒にセット

//	interrupt := make(chan os.Signal, 1) // Go のシグナル通知は、チャネルに os.Signal 値を送信することで行います。
//			  	 		   			  	 // これらの通知を受信するためのチャネル (と、プログラムが終了できること
//										 // を通知するためのチャネル) を作ります。

	signal.Notify(interrupt, os.Interrupt) // 指定されたシグナル通知を受信するために、 与えられたチャネルを登録
							 			   // します。

	log.Printf("connecting to %s", u.String()) // ここは単にプリントしているだけ(だろう)

	///// ここまでは共通 /////

	go sub_main()
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 333)  // 333ミリ秒		

	go sub_main()
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 333)  // 333ミリ秒		

	go sub_main()
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 333)  // 333ミリ秒		

	go sub_main()
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 333)  // 333ミリ秒		

	go sub_main()
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 333)  // 333ミリ秒		

	go sub_main()
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 333)  // 333ミリ秒		

	go sub_main()
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 333)  // 333ミリ秒		

	go sub_main()
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 333)  // 333ミリ秒		

	go sub_main()
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 333)  // 333ミリ秒		

	go sub_main()
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 333)  // 333ミリ秒		

	go sub_main()
	time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 333)  // 333ミリ秒		
	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)  // 1秒おきに通知 (sleepと同じ)		

	for {
    	   case <-ticker.C: // tickerのチャネルはデフォルトで付いているらしい
		   case <-interrupt:  // こっちは手動割り込みだな検知だな

func sub_main(){
	c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(u.String(), nil) // これがコネクションの実施
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("dial:", err)
	defer c.Close() // deferは、どこに書かれていようとも、関数から抜ける前に実行される

	done := make(chan struct{}) // 配列といってもいいし、並行処理用のキューといってもいい
                                // 値が入っていないとデッドロックする

	go func() {  // 受信用スレッドを立ち上げる(スレッドの中でスレッド立ち上げているが、大丈夫だろうか)
		defer close(done)
		for {
			_, message, err := c.ReadMessage() // このメソッドの返り値は3つで、最初の返り値は不要
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("read:", err)
			log.Printf("recv: %s", message)  // 受信したら、そのメッセージを表示する

	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)  // 1秒おきに通知 (sleepと同じ)
	defer ticker.Stop() // このループを抜ける時に終了する

	for {            // 無限ループの宣言かな(C/C++ で言うとろの、whileとかdoとか)
		select {
		case <-done: // doneの中に何かが入っていたら、このルーチンはリターンして終了となる
			 		 // (でも何も入っていないところを見ると、func()ルーチンの消滅で、こっちが起動するんだろう)
		case t := <-ticker.C: // tickerのチャネルはデフォルトで付いているらしい
			   	  			  // 時間が入ってくるまでロックされる	 
			   	  			  // この場合1秒単位でチャネルに時間が放り込まれるのでそこで動き出す。

			err := c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(t.String())) // サーバに(時刻の)メッセージを送付する
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("write:", err)
		case <-interrupt:  // こっちは手動割り込みだな検知だな

			// Cleanly close the connection by sending a close message and then
			// waiting (with timeout) for the server to close the connection.

			// close メッセージを送信してから、サーバーが接続を閉じるのを
			// (タイムアウトして)待つことで、接続をきれいに閉じます

			err := c.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, websocket.FormatCloseMessage(websocket.CloseNormalClosure, ""))
			if err != nil {
				log.Println("write close:", err)
			select {
				case <-done: // これも上記の"done"の説明と同じでいいかな
				case <-time.After(time.Second): // このメソッド凄い time.Secondより未来ならひっかかる

まあ、main()と sub_main()で同じ割り込みを使っているので、タイミングによっては、main()を止めることができず、sub_main()を個別に止めていくことになるが、とりあえず動いたので、これで良しとする。

go sub_main() と書くだけで、いきなりスレッド化させることができる手軽さは、かなり驚いた。


go webassembly experiments をローカルPCで動かす とかも、いろいろやっていきたいことですし。



There is a continuation of the phrase "Life is short, fall in love, maiden"


"Life is short, fall in love, maiden, before the red lips fade away"


"Life is short, fall in love, maiden, before the black hairs fade away"


When I look at the phrase, it seems to be quite a harsh phrase.


Now, it might be a kind of sexual harassment.



However, according to my numerical analysis, the phrase should be changed with


"Life is short, fall in love, men"



Quantitatively, the situation is twice as serious for a "man" than for a "maiden".



So I modified the phrase a bit.


"Life is short, fall in love, men, before stinky breath becomes a regular"


"Life is short, fall in love, men, before a few heads of hair fall out"



Men's deterioration over time occurs more dynamically than women's (true).


And the means to compensate for the change are hopelessly less than for women (in fact).



Last week, I came into work for the first time in a long time.


I spent half a day alone in the laboratory, working on materials.


I took a quick peek at the office, but all the lights were off and the doorways to the office were locked.

―― もしかしたら、ずっとこのまま

"Maybe, this situation could stay that way forever"


It was a landscape that made me feel it.


Aside from that.



It's been a long time since we ate out at our favorite Chinese restaurant. The deliciousness of the "eggplant set meal" almost brought tears to my eyes.

―― 茄子って、どうしてこんなに美味しいんだろう

"Why is eggplant so delicious?"


We ate with gratitude that the Creator had created the "eggplant".



When I was in elementary school, an old lady who was a Christian missionary came to my house.

『リンゴが丸く作られているのは何故でしょうか? それは、神様が食べやすい形状に作ってくれたからです』

"Why are apples made round? That's because God made it into a shape that is easy to eat"


She argued for the existence of God by arguing the above phrase, however I argued against her with the followings.


- It would have been more effective from a packaging point of view if the apples were made in a rectangular shape, which would have reduced logistics costs.


- The reason why the apples are spherical in shape is not only because of their entropy, but also because it helps to minimize costs as a seed strategy

■そもそも果物は、昆虫たちに「果実の種(タネ)」を拡散させるために、高い糖度のものが生き残ってきただけであって、別段、人間の為に作られたものではありません ―― むしろ、人間は、果実の拡散戦略を邪魔していますねえ

In the first place, fruits with high sugar content have only survived to spread their "seeds" to insects, and they have not evolved specifically for humans. Humans are interfering with our fruit dispersal strategy.


- If it was God who made the apple round, then God is really 'useless' for a guy.


with smiling.


And, well, the religious people had stopped coming at all.


まあ、リンゴはともあれ、茄子を作ってくれたのなら ――

Well, aside from the apples, if making the eggplant --


God is a "useful guy"


I was wondering if it would be good to change my perception of the situation.



You seem to think I'm "not interested in Disneyland" but that's not correct.

ディズニーランドは、待ち時間戦略、最短経路問題、 人流制御問題、とかも含めて、最新鋭の数学が投入されていることでも有名です。

Disneyland is also famous for its state-of-the-art mathematics, including wait time strategy, shortest path problem, human flow control problem, and so on.


Moreover, I know that the highest level of safety engineering technology has been put in place.


From my point of view, Disneyland is a huge total system, consisting of the highest level of mathematics and information technology, and control engineering, mechanical engineering, ergonomics and management engineering.

そして、そのシステムが、私達に仕向ける「行動変容プログラム」を「推測」し「欺く」というトライアルは ―― その勝敗はどうあれ ―― 結構な快感だったりします。

And it's quite pleasant to try to "guess" and "fool" the system's behavioral change program that caters to us, -- whether it's a win or a loss.

だから、ディズニーランドは楽しい ―― 見ているだけでも。

So, Disneyland is fun -- even if it's just to watch.



However, it is tiring to go out because it makes me tired.


In terms of getting to know the "system" of theme parks, Kyoto Animation's "Amagi Brilliant Park" is quite interesting.


I can lock myself in my room.



I'm more exhausted at not weekdays but weekend.


Yes, it's for research on this quantum computer.



I'm a firm believer in "If I can't understand the phenomenon, try to calculate it".

For example,


- Monty Hall problem (Bayesian estimation)


- U.S. Presidential Election (3-part series)


I have published a working process that involves plugging these mechanisms into a computer and then questioning the logic of the calculations.



I created a verification program yesterday that I'm sure "fully replicated" the commentary, but I'm still scratching my head because I'm not getting the values I expected at all.


It's a simple program and the results of its calculations seemed reasonable to me as well.


(The law of large numbers says that this is the natural result.)


So maybe I'm missing a very important explanation in the commentary(or I'm hopelessly misunderstanding).


Someone who


(1) is familiar with "BELL's Inequality (Breaking of the BELL)


(2) can read my code (in Golang this time).


will give me the help hopefully


Even if you say "Ebata-san. Localization cannot be proven through simulations of everyday observable events", it is going to help me.



Anyway, I'd like to close this "Quantum Series" soon.


It is unlikely that my intellect and stamina will be sustained any longer. Particularly "stamina" is.



I guess the sixth episode of "My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong,As I Expected -- Final" comes down to this line


"What the hell! The devil's event, which exists only to satisfy the approval needs of yhou-cya(cheer persons) and to fulfill a momentary hedonism !?"


"Anyone who appreciates this stuff is undoubtedly, when they go to college, by telling stories in the event circle such as, "My high school has a prom", they act as if they have been a "jovial Yeeeeeee" since high school. They are going to try to pretend to be something they were...."

(# どうでも良いが、彼のセリフは本当に翻訳しにくい)


Yeah, I can see that.


Truly, I'm glad we don't have such a horrific event/party tradition as the Promenade in our country.


When I see prom as a frequent and important event in American coming-of-age movies and TV dramas,


I can deeply realize how lucky I am that I was not born in the US.



By the way, he says "anti-prom" but this is not a figure of speech, it seems to be an event that exists.


According to WikiPedia, the


'The prom has been opposed by some students because of its formal style and because it is an event in which only the most popular people (mainly jocks and queensbys) are likely to stand out, and opposition rallies "anti-prom" (anti-prom) are often held by volunteer students.'




I have experienced both the "yhou-cya(cheer)" and "yin-cya(nerd)" era so-called, for my teenager.

私が、「陽キャ」として振る舞うことができたのは ―― 自分自身で「プロム」のようなイベントを自分で企画・立案・運営することができた時だけであり、

The only time I've been able to act as a "yhou-cya" -- when I've been able to plan, organize, and run events like "prom" on my own.


At other times, for example, when it came to events like the prom, which was organized by someone other than me, my position was, 'I'm not going to get involved.

まあ、これを一言でいえば、―― 「身勝手」です。

Well, if I had to sum this up in one word -- "selfish".


However, thanks to my personal experience of being both "yhou-cya" and "yin-cya", I think I've become a person who can understand the feelings of both "yhou-cya" and "yin-cya" to a certain extent.

つまり、「人間は、本質的に理解しあえない生き物である」ということと、それが故に「人間を可制御対象として取り扱うことはできない」ということを ――

In other words, "humans are essentially creatures who don't understand each other," and therefore "we can't treat them as controllable objects"


I've known about it since I was quite young, I think.



In yesterday's diary,

『どんなに、英語を勉強しても、何度、外国に出張しようとも、国際学会で発表をしてこようとも、どうしても「英語に愛されない人間」がいるように ――』

"No matter how many times I study English, no matter how many foreign trips I take, no matter how many international conferences I present at", they are in vain. And there will always be someone who will never be loved by English."


And as for me, I was unusually self-deprecating...or rather, humble in my remarks.


Actually, there was a reason for this.



I mentioned the other day that most of the conference presentations these days are either in video conference format or in video clips.


The other day, I got permission from my supervisor to come into work to make this video clip, and I've been making a selfie video clip for my presentation for a long time.

―― その英語の内容、特に私の英語の「発音」の酷さに、愕然としました

"I was appalled at the awfulness of the English content, especially my "pronunciation" of the English language"


It was awful enough to assert that "it is impossible to trace the original word from this pronunciation.


This is no longer even 'Japanese English' as I claimed.



I have already completed a series of articles on "The New Behavioral Theory for Engineers Not Loved by English".


But now I want to start writing an extravaganza.


I hope the contents will be


"Let others evaluate your English and ignore them"


"Never review your own English absolutely"



最近、嫁さんの依頼を受けて、嫁さんの親戚に物品を送付しています ―― Amazonを使って。

Recently, I have been sending items to my wife's relatives at her request -- using Amazon.


All I have to do is make the delivery to that relative's house, which is too easy.


―― 自分でAmazonに注文すればいいんじゃないの?

"Why don't they just order from Amazon yourself?"


People who say that, are essentially unaware of the IT literacy gap.


This isn't just about the generation gap.


Essentially, they don't understand the existence of "people who don't accept IT".



I think there is a higher percentage of people who do not accept online commerce.


I remember being stunned that when I went to a police station to consult on an online scam, the policeman said "I'm too scared to go shopping on the Internet".


The lady on the phone at the consumer center didn't even understand online shopping, and online business.


Therefore, we have to think that


"It's not their fault. The world is made up of such proportions"


どんなに、英語を勉強しても、何度、外国に出張しようとも、国際学会で発表をしてこようとも、どうしても「英語に愛されない人間」がいるように ――

No matter how many times I study English, no matter how many foreign trips I take, no matter how many international conferences I present at, they are in vain. And there will always be someone who will never be loved by English.



On the contrary, this is a business opportunity of sorts.


Online commerce has grown by devaluing the "human interface".


Then the business of aggressively picking up the pieces there should be viable.


ただ、このビジネスの対価は「金銭」じゃない方がいいな ―― と漠然と思っています。

But I'm vaguely aware that the price of this business shouldn't be "money".


"Get them to introduce me to their granddaughter/grandson as a potential mate"


"Exempt from the town board"


"treat me to dinner"


I would prefer to offer this service for values that cannot be solved by "money".