(Step 4) After Dr. Shibata reads it, he adds phrases and drawings to clear up Ebata's misunderstanding and provide accurate explanations, and forwards them to Ebata.
(Step5)それを読んだ江端が・・・(以下、(Step2)に戻る ・・・)
(Step 5) Ebata reads it, and... (Goes back to (Step 2) )
During this step, I am reviewed by the junior.
This process was repeated for several days between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m.
Ebata forwarded the final edition by e-mails to Ms.M, who was in charge of editing, she took this massive amount of text and edited it into a public page in just two days. and asked both Dr. Shibata and Ebata to do a final check on that,
However, Dr. Shibata and Ebata (without giving a straightforward go-ahead), furthermore, conducted Step 2 through Step 5 again.
After final proofreading by Ms.M, it was finally released today at 6:30 p.m.
And now that I've cooled down and re-read it, I come to think
―― 関係者全員に、「何かが乗り移っていた」かのようなオーラが漂う作品として仕上がっている
"It's a complete work of art with an aura, as if "something had taken over" everyone involved"
It's getting harder and harder to explain our FM transmitter installation environment just in writing, so I've sent the following free-hand drawing as an attachment of my e-mail.
By the way, I have some assets under my control,that I never hand over to others.
(1) A world where it is confirmed that the missile will land in three minutes → Damage is inevitable, but what is the information system to minimize this damage?
(2) More than half of the stations in Japan have a maximum temperature of over 40 degrees Celsius for 20 straight days → How do we treat tens of thousands of heatstroke patients a day, in tens of thousands of orders, by means other than medical equipment?
(3) A world where the fertility rate has fallen to 0.5 → What are the methods of raising and educating children in a world where the existence of children is rare?
And, well, thinking about the world of extremes in this way helps us to see the "challenges".
Reverse Provides: Reading package lists… Building dependency tree… Reading state information… E: Version '2.5.2+dfsg-1~exp1.pgdg90+1' for 'postgresql-11-postgis-2.5' was not found E: Version '2.5.2+dfsg-1~exp1.pgdg90+1' for 'postgresql-11-postgis-2.5-scripts' was not found E: Version '2.5.2+dfsg-1~exp1.pgdg90+1' for 'postgis' was not found Service 'db' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c apt-get update && apt-cache showpkg postgresql-$PG_MAJOR-postgis-$POSTGIS_MAJOR && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends postgresql-$PG_MAJOR-postgis-$POSTGIS_MAJOR=$POSTGIS_VERSION postgresql-$PG_MAJOR-postgis-$POSTGIS_MAJOR-scripts=$POSTGIS_VERSION postgis=$POSTGIS_VERSION postgresql-$PG_MAJOR-pgrouting && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*' returned a non-zero code: 100
xxxxxxx_ride_hailing_go_app_1 ./main Exit 1 xxxxxxx_ride_hailing_go_data_1 sh Exit 0 xxxxxxx_ride_hailing_go_db_1 docker-entrypoint.sh postgres Exit 1 xxxxxxx_ride_hailing_go_nginx_1 nginx -g daemon off; Up>80/tcp xxxxxxx_ride_hailing_go_tile38_1 tile38-server -d /data Up>9851/tcp xxxxxxx_ride_hailing_go_tile38_data_1 sh Exit 0
C:\Users\ebata\xxxxxxx_ride_hailing_go>docker start -a xxxxxxx_ride_hailing_go_db_1 Error: Database is uninitialized and superuser password is not specified. You must specify POSTGRES_PASSWORD to a non-empty value for the superuser. For example, "-e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password" on "docker run".
You may also use "POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust" to allow all connections without a password. This is not recommended.
See PostgreSQL documentation about "trust": https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/auth-trust.html
docker-compose run app go run cmd/dummy_data_generator_concurrent_small/main.go
$ cd /path/to/hitachi_ride_hailing_go
$ docker-compose build
# 上記部分が完了するまで、はじめての場合はネットワーク環境により数分かかります
$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose run db createdb -h db -U postgres gis
$ docker-compose run db psql -h db -U postgres -d gis -c 'CREATE EXTENSION pgrouting CASCADE; CREATE EXTENSION hstore;'
$ docker-compose run db psql -h db -U postgres gis < repository/postgresql/data/dump.sql
$ docker-compose run db psql -h db -U postgres -d gis -f repository/postgresql/data/postgis-vt-util.sql
$ docker-compose stop
$ docker-compose start
$ docker-compose run app migrate -database 'postgres://postgres:@db:5432/gis?sslmode=disable' -path ./repository/postgresql/migrations up
$ docker-compose run app go run cmd/dummy_data_generator_concurrent_small/main.go
$ docker-compose stop
$ docker-compose start
Many ordinary people, like us, cannot even "silently overlook" those who are taking on such challenges --- even though we do not have a disadvantage at all.
天才とは何か ――
What is a genius?
It's not enough to "bear" these radical, negative criticisms, but to "turn a deaf ear" and "not be heard
In order to investigate the dead zone of wireless LAN, I have an analyzer installed on my Pad, walk around the house. Thanks for my efforts, the number of WiFi repeaters every day are increasing, for deleting areas where my family is dissatisfied.
After the environment has improved, the claims have disappeared, but no gratitude is heard.