

I just went downstairs to the living room and my wife was watching a drama.

内容は、司法試験を目指している学生の番組 のようでした。

The content seemed to be a program for students preparing for the bar exam.


In that scene, the students were solving a case problem: "The wife of a husband who fell to his death at a job site with inadequate safety management takes the company to court.


The students seemed to be discussing the issue from the perspective of 'how to pursue responsibility against the company and win the case.


Well, it's a drama.



I, for a time, attended a private law seminar at my own expense.


Each time I was asked to solve a case study there, the content was very practical.


The setting is the opposite of the above drama.


For example,

―― 安全管理が不十分な現場で、転落死した夫の妻の訴えを、いかに退けるか

"How to dismiss a lawsuit by the wife of a husband who fell to his death at a site with inadequate safety controls"


It was like, "Discuss this from the perspective of a 'lawyer hired by the company'.


In addition to this, I remember the following case.

―― 大企業が、新興ベンチャーから技術盗用で訴られたが、これを退けて、なお、そのベンチャーの特許権を潰し、さらに商標権も潰し、最終的にそのベンチャーを倒産に追い込め

"A large company is sued by a start-up venture for technology theft, but fights off the venture's patent rights, then its trademark rights, and finally forces the venture into bankruptcy"




In this law seminar, I was taught that the job of a defense lawyer is to "protect and maximize the interests of the client," not to "achieve justice.


(Incidentally, this law seminar is not special, but this is what the study of practical application of law is generally like.)



"Knowledge is power" is not just a philosophy. It is extremely realistic.


I feel comfortable, at least, in paraphrasing "Knowledge is violence.


For example, to me, knowing how the law operates is "violence".


Being able to set up a simulation program is also "violence," and being able to use trigonometric functions as an everyday tool is probably "violence".

なお、「英語」「陽キャ」「運動能力」も、「暴力」だと思います ―― こちらは、被害者として痛感しています。

In addition, I think that "English", "Sociality", and "athletic ability" are also "violence" -- I am painfully aware of this one as a victim.



A secretary (55) from the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI) said on the evening of March 3, "I don't even want to look at sexual minorities (LGBT, etc.) and same-sex marriagem", and "I would also hate it if I lived next door".

―― またか

"Not again"


I thought that.



There are two issues.


(1) It is difficult for us old geezers and old ladies to understand sexual minorities (e.g. LGBT) and same-sex marriage, as we have not been used to such things.


So if you can't understand it by feel, then you have to gain knowledge and understanding from news, documentaries, and content (ranging from comics to papers).



Over a long period of time, by continuing to study, even gradually, you can change the sensibilities (including "prejudices") that you have.


I (Ebata) think I did it (only in this case).

逆にいえば、それをやらずに、自分の感性に固執しつづける人間は ―― 勉強をしていないのです。

Conversely, those who don't do it and continue to cling to their own sensibilities -- they are not studying.



I do not believe that anyone should have to learn the hard way.



―― 日本国総理大臣の秘書官

"Secretary to the Prime Minister of Japan"


is one of those who must continue to study tirelessly.


Hence, his continued "ignorance" is "harmful".



(2) He spoke his mind on the premise of "off the record," but to be honest, I thought he was a bit naive.


Even I, a just businessman, do not believe in "off the record".


For example, we do not write the truth in questionnaires conducted by the company.


As an example, at JMI (periodic mental health checkup), I answer 'yes' to the question 'I can hear voices from the universe' every time.



ましてや、会社の方針の批判なんぞ、論外です ―― まあ、会社の方針は、比較的、私には納得できるものが多くて助かっていますが。

Criticism of company policy is out of the question -- well, I'm glad to say that many of the company's policies are relatively acceptable to me.



He was exposed to his own feelings of "I don't even like to look at them and I would still hate it if I lived next door", through my lack of study. To tell you the truth, I had to think,

―― "お坊ちゃん"だなぁ

"He was a little boy"




"I will not say anything that contradicts the claims of my master (e.g. the prime minister), no matter what I think"


This is the golden rule for businessmen.




After going through the above process, I completed my homework report and submitted it that day.


The deadline is in mid-February, but I had to take an incentive leave at that time, so I finished it ahead of schedule.


So today, when I went to the university to take a course, I was asked many questions by international students about this "method of measuring traffic volume using a smartphone".


That's why I added the English lines to this page on the fly today (I just put it into a translation engine).

I installed "Time Counter (a counter that can record time stamps)". 時刻カウンター (タイムスタンプの記録ができるカウンター)をインストールしてみた



The problem is that the interface of this application is in Japanese.


I'm sure there are other apps with similar functions in English if they look for, but after thinking about it, I had a lot of trouble finding this one.


So I though of making my own.


Well, this time I was lucky and was able to find a suitable application.


I don't know if they can find an English app, or if they will use this Japanese app.

しかし、国際言語としては、これまでも、これからも、全く役に立たないであろう日本語を、それでもがんばって取得しようと踏ん張っているこの国際留学生たちを ―― できる限り、応援したいと思います。

However, I would like to support these international students who are trying their best to acquire Japanese, which has been and will continue to be completely useless as an international language, as much as possible.



―― 当たり前だバカ。この異常な養子縁組の上、金銭の授受までやっていたら、お前らは『本物の悪魔』だ

When I read a newspaper article titled "The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare will not file criminal charges against the former Unification Church for facilitating adoptions," I was so outraged that I almost lost control of myself, but


"First of all, calm down, me.



- Assessing the situation and


- Checking the background.


- Reading the rationale (legal text).


- constructing a logic that makes sense (regardless of whether the case is won or lost, litigation has the effect of revealing the factual background, etc.).


Then I can begin the attack in earnest.


行政府には感情攻撃では効果はありません ―― 経験上、特に厚生労働省というお役所は。

Emotional attacks do not work on the executive branch -- in my experience, especially the bureaucracy that is the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.



―― 新型コロナウイルス感染の主原因は「会食」





I am Ebata, the resident "maintenance person" of the Ebata family.

―― このコンセントを抜いて、10秒後に入れると「直る」



In the Showa period, there was a concept that if you "beat it, it will fix itself," whether it was a TV or a stereo.


Nowadays, "unplug it and it will be fixed.


Nowadays, it is rarer to find a home appliance that does not have a built-in computer (microcomputer).


And microcontroller appliances that are left on can accumulate bugs and stop working.


However, in both the past and now, when you do it at "bad timing" or "bad luck", the appliance may not fix it, or it may break completely.


最近『「坂本竜馬」の記述を、歴史の教科書から削除する』 ―― 真実か単なる噂かは不明ですが ―― という話を聞きました。


As I mentioned above, I have long wondered about "Sakamoto Ryoma's view of heroism" from an engineering approach. I thought that

―― ストーリー(解釈)に無理がありすぎる

"The story (interpretation) is too unreasonable"



昨日、たまたまNetFlixで「小河ドラマ 龍馬がくる」を"つまみ見"して、非常に驚愕し、感動しました。

Yesterday, I happened to "snag" a copy of "Kogawara Drama Ryoma ga Kuru" on NetFlix and was very surprised and impressed.


Mr.Tetsuya Takeda, who appears in this drama, is an ardent Sakamoto Ryoma fan and has appeared in numerous Ryoma productions.


I was impressed by the fact that he appeared in the program "Making a drama about Sakamoto Ryoma together with 'a mediocre Sakamoto Ryoma who has done nothing' who has time leapt from the past.


I cannot know what kind of "view of Sakamoto Ryoma", Mr. Tetsuya Takeda has.


However, no matter what kind of "Sakamoto Ryoma" he has, I felt his pride of a professional in the way he created it as a work of art.



My back has been hurting since the middle of last week and yesterday I could not turn over.


This is the so-called "gimpy back with no shocked pain" condition.


I know the cause is 'hard work,' but hard work or not, there is a lot of work to be done.


And, a gimpy back is not something that can be "fixed after a day's rest.


This can only be done by reducing the daily load and enduring the pain.


Some people report that "continuing with daily activities is quicker to heal a slipped back than continuing to rest".



The problem is the "poultice application".

これ、一人ではできないのです ―― 特に背中や腰については、絶望的です。

This, I can't do alone -- especially with my back and hips, it's hopeless.


Recently, there is a poultice containing Loxonin that does not peel off easily, which is very effective, but it is very difficult to apply this poultice.


I can assure you that it is impossible for an individual to put it up.


Right now, my wife is putting it up, but if she passes away before I do, I will have no one to rely on.


(Incidentally, "I will outlive my wife" is a contractual condition of marriage.)



Dear students of Mechanical, Electrical and Computer Engineering.


Once you develop sensors, actuators, robots, and algorithms that enable the autonomous application of the Loxonin S Tape, you will be able to develop a new product that can be used in a wide variety of applications.

―― お前ら、介護の現場、ナメてんのか

"Are you guys kidding me about the nursing field?"


I assure you that I will not have to shout it. On the contrary, the results of your research will be something you can be proud of to the world.


Companies do not embark on these studies not because they are stupid (well, maybe they are stupid), but because the safety standards for machines that directly touch the human body are too high to pay for the development research costs.

アカデミズムの価値は、そういう分野に縛られない ―― 自分が被験者となって試して、(プロトタイプであっても)発表できるチャンスがあることです。

The value of academism is that you are not bound to such a field -- you have the chance to be the test subject, try it out, and present it (even as a prototype).


『「ロキソニンSテープ」の自律貼り付け機能』を有するロボットアームの開発は ―― それが、非常に稚拙なものであったとしても、意義のある研究開発になります。

The development of a robotic arm with "automatic application function of 'Loxonin S Tape'" -- even if it is a very poor one -- would be a significant research and development.


Once that prototype is completed, the company will be in a position to make a serious calculation of return on investment.


That is the significance of student research.


Maybe you will get "fame" too.



I did my homework (measuring traffic) in the parking lot of a convenience store near a nearby super public bath.

時刻カウンター (タイムスタンプの記録ができるカウンター)をインストールしてみた


It seems that the time of day was wrong.


I think the convenience store at noon had a lot of work trucks doing their thing, which obstructed the field of vision and caused some measurement errors.


Also, 200 cars per hour was enough, but as shown in the photo below, there were nearly 1,000 cars on the road.


I would not have been able to measure without this app.


Well, today, I am now working on my homework report.

取得したデータはこちら →

The data I obtained is here →.




―― 連合(日本労働組合総連合会)って、もう解散してもいいんじゃないかな

"RENGO (Japanese Trade Union Confederation) should be dissolved by now."


There was a time when I thought that I would be able to do the same.


However, after 20 years, unprecedented inflation has come and gone, and this year, its very existence is being questioned.


However, the inflation rate in Japan is said to be "about the same as a drizzle" compared to other countries.

『欲望の資本主義2023 逆転のトライアングルに賭ける時』を視聴して、ビックリしました。

I was surprised when I watched "Capitalism of Desire 2023: Betting on the Triangle of Reversal".


That aside.



Even the word "strike" may be incomprehensible to many people.


A "lockout" (x lockdown), so to speak, would be no-no.


Even people of my generation may not know about it.


I know a lot about these things because of my rather peculiar youth.

『先輩、こんな暴挙を許していいんですか! 武装して強制排除しましょう!!』



NHKBSプレミアム ヒューマニエンス 「“ゲノム編集” 新人類を生む技術か」を視聴しました。

NHKBS Premium Humanience "Genome Editing": Is it a Technology to Create New Human Beings?


"Humanience" is very pleasant because you can see how the MC, Yuji Oda, 'understands/is moved by its content' (although Oda's film was not quite right for me).


In contrast, I found the guest commentators on "Science ZERO" to be unimpressed and not understanding the content, which irritated me and made me stop watching the program.


That aside.



Now, in this issue of "Genome Editing," they are also talking about "Designer Babies.


I think I am less resistant to human cloning and designer babies than most people.





- Foster a child with DNA 100% identical to your own (genetically, 100% your own)


- Design, give birth to, and nurture a child with the talents you desire.


Even I can understand that these are major ethical issues (at this time).


In fact, the Chinese researcher who enforced this was convicted.



I understand that the birth of life through such "artificial editing of DNA" and the "test-tube baby" that has now become the norm (mainstream) in fertility treatment cannot be discussed in the same stage.


Nevertheless, IVF births now account for 1 in 16 births.


Two per school class have been born in test tube babies.


If we had continued our thoughtless taboo about "test tube babies," 50,000 of the 800,000 newborns in 2022 would not have been born.



Currently, the government is talking about "countermeasures against the declining birthrate in the "other dimension," but if you are going to use the word "other dimension," why not try the followings?


(1) Relaxation of regulations on human somatic cell cloning


(2) Large R&D expenditures for artificial uterus equipment


(3) Large-scale introduction of reproductive R&D funding for same-sex couples



Of course, it is necessary to build public consensus on (2) and (3) above, as well as to take legislative measures.



I have little resistance to making this country of Japan a grand demonstration field.

我が国が、上記(1)~(3)のような技術を確立し法的な保護を与えれば、世界中から我が国への移民希望者が殺到し、労働人口問題など、たちまち解決すると思うのですが ――

If Japan could establish and provide legal protection for the technologies listed in (1) through (3) above, I believe that immigrants from all over the world would come to Japan in droves, and the labor population problem would be quickly solved.


Well, it will not be possible in the foreseeable future (in 100 years) in our country, which is in a mess over matters as minor as married couples' separate surnames and my number card.

―― 一体、裁判所も、立法(国会)も、『識別子の取扱い』ごときに、なんで、こんなにゴタゴタしていやがるんだ