

I couldn't get any video from the surveillance camera I had installed in my house and left it for a while.


The other day, I finally found the time to fix it.


In our house, I initially suspected a broken LAN cable, since I have passed LAN cables from window to window, outdoors.


Holding my laptop, I climbed up a ladder to the ceiling of the entrance, disconnected the LAN cable module of the installed camera, and tested the connection with the laptop to confirm the connection.


I was impressed with the durability of the LAN cable.


I had already left my flat LAN cable exposed outdoors, tucked in window frames for more than 10 years, and the cable was still alive.


Now that the "failure of the surveillance camera" was confirmed, I decided to replace it with another camera.


This camera has been working outdoors for 10 years, so I believe it has served its purpose well.



I did some research and found that the first year of production for this camera was 2004.


Naturally, this camera does not implement TLS (https) or SFTP, which are now common sense measures for secure communication.


I'm a little worried, but well, however, it's not a problem, as long as they don't break into Ebata's LAN.


The Ebata family's PC server has now been moved to the cloud, and there is no server that can be used as a stepping stone.



Well, I never thought I would see a future where browsers would criticize me by name for 'unprotected communication' when I access a server that is not TLS-enabled.


Recently, it has become troublesome to even find the IP address of my home PC easily because Windows 10 does not respond to pings.


Virtual environments such as Docker and cloud packaging such as AWS have also entered as network elements, and in general, it is difficult to work on building and maintaining network systems these days.



Recently, I heard that a company has announced a policy of "making network integrators a business.


To be honest, I didn't know what it was at first.


At least, I thought that building IP networks was in the realm of SIers(*).


(*)A company that undertakes a variety of tasks ranging from software design and operation to consulting (SIer)


But now, building an IP network has become a hassle.

これからは、"SIer"ならぬ、"NWer(エヌワイヤー:Network Integratorの略語?)"なる職種は、ソフトウェア開発と離れて、単独で存在する時代になるかもしれない、と思っています。

I believe that from now on, there will be a new type of job called "NWer" (an abbreviation of Network Integrator), not "SIer". I think it may be the time when "NWer" will exist independently from software development.


―― テレワークって、我慢を強いる仕事なの?

"Teleworking needs a lot of patience?"


I think it's based on my own special environment, and my arrogance.


I have always used a keyboard within three days until I was 19 years old.


Computer is now a part of my body.


So, I don't feel pain in teleworking itself.


This news of "Many people are furious about teleworking policy during the Tokyo Olympics" seems to be a different argument from a problem about IT literacy.



The majority of jobs in the world can't be completed only by computer & remote work.


Looking at the data, 12.5% of workers do not use computers, but this doesn't means that 100% of work is computer-based.


Those who do not use computers 100% of the time are high among part-time workers (33.7%) and sales and service workers (25.2%).


However, since actual work is a hybrid of computer and non-computer work, the ratio of "work cannot be accomplished by telework alone" should be much higher.


Even if you think about it normally, telework is not viable for cleaning, customer service, line manufacturing, supermarkets, security, hairdressers, housekeeping, inspection, moving businesses, nursing care, farming, fishing, construction, and sales clerks in general.


As far as I can see from the data here, the "ratio of the working population that cannot be established by telework alone" is about "70%", which is the majority.


I just happen to be in the minority.





"Many people are furious about teleworking policy during the Tokyo Olympics"


is not a media demagogue, but a quantitative "many people" based on the data.


アニメ「スーパーカブ 第10」話で、主人公が雪の中をノーマルタイヤでカブを走らせるシーンが登場します。

In the anime "Super Cub #10" episode, there is a scene where the main character drives the Cub through the snow with normal tires.


Driving on snowy roads is dangerous even for cars. However, in the case of motorcycles, it is a "confirmed fall" hazard.


But, well, even if I know that, there are times when it is unavoidable.


For example.

―― 午前中、晴天の天気の中に到着した大学の研究室から、深夜3時に豪雪となった京都の街を通過して下宿に帰る時

"From the college laboratory where I arrived in the morning in sunny weather, I have to pass through the city of Kyoto in heavy snowfall at 3 a.m. on my way back to my lodgings"



Snow in Kyoto can be very troublesome for motorcycle riders.


In a word, it's snow that doesn't freeze easily, and maintains a very ideal (and the worst for motorcycle riders ) ice burn for several days.


In my case, I was carrying a 9kg laptop computer "PC-9801LS" (list price 886,000 yen) in a sack every day (it's true), so it was practically impossible for me to move around without a motorcycle.


私、定価88万6千円のコンピュータを、バイトで稼いで、現金で購入しました ―― 学費と生活費を稼ぎながら、です。

I bought the computer with a list price of 886,000 yen in cash with a part-time job -- while earning money for school and living expenses.


My university life was filled with no romantic events, but (as I have already mentioned many times) I never thought of myself as an unlucky person.

『余計なことを考えずに済む、充実した激務の日々』 ―― この一言に尽きます。

"The days are full of hard work, and I don't have to think about anything else". That's all I could say.


I consider myself lucky that my "alone" nature and my "technology-loving" nature mesh surprisingly well together.


Aside from that.



When I was a senior in high school, after taking the entrance exam for Hokkaido University, I wandered around Hokkaido by train for almost two weeks in March.


I spent my days repeatedly buying a loaf of bread and pouring it down with water, while using a round trip ticket to visit various parts of Hokkaido (or rather, almost all parts of Hokkaido).


(Somehow, this meal itself is similar to the main character in the anime "Super Cub".)


During the journey, I saw

―― 猛吹雪の中、雪をかき散らしながら、爆走する一台のカブ

"a running motorcycle with blowing away snow in a blizzard"


from the train window.


The technique of the rider of that bike was truly amazing.


- While anticipating the movement of the bike as it is swept away by the snow,


- Without slowing down,


- Drafting the bike from side to side,


- Driving easily on roads with deep snow


- An old man in farming clothes


In fact, he was running alongside the train, which was a great speed.

―― なんて、かっこいいんだ・・・

"Oh, my God, he is so cool"


I clung to the window and kept watching the old man driving the Cub.



Whenever I remember that scene, I still think of the line from Porco Rosso (the anime "The Red Pig"), "That's what cool is".



When you participate in an international conference, there will be an "optional tour" or sightseeing tour during the conference.


Well, international conferences are usually held in famous tourist spots, so it's a kind of "reward" for the presenters who have been busy to death preparing their presentations before the conference.


I'm not sure if such "optional tours" exist in the Olympics or Paralympics, but normally the athletes could have enjoyed sightseeing in the host city.

もちろん今回は、日本国政府は、来日するアスリートやプレスに、国内を自由に濶歩させるようなことは、許すはずがありませんが ――

Of course, this time, the Japanese government will not allow athletes and the press to freely walk around the country, but...


In my opinion, an "athlete" or "press" is essentially a challenger.

多分、彼等は、出没すると思います ―― 浅草や、銀座や、新宿や、渋谷、そして秋葉原に。

Maybe they'll show up in Asakusa, Ginza, Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Akihabara.


If they can end up with "zero" in spite of tens of thousands of visitors to Japan, I believe that will be the "great achievement of the OLYMPALA".



Maybe it will never be zero.


Every day, the escapades of "athletes" and "press" is going to make the pages of newspapers and weekly magazines.


(1) Is the "athlete" or the "press" to blame for breaking the rules?


(2) Are the governance controls of the Olympic host committee to blame?


will be problems.

日本国政府が、違反した選手団を強制国外退去させる → その国との関係悪化 → 国交断絶 てなことになったら、嫌だなぁ、と危惧しています。

I'm afraid that the Japanese government will force the offending team to leave the country -> will worsen relations with that country -> will break off diplomatic relations.



Well, my predictions have been off, so I'm not too worried.


I once predicted that the US presidential election process would plunge the country into civil war. And I had made a wild prediction that the United States would plunge into civil war during the presidential election process, and that the leading states would declare independence.


But, well, I guess some of the predictions came true when 'there was an attack on the US Capitol by sympathizers of the defeated president.


「Numbers 天才数学者の事件ファイル シーズン2、エピソード16」のラストで、FBIに勤める息子と、引退した建築家の父親が、こんな会話をするシーンが出てきます。

At the end of "Numbers: The Case Files of a Mathematical Genius, Season 2, Episode 16, "there is a scene where a son who works for the FBI and his father who is a retired architect have this conversation.


Son: "You extremis"


Father: "Government dog"


After exchanging a few words, they grinned at each other.

―― あー、いいなぁ、こういう会話、憧れるなぁ

"Oh, I like it. I admire this kind of conversation"


I watched it with thinking that.



If my daughters became police or self-defense officers, this is the kind of conversation I wanted to have with them.


Daughter: "Convert to conservatism"


Me: "This police spy"

といって、お互いに、ウイスキータンブラーを鳴らす ――

And then they clink their whiskey tumblers at each other --


Unfortunately, I think the chances is not coming in the future.



Daughter: "I was surprised to see that when I searched for 'suicide by jumping into a train,' your column came up as the third one on the top page"


I remembered her telling me that, so I gave it a try.


It's really coming out.


According to the editorial staff, the PV count of this column goes up every time whenever "a suicide by jumping into a train" happened.


Maybe today, the PV count is still going up.



What I did was a computer simulation, using simple equations of motion.


After all, it is just a "jumping" experiment in a computer.


If there is such a need for this column, I think it would be a good idea if the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism or a consortium of railroad companies conducted a demonstration experiment using animal carcasses (or meat lumps of similar composition) and disclosed the data.


It would also be necessary to set up about 20 high-speed cameras on the side of the tracks, shooting at frames of 1/100 to 1/1000 of a second, to record the reality of the suicide by jumping into the train.


Of course, those images would be shocking and could cause PTSD.


I believe that the method of disclosure must be handled with great care and caution.



After my death, I have given permission for my body to be "utilized (transplanted)" way only.


However, as the person who wrote this column, I think I need to ask them to seriously consider using my death body as a demonstration of "jumping suicide".


This is a serious matter for me.



"You were laughing hysterically in your room around three o'clock this morning. So I woke up. What were you watching?" My wife asked me.

Amazonプライムで、映画「三島由紀夫vs東大全共闘 50年目の真実」を見ていました。

I was watching the movie "Yukio Mishima vs. the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto: 50 Years of Truth" on Amazon Prime.


Well, it was really fun.



This movie was released in April last year, but due to the declaration of a state of emergency against the new corona infection, all the movie theaters in the Tokyo metropolitan area stopped showing it.


I was wondering if I go to see a movie theater in a rural area, but I understood that "Tokyo residents" were "uninvited guests" in Japan at that time.


This time, it was available on Amazon Prime, and I jumped right on it.



Well, it was one of the most exciting documentary films I've seen in a long time.


I found Yukio Mishima to be a very fascinating person, and I liked his humor and witty way of telling stories very much.


I was also impressed by the logical and calm response of the representative of the Zenkyouto of University of Tokyo (well, there was also someone who didn't).


Also, the comments from the people and experts involved at the time, inserted in the middle of the video of the discussion, were a great help in understanding the content of the discussion.


で、所感なのですが ――

So, my impression was,


I think I understood most of what Yukio Mishima was arguing, but I could only understand about half of what the representative of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto was saying.


The terms used were "difficult". Rather, I couldn't understand them.


The biggest problem was that we could not objectify (what they call "things") what the representatives of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto were saying.



I listened to both of their arguments while creating a UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagram in my mind.

三島由紀夫氏の話は、現実世界のオブジェクトの態様 ―― 有体物があり、有体物(事物)には名前があり、名前は有体物の機能を説明するものであり、有体物には存続時間がある ―― という、オブジェクト指向プログラミングにおける、当たり前の世界の姿をベースとしていました。

Yukio Mishima's talk was based on the natural state of the world -- there are objects, objects (things) have names, names describe the function of objects, objects have a duration -- in object-oriented programming, based on real-world objects.


In contrast, the representative of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto seemed to argue that it is negative (counter-revolutionary?) to give a name to a changing tangible object (thing) and limit its function. It seemed to me that they were arguing that such a stance is negative (counter-revolutionary?), and that it even hampers the approach to finding a new meaning for open zones.

# たぶん、上記の理解で当っていると思うんだけど、間違っているかなぁ?

# I think I'm probably right in my understanding of the above, but I wonder if I'm wrong?


As it turns out, according to a representative of the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto, I thought,

―― 私(江端)は、東大キャンパスの開放区を、オブジェクトモデルでプログラミングすることはできそうにないな

"I (Ebata) don't think I can program the open area of the University of Tokyo campus with an object model"



This means that (at least for me) "I cannot design an open zone" according to the specifications required by the University of Tokyo Zenkyoto.


On the other hand, I thought that Yukio Mishima's world view could be programmed using the object model.


Perhaps the Zenkyoto people at the time might ask me to criticize myself, saying, "Approaching a revolutionary worldview from an engineering perspective is itself a counterrevolution!"



And so, if you are a publisher who would like to write a book whose title is

『三島由紀夫 vs 東大全共闘 with オブジェクト指向プログラミング』

"Yukio Mishima vs Todai Zenkyoto with Object-Oriented Programming"


Please contact me.


Well, I think it's definitely "no".



A few years ago,


"Running away is a shame, but useful"


the comedy-drama of the title was a big hit.



I'm currently brainstorming several times on various inventions, but to be honest, I'm out of ideas and dizzy.


"Criticism is necessary, but it makes me angry"


I'm wondering if anyone would like to make a drama about IT researchers.