→ 強制的にタグを付ける
Keyword : osm, tag, node, ダイクストラ、
SELECT seq, node, edge, b.cost
FROM pgr_dijkstra(
'SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM ways WHERE source NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 20 AND target NOT BETWEEN 10 AND 20',
1, 50, directed := false
) a
INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid)
seq | node | edge | cost
1 | 1 | 2 | 8.518550262944416e-06
2 | 2 | 3 | 9.420518456308501e-05
3 | 3 | 4 | 2.6662995399998606e-05
4 | 4 | 6 | 2.1389117484400878e-05
5 | 5 | 7 | 4.6563628817813256e-06
6 | 6 | 1313 | 7.188606587820858e-06
7 | 863 | 126 | 1.0007051975223507e-05
8 | 99 | 127 | 1.450451593740212e-05
9 | 100 | 129 | 7.160567611289415e-06
10 | 101 | 131 | 4.109420419283505e-05
11 | 102 | 133 | 2.934679929904221e-05
12 | 103 | 135 | 1.5514200871555155e-05
13 | 104 | 137 | 1.2955240951715268e-05
14 | 105 | 139 | 3.932409601088787e-05
15 | 106 | 141 | 3.756326743314803e-05
16 | 107 | 143 | 6.437495269868342e-05
17 | 108 | 145 | 3.580138401404371e-05
18 | 109 | 147 | 5.81727588604755e-05
19 | 110 | 148 | 4.310761927462597e-05
20 | 651 | 1196 | 0.00021148735186994806
21 | 780 | 995 | 0.00017553851429442523
22 | 653 | 997 | 5.381635439655622e-05
23 | 654 | 996 | 3.9727662820583996e-05
24 | 21 | 24 | 6.931684268013142e-06
25 | 22 | 25 | 7.70969814835397e-06
26 | 23 | 26 | 1.2029326750062135e-05
27 | 24 | 27 | 3.163056561909417e-05
28 | 25 | 28 | 3.715561627508799e-05
29 | 26 | 29 | 1.6759949788587843e-05
30 | 27 | 30 | 1.3935943447597369e-05
31 | 28 | 31 | 7.276956035534738e-06
32 | 29 | 32 | 1.2096545992840006e-05
33 | 30 | 33 | 4.534133154905821e-05
34 | 31 | 34 | 1.8836761764769703e-05
35 | 32 | 35 | 8.806681794688408e-06
36 | 33 | 36 | 7.526055852520615e-06
37 | 34 | 37 | 1.0243676427727028e-05
38 | 35 | 38 | 1.5622874238716658e-05
39 | 36 | 39 | 6.894091782961944e-06
40 | 37 | 40 | 1.786596350373829e-05
41 | 38 | 41 | 1.796453895498639e-05
42 | 39 | 42 | 6.566793603978039e-05
43 | 40 | 43 | 4.0144224056584715e-05
44 | 41 | 44 | 2.037304658526977e-05
45 | 42 | 45 | 1.643518634972223e-05
46 | 43 | 46 | 1.1916705412252495e-05
47 | 44 | 47 | 1.0031152210412222e-05
48 | 45 | 48 | 1.1949163674231717e-05
49 | 46 | 49 | 1.7529822253810993e-05
50 | 47 | 50 | 1.9115799546536715e-05
51 | 48 | 51 | 5.101757589403705e-05
52 | 49 | 53 | 2.8187114581170035e-05
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
int sockfd;
struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
uint32_t data = 0x12345678; // 4バイトのデータ(0x12345678)
// ソケットの作成
if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1) {
return 1;
// 送信先サーバの情報を設定
server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
server_addr.sin_port = htons(12345); // 送信先ポート番号
server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_LOOPBACK; // ループバックアドレス (
// データを送信
if (sendto(sockfd, &data, sizeof(uint32_t), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) == -1) {
return 1;
printf("Data sent: 0x%X\n", data);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main() {
int sockfd;
struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
struct sockaddr_in client_addr;
socklen_t client_addr_size = sizeof(client_addr);
uint32_t received_data;
// ソケットの作成
if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == -1) {
return 1;
// サーバの情報を設定
server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
server_addr.sin_port = htons(12345); // 受信ポート番号
server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
// ソケットとポートを結びつける
if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(server_addr)) == -1) {
return 1;
printf("UDP Server is waiting for messages...\n");
while (1) {
// データを受信
if (recvfrom(sockfd, &received_data, sizeof(uint32_t), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &client_addr_size) == -1) {
return 1;
printf("Received Data: 0x%X\n", received_data);
return 0;
tomioka_db_b=# SELECT seq, node, edge, b.cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM ways',1, 11) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;
seq | node | edge | cost
1 | 1 | 2 | 8.518550262944416e-06
2 | 2 | 3 | 9.420518456308501e-05
3 | 3 | 4 | 2.6662995399998606e-05
4 | 4 | 6 | 2.1389117484400878e-05
5 | 5 | 7 | 4.6563628817813256e-06
6 | 6 | 8 | 1.3184236987589488e-05
7 | 7 | 9 | 6.438782425766514e-06
8 | 8 | 10 | 3.92599380897713e-05
9 | 9 | 11 | 3.1320245670872654e-05
10 | 10 | 12 | 1.7193010226696205e-05
tomioka_db_b=# SELECT seq, node, edge, b.cost FROM pgr_ksp('SELECT gid as id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM ways',1, 11,
2) a INNER JOIN ways b ON (a.edge = b.gid) ORDER BY seq;
seq | node | edge | cost
1 | 1 | 2 | 8.518550262944416e-06
2 | 2 | 3 | 9.420518456308501e-05
3 | 3 | 4 | 2.6662995399998606e-05
4 | 4 | 6 | 2.1389117484400878e-05
5 | 5 | 7 | 4.6563628817813256e-06
6 | 6 | 8 | 1.3184236987589488e-05
7 | 7 | 9 | 6.438782425766514e-06
8 | 8 | 10 | 3.92599380897713e-05
9 | 9 | 11 | 3.1320245670872654e-05
10 | 10 | 12 | 1.7193010226696205e-05
12 | 1 | 2 | 8.518550262944416e-06
13 | 2 | 1214 | 7.368115779153013e-06
14 | 792 | 118 | 8.976775615866592e-06
15 | 95 | 119 | 9.423341104506603e-05
16 | 96 | 121 | 2.578196166482512e-05
17 | 97 | 123 | 2.35136729002621e-05
18 | 98 | 125 | 6.587696385101331e-06
19 | 99 | 126 | 1.0007051975223507e-05
20 | 863 | 1313 | 7.188606587820858e-06
21 | 6 | 8 | 1.3184236987589488e-05
22 | 7 | 9 | 6.438782425766514e-06
23 | 8 | 10 | 3.92599380897713e-05
24 | 9 | 11 | 3.1320245670872654e-05
25 | 10 | 12 | 1.7193010226696205e-05
I believe that research and understanding of mental health is advancing every day.
Of course, I know that it is still not enough.
I understand that mental illness can quickly occur in anyone.
In addition, I am aware that I have been both a victim and a perpetrator of mental illness.
I feel that current mental health research is missing the perspective of 'self as perpetrator.'
I recently, want someone to try
―― 歴史上の人物(特に日本史)における、特に戦国武将のメンタル疾患についての研究
"Research on mental illness in historical figures (especially Japanese history), especially warlords of the Warring States period"
一応、Google Scholarで調べてみたのですが、ドンピシャと思われる研究論文は見つけられませんでした。
In the meantime, I checked Google Scholar but could not find any research papers that seemed to be downloadable.
I have been watching video clips of the Taiga drama on YouTube, and the daily life of the warlords was a parade of carnage, betrayal, and purges of their team.
In such a state, I cannot understand the mentality of having said beautiful words such as "bushido" and "honor of the warrior."
That was typical double standards.
I can only assume that warlords have dissociative identity disorder by default.
I have determined that the most famous warlord in Japan was "bipolar," but I am curious to know what other warlords were like.
I think it is quite a problematic study to estimate the mentality of warlords using only limited historical documents.
However, I believe the research contributes to treating our mental illnesses.
package main
f:\しゅらばしゅう\有吉先生データ\Transfer(2018)\N07-11_14_GML>go run nearest_node3.go
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
<node id='200000' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568239' lon='139.552822' />
<node id='200001' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568164' lon='139.5528' />
<node id='200002' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568321' lon='139.551491' />
<node id='200003' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568338' lon='139.55136' />
<node id='200004' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568355' lon='139.551264' />
import (
type Node struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"node"`
ID string `xml:"id,attr"`
Lat string `xml:"lat,attr"`
Lon string `xml:"lon,attr"`
func haversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2 float64) float64 {
radius := 6371.0 // Earth's radius in kilometers
latRad1 := lat1 * (math.Pi / 180)
latRad2 := lat2 * (math.Pi / 180)
deltaLat := (lat2 - lat1) * (math.Pi / 180)
deltaLon := (lon2 - lon1) * (math.Pi / 180)
a := math.Sin(deltaLat/2)*math.Sin(deltaLat/2) +
c := 2 * math.Atan2(math.Sqrt(a), math.Sqrt(1-a))
distance := radius * c
return distance
func main() {
// Read CSV file
csvFile, err := os.Open("bus_stop_modified.csv")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error opening CSV file:", err)
defer csvFile.Close()
csvReader := csv.NewReader(csvFile)
positions, err := csvReader.ReadAll()
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error reading CSV:", err)
// Read OSM file
xmlFile, err := os.Open("tsuzuki_bus.osm")
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error opening OSM file:", err)
defer xmlFile.Close()
var nodes struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"osm"`
Nodes []Node `xml:"node"`
// Parse OSM XML
decoder := xml.NewDecoder(xmlFile)
err = decoder.Decode(&nodes)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error decoding OSM XML:", err)
// Find nodes within 50 meters for each position
for _, position := range positions {
lat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(position[0], 64)
lon, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(position[1], 64)
fmt.Printf("For Position (%s, %s):\n", position[0], position[1])
for _, node := range nodes.Nodes {
nodeLat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(node.Lat, 64)
nodeLon, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(node.Lon, 64)
dist := haversine(lat, lon, nodeLat, nodeLon)
if dist <= 0.05 { // 50 meters in kilometers
fmt.Printf("Node ID: %s\n", node.ID)
fmt.Printf("Node Coordinates: %s, %s\n", node.Lat, node.Lon)
fmt.Printf("Distance to Node: %.2f km\n", dist)
go run nearest_node3.go
For Position (35.522547, 139.590950):
Node ID: 216067
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 216068
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 253004
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 253005
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 287056
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 287057
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 335005
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 335006
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 350106
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 350107
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 351568
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 351569
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
For Position (35.522547, 139.590950):
Node ID: 216067
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
Node ID: 216068
Node Coordinates: 35.522885, 139.591253
Distance to Node: 0.05 km
Node ID: 253004
Node Coordinates: 35.522356, 139.591082
Distance to Node: 0.02 km
F:\しゅらばしゅう\有吉先生データ\Transfer(2018)>go run bus_route_try_10.go
Golangで、以下のXML分の中から、<tag k="route" v="bus"/>を発見した時に、refの要素を参照にして位置情報を取り出すプログラム
package main
import (
type Osm struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"osm"`
Nodes []Node `xml:"node"`
Relations []Relation `xml:"relation"`
type Node struct {
ID int64 `xml:"id,attr"`
Lat float64 `xml:"lat,attr"`
Lon float64 `xml:"lon,attr"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tag"`
type Relation struct {
ID int64 `xml:"id,attr"`
Members []Member `xml:"member"`
Tags []Tag `xml:"tag"`
type Member struct {
Type string `xml:"type,attr"`
Ref string `xml:"ref,attr"`
Role string `xml:"role,attr"`
type Tag struct {
K string `xml:"k,attr"`
V string `xml:"v,attr"`
func main() {
// XMLファイルの読み込み
xmlFile, err := os.Open("tsuzuki.osm") // これがベースとなるosmファイル
if err != nil {
defer xmlFile.Close()
// XMLデータの読み込み
xmlData, err := ioutil.ReadAll(xmlFile)
if err != nil {
var osmData Osm
// XMLデータのUnmarshal
err = xml.Unmarshal(xmlData, &osmData)
if err != nil {
for _, relation := range osmData.Relations {
//hasBusRouteTag := false
for _, tag := range relation.Tags {
if tag.K == "route" && tag.V == "bus" {
for _, tag := range relation.Tags { // Tagの中で再度tagを回してnameを取得する(こんなことができるとは知りませんでした)
if tag.K == "name" {
fmt.Printf("Route Name: %s\n", tag.V)
count := 0
start_flag := 0
//end_flag := 0
pre_node := "ddd"
sum_Lat := 0.0
sum_Lon := 0.0
for i, member := range relation.Members {
if i == len(relation.Members)-1 { // 最後のノードを検知したら、その時点で纏めて計算して出力する
//end_flag = 1
fmt.Printf("Re:Bus Stop: %s\n", pre_node)
fmt.Printf("Re:Coordinates: Lat %f, Lon %f\n\n", sum_Lat/float64(count), sum_Lon/float64(count))
if member.Type == "node" {
node := getNodeByID(member.Ref, osmData.Nodes)
if node != nil {
if pre_node == getNodeName(node) || start_flag == 0 { // 停留所名が前回と同じであるなら
sum_Lat += node.Lat
sum_Lon += node.Lon
start_flag = 1
} else {
fmt.Printf("Re:Bus Stop: %s\n", pre_node)
fmt.Printf("Re:Coordinates: Lat %f, Lon %f\n\n", sum_Lat/float64(count), sum_Lon/float64(count))
count = 1
sum_Lat = node.Lat
sum_Lon = node.Lon
pre_node = getNodeName(node)
func getNodeByID(ref string, nodes []Node) *Node {
for _, node := range nodes {
if fmt.Sprintf("%d", node.ID) == ref {
return &node
return nil
func getNodeName(node *Node) string {
for _, tag := range node.Tags {
if tag.K == "name" {
return tag.V
return ""
F:\しゅらばしゅう\有吉先生データ\Transfer(2018)>go run bus_route_try_10.go
Route Name: IKEAシャトルバス 新横浜駅前-IKEA前
Re:Bus Stop: IKEAシャトルバス IKEA前
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.522547, Lon 139.590950=========================
Route Name: IKEAシャトルバス IKEA前-新横浜駅前
Re:Bus Stop: IKEAシャトルバス IKEA前
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.522547, Lon 139.590950=========================
Route Name: すみれが丘線
Re:Bus Stop: すみれが丘
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.564881, Lon 139.580736Re:Bus Stop: すみれが丘公園
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.566768, Lon 139.583192Re:Bus Stop: 有馬変電所
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.569075, Lon 139.584080Re:Bus Stop: 中有馬
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.571500, Lon 139.584235Re:Bus Stop: 神明社前
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.571684, Lon 139.580940Re:Bus Stop: 地区センター前
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.560333, Lon 139.595547Re:Bus Stop: 北山田駅
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.561022, Lon 139.592536Re:Bus Stop: 山田富士
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.561428, Lon 139.590315Re:Bus Stop: 重代
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.563485, Lon 139.584835Re:Bus Stop: 北山田小学校入口
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.563816, Lon 139.582279Re:Bus Stop: 東山田営業所
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.561115, Lon 139.606000Re:Bus Stop: 東山田営業所前
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.561358, Lon 139.604353Re:Bus Stop: 山田小学校
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.560874, Lon 139.602905Re:Bus Stop: 長泉寺
Re:Coordinates: Lat 35.560052, Lon 139.597552=========================
Route Name: 鷺沼線;有馬線
Re:Bus Stop: 神明社前
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
<node id='200000' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568239' lon='139.552822' />
<node id='200001' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568164' lon='139.5528' />
<node id='200002' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568321' lon='139.551491' />
<node id='200003' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568338' lon='139.55136' />
<node id='200004' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568355' lon='139.551264' />
<node id='200005' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568406' lon='139.550885' />
<node id='200006' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568423' lon='139.550768' />
<node id='200007' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568445' lon='139.550568' />
<node id='200008' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568462' lon='139.550513' />
<node id='200009' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568507' lon='139.550154' />
<node id='200010' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568564' lon='139.549755' />
<node id='200011' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568603' lon='139.549438' />
<node id='200012' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568665' lon='139.548962' />
<node id='200013' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568671' lon='139.54888' />
<node id='200014' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.56871' lon='139.548563' />
<node id='200015' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568817' lon='139.54744' />
<node id='200016' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568851' lon='139.547054' />
<node id='200017' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568879' lon='139.546737' />
<node id='200018' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568924' lon='139.546475' />
<node id='200019' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568986' lon='139.546241' />
<node id='200020' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569071' lon='139.545979' />
<node id='200021' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569094' lon='139.545918' />
<node id='200022' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569057' lon='139.54587' />
<node id='200023' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568969' lon='139.54582' />
<node id='200024' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568586' lon='139.545565' />
<node id='200025' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568372' lon='139.545373' />
<node id='200026' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.567171' lon='139.543939' />
<node id='200027' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.566558' lon='139.543161' />
<node id='200028' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.566434' lon='139.543016' />
<node id='200029' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.56622' lon='139.542644' />
<node id='200030' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.565938' lon='139.542162' />
<node id='200031' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.565519' lon='139.541454' />
<node id='200032' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.565482' lon='139.541383' />
'/> → '> <tag k='highway' v='bus_stop'/>
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
<node id='200000' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568239' lon='139.552822'/>
<node id='200001' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568164' lon='139.5528'/>
<node id='200002' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568321' lon='139.551491'/>
<node id='200003' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568338' lon='139.55136'>
<tag k='highway' v='bus_stop'/>
<node id='200004' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568355' lon='139.551264'/>
<node id='200005' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568406' lon='139.550885'/>
<node id='200006' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568423' lon='139.550768'/>
<node id='200007' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568445' lon='139.550568'/>
<node id='200008' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568462' lon='139.550513'/>
<node id='200009' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568507' lon='139.550154'/>
<node id='200010' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568564' lon='139.549755'/>
<node id='200011' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568603' lon='139.549438'/>
<node id='200012' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568665' lon='139.548962'/>
<node id='200013' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568671' lon='139.54888'>
<tag k='highway' v='bus_stop'/>
<node id='200014' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.56871' lon='139.548563'/>
<node id='200015' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568817' lon='139.54744'/>
<node id='200016' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568851' lon='139.547054'/>
<node id='200017' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568879' lon='139.546737'/>
<node id='200018' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568924' lon='139.546475'/>
<node id='200019' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568986' lon='139.546241'/>
<node id='200020' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569071' lon='139.545979'/>
<node id='200021' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569094' lon='139.545918'/>
<node id='200022' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.569057' lon='139.54587'/>
<node id='200023' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568969' lon='139.54582'/>
<node id='200024' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568586' lon='139.545565'>
<tag k='highway' v='bus_stop'/>
<node id='200025' visible='true' version='1' lat='35.568372' lon='139.545373'/>
しかし、問題は、postGISでダイクストラ計算ができことが重要ですので、まずは、このosmをPostgresql にインポートしてみます。手順はいつも通りですが、ざっと記載しておきます。
C:\Users\ebata>psql -U postgres -h -p 15432
postgres=# create database tsuzuki_bus;
tsuzuki_bus=# create extension postgis;
tsuzuki_bus=# create extension pgrouting;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tag_name name="highway" id="1">
<tag_value name="bus_stop"/>
<tag_value name="motorway" id="101" priority="1.0" maxspeed="130" />
<tag_value name="motorway_link" id="102" priority="1.0" maxspeed="130" />
<tag_value name="motorway_junction" id="103" priority="1.0" maxspeed="130" />
<tag_value name="trunk" id="104" priority="1.05" maxspeed="110" />
<tag_value name="trunk_link" id="105" priority="1.05" maxspeed="110" />
<tag_value name="primary" id="106" priority="1.15" maxspeed="90" />
<tag_value name="primary_link" id="107" priority="1.15" maxspeed="90" />
<tag_value name="secondary" id="108" priority="1.5" maxspeed="90" />
<tag_value name="secondary_link" id="109" priority="1.5" maxspeed="90"/>
<tag_value name="tertiary" id="110" priority="1.75" maxspeed="90" />
<tag_value name="tertiary_link" id="111" priority="1.75" maxspeed="90" />
<tag_value name="residential" id="112" priority="2.5" maxspeed="50" />
<tag_value name="living_street" id="113" priority="3" maxspeed="20" />
<tag_value name="service" id="114" priority="2.5" maxspeed="50" />
<tag_value name="unclassified" id="117" priority="3" maxspeed="90"/>
<tag_value name="road" id="100" priority="5" maxspeed="50" />
<tag_name name="railway" id="1">
<tag_value name="subway" id="101" priority="1.0" maxspeed="40" />
<tag_value name="rail" id="101" priority="1.0" maxspeed="40" />
重要なのは、 <tag_value name="bus_stop"/>
F:\しゅらばしゅう\有吉先生データ\Transfer(2018)\N07-11_14_GML>osm2pgrouting -f tsuzuki_bus_trial2.osm -c mapconfig_for_cars_rail_busstop.xml -d tsuzuki_bus -U postgres -h -p 15432 -W password
(tsuzuki_bus_trial2.osm は、変更後のOSMファイル)
tsuzuki_bus=# SELECT seq, node, edge, cost FROM pgr_dijkstra('SELECT gid as id,source, target,length as cost, reverse_cost FROM ways',2, 7);
seq | node | edge | cost
1 | 2 | 25 | 0.002503402202160114
2 | 3 | 1 | 0.003623692651717509
3 | 4 | 26 | 0.0073121202899935804
4 | 5 | 27 | 0.006205490305965455
5 | 6 | 28 | 0.0048274159495506515
6 | 7 | -1 | 0
(6 rows)
ようやく、目処がついてきました ―― ヘナヘナと座り込みそうです。