I wrote a column about the “Lehman Shock” that began in the United States.

(Click on the above figure to jump to the column)
The most significant advantage of writing a column is that I must study intensely to write a story that makes sense.
I am happy if people who read my column understand what it is about, but even if they don't, I think, 'Well, that's OK.
The main reason I write my columns is for my understanding, and I am “lucky” if I can make my columns understandable to my readers.
Aside from that.
I have studied the Lehman Shock, but I do not understand the “collapse of the Japanese bubble” at a level I am comfortable with.
Recently, however, I found the best book about the “bursting of Japan's bubble.”
It is that.

(Click on the above figure to jump to the ad)
This book is incredible. I think there are two volumes out now, and I bought the paper book and have read it repeatedly.
I even want to bring it down to the memorization level.
It looks like the novel version is based on the comic book version, but I am reading the comic book version. Because the cash flow diagram is easy to understand.
加えて、当時の大蔵省のセクショナリズムの解説が最高です ―― 『これが官僚どうしの権力闘争か』と、かなり理解できました。
In addition, the explanation of sectionalism in the Ministry of Finance at that time was the best: “This is the power struggle among bureaucrats,” which I understood well.
I have been thinking about the theme of this book in my own way, and I think that it is
―― あのバブル崩壊は、だれのせいだ?
"Who is to blame for that bubble burst?"
(Spoiler alert: if you are interested, please buy it).
I was curious while reading this book, so I asked ChatGPT a question.
Did the Ministry of Finance then criticize itself for the collapse of the bubble economy and the “lost 20 years” that followed?
Then ChatGPT returned to the question prompt with “no answer” (well, this happens sometimes, but I felt something “arbitrary”).
When asked again, “Did the Ministry of Finance at that time criticize itself for the collapse of the bubble economy and the subsequent ‘lost 20 years?’, ChatGPT took longer than usual to answer the following question.
============== ChatGPTの回答ここから ==============
============== ChatGPT answers from here ==============
Regarding the bursting of the bubble economy and the subsequent “lost 20 years,” the then Ministry of Finance (now the Ministry of Finance) has made several self-criticisms and reflections.
During the bubble economy, financial institutions extended excessive loans and overinvested in the real estate and stock markets, which is considered one of the causes of the bubble. The Ministry of Finance has shown some remorse for the lack of adequate regulation and supervision in the operation of monetary policy. In particular, the Ministry considered the creation of asset bubbles as a result of continued monetary easing in the latter half of the 1980s problematic.
The Ministry of Finance has also expressed regret over its response after the collapse of the bubble economy. In particular, the delay in responding to the worsening bad loan problem after the bubble economy burst and the backward-looking policies to prevent financial institutions from failing were considered to be among the factors prolonging economic stagnation.
However, within the Ministry of Finance, responsibility was rarely clearly defined, and the Ministry sometimes took a defensive posture in response to external criticism. As a result, some point out that self-criticism was inadequate.
Overall, the Ministry of Finance showed a certain amount of remorse, but it is believed that it failed to make fundamental reforms or solve the problem.
============== ChatGPTの回答ここまで ==============
============== ChatGPT's response so far. ==============
On the news, I have seen many times the executives of the bank that went bankrupt bowing their heads in a press conference, but I cannot recall any bureaucrats apologizing to the public.
So, next, I asked ChatGPT, 'Please introduce me to a self-critical literature written by the Ministry of Finance officials themselves at that time,
============== ChatGPTの回答ここから ==============
============== ChatGPT answers here ==============
There are few documents recording self-criticism and reflection written directly by officials of the Ministry of Finance, and such documents generally exist as internal documents or reports. Because they often rely on critical analysis from outside sources, official self-criticism is not often publicly available.
============== ChatGPTの回答ここまで ==============
============== ChatGPT's response so far. ==============
That's the case.
I am writing this because I “ruined the world last night, and I was blue in the face.”
今一度、戒めよ "docker-compose up -d" とは、これまでつくってきた全てのプログラムもシェルも、何もかも破壊する、世界終末コマンドだ
For a moment, I even thought, 'I might as well die.
When the bubble economy burst, many people chose to commit suicide.
Not only company executives but also ordinary people went through bankruptcy, family & life disintegration, and suicide.
I suddenly wondered, 'I wonder if the people at the Ministry of Finance felt remorse for this incident to the point of committing suicide,' so I did some research.
Not a few had been driven to suicide by responsibility for the failure of policies they had been involved in or by the excessive stress of their duties.
In recent years, the government has called for " investment” in the Japanese people.
The Nikkei Stock Average has been fluctuating wildly.
I had 3,000 yen worth of bitcoins left over from a previous purchase in a joke, which had recently crossed the 20,000 yen mark.
I don't understand it anymore.
私は、こういう「鉄火場」には踏み入る勇気がありません ―― バブル崩壊の地獄を見てきた人間の一人として。
I don't dare to step into these “gambling room” places as one who has seen the hell of the collapse of the bubble economy.