
"The level of "IT literacy of our country" is worse than I have expected"


I wrote the phrase in the latest released column, however I think this problem is not only for elder persons" but for entire people in Japan,


I look like that the front of current compulsory and high education field, makes a studious effort to keep the IT literacy low.

「漢字のかきとり」という苦痛しかない訓練、「手書き」でないと受理されない宿題、単純な四則演算しか使わない退屈な「計算ドリル」 ――

For example, painful KANJI read/write training, homework that can not be accepted unless it is "handwritten", a boring "computational drill" using only simple arithmetic operations


First of all, I think that it is difficult to change IT literacy unless it changes from here to the root.



Well, as I write such a thing, objections comes out right away, so I will write a countermeasure now.


- Do not write "kanji" but study "reading" and "meaning" of KANJI character.(in the first place, KANJI is needed for handwriting now are their name and address)


- Copy and paste problem of electronicized report can be found with application using PC (teachers do not know this application)


- Question on "Fermi estimation" problem, not "calculation drill" (Teacher needs intelligence based on "Fermi estimation")


(To be continued)



Today, new my column is released, so I take a day off.

Let's turn the world by "Number"(49) : Work style reform(8) "

Who made me a patient? The inseparable relationship between work and disease


自分でも、本当に不思議なのですが ――

Even though I myself really wonder, I can understand


(A) "Pay 100% effort on the goals I decided"




(B) "Pay 100% effort on the goals that others (company) decided (without my permission)"


is really incomprehensible.


No, I don't criticize anyone. this is for "myself".


Moreover, in my case, the achievement rate of (B) is overwhelmingly higher for me.


Now I am thinking,

―― 本来、私達は、「自分自身でやりたいこと」など持っていない

"Originally, we do not have "I want to do it myself"

―― 私達を動かすものは、全て他人または外部からの依頼(or命令)または環境である

"What makes us move is a request (or command) or environment from others or from outside"



For example, most Japanese are interested in dieting, spending 3 trillion yen each year, and most of them have failed.


This is a typical example of "failing goals decided by myself".


However, if "going on diet and keeping it" becomes a business order, and the failure connects to your demotion, reduction of salary, dismissal", I think that we can expect a considerable effect (aside from privacy and legitimacy).



So, I said well,


- The guys who say "Do what you want to do, basically do not know anything.


- Many of us do not have a "want list". It is "Only do what we can do" under the given conditions.


- We replace "what we can do" with "what we want to do", we are alive in a virtual world, like "I choose my life by myself"

―― と。


In this way, the content of this column makes even me satisfy.


(I could not rest at all)


ネット上での議論 ―― あれは議論なのか?、と思うようなものも含めて ―― このようなセリフを吐く人がいます。

Discussion on the net - I sometimes wonder if that is a discussion? , I think - there are people who say such lines.

『△△教祖の、◯◯◯という本を読め! そうすれば、オマエにも分かる!!』

"Read book "AAA" by the guru John Smith, and you could understand what I want to say to you!"



At the stage when I find out this line, "the person's defeat" comes to decided definitely.



The purpose of "I win by argument" is "my own interest".

で、自分の利益を得る為には、その立証は自分が行わなければならない ―― これを、裁判では「挙証責任」または「立証責任」といいます。

In order for my own interest, I have to prove the logic by myself. This is called "burden of proof" as a law term.


In civil trials, plaintiffs, and in the criminal trial, prosecutors, will bear burden of proof.


『△△先生の、◯◯◯という本を読め! そうすればオマエにも分かる!!』―― では全くダメです。

"Read book "AAA" by the guru John Smith, and you could understand what I want to say to you!" is nonsense


- The person who insists on correctness of "the book "AAA" by the guru John Smith" should


- understand the contents of the book deeply. and


- break (or defend) the opponent's argument


The person has a "responsibility" of the above.


By the way, the method used for this proof of responsibility is "reason", and


"theory" is to assemble several "reasons",and to make it a well-ordered story .


Well, set it aside.


(To be continued)



My mother got insomnia from getting old.


Moreover, she seemed not to take them as prescribed, and there were quite a few unused sleeping pills in the parent's house.

当然 ―― ありがたく、この私が、全てを回収してきました。

Naturally - thankfully, I have collected everything.



Recently, when my wife and her daughter can not sleep, they come to me, saying


"Give me some medicine"



江端家の薬物汚染は、この私によって進行しているとも言えますが、私も、簡単にはクスリを渡しません ――

It can be said that the pollution of Ebata's drug is progressing by me, I also do not give medicines them easily.

I am a man who is aware of the fear of sleeping pills.


But, well, this drug pollution seems to end in a fairly near future.


It's because the stocks will run out soon.



I am reading the diary yesterday,

―― 江端の禁酒って、改宗?

"Is Ebata's abstinence metanoia ?"


I will be in trouble if such a rumor flows.


From college to now, I have been proud of "high rate questioning from polic persons" ( compared to other's opinions)


A news of "Ebata's metanoia" might motive security police ( I am not somebody.)


Anyway I state positively "Ebata's abstinence is not for metanoia".



To begin with, I don't feel that I should have any religion I can believe, before metanoia.

『自分に欲せざること、他人に施すことなかれ ―― 必要な場合を除き』

"Do not desire yourself, do not give it to others - except when necessary"


For now, I think that can do something.


When religion is needed, I am thinking to sign a provider with a major religion (for example, three major religions) at that time.


神の存在は信じていますけどね ―― ただし「人間の事など1mmも興味を持っていない神」ですが。

I believe in the existence of God. However, although it is "God who is not interested in human beings as much as 1 milimeter".


It is a useless God, not worthy of faith.



One of the members of the former idol group caused a trouble due to drinking, and it became a fuss.

It is very unlikely for me to make such a rush at this timing.


I don't hope you will be convinced saying "Ebata, too ...".


Apart from that.


―― ノンアルコールビールが、死ぬほど旨い

"Non-alcoholic beer is delicious enough"


I feel that.


Of course, alcohol beer should be more delicious.


However, I can not consume alcohol now, non-alcoholic beer is much more delicious than soft drink.

居酒屋には、ノンアルコールビールのサーバがあっても良いと思うんですよ ―― どこかにないかな、そんな居酒屋。

I think that some drink-bars should have a non alcoholic beer server. I wonder if there is something, such a bar.



I would like engineer to try to develop the following product by all means.


- Non alcoholic sake


- Non alcohol wine


Here, I use a search engine, I found the products like that.


I was deeply moved.




- Non alcoholic whiskey


has not been, but I could find it.


(The description below)


Under Islamic precepts, alcohol intake is prohibited, Usually, Muslim can not drink alcohol and any alcohol is regarded as nonhalal (illegal) food.


However, regarding this whiskey, it is certified by Halal (legal) food by the Islamic Food & Nutrition Council, and It is a beverage that Muslims can enjoy without carrying doctrinal sins.



I was almost to cry "Allah Akbar!"



Recently, there are certain reasons, I am completely stopping alcohol consumption now. I do not even mention 1 milliliter.


However, in April there are many drinking party and I am embarrassed to be honest.


At the drinking party 's seat,


Colleague: "Mr. Ebata, the doctor stooped it?"


Every time I responded


Ebata: "Ha-ha, do you think that even a doctor can stop me?"


with smiling, nobody comes to touch this topic to be recognized something.


Set it aside.



When I do not drink, I can see something various.

―― アルコール摂取量に応じた、人格の崩壊の有様

"Personal collapse presumably according to alcohol sumption"


To me, it is clearly visible, honestly, it's really "scary."


Because I will "observe" a lot about people at the next seats, who is changing to a different personality (or hidden personality) from the start time of the drinking party.


I have not able to be feel "fear" since now. I think the reason is that I also change the my personality with drinking, and start to live in the another world.


The feeling is, ... let me think... " Okabe's Reading Steiner"



My wife is a so-called "Geko" who has no alcohol decomposing ability by nature.


So I asked her


"Have you ever lived such a scary life until now?"


However she responded, "I never thought of scary, in particular"


I felt a deep emotion that there was an "observer of loneliness" close to me.



Some people will read my diary after several years so I will explain the background.


When I wrote this diary, "Ou-Sumo" was a national sport in Japan. (However, I don't know if that is a sport or a shrine festival.)




In a rural tour held between Grand Sumo Tournaments, when a person breakdowned at the sumo ring, and a WOMAN entered the call to help the person, the P.A. announcer spoke out, "GET DOWN FROM THE RING IMMEDIATELY."


(If you could understand the above phrase, I would explain it. "Sumo-ring" is a sanctuary, so women cannot enter the ring because all women are unclean creatures.)


In addition, after the woman got out of the ring, much salt was spattered.


(If you could understand the above phrase, I would explain it. The act of "sprinkling salt" is one of the rituals for paying shit (injury) in priests etc.)



When I came home, my senior daughter was furious with this news.


"They exposed the Japanese shame all over the world."



However, I have already ended such a phase 10 years ago. Even when I heard this news, I did not feel anything.

Handling is the same for the "Japan Sumo Association" and "Japan High School Baseball Federation."

―― あいつら、馬鹿

"They are stupid."


This is fine.



Or my vector of interest is in the opposite direction.

―― これだけ裏切られ続けている大相撲に、多くの人は、まだ、何を期待しているんだろう?

"What are they still expecting "sumo" that has been betraying us so much ?"



How to say, I cannot find any good example, however,


"A woman who continues to give money to a kept man"


I cannot wipe away the image.



By the way, although it is not known unexpectedly,

It is famous that "Japan sumo wrestlers' victory and defeat table) is a practice problem of detection for mathematical statistics fraud detection.

("大相撲"、"八百長"、"数学" or "統計"、あたりでググれば、すぐ出てきます)

(If you input the words "Sumo," "Mathematics," "Mathematics," or "Statistics" in the Google search engine, you will come out soon.)


Even Japanese high school mathematics teaches "statistical hypothesis test" (I have memories I learned).



If I can find the significance of the existence of a "sumo event," I think the point is that.

「身近な不正を発見する実学としての統計学」を学ぶことができる「素材」 ――

"Materials" that we can learn "Statistics as a practical university to discover familiar fraud."




During my assignment to the US, "Mike," who was next to my partition, died, and I experienced a funeral in the United States.


There was a hall like a little concert venue in the church, and many people were as if everyone was in the town.


Several people talked about memories of the deceased at the stage of the hall, and the participant listened to the story and raising

―― 大爆笑

"thunderous laugh."




In the story when the deceased was playing tennis,

「ファイナルマッチになった時、相手が打ち込んだスマッシュが、コートぎりぎりで入り、私たちが残念そうな溜息を付い時、彼は、大声で叫んだのです ―― 「アウト!」と」(*)

"When it became a final match, the opponent's smash came in at the end of the court, and we got a sorry sigh. But He shouted out loud - "Just!" (*)


(*) In general, in tennis, we play games with such a self-judgment.


In other words, he said, "he was a funny and fun guy that the deceased is various about winning," and he was inviting the laughter of the venue.


I have been in the US for two years and feel that "there are about half a wonderful culture and a non-wonderful culture in the United States."


Among them, I think the funeral "to remember the deceased with smiling" goes into the top class of a wonderful culture.


(However, you need to think a little that among the United States, "Fort Collins" in Colorado had large IT companies and a state university, and most people were intellectual people)


比して、我が国の葬式を見直すに ――

In comparison, to review the funerals in our country


- Odorless meaning Unknown senescence, the smell of incense sticks


- Participants who can not do anything other than burn incense by walking


We did not know what they were discussing- a Buddhist sermon, worse than our newcomer presentation.


- With ordinary, no substitute greetings by the mourner


"What on earth is it for anyone?"


"Is not the funeral to remember the deceased?"


I always think about it again and again.



I was self-evaluating "Speech Failure" on the previous evening's greeting and planning to recover from the mourning greeting at the central funeral.

「どこにでもいるような人物」の話ではなく、『私の父の話を、私の気持と、私の言葉で語る(しかも、1分以内で)』と ――

It is not a story of "people like everywhere." I will talk about my father's story with my feelings and in my words (and within a minute)."



At the venue late at night without anyone, I continued to elaborate the contents of my speech by myself in front of my father in the coffin.



(Continuation from yesterday)

食費が高いからといって、長年お世話になった人をゴミとして廃棄する ―― これは人道的・・ではなくて、IoT的にどうだろうか。

Just because food costs are high, we discard people who have been indebted for many years as garbage. This is not for humanism but for IoT engineer.

で、今回 ―― 「自分で電池交換してみようかな」と思いました。

So, this time - "I thought I'd try to replace battery by myself".


Even if I fail to replace the battery and destroy my watch, this is my "gratitude" for my watch that I have taken care of for a long time.



I bought a battery (143 yen) at Amazon.com and attempted to change the battery by watching the video on YouTube.


I could not replace it as I expected.


I pulled the metal fitting almost, forcibly pull out the battery, and inserted a new battery.



The two clocks are moving cheerfully now.


They can receive the radio waves everyday and adjust the correct time. the backlight also flashes properly, and the alarm sound is clear.


Both of them did considerably unreasonable in this battery exchange, so it may not do well,


In this way, the watch I have fixed by oneself is many times "cute" than a watch that I have not.