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This is next my impression after watching episode 12(final) of 懼My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong,As I Expected ? Final"



By the way, I forgot to say,


The most important phrase in this final episode is.


"Was there a law that you shouldn't love someone who has a boyfriend ?"



In addition,


"There's no way those two are going to last"

という考察も、なかなかい鋭いです ―― 正直、この人物の実年齢を疑うレベルの達観度です。

This consideration also has a considerable impact. To be honest, I doubt the actual age of her.


私が知る限り、ティーンエイジャの恋愛が、長期間続いたという事例 ―― 例えば、結婚に至った等 ―― は、レアケースです。

As far as I know, cases of teenage love that have lasted for long periods is extreme rare. -- e.g., ending in marriage.


In addition, while the romantic coherent time for "messy people" is "short",


The love coherent time between "messy humans" is "terribly short".


I am convinced that this hero and heroine catastrophe (the first one) occurs while in high school, and


That's why the possible strategy of the other heroine is clear.


"Maintaining friendships that won't break up.



She chose a really clever strategy based on a long-term view.



In my case,


even if I hear her boyfriend bragging and complaining about it,


even if she reported her matchmaking to me.


even if she says no to my proposal,

それでも、「友人」という位置だけはキープし続ける ―― という、戦略を採用しました。

Nevertheless, I adopted the strategy of keeping the position of "friend" -- that's all.



Of course, you can't be "single-minded love" in such a strategy.

恋愛はエネルギーを消費する行動であり、「出力値 x 出力時間」は一定値だからです。

This is because love is an energy-consuming behavior, and "output value x output time" is a constant value.


Hence, 100% "single-mindedness" is not a good fit for this strategy.

―― 「一途」ではなく、「0.7途」とか「0.5途」くらい

So, "0.7-mindedness" or "0.5-mindedness" will be better than "single-mindedness".



Other energy can be allocated to "hobbies" or "work" for the time being, like portfolio.


And people who are "single-minded" tend to get taken advantage of in a good way (such as the so-called "Mr. Keeper").


On the other hand, keep in mind that this strategy is also about "daring to act (or appear to act) in that role (Mr. Keep)



Well, the biggest difficulty with this strategy is that you have to measure "love not being fulfilled" in your plan from the beginning.

このような確率に基づく恋愛戦略が、ティーンエイジャたちに受け入れられるか ―― ということが、最大の障壁でもあります。

One of the biggest barriers is the acceptance of this probability-based relationship strategy by teenagers -- and that's the biggest barrier.



This is my impression after watching episode 12(final) of “My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong,As I Expected ? Final"


うん、やはり作品に対する「嫉妬」の一言ですね ―― ただ、絶対的な距離のある「嫉妬」というのは、なかなか心地が良い「嫉妬」です。

Yeah, it's still one word for "jealousy" for the work, however, absolute distance "jealousy" is quite a comfortable "jealousy".


There are many, many secondary novels published in this work (some say more than 1,000), but they are very well done and very interesting.

もうね ―― 「エヴェレットの多世界解釈」の実例を見ているような楽しさです。本当。

It's as fun as watching a real-life example of "Everett's Many Worlds Interpretation. Really.


However, it's only a derivative work because of the original author's worldview.


I hope that the secondary creators will do their best to keep up the secondary work, while reciting Section 27 of the Copyright Act every day. and maintaining a good relationship with the original author


If they don't do that, I wouldn't be able to enjoy any of my secondary creations.


I am aware of the fact that I am saying something shameless.



What kind of secondary story I'd like to write if I were,

―― この物語の主人公全員を、1970年代の大学闘争の時間にタイムリープさせて、それぞれの人物を、各セクト(過激派を含む)のリーダーにする

Taking all of the protagonists in this story back in time to the college struggle of the 1970s, and making each person the leader of their respective sect (including extremists).


I'm trying to come up with an outlandish story.

誰をどのセクトのリーダーに配置するか ―― もう、これ考えるだけでワクワクします。

Who to place in which sect leader -- I'm already excited just thinking about this.


How do we get them to do the inner workings (or stop them) and who should be in charge of the power (police) side?

クライマックスは、浅間山荘事件 ―― ではなく、高宕山山荘事件として、対決するのは、当然、例の主人公と例の教師です。

The climax of this story is not the Asama-Sanso case, but the Atago-Sanso case. The confrontation is, of course, between the protagonist and the teacher.


It's an epic story in which the characters collude to rewind to a "teen world ruled by air".



Yeah, for sure, it's going to be a hit with the 70+ generation.

この市場を舐めてはいけません ―― 今や、ティーンの人口など、比較にならないほど、その市場は大きいのですから。

Don't lick this market -- because that market is so big now, compared to the teen population.


プリキュアというアニメの舞台が、我が家の近くの駅の街にあるらしい ―― と、長女から聞きました。

I heard from my senior daughter, "Apparently the anime Pretty Cure is set in a train station town near my house"


"What are these girls doing?


"They are just trying to keep the peace on earth"


"From whom?"


"From an evil alien"


"Why are they doing that? Isn't that the government's (Ministry of Defense) work?"


"It's about justice"


"What's the source of funds?"




"That would be impossible. You can't have a war without distribution of supplies, communications, equipment, sanitation, facilities and so-called logistics"


"They don't need it. They are getting supplies from the righteous aliens"


"So the private volunteer army whose name "Pretty Cure" is being forced to engage in a "proxy war" between aliens"


"It's not like that"


"Well, anyway, you're fighting a war in our country's national interest"


"It's not like that either"


"So they have a nominal cause"


"Yes. That is justice"


"No, justice is a relative thing, a concept that's mostly tied to the place of residence and the side that provides the safety and security of the state..."

という会話で遊んでいました ―― いい大人が2人して。

Two good adults were playing with the conversation.



I'm looking for an author for an essay slot in my company's newsletter, but I can't seem to find a suitable candidate.


I don't think I will get any candidates even if I put out a public call for nominations, and if I try to make a recommendation, it's bound to lead to strained relationships.


"Humans also hate writing, though not as much as "numbers""


I know it well.


So now I'm having a headache in selecting people.

私が「ゴーストライター」をしてもいいというなら、この話は、3秒で完了する話なのですが ―― バレたら後が怖い。

If they don't mind me playing "ghostwriter, this story will take three seconds to complete. However if they find out, it will be scary.



Lately, I've been caught up in writing my daughters' motivational letters of interest to join or enter the school (although they seem to have largely completed them).


"Mind mapping" tool (*), was in full operation.


(*)FreeMind, MindManager, e.t.c

私の駄文作成能力が、娘たちの将来に1mmでも寄与するのであれば、親としては、当然にサポートしますが ――

If my "crappy writing skills" will contribute to my daughters' future, as a parent, I will obviously support them. However,


I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from bringing in a document creation consultation that could affect your life, when I'm about to go to bed.

あなたたちは、父親の持病を知っていますね ―― 「早朝覚醒タイプの不眠症」です。

You all know your father's preexisting condition -- "early morning wakeup type insomnia".


I know that it is a parent's role to be used conveniently by the child.

しかし、「親を壊すまで利用したら、そのうち再起動しなくなるぞ」 ―― とは言っておきましょう。

But let's just say, "If you use your parents until you break them, then you won't be able to reboot them"



(Continuation from yesterday)


It goes without saying that security measures are important to avoid being attacked.

定期的なセキュリティパッチの更新、ウイスルチェック、不審なメールを開かない、パスワードを定期的に更新する、などの ――

Regularly updating security patches, checking whistles, not opening suspicious emails, updating passwords on a regular basis, etc.


The most powerful countermeasures against corona ravages are basic things such as masks, washing hands, and avoiding the three densities.

さらに、これに加えて、「人から恨みを買わないようにする」とか「穏当な発言を行うようにする」とか「敢えて敗北を装う」などの ――

Furthermore, in addition, "do not buy grudges from people", "make moderate statements", "dare to pretend to be defeated", etc.


That kind of everyday analog response is also quite important in preventing cyber attacks.



My motto is


"No matter how much of a good argument you have, you'll lose if they burn your house down"



However, this motto is from


"I'd feel better about killing him, even if it meant getting myself arrested"


You should all keep in mind that the above phrase comes from my negative feelings (my track records).



The other day I was at the library reading a novel about a hacker who tries to hack into the FBI or the CIA, but I failed to read it in the middle of the book.


"Too little study"


I was afraid that it was so poorly written.

「この程度の内容にしなければ、読者がついてきてくれない」という、ビジネス上の計算もあるのかもしれない ―― という善意の解釈は、直ちに却下できました。

"Maybe there's a business calculation that says, "If I don't make this level of content, my readers won't follow me", however I immediately rejected such a good-faith interpretation of mine.


That kind of detail-related knowledge inevitably "shows up between the lines". No matter how much they try to suppress it, I can still see it.



There are no "violence" or "guns" or "abduction" or "kidnapping" or "kidnapping" in real life cyber attacks.


If you make a movie about a real-life cyber attack,

―― ずーっとPCに向きあって、ディスプレイ上に展開された20くらいのコンソールを、同時に操作するアタッカーが、延々20時間くらい作業し続ける

"An attacker facing the PC and operating 20 or so consoles spread out on the display at the same time, working for about 20 hours on end."



It will be a boring, boring movie.



Cyber attacks, of course, put the defender at a tremendous disadvantage against the attacker.


There's a lot of talk about it, but it's all over if you're targeted.


An attacker can have multiple people attacking at any given time with plenty of time and resources, however, the defenders must continue to respond in one place, 24 hours a day, without a break.


That's why I tried to file a patent application called "Automatic Retaliation System", however I was stopped.


(To be continued)



The Internet is a treasure trove of information, but it is also a treasure trove of bullshit.


Well, I guess I can't help it.


There is no "obligation" to be precise.


It would be nice if search engines would even rate the accuracy of the content of the article, but they can't do that.



Many people don't know this, but the "documents published by the Cabinet Office and ministries" are well done.


Since they are the body that promotes policy, it is only natural that the content would be too much for the policy.


However, the data that comes out is not available to those companies and writers.


Also, if you request a release of information, they will give you most of the information (it takes some time, but it's cheap (about $500)).



Well, no matter how I write a column so hard with the data I got, not many people are interested in the "numbers".


This may be because, for many people, "numbers" are on the set menu with "bad memories".

テストとか、学業成績とか、ノルマとか、営業利益とか ―― そりゃ、楽しい思い出になろう訳がありません。

Tests, academic performance, quotas, operating profits -- that can't be a pleasant memory.



Well, I suppose it would be an approach to "correct information" if statistics and data were included in an internet posting board or something, however I can predict that it will be instantly quiet.



A few days ago, the person distributing the census questionnaire came to my home.


I am the one who has been allowed to use a mountain of government data, so I think it's only natural for me to cooperate with the investigation.


The fact that I can enter the information from my computer was also helpful.

ただ、今回の調査を見て分かったことは ―― この調査表に、デタラメ書いても分からない ―― ということですね。

But what we've learned from this investigation is that nobody can write bullshit on these charts.


If they want to ensure accuracy, it should be based on things like the electronic signature on "MY NUMBER CARD", but of course, if they do that, we will reject to answer it.


So I think they are correct in this survey method.



I even entered the addresses of my daughters' high school and college locations, but I didn't know where my senior daughter's college was.

『おお、あの大学、そんなオシャレな"区名"のところにあるのか、 ―― 生意気な』と思いながら、入力していました。

I thought to myself, "Oh, they college is in that fashionable ward name - that's cheeky".


After all, I only entered the school once during the entrance ceremony.

私の方は、勤務先の入力で迷いました ―― 「ここ数ヶ月にかぎれば"自宅"だよなぁ」と、まあ、そんなことを考えながら入力していました。

I've been wondering how to enter the company I work for. "Only in the past few months, it's been "home"". Well, I was thinking about that with typing.


It takes about 5 minutes.


It's really quite conscientious compared to the JMI and other surveys conducted by the company.

皆さんも、我が国の為 ―― ではなく、私のコラムの資料の為に、ご協力をお願い致します。

I would like to ask you all to help, not for the sake of our country, but for the sake of the material in my column.



This is my impression after watching episode 11 of "My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong,As I Expected -- Final"


ああ、なるほど ――

Oh, I see...


I could tell that the main character wasn't trying to be cool by saying, "I can't express myself in words" or "I don't think a single word can convey my feelings.

「好きだ」とか「愛している」程度の言葉では、"表わせない想い"というのは ―― 本当にあるんです。

I know that there are feelings that cannot be expressed in words like "I love you"


But when I noticed that, it's been a long time since I was a teenager.


That's why I thought, "this hero is a scary guy"


I wondered if this hero, the actual age, had already reached "old age".