

Currently, my depressive symptoms seem to be slowly improving, but they say that amateur judgment is the scariest thing of all. I am still closely watching myself to be on my guard.


Two things scare the heck out of me when I am depressed.

―― メールとチャット

"Email and Chat"


I'm already scared to death. These are the 'two major knives' of life.


How scary is scary enough to make me think, 'I'd instead be stabbed with a real knife.


Because they will think, 'If I get stabbed, I can escape by being hospitalized.


This is about remote work, but if I have to come to work, I think it can become 'as scary as climbing the stairs on the death row.'


(Incidentally, there seem to be no stairs in Japanese prisons.)


「抑うつで、仕事が思うように進まない」 →

'I'm depressed and not getting as much done at work as I would like.'

「当然に、進捗の問い合わせがくる」 →

'Naturally, they will inquire about our progress.'

「進捗遅れを報告しなければならいが、ロジカルに理由を説明できない」 →

I have to report a delay in my progress, but I can't logically explain why."


I'm scared to death."


This is the above flow.



Nevertheless, it is also true that work nowadays is impossible without email and chat.


So when you ask me things by email and chat, I would appreciate it if you could ask me mechanically, without reprimanding me or anything, in a short message if possible.


No, not really.


It is also true that such inorganic emails and chats, on the contrary, make me feel as if I am blamed, which is "painful" ("agony") in its way.


Hmmm, what on earth should I do?


I don't know.


自分が抑うつ症状になって、初めてこんなことが分かり始めている ―― というあたりに、私の人生の底の浅さが露呈しています。

I am only beginning to understand these things when I have depressive symptoms myself -- this means my life's depths are exposed.

『抑うつは、運動や、食事改善や、レジャーや、サウナで、改善する』と、本気で思っていて、それを公言していた過去の私を ――

I used to think and profess to believe that depression could be improved by exercise, a better diet, leisure activities, and saunas.


I want to get in a time machine and kill my past self, half to death.





I am currently working on a paper in English.


I also use a translation engine, but it is off-putting.


I have a strong sense of "this is not the expression ( of English) I use," and it's causing me a lot of stress.


The sentence structure is also "not in this word order."


It is as if what I want to say does not emerge from the translation engine's English.


I think the translation engine is using some strange rhetoric.


I can't read if it uses inverted or emphatic constructions.

―― 私が読めない英文を、量産してどうする ?

"What should I do by mass-producing English sentences I can't read?"


I thought like that.


Because I am the one who has to read the English sentences again and again in the world.

下手すると、私とレビューア以外、誰も読まないかもしれません ―― というか、多分、そうだ。

If it's terrible, no one but me and the reviewer may read it. It does.


I don't want to be the one who later goes, 'What the hell is this guy writing?' And I don't want to go through hell with my head in my hands.



I have been submitting in English for the past couple of years.


There is no rhetoric, and the English are probably about the key sentences + α of a junior high school student.


But strangely enough, this English has "passed".


The reviewers like the direct expression without any adaptation, room for deception, and discovery.


I am lucky, or they are not interested in my content.





Even if it is "doable," you must not say "doable.


Even if it is "done," you must not say "done."


Even if there is "something you can help someone with," do not offer to do it yourself (but you may do so if asked).


These are pretty important things to live a long life.

これらの対応を見誤ると ―― 特に、予想通りに進まなくなった時に ―― 過大な業務に押し潰されて「抑うつ」になります。

If these responses are misplaced -- especially when things don't go as expected -- the overload of work can crush you and cause "depression.



However, if you continue to respond in this passive manner, you may lose your job and be hung out to dry.


Those who have a 'mindset of being okay with breaking their commitments' will not become 'depressed' but will instead lose their 'credibility.'



It is desirable that the right amount of work, with the right difficulty, come at the right time.


As far as I know, no job has been done like that.


This is because others have no way of knowing the status of your work.



Oh, not really.


There was one thing.


Only when they learn of your hospitalization, long-term treatment, or suicide will they know that you have already been destroyed.

―― 過去形で。

-- in the past tense.





The assassination of a former prime minister finally led to a request for a dissolution order for a vicious cult that had not moved for decades.


The mass production of dead bodies in the wake of Hamas attacks on Israel is televised daily, and many feature programs have helped more and more people learn about and understand this issue (or not?). The number of people aware of and understand this issue is increasing.


I am now immersed in a tremendous sense of helplessness.

―― 暴力は十分に有効じゃんか?

"Violence is effective enough, isn't it?"

少なくとも、旧統一協会と政治家の癒着を断ち切り(まだ分かりませんが)、あのカルト教団を「宗教団体と名乗る資質がない」と認定することが、果たして『平和的な手段』で可能だっただろうか ―― と。

At the very least, was it possible by 'peaceful means' to break the cozy relationship between the former Unification Association and politicians (I still don't know) and to certify that cult as "not having the qualifications to call itself a religious organization" -- I wonder.


I don't think it was possible. At least, I can't think of an alternative.


'Don't be violent' notwithstanding, 'Violence can't solve anything' is dying in my mind right now.



I asked ChatGPT about this issue.


Yes, I think this answer alone was worth the price of joining the paid version.


I'll copy and paste the 'conclusion.



- The phrase ' Violence solves nothing' is a general principle used to encourage the value of nonviolence and to emphasize the long-term adverse effects of Violence.


- However, the situation is complex, and Violence can provide short-term "solutions" to some problems.


- The key is a deep understanding of violence's ethical, social, and psychological consequences and the search for more peaceful and constructive solutions.



Well, ChatGPT is designed to give iridescent and honorable answers.


Still, I like the part where he is honest enough to say, 'Violence can also be effective as a means of resolution,



When I was young, I seemed to read a book, including the lines of,


"Let's build a nuclear power plant in Jerusalem, intentionally cause an accident (a "dirty bomb"?), and turn it into a catastrophically radioactive zone, a real "holy land" that people won't be able to enter for a thousand years or so.



I can think of no other alternative as a way to finally solve the Palestinian problem.


However, even I can see that if this 'violence' is exercised, it will lead to a war that will lead to the level of human extinction, using only conventional weapons (x nuclear weapons).




Today, as I watch the NHK news, I am reminded of a conversation with my late father.

===== ここから =====

===== from here =====


"Tomoichi. You're mistaken."


I looked at my father's profile, a little surprised.


"As long as the aircraft is a civilian aircraft, shooting down a civilian aircraft for any reason is unacceptable."


I countered my father with a feeling of surprise.


"Even if it was clear that Korean planes were violating Soviet airspace for espionage purposes and threatening their national interests?"


The father told his son crisply.


"Even if the aircraft's captain and most passengers on board were spies, and even if they violated the airspace maliciously."


If there is only one innocent passenger on board, no one can justify the act of taking that life, no matter who it is."


To the stunned son, the father continued quietly.


Isn't that what we call 'human' and 'life'?"

===== ここまで =====

===== To here =====


The father's words can be translated into the following lines


Even if there is a Hamas stronghold in the basement of the hospital, and even if the hospital personnel are Hamas supporters and are holed up in the hospital with malicious intent,


If there is just one unrelated sick person, child, or infant out there, no one can justify the act of taking that life, no matter who it is."



I don't care which side "justice" is on. I am not interested.


I think, 'My father is right.

江端さんのひとりごと 「尊敬され得る人々」



I purchased This HDD recorder in 2013 (10 years ago) at our home.


Since the day before yesterday, I have been experiencing a strange phenomenon where it stops (black screen) for about 2 seconds every 30 seconds.


Since this occurs in the recording screen and tuner mode, I decided it is not an HDD error.


I have checked all HDMI cables, power supply, NTSC, everything is fine; and I even tried shutting down the NAS set up next to it, but the symptoms are not improving.


I thought, 'This is indeed a lifetime.


However, it is a pity.


This is because I had already purchased a new replacement remote control, as this product was discontinued and no remote control was available.



'Every 30 seconds or so, it stops (black screen) for about 2 seconds.'


The failure to do so is quite subtle,

―― 不快だけど、番組の内容が分からなくなるほどではない

"Offensive, but not so offensive that I lose track of the program."


This is the very edge of the phase.


I even watched an NHK historical drama in that mode.


And I was able to supplement my knowledge of Hamas and Israel with special programs.



Well, I still thought this was a bad idea, so I started looking for a replacement, but very few HDD recorder products are on the market.


In addition, the price is high.


I was troubled by this.


The Ebata family allocates two tuners to an external HDD and two to an HDD recorder, with the former used primarily by the wife and me.


The recorded programs are also completely segregated.

『ドラマ、バラエティ、歌番組』 v.s. 『イスラム、テロ、ナチス、歴史、科学」です。

'Drama, Variety, Song Shows' v.s. 'Islam, Terrorism, Nazis, History, Science'.


'This is not a problem of price,' I considered purchasing a new model.



However, this failure was entirely fixed when I tried running the system today.


It is a resurgence as if it has forgotten the two-day battle with me.


I have been struggling with machines for a long time, so I know them well, but machines can "self-heal" in a whimsical way.


Most of the time, however, this is an illusion.


I think they will be utterly silent shortly, but I will let it work until then.



この週末も、私は、本当によくがんばったと思うが ―― 目標としたタスクの半分しか終っていない。

I think I did well this weekend, too -- However, I only finished half of the tasks I set out to do.


Well, even if I did my best,


'The only reward for doing your best is doing your best.'


I think so.


I say this as I am on the verge of retirement, but this is a good and true statement.

正確には、「“よくやった事の報酬はそれをやったって事だけ”さ」(はみだしっ子、アンジー) です。

More accurately, "The only reward for a job well done is that you did it" (Angie, in Hamidashikko).



Oh, there was one more thing.


You can "falsify history."

こっちは、それなりに『美味しいご褒美』かもしれません ―― 幻想だとしても。

This one may be a 'tasty reward' in its own right -- even if it is an illusion.




It's common for people to be hurt by things I don't know, and I try to be careful, especially since I do a lot of writing.


Of course, I am sure there are some oversights.


Still, I try to do my background research rather than unthinkingly following public rumors.



I watched the drama "What You Ate Yesterday" with my wife.


Me: "'Gay' is the correct term, don't use 'Homo.'


Wife: "Is there a difference?"

どちらの言葉も同性愛者を指すけど、「ゲイ」の方がよりポジティブな意味合いで、広く使われていて、対照的に「ホモ」は場合によっては差別的な響きを持つことがある ―― というような話をしました。

I talked to her about how both words refer to homosexuals, but "gay" has a more positive connotation and is more widely used, and "homo," by contrast, can sound discriminatory in some cases -- and so on.


Incidentally, the term "gay" is widely accepted and used with positive connotations within the LGBTQ+ community and in general, and in recent years has also been used to refer to female homosexuals.


Me: "I think "gay" sounds more discriminatory because of the dull sound.


Wife: "I have a strong image of a 'gay bar.'"



Wife: "What did you say about someone who has no sexual interest?"


Me: "I think it was 'assex'."


Wife: "... I feel a little different."


Me: "Hmm. I'll look into it."


Wife: "On the other hand, Being attracted to both men and women is bisexual, right?


Me: "Yes, but I think the "by" in "bisexual" comes from "Bio," not "By." I'll look into this, too.



Here is the LINE message I just sent to my wife.


- The adjective "asexual" for a person who has no sexual interest.

■男性と女性の両方に魅力を感じる性のあり方「バイセクシャル」。つづりはBisexual。 「Bisexual」の「bi-」はラテン語由来の接頭辞で、英語においては「二つの」や「二重の」という意味を持つ。

- Bisexuality is a gender identity in which one is attracted to both men and women. Bisexual" is spelled Bisexual. The "bi-" in "bisexual" is a prefix of Latin origin, meaning "two" or "double" in English.


- bio is an abbreviation for biological and does not seem related to bisexual.




I was working on YouTube, playing clips from NHK's epic drama series.


It sounds good to say "warring feudal lords," but I now realize that they are antisocial forces (gangs, etc.) after all.


Well, it is a malicious view.


First, there is no concept of the "rule of law," so it is no wonder that "violence" has been the only means of governance.


However, if I dare to look at this from the rule of law perspective, it goes like this.


- A Sengoku Daimyo is a "yakuza boss," and a princess is a "Sis."


- The helpless people who are not part of that yakuza group are always the victims of genocide, humiliation, and robbery.


- What could have opposed the yakuza called "daimyo" would have been the "armed religious cult group" called the Ippou Brotherhood.


In general, NHK's historical dramas can be summed up as dramas depicting the lawless days of antisocial forces with no other means of mediating their interests than "violence.


例えば、関ヶ原の闘い(1600年)とは ―― 、

For example, the Battle of Sekigahara (1600) --,


- Not the Tokugawa family, but with the Kanto designated gang "Tokugawa-gumi" and its subordinate gangs,


- Not the Toyotomi family, but some administrative bureaucrats (the Ishida clan), led by the Mouri clan, a Shikoku-designated gang, who saw merit in the survival of the "Toyotomi clan" rather than the Toyotomi family,


Armed power struggle between the above two forces.


It is easier for me to grasp that.



With this in mind, it seems to me that the current operation of what is called "democracy" or "rule of law" is a "miracle."

これが続くといいのですが ―― いえ、私の生きている間だけで十分です。

I hope this continues -- no, it is enough for my lifetime.


What happens after I die is not my concern.

政治に興味のない方、特に、若い世代の方は、今日も"Stay Home"で、投票はボイコットしましょう。


『旧統一教会が会見で“おわび” 補償原資として最大100億円国に』という記事を見ました。

I read an article titled "Former Unification Church apologizes at a press conference, " which says up to 10 billion yen to be used as compensation. "


I lost my mind then and wrote a "fiery" manuscript using the "most powerful phrases" I could think of.


However, this has disappeared (no, by mistake, I overwrote it).


This may be the curse of Bunshinmei. If so, it is quite a curse.


Maybe he's the one behind my recent mental breakdown. Yeah, it must be.


Well, let's put that aside.


『旧統一教会が会見で“おわび” 補償原資として最大100億円国に』という記事を読んで、気がついたことがあります。

I noticed something when I read an article titled "Former Unification Church apologizes at a press conference, says up to 10 billion yen to be used as compensation."


So far, I have examined and released the following topics: (a) the Unification Church's unique and novel interpretations, (b) the Unification Church's doctrines, (c) the methods used to keep people from leaving the church, and (d) the Unification Church's concept of "psychic sales.


However, I noticed the "cash flow of Unification Church" was left out entirely.


This time, thanks to the message of the former Unification Church, I realized this point of view.


I am an engineer who infers them from a few data and evidence, using data analysis techniques, simulation Fermi estimation, etc.


And I am the author of the series "Let's Turn the World "By the Numbers."

旧称統一教会のキャッシュフローの推定 ―― これこそ、私の面目躍如となりましょう。

Estimating the cash flow of the former Unification Church -- this is what I will face.



I would guess the amount of cash flow from a small amount of numerical data using logic that makes sense, but I think I would make numerous numerical result errors.


So, I hope that the finance, accounting, and accounting staff of the former Unification Church will criticize my calculation process and logic and submit the correct amount for correction.


Regardless, this "10 billion yen" has become a landmark figure in the writing of this column.


If the company has a corporate status, I assume that financial reports are available, and I can request information based on a Freedom of Information request.


This will create a win-win-win relationship between the old name Unification Church, the public, and me.



I look forward to your cooperation.


Incidentally, "10 billion yen" may seem like a lot of money to the average person. Still, since the lifetime annual salary of a salaried worker is said to be 200 to 300 million yen, the amount is less than "only 50 people.



By the way, I'll leave you with my conversation with ChatGPT.


"What is the lifetime income per salaryman in Japan?"


"Say it in monetary terms."


"I'm not asking you to take responsibility for your answer. Just say clearly that it is XX billion yen."


After questioning ChatGPT, it confessed, 'It is said to be about 200 to 300 million yen.


We can 'push' ChatGPT to 'come clean.'