
―― 老害が世界を支配する

"Fogy rules the world"


I realize this phrase deeply.



There is the following phrase in one of the books I read before.

『右(右派)であれ、左(左派)であれ、全ての理念や理想は、不死なるもの ―― 国家 ―― に辿りつく』

All ideals , whether of the right (right-wing) or the left (left-wing), are traced to the immortal -- the state.



I remember being impressed when I was a teenager and thinking, 'I see'.


The human body does not last more than 100 years.


Therefore, they seek their dependence on the nation.



Of course, "nation" here does not mean land.


They are political power, or ideology, or religion.


However, the "nation" also dies quite easily.


Any nation become easy to die, which is why studying history is such an enormous and tedious task.



The death of a nation is an inevitable part of history.


However, I can understand why an old person might think, 'I don't want to see the death of a nation, only to see it end in my generation'.


And as a rule, people cannot change themselves.


It takes an enormous amount of energy to change.

変わっていく価値観を、自分の中に取り入れることは、痛いです。激痛です ―― それは、よく知っています。

It is painful to incorporate changing values into your life. It is intense pain -- I know it well.


And old people are more likely to become "power" itself than young people.


After all, they are very experienced.


And old people in power have no hesitation in changing the rules (retirement and term of office).


Thus, the power of the old person increases in a snowball-like fashion.

そして、時代の変化や価値観に対応できない老人は、社会の害悪 ―― 老害になります。

And old people who cannot adapt to the changing times and values become a blight on society -- "fogy".



―― 老害が世界を支配する

"Fogy rules the world"

が、完成する ―― を、ウクライナ侵攻のニュースを見ながら、実感しています。

is completed. I realize this, watching the news of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine.



I reaffirm that my remaining an "old man without power" is, in itself, of great value.


Today, I am still contributing to "world peace".



The following list are things that must be done before starting a war.

(1) 立法府(議会)の掌握

(1) Seize control of the legislature (Congress)

(2) 外国の経済制裁に対する自国経済のロバスト度の数値化と経済シミュレーション

(2) Quantification and economic simulation of the robustness of a country's economy against foreign economic sanctions

(3) 緊急事態宣言下での最高権力者による私権制限の強化の立法措置

(3) Legislative Measures to Strengthen Restrictions on Private Rights by the Supreme Authority under a Declaration of Emergency

(4) インターネット等の国内IPX(インタネットエクスチェンジ)の運用組織の掌握

(4) Seize control of domestic IPX (Internet Exchange) operating organizations such as Internet, etc.

(5) SNS等の運用禁止と、自国政府運用SNSサービスへの国民の誘導

(5) Prohibit the operation of social networking services, etc., and direct citizens to social networking services operated by their own government.

(6) 海外メディアの国外追放

(6) Deportation of foreign media

(7) 反体制勢力、アカデミズムへのスパイの潜入と組織内紛争(内ゲバ)の誘導

(7) Infiltration of spies into dissident forces and academia and induction of intra-institutional conflict (internal conflict)

(8) 「安全な原発攻撃の手順書」の配布と、現場司令官への原発メカニズムの教育の徹底

(8) Distribute safe nuclear power plant attack procedures and thoroughly educate field commanders on nuclear power plant mechanisms.

(9) 外国企業の国有化に関する立法化の(事前の)シナリオ策定

(9) Develop (pre-)scenarios for legislation on nationalization of foreign companies

(10) 敵国の核ミサイル開発疑惑と人体を使った細菌実験疑惑等の捏造証拠資料の、開戦「前」の作成完了と、検証される時間を与えないタイミングでの国外メディアへの開示

(10) Completion of the preparation of fabricated evidence, including allegations of the development of nuclear missiles by the enemy and of germ experiments using human bodies, "before" the outbreak of war, and disclosure to the foreign media at a time that does not give time to verify the evidence.



I am amazed at the number of hands this has appeared in the daily news.


I am sure that there will still be more news of 'what should have been done before starting the war' to come.


I realized that if we are going to start a war, we need to prepare carefully for the worst-case scenario.



Incidentally, during the Pacific War, Japan was also subjected to economic sanctions from around the world, while its government responded in the same way as described above.


In other words, in the last 100 years or so, the paradigm of war has "changed little".



Still, I am amazed at how our country was able to continue the war during the four years of the Pacific War while being subjected to economic sanctions from all over the world.


(No, to be precise, it was because of economic sanctions that they expanded (invaded) southward in search of energy resources.)


At any rate, I notices that the current Russian (presidential) mindset is surprisingly similar to that of the Japanese (politicians and military) mindset before and during the Pacific War.


In fact, it is not surprising that they are similar, since almost 100% of the purpose of war is to "attack (neutralize or demilitarize) a neighboring country" for the reason of "guaranteeing one's own right to exist".


  bus_num := b.(Ch2_info).Bus_number  ← 多分、ここを直す必要がある



By the time I finished my college days, there was a term "radio boy (a boy who builds his own radio using electronic components)" and "amateur radio" was considered the "king of hobbies".

実際に、携帯電話が普及する前の1990年代中頃まで、アマチュア無線の免許を持っているものは、モテたのです ―― スキー場で。

In fact, until the mid-1990s, before cell phones became popular, those with amateur radio licenses were popular -- at ski resorts.


After all, only those with the license and a handheld radio could keep in touch with their friends scattered all over the ski slopes.


Although there was a type of radio that could be used without a license called civil radio (CB radio), the strength of the radio signal was so different that it was possible to communicate with a much wider range of people, which was one of the strengths of amateur radio.



When I was in junior high school, the Ebata family was not a wealthy family, so I could not ask my parents to buy me a radio.


I spent my days looking at magazines (CQ magazine) and sighing.


So my parents asked me, 'How much are you going to charge?' I was really surprised.


I think I mentioned the price of a handheld radio (RJX-610), which was the least expensive at the time as a fixed device.


After that, I worked part time on my own to buy a cheap stabilized power supply that was just under the specified amount of current, and when it eventually proved to be useless, I was really frustrated.


From then on, I think I spent my days getting a cheap antenna and coaxial cable, and setting up the antenna at home by myself, and thinking "how to send the signal as far as possible".


To achieve this, I spent my days devising new antennae, making my own power supply, and so on.

指向性アンテナとアンテナの方向を換えるローテーターに手が届かなかったことは、今でも悔しいです ―― 子どものころの私に、寄付してやりたい ―― というより、一緒にアンテナ設置の作業をしたい。

I'm still frustrated that I couldn't get my hands on a directional antenna and a rotator to change the direction of the antenna -- I'd rather donate money to me as a child -- or rather, work with me to install the antenna.


さらに、その電波が届く距離を長くする為に、電信の免許も取得しました ―― いわゆる、モールス信号通信です。

In addition, in order to extend the range of its radio waves, it also obtained a telegraph license -- the so-called Morse code communication.


However, even using Morse code, it was honestly difficult to communicate with out-of-prefecture with the handheld radio I had.


However, when a special ionosphere (sporadic E layer) that occurred locally and suddenly around 100 km above the sky mainly during the daytime from spring to summer occurs, my radio waves could reach distant areas due to ionospheric reflection.

モールス信号で、コールサイン"JR6"を受けとった時は、聞き間違いかと思いましたが、"MI ADR NAHA"(こちらは那覇市です)の信号を受けた時の喜びは ―― 多分、理解して貰えないと思います。

When I received the call sign "JR6" in Morse code, I thought I heard it wrong, but my joy I felt when I received the signal "MI ADR NAHA" (this is Naha City) -- I am sorry but you probably don't understand.


I guess I should say, "The joy I feel, was more than getting a chocolate from a girl I liked for Valentine's Day".



The question that always bothers me is, "What in the world makes you happy about that?"


In the absence of the Internet, the only way to communicate over long distances was "amateur radio", except for "telephone" calls, which were ridiculously expensive.


Having "the skills to transmit information over a great distance" was something to aspire to.


Even if the information was as trivial as exchanging call signs and exchanging addresses and one's name.


当時の私のコールサインを、モールス信号で記載すると.--- . ..--- ... --.- ..となります。

My call sign at the time, in Morse code, was . --- . ... --- ... --. - ... ....


Incidentally, this Morse code was quite useful for more than just radio communication.


The "underlay with handwritten Morse code" had been especially effective during the periodic examinations.



Our family uses e-Tax (https://www.e-tax.nta.go.jp/) to process medical expense refunds on our tax return each year.


My wife is neatly compiling the medical receipts and I am writing them into an excel file.


Excel writing takes quite a bit of time, although I can work on it while watching NetFlix since I don't have to use my brain.


(In addition, the provided Excel file template is so difficult to use that it is impossible to even make corrections due to cell protection of unknown purpose)


My wife and I are going through this tedious process because the refund is quite large.


If you are not doing it, I think you are wasting a lot of money, seriously.



Nevertheless, the difficulty of using e-Tax and other administrative systems has not improved at all.


On the contrary, they even seem to be getting worse.


For example,


'Almost every other year, IC card reader reading apps change.'


Can they do something about this situation?


Aside from those who specialize in that business, the target users of "Tax Returns with e-Tax" are

―― 一年で、一回だけ、e-Taxシステムを起動する、一般人

"The average person who activates the e-Tax system only once a year"


I sometimes wonder if they understand this fact.



Of course, I understand the need to keep up with changes in user PC operating systems and to take all possible measures to ensure the latest security measures.


It is also understandable that there are systemic reasons such as the card reader being a device attached to the PC, making it difficult to centralize all operations on the Web.


However, this would not achieve the original goal of 'reducing labor costs by increasing the number of tax returns filed by e-Tax and reducing the number of analog submissions.


Even I thought, 'It's too much trouble, let's print it out and submit it.



Well, in my case, I try to think of "e-Tax" as a kind of game.

『電子提出完了 = ラスボス撃破』とでも思わないと、やっていられません。

I would not be doing this if I didn't think, 'Electronic submission complete = Rust Boss defeated'.

私の場合、アイテム(PC周辺装置等に関するIT知識)を持っているから、『勇者』として戦えますが、―― "e-Tax"ゲームの中で『勇者』をやれる人は、あまり多くないと思います。

In my case, I can fight as a "hero" because I have some items (IT knowledge about PC peripherals, etc.), but - I don't think there are many people who can play "hero" in the "e-Tax" game.





私の睡眠時間確保の為にも、各テーマのバックナンバーを一通り読んだ後で質問して頂けると ―― 「私」が助かります。










With regard to the recent Russian military invasion of Ukraine (we use "invasion" here, in keeping with the various media outlets), there is an opinion that

―― 到底、勝目のない戦争。国内の犠牲者が出るだけだから、早くウクライナは降伏すべきである

"A war that cannot possibly be won. Ukraine should surrender as soon as possible, as it will only result in domestic casualties"



Japan has had similar situations.


During the Pacific War, our Supreme War Leadership Council was unable to make this decision (unconditional surrender).


As a result, many non-combatants (civilians) were killed and our country was used to demonstrate the atomic bomb.


When considered in this light, such a "surrender superiority theory" has a certain persuasiveness.



However, on the other hand,


If I consider the scenario of the previous annexation of the Kurmian peninsula (instead of the current invasion of Ukraine) as a use case with our country,


- "The Russians living in Japan in Hokkaido want to annex Hokkaido to Russia.


- The Russian president declares, "Hokkaido will be annexed to Russia.


- Unilateral military invasion of Hokkaido


- They effectively occupy our territory north of Hokkaido.


, and when we were told the following


"It's a war that can never be won. Japan should cede Hokkaido to Russia because it will only result in domestic casualties."


Will we be convinced ?



I'm not a patriot in the absolute sense of the word, but I thought,

―― 命をかけて戦える

"I can fight for my life."



For me, though I don't need "patriotism" to fight, I can fight with "rage against unreason".



The above use case is just something I came up with and probably not very good.


Can someone please explain well with a "use case using our country" like this?


I think there are a lot of people who are thinking about that.




